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"W. B." wants "a cheap work giving a clear explanation of the nature and theory of musical notes and scales, and that would enable a person to write the different parts usually sung to a tune." "Alpha" wishes to know the precise meaning of a "School report" as required by a Government Inspector in examining a Pupil-teacher.

"E. J. G." asks where he can obtain the music of the following round:

"Say, shall we roam the woods to day?

Or shall we dance where softly the fountains play,

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily singing our roundelay ?"

"Querist" will be much obliged to "A Schoolmaster," the originator of a scheme of communication between Parents and Teacher, indicated at p. 37 of the February Number of this Paper, if he will state whether the printed cards there referred to are generally procurable or not.

"Magister" will be much obliged to any of our correspondents to supply notes of lessons on the horse, cow, sheep, or dog.



The Art of Singing at Sight taught by Progressive Exercises, by James Tearle, Organist of Westminster Abbey; and Edward Taylor, Gresham Professor of Music. 228 pages, 12mo, cloth boards. This book contains exercises on the scales-On the intervals, for one, two, and three voices-On the chromatic scale-On time counting-On modulation. In all 157 exercises.


Geography of Productions and Manufactures, with Appendices, by John Flint, one of the Organising Masters of the National Society. 54 pages, 16mo, paper cover, price 3d. This book contains shortly the principal facts respecting coal, iron, gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, platina, corn, tea, sugar, coffee, rice, spice, fruits, gums, drugs, cotton, wool, silk, timber, wine, leather, sulphur, amber-Statistics of British manufactures-Distribution of vegetable productions-List of productions and manufactures not before noticed-Trade winds, &c.


Rudiments of Zoology, illustrated with numerous wood engravings, and index. 253 pages, 12mo, cloth boards, price 4s. The animals are classified under the four provinces of Radiata, Mollusca, Articulata, and Vertebrata.


Hand-book of Logic, adapted specially for the Use of Schools and Teachers, by J. D. Morell, M.A., one of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 77 pages, 12mo, cloth boards. After some preliminary explanations, the subject is treated of under the four following heads: On concepts and terms - On propositions-On reasoning-On fallacies.

Books, &c. received.

National Education with Religion and without Rates, by the Rev. W. F. Wilkinson, Vicar of St. Werburgh's, Derby. W. J. Parker.

The Chief Productions and Exports of the Principal Countries of the World, by Richard Marsh, Certificated Master, New Shoreham. Price 3d. Published and sold by the Author.

The Office of the Teacher. A Lecture delivered to the Associated Body of Schoolmasters of England and Wales, at the meeting held at Manchester, Christmas 1854, by Thomas Moore, Madeley, Salop. Price 3d. Houlston and Stoneman.

The Journal of Education, Upper Canada. Vol. viii., No. 4.

The Fortieth Report of the Bombay Education Society for the year 1854.

The British Workman, No. 5, and The Band of Hope Review. No. 54. Partridge, Oakey, and Co. Hints on the Discipline appropriate to Schools, by Arthur Hill. Longman and Co.

Schoolmasters' and Schoolmistresses' Associations.

HAMPSHIRE CHURCH SCHOOL SOCIETY.-The following is a list of the prizes offered by this Society for competition to Masters and Mistresses of Parochial and National Schools in the Archdeaconry:

I. Schoolmasters' Subjects.

1. The Bishop's Prize.-" The imparting of powers is a more valuable part of education than the imparting of facts."

2. The Dean of Winchester's Prize." What connection between the Day and Sunday Schools is most likely to operate beneficially upon the scholars ?"

II. Schoolmistresses' Subject.

1. The Archdeacon's Prize.-" Punishment viewed in its moral effects on the character." Three additional prizes (one from the Society, and two from the Rev. Dr. Moberly) will be given to unsuccessful essays, if, in the opinion of the adjudicators, there should be any deserving of the distinction.

