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Wilcockson, W. H. Esq. Worksop. a. 0 10 0

Bacon, Rev. F. Cossal, Nottingham a. 1 1 0
Contributions may be paid to MESSRS. DRUMMOND, Bankers, Charing Cross; to
MR. HENRY STRETTON, the Society's Receiver, 67 Lincoln's Inn Fields, to whom all
Remittances should be made; or they will be received at the National Society's Office,
Sanctuary, Westminster, or by any of the Local Treasurers to the Society, or by the
Society's Travelling Agents.


The late Mrs. Millicent Hall, of Albany Street, Regent's Park, and Hayes, Kent, has bequeathed to the Society the sum of 20001. Mrs. Hall was a subscriber to the Society of 51. a-year, and took a very lively interest in its proceedings, making it a point always to attend the Society's annual meetings.

Carnarvon Training Institution.

A meeting of the clergy of the dioceses of Bangor and St. Asaph was held in the Chapter-room of the Cathedral, Bangor, on Thursday, 11th inst., at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to take into consideration the election of a Principal for the Training Institution at Carnarvon, in the room of the Rev. B. J. Binns, resigned; the expediency of entering into a negotiation with the trustees or executors of the late Marquis of Anglesea, for the purchase of the premises now occupied by the institution; and such other measures as it may be expedient to adopt, in order to give a more public character to the institution, and to promote its usefulness and efficiency.

The Bishop of Bangor presided, and was supported by the Bishop of St. Asaph and an influential body of the clergy and laity.

The Honorary Secretary, H. P. Manly, Esq., read a report, giving an account of the rise and progress of the institution at Carnarvon. It appears that it was established in 1844 in connexion with the National School; and the instruction given to masters in training was imparted by the master (Mr. Forster) of the National School. In 1849 assistance was obtained from the Welsh Education Committee of the National Society, and a clerical Principal, the Rev. B. J. Binns, appointed. The institution has sent out 108 masters, of whom twenty-two have obtained Government Certificates. The students have all received allowances during their period of training, but have not been provided with residence in the institution. The allowances, since the institution has been placed under Government inspection and received Government allowances, have been reduced to 2s. 6d. a week. The Report further adds:

"The Institution was placed under Government Inspection in 1852, which privilege was with much difficulty conceded, as an exceptional case, owing to the premises being rented, and not duly purchased and conveyed. This added a further sum to the income, through the grants made to certificated masters: two-thirds only of these grants, however, were made, owing to the same cause; the privilege of receiving Queen's scholars, notwithstanding the repeated and urgent appeals of the committee, was, for the same reason, refused. These obstacles to the full success of the Institution pressed so much on the minds of the committee, that they determined to make an effort to have premises duly purchased and conveyed. They therefore entered into a correspondence with the agent of the late Marquis of Anglesea, to ascertain upon what terms the baths, at present rented, would be disposed of, these premises being, in all essentials, well suited for the institution; the price at which they may be purchased is 25001. The committee then applied, through the Bishops of Bangor and St. Asaph, to the Welsh Educational Committee of the National Society for a grant for the same purpose, when, through their lordships' good offices, a provisional grant of 2000l. was made. The committee then memorialised the Committee of Council for a grant, who, on certain conditions, as the boarding and lodging of a portion of the pupils in the institution, have also expressed their willingness to make a grant at the rate of 50l. per student, as well also as to permit Queen's scholars to be received, provided they lodge for the present with the Principal or Vice-principal.

"The cost of additional buildings at the baths, to enable the committee to comply with these requirements, will not exceed, say 3001. The annual expenditure, however, by reason of the boarding the pupils, will be greatly increased heretofore, on the plan followed by the committee in making small weekly grants. The expense of educating and maintaining masters has been kept at the low rate of 217. per annum per student, whereas in other training institutions it reaches from 321. to 727. per student per annum (see the Rev. Canon Moseley's report). A further increase of expenditure will also arise in future from the necessity of increasing the staff of officers required by the Committee of Council. The committee subjoin an estimate of the probable future expenditure, which will exceed by about 4007. per annum the present resources at the disposal of the committee:

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A discussion then ensued, and the Rev. T. Thomas moved a resolution: "That it is expedient to purchase the said premises in the town of Carnarvon, called the Baths; and that a committee be appointed by this meeting, which shall be authorised to carry out this resolution."

The Rev. Dr. Jones moved as an amendment: "That the institution be removed to Bangor."

