Imágenes de páginas

mentioned, as not being signed or owned by any Person, be dismissed, as it is hereby dismissed this Board. And that Sir Edmund Andros, late Governor of New England, and others that haue been seized by the people of Boston upon the late Revolution, and now attending his Majesty, be forthwith discharged, as they are hereby discharged and set at liberty, according to the said report. - [William & Mary, Vol. I., 428.]

At Kensinton, the first of January, 1690. Present, The King's most excellent Majesty.

Agents of New


Whereas it is humbly desired by the persons t imployed on behalf of the Massachusetts Col- renewing their ony in New England; that in regard they were Incorporated by the Letters Patents of King Charles the first, the heads whereof are hereunto annexed, And for that the said Corporation did afterward purchase from the Heir of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, the Province of Maine, granted to the said Sir Ferdinando Gorges by Letters Patents of the said King Charles the first, an Abstract whereof is also hereunto annexed, and enjoyed the same till the late Judgement against them. That their Majestys would be pleased to re-establish their Corporation, and grant them their Lawes and former Priviledges, as in the severall Papers annexed is at large set forth. His Majesty in Councill is pleased to referr this matter to the Rt Honble the Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantations, who are to examine the same, and to report their Opinion thereupon to this Board. - [William & Mary, Vol. II. 95.]

At Whitehall the 9th of Aprill, 1691.

New England Ad

dress referred to Plantations;

The Originall to the Plantation

An address to his Majesty from divers of the Gentry, Merchants and others inhabiting in Boston, Charles Town, and Places adjacent in New England, having been this day humbly Address was sent presented by Sir Purbeck Temple and read at the Office. Board. It is thereupon ordered in Councill, That the consideration thereof be referred to the Rtt Honble The Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantations, And that a Copy of the said Address be sent to the Agents of New England, who are to give their Lordships an account in writing of the present State of the Massachusetts Colony, on Thursday next at Five in the afternoon, when their Lordships are to meet, And all persons concerned in New England are to haue notice to attend, and particularly Sir William Phipps, who is then to bring to the Committee a relation of the late proceedings and Expedition of the. People of New England against Canada, under his command. - [William & Mary, Vol. II., 149.]

At Whitehall, the 30th of Aprill, 1691. Present, The King's most excellent Majesty. His Royall Highness Prince George of Denmark, Presid of the Council.



point the Gover


His Majesty hauing upon the application of Colonyd in New the Agents of the Massachusetts Bay in New ter to be prepared, England, thought fit to referr the draught of a will name & ap new Charter for that Colony, unto the R Honble the Lords of the Committee of Trade & Plantations, And their Lordships having, upon consideration thereof, this day reported to His Majesty that they humbly conceived it necessary that before there be any further proceedings relating to that Charter, His Majesty would declare whether it be His royall pleasure to haue a Governor or single representative of his own appointment, from time to time, to give his consent to all Laws and Acts of Government, as in Barbados and the other Plantations, or whether his Majesty would leave the power of making laws to the People, or Officers appointed by them. And his Majesty upon debate of this matter having been acquainted that the former Charter of the Massachusetts Bay stood legally vacated, And that the Agents of that Colony had desired a new Charter from his Majesty, with divers variations from the former Charter; His Majesty was thereupon pleased to declare in Councill, That he did resolve to send a Governor of his own nomination and appointment for the administration of the Government of the Massachusetts Colony, as in Barbados and other Plantations. And did further order, as it is hereby ordered, That the R Honble the Lords of the Committee of Trade

& Plantations do forthwith prepare the draught of a new Charter upon that foundation, for the speedy settlement of the said Colony. - [William & Mary, Vol. II., 161.]

Att Whitehall, the 17th of September, 1691. Present, The Queens most excellent Majesty. His royall Highness Prince George of Denmark.

New England. Order for passchusetts Char

ing the Massa

ter, under the

The draught of a Charter prepared by the Lords of the Committee of Trade and Plantations for the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England having been this day read at the Great Seale.. Board, It is thereupon ordered by Her Majesty in Councill that the R Honble the Earle of Nottingham, her Majestie's Principall Secretary of State do prepare a Warrant for her Majesties Royall Signature, for passing the said Charter under the Great Seale of England, in the usual manner. - [William & Mary, Vol. II., 241.]

At Whitehall the 12th of October, 1691.