Subjects for Model-Lessons by two selected Schoolmasters:

1. Religious." The parable of the unforgiving servant."

2. Secular." Coffee."

ASSOCIATION FOR ROCHESTER, GRAVESEND, AND THEIR VICINITIES.-The annual meeting of the above Association was held on Friday, June 15th, at the St. Nicholas Schools, Rochester. The Rev. W. Conway, vicar, in the chair. After a few introductory remarks from the chairman, a Scriptural lesson was given to a gallery of children by Mr. West of Higham; also a secular one by Mr. Mills, of Cuxton, on "Sugar." The lessons gave great satisfaction to all present; and the many practical remarks which followed elicited much useful information with regard to the different modes of giving religious lessons. A discussion also followed on "The uses and abuses of home exercises." Upwards of 40 members and friends of the Association then sat down to an excellent tea provided for the occasion.

After the Secretary's report was read, and officers for the ensuing year appointed, the Rev. T. W. Sheringham, vicar of Strood, read a paper on "Physical geography," showing the wonderful manner in which the wisdom, glory, and power of God, is displayed in all the works of His creation. Another very useful paper followed by the Treasurer, Mr. W. Haworth of Strood, on "Arithmetic." A few brief remarks from the chair closed the proceedings of the evening; and the members separated under the conviction that such an Association is to the teacher an assistant, a friend, a bond, and a stimulus.

BRIDGNORTH AND SEVERN SIDE ASSOCIATION.-The annual meeting of this Association was held on Saturday, May 12th, at Broseley, in the new Schools. During the morning the pupil-teachers and candidates of this district were examined in the Boys' School by her Majesty's Inspector, the Rev. J. P. Norris. At the close of the examination, the company, to about 80, sat down to an excellent dinner in the Infant School. In addition to the teachers and pupil-teachers, a goodly number of the clergy and gentry of this neighbourhood were present, including the Ven. Archdeacon Waring, the Rev. J. P. Norris, the Hon. and Rev. O. W. W. Forester, Rev. G. Bellet, Rev. W. H. Wayne, Rev. R. G. Moore, &c.

After the table was cleared, Mr. Moore was called upon by the chairman, Archdeacon Waring, to read the report for the last year. The report stated, that periodical meetings had been held, and papers read on the following subjects: " On teaching Scripture," by the Rev. G. Bellet-" On history," by Mr. Jackson-"On spelling and dictation,' by Mr. Ledger-" On zoology," by Mr. Carter"On geography in connection with Scripture," by Mr. Martin-and "On arithmetic and grammar,” by Mr. Moore.

A free and animated discussion followed; and after some excellent hints from Mr. Norris, who, in conclusion, stated that he considered meetings of this kind as the great holidays of his life, the meeting terminated.

HALIFAX ASSOCIATION.-On Saturday, June 16, the general monthly meeting of this Association was held in the Parish Church National School, Church Street, Halifax, when a paper" On training the intellectual faculties" was read by Mr. W. Brown of the Parish Church School, which was followed by a discussion on the topics introduced. A vote of thanks to the lecturer, and other business, terminated the meeting.

NOTTS AND WEST LINCOLNSHIRE ASSOCIATION.-The quarterly meeting of this Association was held, June 9th, at the Trinity Schools, Nottingham. A lecture "On galvanic electricity" was delivered before the members by Mr. Ryder of Derby. He explained the construction of the different kinds of batteries, and dwelt especially upon the application of electricity to the telegraph. The lectúre was accompanied by a variety of successful experiments. In the afternoon the subject discussed was, "The present mode of taking Sunday-school children to church; and whether it tended to attach them to the Church on their arrival at maturity."

COUNTY OF KENT ASSOCIATION.-The annual general meeting of this Association has recently taken place. The Rev. H. W. Brookfield, her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, presided; and there was a fair attendance of the clergy (although many were kept away by the Bishop's visitation), and other promoters of education, besides the members of the Association.

