TO WILLIAM COWBURN (late pupil-teacher), a copy of the Illustrated Exhibitor, on leaving Pendlebury for Chester Training College. TO GEORGE DAVIDSON (late pupil-teacher), at Cockermouth, a Silver Pencil-case. To J. JENNINGS (late pupil-teacher), Cruden's Concordance, Trench on the Miracles, and the Companion Volume on the Parables, by the Vicar and Sunday-School Teachers, St. Peter's, Worcester. To Mr. EVERARD LACEY, a Purse, containing a small collection made by the Managers and Children of the Hemsley School. To Mrs. BEST, a Writing-Desk, by the Parents of the Children attending Aldboro' School. To Mr. THOMAS BALL, a Papier-Maché Inkstand, &c., by the Teachers and Scholars of Christ Church School, Stone. APPOINTMENTS.- Mr. JOHN BIRD, from St. Mary's, Newtown, Leeds, to Frampton Cotterell, Situation of School. Worsley, near Manchester, (Assistant.) Puchlechurch, Bristol. ChristCh. Mirfield, Yorkshire. Assistant, Fourth Division. Winlaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Leighton Buzzard, Bedford- St. Luke's, Headless Cross, Iscoed, Kidwelly, Carmarthen- St. John's, Durdham Down, OBITUARY. -Mrs. SARAH BABER, aged 58, on the 27th January. For twenty-three years Mistress of the Infant School, Croydon. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. We cannot undertake to notice anonymous communications, nor to insert letters or information received after the 20th. The name and address of our correspondents should always be sent, though not necessarily for publication. "Phalanger." It is not desirable to send the stamps. Order the book through a bookseller; it is just published by Messrs. Longman, under a somewhat different title. "Jero," "Arnold," "A Schoolmaster," "W. L. A.," "J. Evans," "W. H. B.," "G. R.," "H. D. D.,” "An Inquirer," "W. H. B.," "A Schoolmistress," declined with thanks. "E. B. N." The General Atlas, just published by the National Society, price, with index, 4s. 6d. to members of the Society. The contents of this Atlas are given in the Notices of Books in the present Number. "J. Clarke." Your communication is an advertisement. "X." Edwards's Eton Grammar, price 2s. 6d. "C. H.," "A Schoolmistress," "Mac" (a country schoolmaster), and "H. Le Bœuf," on Time Tables, Late Attendance, and Needlework, declined with thanks. "Y. K. S." Yes, to both your questions. Of course leave must be obtained of the principal before the examination. "J. Vaughan." Unsuited to our pages; not educational. "J. R." should consult some book of natural history. "W. Earwaker." There is a Botanical Chart, by a lady, published by Simpkin and Marshall. We have not seen a Census Chart. "Arcanus." Your three questions can only be answered by a reference to your agreement with the managers when you accepted your appointment. There is no uniform plan pursued on either of the points you wish decided. "P. R. W." should apply to the Committee of Council for an answer to his inquiry. The song declined, with thanks. "A Mother." We are much obliged; but find the subject likely to occupy more space than we can give to it, as we should be compelled to give more than one series. "A Schoolmaster" is referred to pages 154 and 306 of the Monthly Paper for the course of Examination for Registration and for Certificates, and also for some of the books recommended. Prices necessarily "J. Barter." You should make inquiry at any optical instrument makers. vary very much, according to what is required. Your other question declined. "N. S." is thanked for the Report. We may make some extracts from it hereafter; but at present we cannot afford the space. The Bath and Wells Board Report, Papers on the Prophet Zechariah, Alligation, Purchase of School-Books, Sunday-School Teachers, &c., in our next. Numerous letters have come to hand after the 20th, too late for this Number. THE Meetings of the Committee of the National Society have been attended during the last month by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earls of Harrowby and Romney, the Bishops of Lichfield, Oxford, Salisbury, and St. Asaph; Right Hon. Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P.; Rev. Sir Henry Thompson, Bart.; Sir Thomas Phillips, Ven. Archdeacons Sinclair and Harrison, C. B. Adderley, Esq., M.P., and Rev. Canons Jennings and Wordsworth. The Welsh Education Committee, in addition to Members in the above list, has been attended by Lord Dynevor, Viscount Emlyn, M.P., J. H. Phillips, Esq., M.P., and C. A. Wood, Esq. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Society is fixed to take place on Wednesday, the 6th June. The Annual Meeting of Secretaries will take place as usual on the previous day. The New Education Bills. The Committee have agreed to the following petition against the 18th and 19th clauses* of the Education Bill brought in by Lord John Russell: To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament The humble Petition of the Committee of the National Society for the Education Showeth, That the Society was instituted in 1811, and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1817; and during a period of forty-three years has zealously and preservingly laboured to promote the great cause of National Education, in accordance with the principles of its Charter; That the number of schools in union and correspondence with the Society amounted in 1831 to 4147 schools, with 373,415 scholars, and has since increased, until at the present time it has reached an aggregate of 10,414 schools, attended by 962,871 scholars; "XVIII. By the rules of any school to be authorised by the said Education Committee, or to be established by them or under their authority, or to be assisted by them or by their authority with any grant of money, or to be established or aided under this Act, it shall be required that the Holy Scriptures shall be read in such school as a part of the reading therein, but not so as to be used as a school lesson-book; and it shall also be required that no child of any parents professing the Roman Catholic or the Jewish religion shall be obliged to be present at the reading of the Holy Scriptures, unless such parents or the guardians of such child are willing that such child should be so present: provided always, that