Whereas the Rt Honoble the Lords of the Com- Sir Edmond Anmittee for Trade & Plantations did this day dros Accompts re represent to the Board, That having considered & Councill of the the Petition of Sir Edmond Andros, late Gov- Bay. ernor of New England, They are of opinion, That the Government of the Massachusetts Bay being now settled, the Peticioners accompts may be referred to the examination of the Governor and Councill of that Province, It was thereupon accordingly ordered by their Lordships That the accompts of money disbursed by the Peticioner for the Publique service, during his late Government of New England, Be and they are hereby referred to the examination of the Governor and Councill of the Massachusetts Bay, who are to cause payment to be made to him in course out of the Publique revenue there, of what shall appear to haue been expended, and justly due to the Peticioner, in the Publique service, during his Government of New England. [William & Mary, Vol. II., 256.]

Mr Usher, Treasurer of New Engd

[1691. A similar reference made at the same sitting, of the Accompts of Mr John Usher, late hdcompter


Councill of the Treasurer of New England, and his Security to be changed. "And whereas Elisha Cooke and

Bay & his Security to be changed.

Thomas Oakes, two of the said Agents, haue certifyed under their hands, the good liking of the Security proposed by the Peticioner viz. Mr Thomas Brindley and Mr Thaddeus MacCarty of Boston," &c. Accompts referred to the Gov & Council of Massachusetts Bay. William & Mary, Vol. II., 255.]

At Whitehall, the 16th of February 1692.

Letters to be sent

Rhode Island to

Letters having already been sent to the Govto Connecticut & ernor of the Massachusetts Bay, the Governors assist New Yorke. of Virginia, Maryland & Pensilvania, directing them, upon the application of the Governor of New Yorke, to assist him with men or otherwise, for the securing of that Province from any Attempts of their Majesty's enemies in those parts, the like Letters may be sent from his Majesty to the Colonies of Connecticut & Rhode Island, in New England.

Pinhorn to be re

Mr Dudley & Mr The Right Honble the Lords of the Commitmoved from the tee for Trade and Plantations having this day Yorke. moved in Councill, That Mr Joseph Dudley and Mr William Pinhorn, whom Col. Fletcher, Governor of New York, hath suspended from being of the Council, for not residing within the Province, nor having any Estate there, may be removed from their places in the Councill, in case they will not reside within the province of New York, It was thereupon ordered, That the Rt Honble The Earle of Nottingham, Principall Secretary of State be desired to prepare Letters for his Majesties royall Signature, directing that the said Joseph Dudley and William Pinhorne be accordingly removed from their places in the Councill of New Yorke, in case they will not reside within that Province. - [William & Mary, Vol. III., 95.]

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[This and the two following letters were received from the same source as the "Orders in Council" next preceding. After the latter had been printed, a note was put into our hands by Mr. Thornton, addressed to him by Mr. Adlard, in which he says: "As I understand the Publishing Committee of the Massachusetts Historical Society have the Privy Council Records, with the intention of inserting them in the next volume of their Transactions, I should be glad if you would call on some member of the Committee and request them to print the whole, instead of only a portion. That which they have is part and parcel of the portion printed by Mr. Drake [in the Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. VIII. pp. 135-145]. The hiatus that appears between the two portions does not arise from any omission on the part of the transcriber, but is the omission in the Records of the Privy Council, arising from the interregnum between the death of Charles the First and the Restoration. Cromwell did not keep up the Records, having in fact no Privy Council that could be so called. From entries occasionally made, few and far between, [from 1641 to the death of Charles,] it appears that the Council Register Books were taken from place to place, wherever Charles was driven; and the only entries made were strictly of a local English character, and had no reference to American affairs. I have reason to believe that neither Mr. Bancroft nor any other American historian has had access to these records or registers; and as they were selected and carefully transcribed by myself, I think they cannot but be looked upon by all as a valuable contribution to American history. I trust you will succeed in having them printed entire, which will render them so much the more valuable, as being one consecutive series, and the only one, I believe, that has ever been collected." It was, of course, too late to comply with Mr. Adlard's request; indeed, this volume was nearly completed before the portion from which we have printed was put into our hands, and of these we have felt obliged to omit a few entries. In printing these early papers in this volume, the purpose has been to give the orthography of the original. Many of the letters and words in the manuscripts have a dash or a circumflex over them, to denote that the word is a contraction; but we have not been able generally, for want of type, to denote these. - EDS.]

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