The amendment was put with the original motion and lost; the numbers being 18 against 25.

Certain Trustees were agreed upon, to whom the premises at Carnarvon should be conveyed, and a committee appointed to examine the testimonials of candidates for the office of Principal, and to select three, one of whom should be appointed by the Bishop of Bangor and St. Asaph.

A resolution to the following effect was also agreed upon: "That a general meeting of subscribers shall be held annually for the election of a committee, to consist of the Deans, the Archdeacons, the Rural Deans, and the Diocesan Inspectors of the dioceses of Bangor and St. Asaph, together with twelve other clergymen and twelve laymen, all being subscribers, who shall be authorised to transact the business of the institution; and that all subscribers of 17. annually be entitled to one vote on the election of such committee, and that five of the said committee form a quorum."

Special votes of thanks were given to the Honorary Secretary, Mr. Manly, and the late Principal, Rev. B. J. Binns. A vote of thanks was also given to the Bishop of Bangor for presiding on the occasion, and the meeting separated.

Leicester Archidiaconal Board.

The Honorary Secretary of this Board, the Rev. W. Fry, has just received a very gratifying testimonial from the students trained by him at Leicester. Mr. Fry's labours are thus spoken of in the Leicester Advertiser of the 13th of January last :

"For years past has he [Mr. Fry] devoted his whole soul to the furtherance of education amongst the humbler classes-education which shall improve their moral condition as well as their intellectual faculties-which shall give them sound religious principles to guide them at times when all other resources have failed. Not only has he laboured arduously in diffusing such principles, but he has devoted his best energies to the preparation of others for this task. We believe that hundreds of young men and women whom he has thus prepared have gone forth into country towns and villages to impart, in their turns, the knowledge they have received, and inculcate by example as well as precept the principles they have been led to adopt for their guidance through life. Morning, afternoon, and evening may this indefatigable gentleman be found surrounded in his little old study with young men and women who are now in training for the discharge of similar duties. Such labours would be highly honourable to any one receiving liberal salary. What, then, shall we say of them performed without pecuniary reward either directly or indirectly from any quarter whatever? We confess that we cannot characterise them as we think they are worthy of being characterised, without rendering ourselves liable to a charge of extravagance of expression. But this we may say, without fear of contradiction,-the amount of good effected, directly and indirectly, by the reverend gentleman's labours, will never be known on earth, but will only be developed in eternity."

The testimonial, consisting of a silver tea-pot, cream-ewer, and toast-rack, above referred to, was presented with an address at a tea-party, when about fifty of the pupils, past and present, assembled for the occasion. Mr. Fry's female pupils had previously presented him with a silver inkstand.

Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education.

A statement having been made at the meeting for the opening of the Exeter new Diocesan Training College, and quoted in our last December Number, to the effect that the Diocese of Exeter claimed the credit" of establishing the first Training College, the Board having appointed a Principal and established the Institution in September 1839," we are authorised to say that the Lichfield Board appointed a Principal and established the Training School in May 1839.

It appears from a note appended to a published sermon, preached by the Rev. Chancellor Martin, on the occasion of laying the foundation-stone of the Exeter new Diocesan Training College, that the original school was "actually open on the 1st of January, 1840;" whereas the Lichfield school was opened on the 29th July, 1839, and received several pupils into training before the close of that year.

It is but right, however, to state, that from the same note in the sermon just referred to, it appears that a resolution was passed at a meeting held in the Chapter House, Exeter, as early as the 23d of October, 1838, "that the first step taken by the Board should be to found an institution for the education and training of schoolmasters;" whereas the Lichfield Board was not formed till the 29th November, 1838, about one month later than the Exeter Board.

Committee of Council on Education,

John Martin, Esq., to the Secretary of the Committee of Council on Education.

Metropolitan Training Institution, 6th November, 1854.

SIR, A schoolmaster, who as a student at Highbury obtained a 3d-class certificate last December, desires to be examined on the second year's papers next month; but on reading the circular of 29th July, he is apprehensive that if he fails on this occasion he will lose his present certificate.

The words seem to bear this construction, though they are in answer to the question, whether in such a case the College will lose its grant, or rather fail to obtain a grant.

It might be quite reasonable that the College should obtain no grant under such circumstances; but seeing that in the words of the circular, the second year being wholly distinguished from the first," there does not appear to be any reason why the student should lose his old certificate, because no inference can now be drawn that he has gone backward, as was the case when the subjects for examination were identical.

