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popolis for eleven years, returned from a visit to America, and were stationed in this city, where they are still working. Mrs. V. A. Mumford was connected with the Girls' Boarding School in 1872, Miss Beach having been obliged to leave on account of poor health. Mrs. Mumford left the mission in 1877.

In the fall of 1872 the school for young men, which had been conducted for several years in Philippopolis and for one year in Eski Zagra, was reopened here. This has developed into the Collegiate and Theological Institute, with its two fine, large buildings, its seven years' course of study, and its seventy students in the last school year. The cut on the next page shows the main building of the Institute, which was erected in 1879, and for eleven years has served manifold purposes, furnishing recitation-rooms and dormitory, with kitchen and diningroom in the basement. Last year a building of brick and stone was put up near this, containing many conveniences.

Rev. J. H. House, D.D., removed to Samokov from Eski Zagra in 1874. Here he remained, giving his time largely to the Collegiate and Theological Institute, till the spring of 1891, when he was called to Constantinople to take charge temporarily of the mission paper, the Zornitza. Rev. W. H. Belden came to this station in 1880, but returned to America in 1881. Dr. F. L. Kingsbury and wife, with Miss S. E. Graves, arrived here in 1881. The latter was compelled to leave the work on account of ill-health, but Dr. Kingsbury is still engaged in teaching, and "healing all manner of disease among the people." Rev. W. W. Sleeper and wife came to Bulgaria in 1882, and he did efficient work as pastor, teacher, and organizer of the printing-office connected with the Institute, till his return to America in 1887. Rev. H. C. Haskell and wife, after a long absence from the mission, returned to the work at this station in November, 1887. Their daughter, Miss Mary M. Haskell, joined the station in November, 1890. Rev. W. P. Clarke, son of Rev. J. F. Clarke, returned from America as a worker to this field in July, 1891.

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CHURCH ORGANIZATION. -In November, 1872, thirty persons from this city and some out-stations near it were received to membership in the Bansko Church, which had been organized in the summer of 1871. In September, 1880, the Bulgarian Evangelical Church in this city was organized, and in October following its new building, the first of the kind in the Principality, was dedicated. It seats 400 persons, and though plain and greatly needing an "annex" for the use of the Sunday-school and prayer-meetings, is yet a satisfactory church home. The greater part of the preaching at the station has been done by the missionaries, although for some fourteen years past one of the teachers in the Institute — a licensed preacher — has taken turns with them.

OUT-STATIONS.—The village of Bansko, in Northern Macedonia, some fortyfive miles over the mountains south of this city, has been its most flourishing outstation. It is a neat, thrifty village of nearly 5,000 people, all Bulgarians. It was first visited by a missionary in 1867, and the first evangelical church among the Bulgarians was organized here in 1871. This church has grown till its present membership — of whom a part are from the neighboring places — is about 200. Four or five other villages in its vicinity are centres of Christian work; every one with a nucleus of church members.

Sophia, the capital of the Principality, which was described in the Missionary Herald for January, 1889, is under the general supervision of this station. Its plain but well-built brick church, its goodly audiences, and its heroic efforts in the line of self-support give it a warm place in the sympathies of those interested

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in the evangelizing of Bulgaria. Bania, Kostenets, and Ichtiman, large villages from four to six hours' ride distant on the east, and Dubnitza, six hours west of us, are centres of work, supplied in part by theological students in the Institute. The picture on a previous page shows two young villagers, wearing the dress most common to the country people in the vicinity of Samokov.



THAT calamity may advance the interests of humanity, and suffering, by God's mercy, become a gateway of blessing, have fresh proof to-day in the earthquake region of Japan. No misfortune of like magnitude has visited the country for a generation, and none that has more appealed to the sympathy and philanthropy of all. Seventy-five hundred and twenty people killed; 9,458 people wounded; 88,537 houses destroyed, such was the official record of the calamity; and this, with the appalling scenes of suffering accompanying and following it, led at once to vigorous measures for relief. In these efforts foreigners and Japanese alike took part, prominent among whom, in the distribution of charities, were Christians, and, in the work of relief, our Mission Hospital Relief Corps. These early

expressions of sympathy on the part of foreign residents, missionaries, and Japanese Christians resulted in lessening that bitter hatred of foreigners, and of Christianity as a foreign religion, which had previously obtained in all that region.

