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valuable lesson in this direction connected with their "Week of Self-denial." While by no means all the churches working through the London Society entered into this scheme for observing a week of self-denial, it was found, to the intense surprise of those who did enter into it, that the mere cutting off, for a single week, of luxuries in their households, and especially at their tables, netted for the Society a sum nearly equal to one tenth of its whole income for the previous year. How easily might the Lord's treasuries be filled if the people had a mind to give! Such a week of self-denial, if observed by all Christians, would have results far higher in value than the amount of money thus saved. It would show what could be done in the Master's service, and would call attention to the spirit in which it should be done. It would be a summons to prayer and consecration. This seems to have been manifestly the case with our friends in England who, in close connection with the observance of the self-denial week, appointed a day of special prayer, during which meetings were continued for seven hours, and were marked by a series of importunate supplications at the throne of grace that Christ would lead forward his waiting people to the redemption of the world. And since that day of special intercession there have been so many expressions of desire for fellowship in prayer that the Directors of the London Society are now organizing "A Watchers' Band," members of which agree as "watchmen who shall never hold their peace, day nor night," to have some stated season each week to intercede with God on behalf of the work of the Society. The Directors say of this Watchers' Band: "It is not formed to galvanize our churches into prayerfulness, but to find utterance for the prayerful spirit which already exists and craves expression."

May God grant us in this land a forward movement such as he has vouchsafed to our brethren in England! Let us confess our sinful apathy in the past. Let us recognize the fact that we have a living Saviour, head over all things, who seeks to lead us forward by his divine hand to the speedy conquest of the world. How imperative is his command! How blessed are his promises! how sure the victory! Prayer for him: gifts to him: service with him—these are our highest duties and our most blessed privileges. In these directions he is leading us. "Speak unto the children of Israel that they GO FORWARD."



THE Chinese living in America have so often been accused of carrying home to China all the money earned by them in this country that perhaps a statement of the liberality with which those who have become Christians give to Home and Foreign Missions will not be amiss. We find that, with a membership of 161 in the various churches of California the Chinese have raised $6,290.40 for all benevolences, or $39.07 for each member. For the expenses of their own Association they have given $2,029.90, or $12.60 a member.

For Home Missions the amount raised and expended has been $1,913.45, or $11.88 per member, while for Foreign Missions they have given $2,181.20, or $13.54 per member, an amount which if equaled by all the members of our

churches would not only put $1,000,000 into the treasury of the American Board but $6,862,505.28 annually more than all the missionary societies of the United States contribute to foreign missions.

The Chinese have made an extraordinary effort this year to raise money in order to build a chapel in Canton, and have secured $1,913.45 for this purpose. But suppose we deduct this sum, we find that they still give to foreign missions $638.70, or $3.96 per member, which if made the basis of contributions for the · American Board by all Congregationalists would give us $2,007,054.72 for the work of evangelizing the heathen. Do not these Christians, who have recently come out of heathenism, shame us in our giving to the Lord's work? It is not long since the Chinese were arraigned most maliciously before the public of New York City. Would it not be wise to give them occasionally their due share of praise? Our American Chinese Sunday-schools are doing more for foreign missions than many of our large churches. A Sunday-school in Brooklyn, of about thirty members, has given $150 in less than twelve months. Another in New York has recently given $100 to support a helper under the American Board in the South China Mission. In one of the Boston schools the Chinese alone have given $114.50, which with $106 given by the teachers and scholars makes $220.50 contributed during the past year. Now it is true that figures do not tell everything, but they do tell this: that the Chinese Christians in America give more than American Christians. Yet almost every one of these men labors hard with his own hands to earn what he gives. We often spend more in luxuries than the Chinese earn, but they put us to shame when they begin to give to the cause of missions. Do we not need more self-denial in our giving? I know of a friend of missions who by a little economy saves fifty cents a week with which she supports a Chinese student at school. Fifty cents a week may seem a small matter, but it counts up at the end of a year, and it is these small gifts which the Lord of the harvest loves more than the legacies of the rich. When the books are balanced in the kingdom above, it will be found that the Chinese have not altogether sought their own good in coming to America, but that with the money earned here they have helped to send the gospel to many a heathen land.

Letters from the Missions.

Japan Mission.