After some observations from the chairman, Mr. Wedlock read a report of the proceedings of the Association. A familiarly-worded Bible lesson was then given to a class of the scholars at Trinity School by Mr. Newlyn of Brompton, who took as a text the words, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." Mr. Newlyn adopted the elliptical method in his lecture, in which the teacher secures the attention of his hearers by requiring them to supply words in the discourse as he proceeds. As, for instance, he says, "He that walketh with (wise men) shall be (wise);" the words in parenthesis being supplied by the children. By this means the attention of the children is riveted on the discourse, and the memory is kept active. The chairman expressed his thanks to Mr. Newlyn, but regretted that the next lecture in the programme, a lesson on "The motions of the earth," by Mr. Garrod of Greenwich, could not be delivered, as Mr. Garrod was prevented from attending. A very instructive lecture on "Common things" was then given to the children by Mr. Longley, of Rainham, who illustrated the action of the syringe and the syphon in water, and by means of a black board put his hearers completely au fait to the principles and working of a common pump. The elliptical method was also adopted by Mr. Longley, whose lecture was evidently highly relished by the boys. The chairman, at the conclusion, invited criticisms on the lessons, as he thought that would be the most useful part of the day's proceedings, if candidly done. Mr. Graham of the St. Nicholas National School, Rochester, replied to the invitation, and explained his views of the elliptical system. He thought that in the lesson by Mr. Newlyn enough had not been given to the children to do, the mere supplying of one word not being, according to his views, sufficient exercise for their minds. He also thought that when a text was recited to children as the foundation of a lesson, care should be taken that they knew it by heart, for probably that text would be remembered by them through life, and might be the means of producing much benefit. His remarks were listened to with attention. Mr. Johnson, of Sutton-at-Hone, then read a paper on the "Tonic sol-fa method of teaching singing." The matter was illustrated by music scores and other helps; but the general opinion seemed to be that the subject was but little elucidated, and that the method proposed was an exceedingly difficult one.

The last paper read was by Mr. Bowen (of Lady Boswell's Charity, Sevenoaks), on "Home lessons." Mr. Bowen's paper met with general approval, and he was warmly congratulated on its success by many of the clergymen present. The majority of the company afterwards partook of a collation at the Bell Inn; and at the conclusion, under the presidency of the Rev. H. W. Brookfield, many excellent speeches were delivered, and congratulations were exchanged on the prosperity of the Society.

WORCESTERSHIRE ASSOCIATION.-The annual meeting of this Association has recently taken place in the Schcolroom of St. Peter's, Droitwich. The Association was favoured with the company of many laymen, and clergymen, and a few ladies. About twenty schoolmasters assembled on the occasion.

The morning was chiefly occupied by a series of lessons to the school-children, given with a view to illustrate the methods of arranging and delivering lessons, so as best to seize the attention and produce effect upon the minds of the pupils. The Rev. W. Lea commenced with a lesson upon "Scripture"-Mr. Watts followed with one upon "Physical geography"-Mr. Foden gave the third, which treated of "Gardening and its history, and the nature of the soil and of plants"-Mr. Evans a fourth, on "Mental Arithmetic"-Mr. Daglish a fifth, on "Geography"-and Mr. Stephens the sixth and last, whereof the subject was "Cleanliness." All these were good samples of the system of teaching by dialogue between the master and pupils; a system which has the merit of keeping the children alert and testing their progress and acquirements, at the same time that instruction is presented in a shape in which it can be most readily imbibed by the youthful mind.

When the business of the school had been completed, the party walked out of town, as far as St. Peter's Church, for the purpose of attending Divine service, which, by arrangement, commenced at a quarter before three o'clock. The pulpit was occupied by the Rev. Canon Wood, President of the Association, who took as his text 1 Cor. chap. xii. v. 26: "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it." After explaining the circumstances under which the epistle was addressed to the Corinthians, the preacher set forth the fact, that although their offices were somewhat different, the clergyman and the schoolmaster were labouring in the same vocation,-that of training the human mind and imbuing it with Christian principles; and the duties of both were in the highest degree honourable. The most important office that man could fill was that of the clergyman, to whom was intrusted the care of souls; and closely allied to it was that of schoolmaster, who prepared the infant mind to receive the great truths of religion. Hence the necessity of harmonious working one with the other, each in his sphere, in order that the greatest amount of good might be effected; and hence, too, the necessity for combining religious with secular education.

On the conclusion of the service the party returned to Droitwich, and dined together at the George Hotel, the company numbering nearly fifty.

After dinner the chairman, J. S. Pakington, Esq., proposed a series of toasts, which drew forth some suitable speeches. The party broke up soon after eight o'clock.

An excellent Report was read during the evening, which we hope to give in our next Number.


The Rev. WILLIAM WILBERFORCE HOWARD, M.A., Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, has been appointed one of her Majesty's Assistant Inspectors of Schools.

The third Report of the Cathedral Commissioners recommends, that where it is practicable one of the Canons be Assistant to the Bishop in the work of Diocesan Education.