A prominent Japanese Christian, engaged in the work of gathering up and forwarding to the Orphan Asylum the children bereft of parents by the terrible calamity, writes thus to our mission of the situation there :—

"The people of this region have long been known in our country as corrupt and at the same time bigoted and superstitious, being given over blindly to idolatrous worship. Everything foreign has been despised and Christianity made the signal for violent expressions of hatred and contempt. Now this is changed. The people's hearts are open; they understand. Christian and foreign sympathy, in the persons of selected agents, brought relief to the people in their suffering long before the wealthy Buddhist temples even sent anything to their aid. The people now receive us in confidence. It is easy to work for them. Ten earnest Christian men should be sent at once to occupy the field and instruct the people in righteousness and truth."

This appeal was in keeping with the convictions and recommendations of the head of our Relief Corps after his return from the field, and in harmony as well with the report of a member of our mission who subsequently visited that region. On the 15th instant these reports were brought before the mission in informal meeting, and after due consideration it was decided to advance and occupy the field; the Evangelistic Committee for Kyōto being subsequently authorized to take charge of the work and of the expenditure of any special funds contributed therefor. One of our best Japanese workers was early detailed for this special service, while two among the most experienced of our lady workers, with selected helpers, are now with him all being located at Ogaki. These workers, carrying with them special letters and nearly 300 cards of introduction to those who received surgical treatment, are believed to have a rare opportunity for direct Christian work. One of the Japanese medical members of the Corps, in his report before the Doshisha church, with remarks upon the occupation of the field by Kumi-ai (Congregational) Christians, said: "In their gratitude the people worshiped us daily. They are, I believe, ready to receive us as Christian teachers." This particular opportunity at Ogaki and the surrounding villages, and its accompanying responsibility, appeal, therefore, primarily to us; and though the expense of this work is not included in our estimates for 1892, we feel that we must go forward. To hesitate would be to prove recreant to our duty as the representatives in Japan of the grand old Board and its great Christian constituency, and to our duty, too, as trustees, on the field, of the great work committed to our care. With a firm faith, therefore, in the unerring guidance of God, and with reliance upon the gifts of his people to meet this exceptional opportunity in the history of our work, we undertake the responsibility, and, in behalf of the work, make this statement and appeal.

Five hundred dollars are needed; twice this sum could be wisely expended in view of the suffering and destitution by which our workers will be surrounded.


Members of Evangelistic Committee for Kyoto.


MANY of the standard-bearers connected with the missionary work of the American Board in foreign lands are not known by the contributors to the Board in this country. Such was not the case in the earlier period of the Board's history, for the simple reason that no native laborers had appeared of sufficient prominence to be called standard-bearers. But it ought to be remembered that there are now in the field men who have been trained by those who have gone from this land who are leaders among their people, strong, faithful, and evangelical men, capable of high service in behalf of the Kingdom of Christ. It will help to the appreciation of this fact if we refer here to one such standard-bearer in Bulgaria who has just fallen by death.

Rev. Nicola T. Boyadjieff has been pastor of the church at Sophia, the capital of Bulgaria, since 1888. He was a man of large frame and seemed destined for long life, but he was suddenly stricken with pneumonia and after three days' sickness died on New Year's day. From a letter of Rev. Mr. Clarke we learn that Mr. Boyadjieff was one of the boys in the school at Philippopolis almost thirty years ago. He was a good student, and has been from the time of his graduation connected with the mission, save that for two years he worked independently in Macedonia. He was ordained as pastor of the church in Yamboul, laboring there for ten years, and subsequently at Tatar-Bazarjik for three or four years, from which place he was removed to the capital because of the great need of that important church. He was much loved and trusted by the people and was greatly prospered in his work at Sophia. In speaking of his loss Mr. Clarke says: "My heart is sore. How we shall miss him!"