We have troubled you on this point, because in all quarters the regulation laid down, or supposed to be laid down, in the Circular of the 29th July, is considered to be one of great hardship, and not required for any practical purpose.-I have, &c. (Signed) JOHN MARTIN.

Reply to foregoing Letter.

Committee of Council on Education,

Council Office, Whitehall, 21st November, 1854.

SIR,-Adverting to your letter of the 6th instant, in which you inquire whether a schoolmaster already holding a certificate of the 3d degree, and attending for another examination, but this time upon the second year's papers, will, in the event of failure, forfeit the certificate which he already holds, I am directed to state that such will not necessarily be the case.

My Lords reserve to themselves the right of withdrawing the first certificate, if the result of the examination appears to them to call for such a measure; but, generally speaking, the holder of a certificate obtained upon the first year's papers may be examined (after an interval of not less than one year) upon the second or third year's papers, without more risk to his certificate than may result from his showing that he now falls below the standard upon which that certificate was granted.

At the same time, it is necessary to guard this statement with reference to those students who may endeavour to make use of it for the purpose of quitting their colleges at the end of their first year. The first quinquennial certificate, pursuant to § xi. in the Minute of 26 August, 1850, will be fixed (so far as it depends upon examination) by the position of the holder in the students' class-list. ever examination he may pass, between the time of leaving college and the end of the seven years which must elapse before a new certificate is issued, will have no immediate effect, but will only be recorded in his favour for consideration (among other data) when the proper time comes.


While, therefore, a student who stays in college two full years may possibly obtain the benefit of a high certificate after the end of two years' service as an elementary teacher under inspection; the same student, if he leaves his college at the end of the first year, may, indeed, get into employment by one year the sooner, but will be a loser by four years in the time that must elapse before his certificate is raised above the third (lowest) degree. For instance,

1. A. B. who enters the college in December 1854, passes for the second year in December 1856, and forthwith enters into service as a teacher, may be certificated in the second degree in the early part of 1859.

2. C. D. who enters the college at the same date, passes for the first year in December 1855, and forthwith enters into service as a teacher, cannot be certificated above the third degree before the early part of 1863.-I have, &c. (Signed) R. R. W. LINGEN.

Queen's Scholarships.

The following Circular, together with the subjoined lists of Queen's Scholars, has been addressed by the Committee of Council on Education to Principals of Training Schools, announcing the result of the Examination at Christmas last for Queen's Scholarships. The series of Examination Papers used on the occasion it is proposed to print in the next number of this Paper.

Committee of Council on Education,
Privy Council Office, Downing Street, January 1855.

SIR, I am directed to inform you that after a careful review of the Report of her Majesty's Inspectors, and of the papers worked by the candidates at the examination held at the several training schools under inspection, the Lord President of the Council has been pleased to award Queen's Scholarships to the successful competitors, whose names are appended to this letter.

To each of those placed in the first class, a scholarship for one year, of the amount of 251. (for males), or 167. 13s. 4d. (for females) has been granted; and to each of those in the second class one of 201. (males), or 137. 6s. 8d. (females) for a similar period.

The scholarships have been granted on the understanding that the Queen's Scholars will begin to reside immediately, and that their residence will be uninterrupted except by the usual vacations, during the ensuing year.

The candidates in this list are placed in the order of merit. Brackets have been adopted in all those cases where the difference did not appear to be of practical value. I beg leave to request your attention to the following extract from the Minute of 20th August, 1853.

"The examinations of the candidates for Queen's Scholarships will be separated from that of the students, being held for three days in the week following that in which the students' examination is to begin. As many qualified candidates will be nominated (in the order of merit) as answer to the total number of vacancies in all the training schools. The whole number will be comprised in a single list, and each Queen's Scholar so nominated will be at liberty to go to any of the training schools under inspection, the authorities of which may consent to receive him. The principal of each training school will be called upon to make a return to their Lordships of the names of his Queen's Scholars for the ensuing year, within twenty-one days after the date of publishing the list." The number of vacancies declared in your college is I am directed to request that you will make the requisite return to me for the information of my Lords on or before at the latest, after which day Candidates, not already in residence, will be inadmissible as Queen's Scholars for the year 1855.

The Committee of Council cannot undertake any correspondence whatever relative to the selection of one Training School rather than another, by the friends and patrons of the successful candidates.

I am to request that you will communicate the result of the examination to those of the candidates examined at your college, whose names do not appear in the accompanying list.

I have the honour to be, &c.



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