this enactment shall not extend to any Roman Catholic or Jewish school. "XIX. By the rules of any school to be authorised by the said Education Committee, or to be established by them or under their authority, or to be assisted by them or by their authority with any grant of money, or to be established or aided under this Act, it shall be required that no Catechism shall be taught to, nor Liturgy used by, or attendance on church or other religious observance required of, any child of any parents of any Protestant dissenting persuasion, or of the Roman Catholic or Jewish persuasion, unless such parents or the guardians of such child are willing that such child should de taught such Catechism, or use such Liturgy, or attend such church or other religious observance." That ever since the year 1834, when grants were first voted by parliament for education, schools in union with the Society have participated in the benefit of such grants; and several millions sterling have been raised among members of the Church by voluntary contribution and expended upon National schools, in full confidence that the rules for the distribution of the bounty of parliament would in this respect remain unaltered; That nevertheless in the 18th and 19th clauses of a Bill now introduced into your Honourable House, provisions are contained under which trustees and managers of National schools might find themselves precluded, by the terms of their trust-deeds and their engagements with this Society, from obtaining that assistance from the parliamen tary grant on which they have hitherto relied, and to which they would at present be entitled ; That the said Bill goes still further; and while it provides that "no catechism shall be taught to, nor liturgy used by, or attendance in church or other religious observance required of any child of any parents of any Protestant Dissenting persuasion, or of the Roman Catholic or Jewish persuasion," it gives no corresponding protection to the members of the Church from Dissenting, Roman Catholic, or Jewish teaching, worship and observances; That your petitioners, without enlarging upon the doubts and apprehensions to which other portions of the Bill must give rise, consider it sufficient in the present stage of the measure to point out the above objectionable provisions, and earnestly pray your Honourable House that the Bill containing such provisions may not become law; And your petitioners will ever pray, &c. (Signed) J. B. CANTUAR. Fresident of the Society. St. Mark's College, Chelsea, March 22d, 1855. The following correspondence has taken place between the Principal of St. Mark's College and Sir John Pakington, Bart. SIR, My attention has been drawn to a passage in your late speech on National Education, in which you state, on the authority of Mr. Kennedy, and as a subject of complaint, that "those who have been educated in training institutions betake themselves in a great number of instances to holy orders." Of 230 schoolmasters who have been educated in St. Mark's College, to which institution the remark may be supposed principally to apply, twelve only have received holy orders in as many years, all of them after considerable service as schoolmasters, and (with one exception, that of a missionary clergyman on the coast of Labrador) all of them in connexion with educational appointments in the particular line for which they have been trained, appointments which, in the great majority of instances, they still retain. As regards pupil-teachers, a class of paid assistants in schools, to be distinguished from Queen's Scholars and masters in training, it is true that very many become clerks, or betake themselves to other pursuits not connected with tuition. But it is to be borne in mind that these have done the work for which they were engaged, and for which they have been by no means over-paid. Doubtless it is much to be desired that a larger proportion of their number could be induced to follow the calling to which they have been apprenticed; in other words, that the position and career of the elementary schoolmaster could be rendered more attractive; but when they quit their school they have discharged the full amount of their obligation, and have occasioned no misapplication of public money. Of those who have been educated in training schools for the office of a schoolmaster, either partially or wholly at the public cost, the number who take to other ways of life is so small as to form an argument in favour of the existing system. Of the 230 trained in St. Mark's College, not more than 16 in so many years are known to have voluntarily and permanently quitted their particular calling, and of these by far the greater part are still engaged in the work of tuition. The necessity of a further provision for the education of the poor is not affected by these statements; but it is important on many accounts that the facts of the case, as they stand at present, should be cleared from misapprehension.-I have, &c. DERWENT COLERIDGE, Principal of St. Mark's College. The Right Hon. Sir J. Pakington, Bart., &c. &c. Eaton Square, March 24, 1855. SIR,-I have the honour to acknowledge and thank you for your communication of 22d instant. I am glad to learn that your experience at St. Mark's College presents so few in stances of your pupils subsequently giving up the profession for which you had traine them. Such a fact is very creditable to your system. With respect to pupil teachers, you seem to dissent little, if at all, from the correctness of what I stated; and I have received letters from several parts of England, including two from heads of training institutions, confirming the general accuracy of that part of my speech.