Imágenes de páginas

Atonement, great day of, i. 454-458. Neceffity of this, by z Divine Perfon, taught by the Mofaic economy, ii. 86. 101. 104, 105. This doctrine not oppofed to the Grace of God, 105, 106. Illuftrated, 346.-369. Made, by the punishment of the guilty, 347.; by a price, 348.; by substitution, 349.


Baal, controverfy between Jehovah and him, how decided, йi. 26.

Baal-peor, worship of, i. 174.

Balaam, an unexceptionable witness to the truth of Revelation, i. 185.

Beauties of Sacred Hiftory, i, 207.-223,

Being of God, must be matter of faith, ii. 2.

Belshazzar, made the fin of Nebuchadnezzar his own, ii. 125.127. His guilt, how aggravated, 129, 130. Circumstances of his punishment, 289, 290.

Berafus, his account of the Deluge, i. 89.-94.

Bible, the most proper book for youth, i. 179, 180,

Bondage of man under fin, i. 281-283.

Bub burning, what it prefigured, ii. 325, 326.


Cem, punitive juftice difplayed as to him, ii. 74. Origin of his depravity, 299.-301.

Canaan, the curfe entailed on his pofterity because of the fin of Ham, ii. 109.

Canan, this land typical of a better reft, i. 405.-408. Divided by lot, 409.

Canaanites, fome of them, who fled before Jofhua, faid to have fettled in Africa, ii. 154, 155. The wickedness of these nations, 158. Their obduracy, 163. The command to exterminate them, confiftent with Justice, 165.; with Wif dom, 169.; with Goodness, 171. It had no tendency to render the Ifraelites fanguinary, 175-183.

Carnal confidence, prohibited, i. 338.

Cenfers, used by the company of Korah, preferved as a memorial, i 24.


Ceremonial law, illuftrates divine holinefs, ii. 72.

Children, the death of, a proof of Original Sin, ii. 308, 309. Chinefe, their account of an univerfal deluge, i. 95.

Church, her hiftory contained in the Scriptures, i. 185, 186. Her unity, 199, 200.

Chrift, death of, expiatory, i. 194. The whole of Sacred History refers to him, 215. He taught by Parables, 266; by Examples, 267. Rejected by all in their natural state, 287, 288. The Leader and Captain of his people, 334.-338. Divides the heavenly Canaan, 409. The Fruit of the Earth, 413. His Refurrection, prefigured by the offering of the Firft-Fruits, 412. His fufferings afford the greatest difplay of divine Holiness and Juffice, ii. 102, 103. The Seed of the Woman, 312. 316. His Sacrifice, 366.-369. Circumcifion, what was taught by this ordinance, ii. 310. 331. Cloud of Glory, a standing memorial of the truth of the Revelation given to the Ifraelites, i. 26.-30. Pillar of Cloud, typical, 333, 334. 440, 441. Prelude of the Incarnation, ii. 328.

Coats of fkins, what they fignified, ii. 370.-375.

Concatenation of circumstances, in Providential operation, ii. 271.-278.

Conception, the curfe written in this, ii, 310.312. See Miraculous. Examples of, beyond the ordinary course of nature, 339--343.

Confervation of Believers illuftrated, ii, 410.-446.

Contingent events, a particular Providence manifefted in them, ii. 293.-295.

Corinth, church of, corruptions in, i, 391.

Corn, an handful of, this expreffion applied by the Jews to the Meffiah, i, 413, 414. N,

Covenant, mode of making one, ii, 356.-358.

Covenant of Works, both the grace and fovereignty of God manifested in it, ii, 206.-209.

Covenant of Grace, hiftory of, i, 188.

Covenant, made at Sinai, whether to be viewed as a mere Difpenfation, i, 350.-357. Referred efpecially to the Surety fhip of Chrift, 356.

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Covenant &

Covenant; of Duty, its nature under the New Testament, i, 358.-360. Breach of it feverely punished, ii. 132. Creation, heathen accounts of, i, 95.-101. Account of it in Scripture, worthy of God, 147--151. The history of the old creation illuftrates the new, 153; ii, 381.-384. God's power difplayed in creation, linked with his miraculous ope. ration, and the completion of Prophecy, a combined proof of his being the only true God, ii, 24.-26. Illuftrates the doctrine of a Plurality of Perfons in the divine effence, 40. Contains various difplays of fovereignty, 198.-202. Cut off from his people, meaning of the phrafe, i, 341--349Cyrus, why called God's Anointed, ii, 238. His work, 239,



David, the progreffive and hardening nature of fin, illuftrated from the history of his fall, i, 249.-251. Covenant of royalty with him, what it fignified, ii, 415.