SINCE the article by Mr. Albrecht on another page was in type, a letter has been received from Dr. Davis referring to in evangelistic tour in a portion of the ield described in Mr. Albrecht's article. The map which is there given will serve, n part, to indicate the route taken by Dr. Davis on this trip. He writes under date of May 4: :

"I left Kyōto Friday noon, April 22, and traveled thirty miles that night. The next morning, starting at half-past five, I traveled sixty miles by jinrikisha over the fine road which winds among the mountains and valleys, the last seven miles being along the fine seashore near Miyadzu. I reached Miyadzu at five P.M., and Miss Talcott and Mrs. Foulk, who had already spent a week in Tamba, came into the city an hour later. That evening we had a prayer-meeting, and the next day, the Sabbath, I preached in the morn

ing, and five were baptized, and the Lord's Supper celebrated. One of the five was the eighth to receive baptism from the family of the woman whom Dr. Gordon baptized a year ago, who was the keeper of a house of prostitution, but who set free all the girls whom she had bought and has lived a most happy life since. Dr. Gordon baptized twenty-five here a year ago and Mr. Albrecht fifteen last fall, so that there are now forty-five members. In the afternoon they had their annual meeting, electing three deacons and two deaconesses, followed by a sociable and a lovefeast, consisting of ten small unbaked bean-curd turnovers for each person, with tea. Sabbath evening we had a preaching service, with two sermons, and Monday evening a great theatre meeting, where the people sat and stood, 600 or more, until eleven o'clock, while three of us preached."

AMINO AND ITS "ELECT LADY." "Tuesday morning Miss Talcott and Mrs. Foulk started for Tajima and Tottori ; while the pastor of the Miyadzu church, a Bible-seller, and myself started by rowboat and mountain climb for Mineyama, fifteen miles distant, where we had a preaching service that evening. The next day we went on to Amino, five miles farther, where Pastor Uchida is located, and where lives the old lady, now seventythree years old, who, fourteen years ago, started for the Shrines of Ise, and being detained in Osaka, heard of Christ at the house of a relative, and becoming interested remained a month, believing the gospel, with the result that she gave up her visit to Ise and went back home. She could not read a word, but she set about learning, and soon became able to read the Testament. She met great opposition from her relatives and the village people, who tried to intimidate her, but she held firm, received baptism, and about eight years ago built a little chapel, and she has largely supported the evangelists who have labored there. She has just paid again over $300 of the $2,000 in her possession toward a new church building,

and this was dedicated the evening we reached Amino. The rain poured; but the new church was packed full, and a great crowd stood out in the street, holding umbrellas over their heads, till eleven o'clock, when the benediction was pronounced. After that we had a love-feast again, of rice salad, cold fish, and beancurd turnovers, with tea, until midnight. The next morning two were baptized, one a woman who came in five miles in the rain, and in the face of so great opposition from her family and friends that many were affected to tears at the sight of her baptism. In the evening another preaching service. Here is now a company fifteen Christians, all women but one.


"Friday morning we went on fifteen miles to Kaya, where we had a most interesting preaching service in the evening. This is an out-station of Pastor Taknouchi's, from Miyadzu. Saturday morn ing I started on to Maidzuru, twenty-five miles, where we had a preaching service in the evening, and on Sabbath, May 1, we had communion, with the baptism of two persons. We have had an evangelist here ten months, and now there are nine Christians. In the evening a pouring rain gave us a small, but very attentive audience, in a small theatre, who listened until eleven o'clock again.

"The next morning I started at halfpast five, rode twenty miles over mountain roads in a fierce storm of wind and rain, to find that the bridge across the great roaring Wachi River had given away twenty minutes before reached the spot. Not a bridge or a ferry for thirtyfive miles, they said. Nothing to do but to wait a few days till the river subsided so that a boat could cross. I started down the river; four miles below was a ferry, but nothing would induce the mea to attempt to cross. I went on five miles farther down, where I found that the river made a sharp curve around a mountain, which checked its fury somewhat and broadened it out, so that it was shallow enough to allow long bamboo poles to reach the bottom. I finally induced some men to pole me over; I then had to walk

over the mountains twelve and a half miles to a jinrikisha road, so that I reached Shuchi, thirty miles from home, at eight o'clock at night, the same time I should have been at home if the bridge had not

given away.

"Preaching nine nights in succession; not being able to retire until after eleven any night, often after twelve; preaching three communion sermons in the daytime; holding three communion and baptismal services, with all the talking between times, and the travel crowded into a rainy season in which I did not see the sun for over a week; living on Japanese food; and then the hard trip home, to find a pile of letters and work awaiting me, — have not left me very much rested. But I wish some of those people who think that missionaries are out here to have a good time, living in luxury, could have followed me around, eating, walking, and sleeping as I did, - nay, I rather wish that they had some of the love of Christ in their hearts so that they could appreciate something of the joy there is in this work."


Miss Brown reports that, since September last, fifteen girls in the Kōbe Home have received baptism, one of them having taken the step in direct opposition to the express command of her parents. Mr. Rowland, of Tottori, immediately after the meeting of the Kumi-ai churches of Osaka, visited certain towns in the Kōbe district. In one of them (Himeji) there was a noisy theatre meeting, quite in contrast to many of the evangelistic services which we have reported as having been held in Japanese theatres. Mr. Rowland says:

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"In Himeji an energetic and promising young pastor was ordained. Theatre meetings were held on two successive evenings. The former was noisy. The speakers found difficulty in keeping the audience. The second night brought persistent opposition to the front. Led by soshi there was a perfect mob. One speaker was heard somewhat. The second, Mr. Tsunajima, of Reinouzaka church, Tōkyō, had to give it up. Then Mr.