-I have the honour to be, &c. JOHN S. PAKINGTON. The Rev. Derwent Coleridge. St. Mark's College, Chelsea. The Annual Festival in commemoration of the founding of this College will be held on St. Mark's Day, Wednesday, the 25th instant. Full morning service, with Holy Communion and sermon, will commence at 10 o'clock; and evening service at 4 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Harvey Goodwin, of Cambridge; and the offertory will be devoted to the support of the College Chapel. The usual hospitality will be extended to all former students of the College who may find it convenient to attend. Whitelands Training Institution. The following is taken from a pamphlet giving an account of certain Prizes for Common Things offered for competition and awarded by Miss Burdett Coutts to students in the Whitelands Training Institution : During the year 1854 Miss Coutts paid frequent visits to this institution, and expressed a desire to know to what extent and with what view industrial training was carried on. Having heard several lessons given by the officers and students, Miss Coutts proposed a subject for an essay, and kindly examined the several essays written by the students during the Easter vacation. In the autumn Miss Coutts renewed her visits, and, after much personal observation, selected six pupils; one on account of the excellence of her essay; two on account of the peculiar aptitude which they displayed in communicating to children the knowledge of common things; two on account of their special readiness and ability to make themselves generally useful; and one on account of her skill in needlework. The last five gave lessons to classes of children in the presence of Miss Coutts; and on Friday, December 8th, Miss Coutts gave a prize to each of the six. These prizes consisted of two volumes illustrative of the Scriptures, three work-boxes, and a pencil-case. Miss Coutts allowed the whole body of the pupils to be present when she gave away her prizes. To those to whom Miss Coutts gave the books, she remarked that the Word of God, in addition to its sacred character, was peculiarly instructive as the book which suggested the true motives, and held out the highest encouragement, to usefulness, briefly illustrating her remark by a reference to the story of Joseph. To the others she remarked that her presents would remind them of the affectionate care with which Mrs. Harries had prepared them for true usefulness; and expressed a hope that what Mrs. Harries had done for them, would enable them to mould and form the characters of many others. Miss Coutts also kindly expressed a wish to see the notes of the lessons that her prizeholders might give in the schools which were about to be put under their care. Miss Coutts then made a few remarks to the rest of the pupils, telling them why she had taken an interest in the cause of education, and pointing out to them the advantage and necessity of paying marked attention to the feminine and useful duties of their calling; and with many kind words she said goodbye, promising at no distant time to come amongst them again. The Chaplain requested permission from Miss Coutts to print the notes of lessons which she had rewarded, with a few preliminary remarks; to which Miss Coutts obligingly acceded, and further replied that she could supply some additional remarks, descriptive of her intentions in general, and her opinion of the particular performances which had come under her notice. Although the essay was too long to be printed, Miss Coutts' remarks upon it are given. Holly Lodge, Highgate, Dec. 16, 1854. DEAR SIR, I return the copies of the five lessons, and the papers on domestic and industrial subjects, for which I gave some little prizes; together with remarks suggested on reading and thinking over the lessons, and the plan for somewhat similar lessons next year. As you propose to make a statement to the Council respecting these lessons and prizes, it would perhaps be satisfactory to you to show this letter; and as my name has been connected with the scheme of giving prizes for instruction on common things, to state that I look upon these lessons as a preparation; but that before I make any public announcement on the subject, I am desirous to ascertain as far as possible the best manner to promote the religious and moral uses of industrial training. My attention had been especially attracted to the subject by the complaint made to me at St. Stephen's, Westminster, that the government regulations would not at that time allow the pupilteachers sufficient time to learn needlework; and I was led to consider with what view industrial training was conducted; and I could not but think that, even when its importance was admitted, it was taught more with reference to the discomfort and disadvantage of a want of proper knowledge of these points than from a value of the opportunity afforded of forming the character and habits through such instruction; whereas it produces, in fact, more moral qualities than many other pursuits. To be a good needlewoman, mender, and cutter-out of clothes, a good cook, baker, or dairy-maid, requires the exercise of care, cleanliness, forethought, economy, industry, and perseverance; and the same with all similar employments; and, as a very intelligent schoolmistress observed to me, the girl who was a good worker was generally good in all other points, from the habits these pursuits form. And it is much with the view of ascertaining not only whether these things were taught, but how they were taught, which led me first to think of joining the scheme for promoting the knowledge of common things, and to my first visit to Whitelands. I think the lessons show that in this institution these subjects have been considered, and that the great end of industrial education, to render both pupil-teachers and children useful and happy in their respective stations, has not been lost sight of; and I hope that the plan I now propose is calculated to carry out this endeavour.-I am, &c. ANGELA G. BURDETT COUTTS. To the Rev. Henry Baber, Chaplain and Secretary of the Whitelands Training Institution, Chelsea. Building Grants. Since the last announcement the following Grants have been voted by the Committee of the National Society to assist in building Schools in 74 places, intended to accommodate 11,336 Children, together with 51 Teachers' Residences. The Treasurer has been authorised to pay the Grants voted to the following Schools, the several buildings having been reported as completed: The following Donations and new Annual Subscriptions have been contributed since the last announcement, and are hereby thankfully acknowledged. The List is made up to the 20th March. |