Death, its reign illuftrated from the hiftory of the antediluvian Patriarchs, i, 243, 244.

Decrees of God, unfolded in Scripture, i, 181.-183. Means and end infeparably connected, ii. 163.-165. .

Deluge, account of it given by heathen writers, i, 89.-95. Ins effects, 156.-163. Striking character of the hiftory of it, 235-241. Contains an awful difplay of divine Justice, ii, 76.-80.

Depravity, human, history of, i, 169.-175. Progrefs of, in the world, ib.; in the heart, 177.-179. Fruits of it, 179. Evidences, ii, 297.-313. Its Universality, 301.

Diodorus Siculus, his teftimony concerning the division of the Red Sea, i, 70.

Drawing of water, in the Feast of Tabernacles, i, 442.


Earth curfed on account of the fin of man; evidences of this,

i, 156.-163.


Egyptians, their Cofmogony, i, 99; their abomination, what, 173. Vilenefs of their Worship, ii, 7, 8.

Election, of Angels, ii, 210; of Nations, 227; of Individuals, 219. That of Nations, terminating in a choice of Indi viduals, 225.

Elements, God's host, ii, 66.

Eli, judgments on him and his houfe, ii, 115.

Elijah, his plan for deciding the controverfy between Jehovah and Baal, ii, 26. His hiftory a proof of perfonal election,


Elizabeth, her conception a fign, ii, 340-343-
Enoch, his walking with God, i, 246. 248.
Enos, meaning of this name, ii, 306, 307.

Efther, the book of, an history of Providence, ii, 274.-278.
Eve, meaning of this name, ii, 298, 375.

Example, infufficient to account for the fymptoms or univerfality of human depravity, ii, 298.-302.


Faith, its nature and exercise taught by example, i, 125.-127. This the life required of the people of God, 379.-384. They die in faith, 382. It finds great encouragement in God's character as a Creator, ii, 26.

Faithfulness of God, in preferving his people, ii, 413. Fall, traditions concerning this among the Heathen, i. 103. 106.

Families, Societies, and Nations, how God punishes them, ii, 143, 144. 151.

Fathers, their iniquities vifited on their Children, ii, 108.-144.. Objections answered, 144.-152.

Feafts among the Jews. See Pallover, Pentecoft, Harvest, Weeks, Tabernacles, Ingathering.

Feafting on a facrifice, ii, 358, 377.

Fidelity of the Sacred Writers, i, 208. Recorded their own

errors, 210, 211.

Firf-Fruits prefigured the Refurrection of Christ, i, 412.

Forgiveness, why called a covering of fin, ii, 363.

Furnace, smoking, vifion of, ii, 324.




Geddes, Dr, his doctrine with refpect to the Deftruction of the Canaanites, ii, 183. Refutation of it, 184.-193. Genealogies, contained in Scripture, use of, i, 191, 192. Genefis, book of, the history recorded here necessary in connexion with that of the Ifraelites, and as laying a foundadation for, or illuftrating many of the legal ordinances, i, 70.-83.

Gibeonites, their preservation a standing teftimony of the truth

of the history of Ifrael, i, 30.-33.; ii, 191.-193. Saul's pofterity punished on account of his conduct towards them.


Gideon, would not have the judiciary power secured to himfelf, or his posterity, i, 311. Appearance of the AngelJehovah to him, ii. 321. His victory typical, 391,-394. Giving of the Law, Feast of,

i. 421, 429. Glory of the Lord, ii, 328. See Cloud.

God of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, reafon of this defignation, ii, 32.-36.

Gods of the Heathen, judgments on them, ii, 19.-22.

Government of the Ifraelites, typical, i, 308.-349.

Grace of God, not injured, but difplayed, by the doctrine of atonement, ii, 105, 106.

Guilt, accumulation of, ii, 128. Its aggravation, 129.-131.


Ham, as the punishment of his crime, the curfe entailed on his pofterity, ii, 109.

Haman, wonderful display of Providence with respect to him, ii, 274-278.; 284, 285.

Hands, why laid on the head of a criminal, ii, 95.; and of a

victim, 96, 351.

Harvest, Feast of, i, 421.

Heart of Man, history of, i, 175.-179.; its corruption, ibid. Neceffity of almighty power for changing it, ii, 380.-401.


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