Miyagawa, of Osaka, who can handle almost any audience, tried, but with no better success. He had to give it up. Some of the leaders of the opposition came up on the platform and yelled their opposition. It seems there were extra efforts to strengthen Buddhism about those days. The police were appealed to, but sent, and could be prevailed upon to send, only one man, who was of course quite powerless. I should have spoken, but the meeting was closed at once without an attempt on my part. Thence I went with an evangelist to Izushi, Toyooka, Iza, and Yōka, in each of which places we held small, quiet, but good services. In the last, work was really begun. They are promised a preaching service twice each month henceforth by the evangelist at Izushi, who will go at his own expense, for a time at least. This was all in the Kōbe field."


Mr. Cary, of Osaka, reports a visit among several of our out-stations of their city. The church at Sanda, about twenty miles north of Kōbe, was the third organized in connection with the mission, but like some country churches in America it has suffered much from the tendency of people to move away to the large cities. Of one of his experiences Mr. Cary writes:

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Kaibara, also in Tamba, has about fifteen Christians. Our first meeting was held in one of the outlying villages. Since residing in Osaka I have not had much to do with work in farming communities, and the scene recalled some of my former experiences in the Okayama field. A large farmhouse had been lent for the service, and the sliding partitions removed, so as to throw all the rooms into one. A spinning-wheel, baskets, and various farming utensils hung on the walls. Behind the speaker were a number of Shinto symbols and pictures. One candle and a kerosene lamp gave a faint illumination; while firebowls, filled with charcoal, warmed those who sat near them. Our jinrikisha men, whose clothes were damp from the rain through which we had come, made a fire

of brushwood on the mud floor of the kitchen, and the flames helped to light up the countenances of those who gathered round, while the chickens, roosting on the edge of a box fastened to the wall, began to move about uneasily as though they thought morning must be near. The audience seemed to be made up of intelligent people; though the prevalence of flattened low-bridged noses showed that we were among the lower classes. In Japan high noses are considered a sign of high birth. Hence a proud person is said to have his nose high; reminding us that Westerners consider that the elevation of the nasal appendage at the other end implies haughtiness or contempt. Even aristocratic Japanese have noses lower than ours. Western spectacles have an inverted U to rest upon the bridge of the nose; here there is a straight bar: and I have several times seen a foreign pair of spectacles turned upside down so that the U-shaped piece might bring the glasses to the level of the eyes.


In one other respect the rural character of the audience was shown. With a new audience in the city, though the people might smoke before the meeting commenced or even during the singing of the hymns, it is very rarely that any one would use his pipe during the addresses. Not so with this company of farmers, who added the smoke of tobacco to that of the fire and to the fumes of the charcoal. Preachers in America sometimes complain of the poor ventilation of churches. They should see some of the rooms that touring missionaries are familiar with.

"Though the surroundings were rough and uninviting, the audience was attentive and appreciative. After all it is pleasant to get in among the Japanese peasants, who, though lacking the polish of the dwellers in cities, are intelligent and kindly. The next day in Kaibara three persons were baptized. There had been four other applicants, who for various reasons will wait for some future occasion to be received into the church. These small towns among the hills may not be able to show records of large additions to

the churches but it is from such places that some of our best Christians are coming."

Micronesian Mission.


MR. WALKUP went down in a trading vessel last year, and after a long voyage of sixty-one days was landed among the Gilbert Islands. On account of the short time which could be given to the group by the Morning Star, he was unable to tour among the islands as he much wished to do. Of Apaiang Mr. Walkup says that the harvest, which looked so promising last year, has not been gathered, though he hopes it is only delayed. There had been serious defections among the Christians, and many of the people gave themselves up to feasting, during which some of the old heathen customs

were revived. After Mr. Walkup had been there for some time, the king promised that these practices should cease and that the laws should be enforced. On this island there is a Woman's Board of Missions which has increased in its membership, and has now over one hundred dollars in its treasury, and is asking the women on the other islands to unite with it in calling for a lady missionary to live among them. Of the other islands we give Mr. Walkup's account:

Tarawa. "When we drifted past Apaiang we heard of a war on Tarawa, and on landing we found that both parties said they were ready for peace, and were awaiting my arrival to deliver up their guns. We threw ninety-four rifles delivered us into the deep, and brought the parties together. About a third of the island had been devastated, and church and schools suffered much. On a second visit church and school work had revived somewhat: but some of the rebels were still banded together, claiming that their rights had not been recognized.

"The traders have been very crafty, enticing many into debt and getting the king to sign numerous papers. In this way the debts of the island had been increased from $3,000 to $10,000. Owing

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