Imágenes de páginas




1. Translate into English :

"Je marchais sur la lisière d'un champ que des paysans étaient en train de préparer pour la semaille prochaine. Le paysage était vaste et encadrait de grandes lignes de verdure, un peu rougie aux approches de l'automne, ce large terrain d'un brun vigoureux, où des pluies récentes avaient laissé dans quelques sillons des lignes d'eau, que le soleil faisait briller comme de minces filets d'argent. La journée était claire et tiède, et la terre, fraîchement ouverte par le tranchant des charrues, exhalait une vapeur légère.”

(i) Conjugate the two verbs underlined above.

(ii) Tell how you distinguish regular verbs of the second conjugation; also name the regular ones belonging to the third conjugation.

(iii) Distinguish between une clef fausse and une fausse clef ; un homme galant and un galant homme; une grande femme and une femme grande; un auteur pauvre and un pauvre auteur; un mot seul and un seul mot; l'année dernière and la dernière année.

2. Define the subjunctive. When do we use it in French?

3. What do you remark on the use of Personne, chacun, rien, quelque chose, and tout.

4. In how many classes do you subdivide irregular verbs belonging to the second conjugation? Give examples.

5. State the general rules concerning the agreement of the verb with its nominative.

6. Translate Picciola, p. 164, 1. 1 to the end of the chapter. 7. Translate into French :

The sky is very cloudy; I am afraid we shall have a thunderstorm like the one of yesterday. It was a very severe one; a thunderbolt fell over the bridge and melted the telegraphic wires. Our days are days of sudden changes, both in the moral and physical disposition of mankind. America is in no way better than England, and everything seems to shake public confidence. Soon none will be left.




1. Picciola to translate (Junior Paper).

2. Translate into English :

"Cette conquête pour laquelle il a tout sacrifié, c'est comme un fantôme qu'il a poursuivi, qu'il a cru saisir, et qu'il voit s'évanouir dans les airs en tourbillons de fumée et de flammes. Alors, une extrême agitation s'empare de lui; on le croirait dévoré des feux qui l'environnent. A chaque instant, il se lève, marche, et se rassied brusquement, il parcourt ses appartements d'un pas rapide; ses gestes courts et véhéments décèlent un trouble cruel il quitte, reprend et quitte encore un travail pressé pour se précipiter à ses fenêtres et contempler l'incendie. De brusques et brèves exclamations s'échappent de sa poitrine oppressée. Quel effroyable spectable! Ce sont eux-mêmes! Tant de palais! Quelle resolution extraordinaire ! Quels hommes! ce sont des Scythes.

(i) Give the primitive tenses, the imperfect of the indicative, first and second person, singular and plural, and the whole of the imperative of the verbs in italic above.

(ii) Why de brusques et brèves exclamations?

(iii) Quel effroyable spectacle. Why is the French article omitted? Why tant de palais; the use of de between the two

nouns ?

3. Give fully the definition of the infinitive mood, and when is it to be used?

4. Distinguish between à terre and par terre. Give a French sentence to illustrate your answer.

5. Name the conjunctions governing the subjunctive, and write in the feminine, rival, heureux, caduc, doux, réel, coi, malin; and the plural of, grand-père, arrière-neveu, blanc-seing, portedrapeau, hôtel-Dieu.

6. Translate into English: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Acte V., Sc. 6.

7. Give the French for-Take yourself off. She takes after her mother. How easily you can be taken in. Take my arm. Take her to the sea-side. This silk will wear to the last thread. My aunt is worn out. She has spent so many nights by my brother's bed-side. Look out! Times are bad. Business looks as if dead. What are your terms? I could not tell you. My account is not made up.


Higher Local.


1. State the general rule or rules concerning the gender of nouns derived from Latin, and derive veille, meilleur, chez, étable, arbre, moindre, épaule, lendemain.

2. Les terminaisons de l'indicatif présent à la première et à la deuxième personne du pluriel des verbes sont en français ons et ez; montrez comment elles sont venues du Latin, et remarquez les verbes qui sont formés regulièrement du Latin.

3. Trace back zéro, zénith, midi, jour, nuit, vieillard, dimanche, abbé. Explain the formation of the plural in aux.

4. Give a short account of Racine's life, and compare him with Corneille.


5. Translate GERUSEZ: Histoire de la Littérature Française, Tome II., p. 190, "La Rochefoucauld est véritablement," to p. 192, "Sans valeur morale."

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"Fremdlinge stehen sie da auf diesem Boden;
Der Dienst allein ist ihnen Haus und Heimath,
Sie treibt der Eifer nicht fürs Vaterland,
Denn Tausende, wie mich, gebar die Fremde.
Nicht für den Kaiser, wohl die Hälfte kam
Aus fremdem Dienst feldflüchtig uns herüber.
Gleichgültig unterm Doppeladler fechtend,
Wie unterm Löwen und den Lilien.”

(i) Decline the words in italics.

SCHILLER: Wallenstein.

(ii) Give examples of unter and auf governing cases other than in the above passage.

(iii) Distinguish between the words die Fremde and der Fremde; decline both.

2. Write out the verb durchfahren (to pass through), and give the Indicative and Subjunctive present and perfect of giessen, fressen, verbergen, wissen.

3. Give the German for :— -It was above an hour ago. I wrote to the poor old man yesterday to tell him that his son was dead. Is the boat a strong one? He looks as though he were very


4. Write sentences introducing the following words:nachdem, als, wann, entweder, damit, er befahl.

5. Translate:

"Sometimes we passed through a forest, and again we skirted a river, or wound along the edge of a lake. To English minds, trees along a road mean shade; but Norwegian forests, being formed of firs and pines, whose leaves are needle-shaped, the overhanging branches afford us no shelter from the sun's rays, be they beating down ever so unmercifully. Occasionally, in the midst of these woods and forests, one comes upon little plots of grass, perhaps only three yards square, perhaps fifty or more."

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6. Translate-Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 33, 1. 1 to p. 34, 1. 19.

(i) Decline Gemeinde, Dach, Waldbezirk, Burg, Dachsfalle, Juden.

(ii) Give the first four tenses of the Indicative Mood of berennen, schweifen, and vermauern.

N.B. For Seniors only.

7. Translate -Hermann und Dorothea, Die Bürger, from "Lächelnd sagte darauf, sobald, sie hinweg war," etc.

8. Write, in German, a short outline of the story of Der Stumme Rathsherr, without reference to books.

Higher Local.

A.D. 1750-1800.

1. Translate :—

"Der führt's Kommando nicht wie ein Amt,
Wie eine Gewalt, die vom Kaiser stammt!
Es ist ihm nicht um des Kaiser's Dienst;
Was bracht' er dem Kaiser für Gewinnst?
Was hat er mit seiner grossen Macht

Zu des Landes Schirm und Schutz vollbracht? A
Ein Reich von Soldaten wollt' er gründen,

Die Welt anstecken und entzünden,

Sich alles vermessen und unterwinden."

(i) Write in full the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in italics, and decline the nouns.

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(ii) “One general fact is clear, that realism is prevalent in literature, education, science, and politics. Germany,' says Professor Hillebrand, 'seems now chiefly occupied with the selfish, though necessary, task of strengthening her house against the storms which might threaten it, and of rendering it more habitable than it has been before.'

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2. Write out the verbs gelten and sich vornehmen, and illustrate their use.

3. Show the different ways in which the Passive Voice can be rendered in German.

4. Senior Paper, Nos. 4 and 5.

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