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND SCHOOLMASTERS' AND SCHOOLMISTRESSES' MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY.-The Annual General Meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday, 20th June, the Rev. John Gylby Lonsdale, M.A., in the chair, when a report of the business of the last year was read exhibiting a statement of most satisfactory progress.

The officers of the Society were elected for the ensuing year. The new members proposed were, the Rev. Charles Alford, M.A., Principal of the Metropolitan Training College, Highbury, and Mr. John Martin, of the Marine Society's Ship, Woolwich.

The election of the two new directors gave much satisfaction to the meeting.

A member said that he considered that the progress of the Society was much accelerated by the list of names of the directors being so little changed from year to year; by it the stability of the Society was attested, and that confidence was widely promoted amongst distant members and friends by the unaltered names and residences of those who manage the business..

After some further remarks from several members with regard to the past, present, and future prospects of the Society, the following Resolution was proposed, and unanimously adopted:

That this meeting desires to record its gratitude to Almighty God for His goodness in having preserved the life of every assured member of the Society during a year of more than ordinary sickness and mortality."

A cordial vote of thanks was given to the trustees, treasurers, directors, and other officers of the Society, and to the Rev. John Gylby Lonsdale, for his able conduct in the chair.

In reply, the Rev. the Chairman said, that he always had great pleasure in attending these meetings; and as one of the trustees, he had often occasion to see Mr. Hind, the Secretary, both here and at the offices of the National Society, when he had to sign the necessary documents, &c. which he did with great pleasure; that he was truly glad that the Society was in such a prosperous condition, and wished it further success.

Sixth Annual Report.

The directors of the Church of England Schoolmasters' and Schoolmistresses' Mutual Assurance Society have the pleasing duty of submitting this, the Sixth Annual Report of their proceedings. It affords the directors great satisfaction to be enabled, as on former occasions, to show from the result of the last year's operations still further progress towards the steady accomplishment of the purposes for which the Society was established.

The number of policies granted during the year has been as follows:

44 Assurances for sick provision and annuities in old age.

77 Assurances upon life, to the amount of

39 Endowment Assurances

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Together representing a sum of

£ 8. a.

6505 0 0

1745 0 0

£3250 0 0

Thus increasing the amount assured (exclusive of assurances for sick provision and annuities in old age) to 36,7251.

The income of the Society from premiums upon assurances in force on the 28th day of April (the date of the balance-sheet) is 16727. 18. Od.; this, with the premiums from ten assurances, made effective

since the 28th of April, and from ten others in course of completion, increases the prospective annual income upon the premium account to the sum of 17091. 15s. 4d.

It is gratifying to the directors to state that no claim upon the funds of the Society has been caused by the decease of any member during the past year, and that the total calls, including 1147. 8s. 9d. paid from the Endowment Fund, amount only to 1457. 4s. 9d.; making the total sum paid on account of assurances from the commencement of the Society 6287. 2s. 3d.; leaving 31771. 4s. Od. to meet current liabilities.

It will be seen by the Balance Sheet now submitted, which has been approved by the auditors, that the directors have been enabled to invest a further sum of 1000l. with the Commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt.

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The directors trust that the members will agree with them, that these statements fully justify the anticipations held out in their previous reports, as to the result of the Society's operations.

By a provision in the rules, the first valuation of the liabilities and assets of the Society need not have been made until the end of seven years, which would have been in the year 1857. Your directors, however, have thought it advisable for their own information, that the position of the Society should be investigated and ascertained. They accordingly caused a very minute and rigid examination of the Society's affairs, by having a valuation of each particular assurance prepared by their eminent consulting actuary, Charles Ansell, Esq., F.R.S., up to the end of the fifth year, viz. to the date of the last balance-sheet, 29th April 1854, when the Society had only been in active operation a little over four years.

The result of this examination has proved most satisfactory and promising; and taking into consideration the rate of increase which has heretofore prevailed, as shown in former reports, with the progress made this year, leaves, in the opinion of the directors, no doubt but that the Society will very soon be largely extended, and thus prove a lasting benefit to the assured.

The directors cannot conclude this report without tendering their best thanks to the honorary members for the kind aid afforded to the Society; and also expressing their sense of the activity, zeal, and cordial co-operation of those members who have exerted themselves to introduce insurers; and they are led to hope that with the unremitting and active support of the assured and their friends, the business of the Society will be greatly augmented, and its prosperity secured.