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In the Missionary News from Bulgaria we find the following touching report concerning the funeral services, which were held on Sunday, January 3: "At ten o'clock, in the pulpit where he had stood the Sabbath before and preached an impressive sermon from the words, 'Lovest thou me?' stood strangers, to express to God and men the thoughts and feelings of a mourning multitude, and guide the confused emotions of sorrowful and swollen hearts into the channels of piety. Some 150 more than could find seats were present- making an audience of between 300 and 400. The chief Jewish rabbi and a number of other Jews were present, with a large number of 'outsiders,' testifying their esteem for the honored Christian friend and leader whose face they would see no more. After a sermon emphasizing the thought that death is ours, servant, our helper, and not an enemy or a servant of enemies, Tsanoff, a fellow-student and lifelong friend of the deceased, and a former preacher of the Sophia Church, gave a brief history of the life and labors of our departed brother since 1864, when he left the school in Philippopolis. In the afternoon a memorial service was conducted by Rev. G. D. Marsh, of Philippopolis, for eighteen years a fellow-laborer and personal friend of the pastor. His remarks were followed by very appreciative and affectionate tributes from the deacons and other members of the church, as well as from several of those present from abroad. "Those evangelical communities which he had found small and feeble, by no means free from strife and dissensions, he had left built up,

- Rev. Mr.

unified, and prosperous. Others have doubtless more learning and greater pulpit ability than he, but in his discretion, sympathy, fidelity, and large-heartedness as a pastor he was excelled by none."

It is well that our churches should know of such men as Mr. Boyadjieff who are leaders among their people. Another native pastor, but of whom we have not heard as much of as of this Bulgarian, Rev. E. Yesidian, pastor of the East Gate Church in Madura City, has just fallen by death. He was a man of ability and eloquence, and was filling an important post when the Master called him from earth. Christians in this land should be encouraged by the fact that there are coming to the front, in all mission fields, men of character and ability who under God may be standard-bearers, holding up the banner of the Cross in the lands to which we would give the gospel.


MISSIONARIES abroad who expect to send their children to this country, as well as those temporarily here who are to leave their children on resuming their labors, will be glad to know that Mrs. Etta D. Marden, formerly of the Central Turkey Mission, has kindly consented to come to the Walker Missionary Home at Auburndale to aid for a time in the care of the children. The work has increased year by year, till it has become quite impossible for Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Sanders to attend to the other necessary cares of so large a household and to provide for all those social and moral necessities of vital moment to the highest welfare of children separated from their parents. In the earlier days Mrs. Walker could do this, but she has no longer the health and strength for this, with the correspondence required with the parents of missionary children and friends of the Home interested in supplying its pecuniary wants as yet only partially provided for. With Mrs. Sanders as housekeeper to care more immediately for the physical needs, and Mrs. Marden to "mother" the children, as only a missionary mother of large experience and loving Christian heart can do, it seems to the Trustees that everything possible in the circumstances has been secured for the welfare of the children and the satisfaction of parents called to this, the most trying experience of missionary life the leaving of their children behind as they go back to their chosen work.

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It is not expected that the Home should relieve the personal friends and relatives of missionaries from the duty and privilege, when practicable, of providing homes for their children. Separate homes in the families of friends and kindred, selected and approved by the parents, are, and must continue to be, the most desirable. Many good friends have had much joy in this service, as their part in the mission work. The present Home has grown up from small beginnings, to provide for such children as could not otherwise be provided for, and it has served its purpose admirably. The blessing of God has been upon it; many of the children and youth enjoying its advantages have begun a new life there, to the joy of their parents.

We cannot but believe that the above statement will be most welcome to many friends of missions whose prayers and sympathies are enlisted in behalf of the

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