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realized, great as is the work accomplished; but decades instead of years of patient and persevering labor are now required, apparently because of the failure of the Church to improve the advantages thus offered. Even now, no field offers greater returns for vigorous effort than this. The question of time still turns on the fidelity of the Church to its great trust, and on none does the duty devolve more justly than on the constituency of the American Board. By the providence of God, through the influence of Dr. Neesima and the attitude of our missionaries toward the native churches, and because of a church polity that allows a large freedom and independence, no other missionary organization has been in so favorable a position for carrying en evangelical work in Japan; and to no other have been granted larger results for the means employed. The lost opportunity cannot be recovered, but much ground may be regained by renewed and more vigorous effort, if made without delay.

The work goes on, notwithstanding inadequate missionary force, inadequate means for the proper employment of Japanese colaborers, despite the revival of Buddhism, alarmed at the steady progress of Christianity, and notwithstanding the political and social agitations which affect the popular mind. The throes attending the birth of civil and religious liberty are not yet over. Add to this the practical opposition of anti-evangelical agencies, and the problem is one that may well tax the utmost energies of the missionaries, and enlist the hearty sympathy and prayers of friends of missions at home. Still, the results achieved during the past year, in the formation of twenty-one new churches; in the addition of more than 1,000 members on profession of faith; in the success which has attended the Doshisha in its various departments, collegiate, scientific, and theological; in the group of schools at Kōbe, including a woman's school for kindergarten work, and what is practically a collegiate course for young women, not to mention the successful work of other schools throughout the mission: in evangelistic work connected with the different stations and with the Home Missionary Society, reaching to all parts of the empire, — these results, though not so striking as those reported in some former years, compare favorably, for the means put forth, with those of any other mission field of the Board. Nor should we fail to mention the summer school of philosophy and theology as an institution already naturalized in Japan. One of these schools, attended by 200 young men from all parts of the country, furnished an inspiring audience to Professor Ladd, whose lectures in Japan during the summer months were so timely and so highly appreciated by the Christian scholars and thinkers of Japan.

The details already given are such as may well inspire new hope and courage; they show a healthful growth throughout the entire field on lines of well-established effort. The number of missionaries remains about the same as last year. There has been a gain of twenty-four churches a larger part of these in Japan- and of over 3.500 members on confession of faith, making an aggregate of 434 churches and of 40,333 members. But these figures, encouraging as they are, give no conception of the breadth of the changes in the moral and social life of the peoples among whom we labor, or of the opportunities given on every hand for enlargement.

Special attention has been given to the training and employment of a native misistry. Work for women has widened very much during the year, especially in the direction of evangelistic effort, and schools for the training of Bible-women are being established at important centres. For want of men, the care of no less than five dierent stations has devolved on women, with all that this involves of the superistendence of schools, churches, and a native agency, and the women have proved themselves equal to the emergency.

The Foreign Secretaries feel constra.ned to ask the Board for not less than forty new missionary families and twenty single women, in order to the maintenance and proper development of the work now in hand especially in Africa, India, China, and Japan

Never has there been such a call on the constituency of this Board to go up and take possession of the whitening harvest fields in the name and for the joy of our risen Lord.

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Number of Women (3 of them Physicians) (wives 174; unmarried 159)

Whole number of laborers sent from this country

Number of Native Pastors

Number of Native Preachers and Catechists

Number of Native School-teachers

Number of other Native Laborers

Total of Native Laborers

Total of American and Native Laborers

The Churches."

















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Salaries of District and Field Secretaries, their traveling expenses, and those of Missionaries visiting the churches, and other like expenses

Cost of Publications.

Missionary Herald (including salaries of Editor and Publishing
Agent, and copies sent gratuitously, according to the rule of the


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Miscellaneous items (including rent, care of "Missionary Rooms," furniture and repairs, coal, gas, postage, stationery, copying and printing, library, insurance of same, honorary members' certificates).

Balance on hand August 31, 1892.







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In accordance with the action of the Board at its Annual Meeting in 1879 (see Annual Report, p. xi), the remainder of this legacy is set apart for new missions.

Balance of securities remaining in the Treasurer's hands September 1, 1891,

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In accordance with the action of the Board at its Annual Meeting in 1884 (see Annual Report, p. ix), this legacy is "set apart to meet special calls for a brief period of years, in the evangelistic and educational departments of our missionary work abroad, emphasis being placed upon the present emergency in Japan and upon the great opportunity in China."

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This Fund from Hon. J. N. Harris, New London, Conn., is held in trust for support of the school at Kyoto, Japan.


This Fund, collected by Rev. G. F. Herrick, D.D., was, September 1, 1891

Collected during the year by Rev. C. C. Tracy

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Income of Fund












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This Fund, collected by Mrs. Schneider, in memory of her husband and to give aid to needy students in Central Turkey, amounted September 1, 1891, to

Added during the year.


This Fund, contributed by native brethren at Marash, is now ..





GORDON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, TUNG-CHO, CHINA. This Fund, contributed by Hon. Nathaniel Gordon, Exeter, N. H., now amounts to JAFFNA MEDICAL MISSION ENDOWMENT.

This Fund, collected by Misses M. and M. W. Leitch, chiefly in England and Scotland,


[blocks in formation]

West Central African Mission.


MISS BELL reports the prosperous continuance of her Girls' School. She also has care of the press, and we have received a copy of the Sabbath-school lessons for the second quarter of this year, which is printed in a very creditable way. The boys at Kamondongo are engaged in this work, the brightest of them setting up nearly two pages of type in a day. Mr. Fay reports that, aside from the regular station work, Miss Bell and Mrs. Fay go once a week to a village three miles away, holding a service and having a goodly number of hearers. He writes:

"The improvement in some of our church members since I wrote you of them has led us to send some of them out to villages near at hand to hold a service on

Sunday. I went out with them for the first time on a weekday, and made an appointment for them the following Sunday. They were well received and, I hope, may be able to preach the gospel with power. Another village near will be ready to receive a deputation as soon as I can get them started; so we hope to start two more out-stations, which, if we can follow up all the year, will make three sustained by the missionaries and three by the native church. If we were fullhanded, we could easily make the number nearly double.

"I am to begin next week with a class of eight, who wish to join the church, to prepare them for that step. I hope to do some faithful work, showing them what is meant by the step and what is expected of a member of Christ."

Writing at a later date, July 25, Mr.

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