TESTIMONIALS.-To the Rev. HYLA HOLDEN ROSE, Incumbent of St. Barnabas Chapel, Erdington, near Birmingham, a small Stone Font, by the Children of the National and Infant Schools. To the Rev. MAURICE MEYRICK, a Silver Butter Knife, Pencil Case, with Gold Pen, and Letter Balance, by the Children of the National and Infant Schools, Shaftesbury.

To Mr. GEORGE JACKSON, on resigning the Mastership of Brampton School, a Silver Tea-pot, by the Sunday-School Teachers and other friends; and a Silver Cream Jug, by the Parents of his Pupils. To Miss CAMP, a Papier Maché Inkstand and Silver Penholder, by the Pupil-teachers and Children of St. Michael's Infant School, Highgate.

APPOINTMENTS.-Mr. FRANCIS FRANKS, from Welsh Hampton, to Canterbury, New Zealand.
Mr. G. WATSON, from Bishop Burton, to Colton School, Tadcaster.

Mr. HENRY BILLING, from Christ Church School, Kensington, to the Free School, Weedon.
Mr. HENRY WILLIAMS, from Slangham, to the Reformatory School for Hampshire.
Miss WILLIAMS, from Ipswich, to South Hackney National School.

From Westminster Training Institution, from March 25th to June 24th 1855.

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OBITUARY.-Mr. WALTER LANE BABER, aged 64, on the 23d May, for twenty-three years Master of the Infant School, Croydon.


We cannot undertake to notice anonymous communications, nor to insert letters or information received after the 20th. The name and address of our correspondents should always be sent, though not necessarily for publication.

"Cabee." We do not think that the discussion of the point in question would interest many of our readers.

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"J. H." You are not exempt, nor would you be were your house contiguous to the school.
"M. A.," "Long Row," "J. A. C.," "J. B.R.," declined with thanks.
"G. L." Thanks for the notes; we may find room in a future Number.

"G. B." We think that Mr. Hughes' little work on Map Projections treats the subject in a better way.

"E. E. G." The different extracts to which you refer in the Monthly Paper were not intended to advocate this or that system, but were given merely as extracts, to show what had been done in various places. The voluntary rate you refer to was not annual, but simply temporary for a building purpose. Report of the York Board has been received, and shall be noticed in due course.

"Querist." We regret that we have not kept the address of our sorrespondent; but we have made inquiry in this Number.

"Carolus." The Reports are published, and are to be had at the Parliamentary Papers Office, Abingdon Street.

"J. M." An ordinary wood floor is generally considered the best. The Committee of Council do not allow brick or stone,

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THE Meetings of the Committee of the National Society have been attended during the last month by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Carnarvon, Lord Dynevor, the Bishops of Oxford, St. Asaph, Rev. Lord John Thynne, Rev. Sir Henry Thompson, Bart., Sir Thomas Phillips, Ven. Archdeacon Sinclair, and Rev. John Jennings.

Annual Report.

The Annual Report of the Society is now printed, and is being sent by post to the Members of the Society. Non-Members can obtain copies (price 3d.) at the Society's Depository, or they will be forwarded on the receipt of four ,postage-stamps.

Half-Yearly Paper.

The Half-Yearly Abstract of the Society's Proceedings is now ready. This Paper is specially prepared for parochial distribution; and a supply will be forwarded to any clergyman, or other friend of the Society, desirous of promoting its interests.

New Subscriptions.

The following Donations and new Annual Subscriptions have been contribute since the last announcement, and are hereby thankfully acknowledged. The List is made up to the 20th July:

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Contributions may be paid to MESSRS. DRUMMOND, Bankers, Charing Cross; to MR. HENRY STRETTON, the Society's Receiver, 67 Lincoln's Inn Fields, to whom all Remittances should be made; or they will be received at the National Society's Office, Sanctuary, Westminster, or by any of the Local Treasurers to the Society, or by the Society's Travelling Agents.

St. Mark's College.

The Annual College Examination was held during the week commencing July 2d, papers being given on all the subjects studied during the preceding halfAn essay was also written by each of the students in the second and third years of residence on the subject, "Ars major usu."


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