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Published by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

fubscription, $1.00.

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Address CHARLES E. Swett, No. 1 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass.

[Entered at the Postoffice at Boston, Mass., as second-class matter.]

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions


Mission Rooms, Congregational House, Boston, Mass.

Rev. N. G. CLARK, D.D.

Rev. E. K. ALDEN, D.D.


Corresponding Secretaries.

LANGDON S. WARD, Treasurer.

Rev. CHARLES C. CREEGAN, D.D., Field Secretary.

Rev. E. E. STRONG, D.D., Editorial Secretary.

CHARLES E. SWETT, Publishing and Purchasing Agent.

Letters for the above-mentioned persons should be addressed CONGREGATIONAL HOUSE No. 1 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass.

Communications relating to the pecuniary affairs of the Board should be sent to the Treasurer; subscriptions and remittances for the MISSIONARY HERALD, to the Publishing Agent.

Mrs. ELIZA H. WALKER, having care of Missionary children, may be addressed Auburndale, Mass.

District Secretaries.

New York, the Middle and South Atlantic States, Connecticut, and Ohio,
Rev. Charles H. Daniels, No. 121 Bible House, New York City.

States of the Interior,

Rev. A. N. Hitchcock, Ph.D., Room 24, No. 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.

Rev. Dr. S. J. Humphrey, who still renders partial service, may be addressed at the same office. Office of Rev. Walter Frear, Agent of the Board on the Pacific Coast, is at No. 7 Montgomery Avenue, San Francisco, Cal.

Woman's Boards of Missions.

W. B. M., BOSTON. Miss ABBIE B. CHILD, Secretary. Miss ELLEN CARRUTH, Treasurer. No. 1 Congregational House, Beacou Street, Boston.

W. B. M. OF THE INTERIOR. Miss M. D. WINGATE, No. 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Secretary Mrs. J. B. LEAKE, No. 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Treasurer.

W. B. M. FOR THE PACIFIC. Mrs. J. H. WARREN, Secretary, 1316 Mason Street, San Francisco, Cali Mrs. R. E. COLE, Treasurer, Oakland, Cal.

Letters relating to “ LIFE AND LIGHT" should be addressed Secretary" Life and Light," No. 1 Congregational House, Boston, Mass.


In making devises and legacies, the entire corporate name of the particular Board which the testator has in mind should be used as follows:


"The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, incorporated in Massachusetts in 1812."

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The Woman's Board of Missions, incorporated in Massachusetts in 1869." "The Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior, incorporated in Illinois in 1873."

Honorary Members.

The payment of $50 at one time constitutes a minister, and the payment of $100 at one time constitutes any other person, an Honorary Member of the Board.


The MISSIONARY HERALD, published monthly at $1.00 per year.
Pamphlet Sketches of the several Missions of the Board, 35 cents for the set.

"Concert Exercises " and leaflets for free distribution may be obtained at the Missi Rooms.

THE MISSION DAYSPRING, for children, published monthly by the American Bo the Woman's Boards of Missions at $3.00 for 25 copies; $1.50 for 10 copies; single

20 cents.

THE AMERICAN BOARD ALMANAC, annually. Price, 10 cents; $6.00 per hunc WALL MAPS, including Map of the World. Set of seven. Price on cloth, $ paper, $6.00.

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VOL. LXXXVIII. - APRIL, 1892. — No. IV.

THE donations for February fell behind those of the corresponding month last year by over $9,000, so that the donations for the first six months of the financial year are in advance of those for the corresponding period last year by only $681.57. The legacies for the same period of six months are also behind those of the preceding year by nearly $3,500. The total receipts for the first half of the year are, therefore, less than those of the first half of the preceding year by the amount of $2,772.46. This is not an encouraging outlook as related to that much-desired $1,000,000 for the year. Most urgent is the call for largely increased donations from churches and individual donors during the remainder of the year.

OUR readers will welcome the map which we give in this number, presenting the work of Protestant missions in Japan. The map was drawn and printed for the Missionary Herald, the work being done in Kyoto, Japan, under the supervision of Rev. G. E. Albrecht. Nothing so complete or so recent has been published, and it affords us great pleasure to present this map to our readers. It marks the work not of societies but of denominations. There is one indication for Baptist missions, including three societies, American, both Northern and Southern Boards, together with the English Baptists. The Kumi-ai churches are those connected with the work of the American Board. The Itchi Kyokwai is the union of Presbyterian churches, which has taken the name of "The United Church of Christ in Japan." The Seikokwai group embraces the Episcopal churches, including the American Episcopal, the English Church Missionary and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The inset in the lower right-hand corner shows, on a larger scale, the district about Tōkyō. In connection with the impression produced by a glance at this map as to the extent of Protestant missions in Japan, it will be interesting to read the account given by Dr. Davis, on another page, of the difficulties encountered in the establishment of these missions.

HAVE any of our readers copies of the Missionary Herald for November, 1882, which they can spare? We have on hand a sufficient supply of all issues since 1850, except of this number. If any of our friends can furnish us copies, we shall be grateful.

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