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No two characters or objects in the universe are more perfectly opposed to each other, than the character of Christ and the character of Antichrist. Light and darkness, heaven and hell, the character of Jehovah, and the character of Belzebub, are no more opposed to each other than the characters of Christ and Antichrist. There fore, for me indiscriminately, to charge the holy Martyrs, the pious Christians, and godly Ministers, of the Pedobaptist churches in all ages, as being the members and Ministers of "Antichrist, would imply a degree of reviling which, perhaps, has never been surpassed even by infidels.

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An inspired Apostle has classed revilers with the most vicious characters, and has assured us, that they shall not inherit the kingdom of God. -May I not then, Sir, justly fear to become of this class among the Baptists.

I have, Sir, indeed, been an advocate for open 'communion with your denomination. But I must now freely and solemnly profess to you, that I have no wish in my heart for open communion with any man or class of men who will, in such a manner, revile the church and people of God. And I believe it to be a solemn duty, incumbent on all Pedobaptist Ministers and churches, to show their disapprobation of such conduct, by discontinuing all tokens of christian fellowship-with such as are known to revile in such a manner; until they shall exhibit evidence of repentance. :. I wish to be understood that I do not recommend this discontinuance of fellowship respecting all who are Baptists. Many of the Baptists I have no doubt, do, in heart, abhor such reviling, and grieve to see that it is practised by any

of their professed brethren. But with regard to those who must be supposed to know the meaning of the word "Antichrist" and who for party purposes, and as a term of reproach, apply it indiscriminately to all Pedobaptists, I believe it to be our duty to withdraw.from them the hand of fellowship, both as Ministers and as Christians. For this mode of proceeding I think we have unequivocal and unquestionable warrant, 1 Cor. v. 11, But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man who is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a RAILER, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one, no not to eat.

You, Sir, or your brethren will, perhaps, plead, that what I have denominated reviling, is a correct and systematic proceeding, perfectly consistent with your close communion sentiment and practice. I am willing, Sir, to admit, that your calling us "Antichrist" is consistent with your principle and practice of close communion; and the most consistent ground which I have ever seen exhibited, on which to support the close communion practice. But this I cannot admit as an excuse for the practice of reviling. To this course of reviling the great body of the friends of God, I conceive you are reduced by your wish to support your close communion practice. But the conclusion which naturally results from this view of the matter is, that your close communion system is a system which cannot be carried into effect, in its full extent, without the most flagrant violation of the principles of moral rectitude.

If I adopt principles which will justify theft,

drunkenness, or murder, or which will naturally lead me to the practice of such wickedness, am I to be excused from blame on this ground, that my conduct is consistent with the principles I have adopted? No, Sir, If my principles are such as will justify wickedness, or naturally lead to the practice of wickedness, they are such as ought to be reprobated and renounced.

Charity compels me, however, to grant, that probably many of the Baptist brethren have been led to adopt the practice of calling us "Antichrist," by the example of some popular leaders, while they know not the meaning of the term; and have never considered that Antichrist is a character at war with Christ. For such persons I am willing to admit an apology. But what excuse can be made for those popular leaders, who profess to be learned, not only in our own language, but also in the language in which the New Testament was originally written;

You will, perhaps, farther plead, that the very persons who call us "Antichrist," do also call us Christians. Very true; and what is the inference, but this, that it is for party purposes, and for reproach, that they call us "Antichrist?"


But, dear Sir, does not your admired Mr. Merril, in addition to what I have quoted, expressly assert, that "Anti-Pedobaptists have always denied that the Pedobaptist church is the true Gospel church, and have ever considered Pedobaptism as a badge of Antichrist, if not her essential characteristic ???


On the first view of these assertions, I had some doubts respecting their correctness. I was not perfectly satisfied that you had always carried

the matter to such a length as to deny our being the "true Gospel church," and had ever considered us as wearing the "badge of Antichrist," or as being an Antichristian church. And even now, I am sensible that many things have been said and done by your denomination, which are inconsistent with Mr. Merril's assertions. Yet when I reflect on the general tenor of the conduct of your teachers towards us, the manner in which they have attempted to degrade and supplant our settled Ministers, to break up our churches and societies, the little regard they have shown to our feelings and to our solemn covenants, together with their close communion practice, I am ready to believe that Mr. Merril will be able to support his assertion, that you" have always denied that the Pedobaptist church is the true Gospel Church."

But, Sir, I must profess to you, that I am astonished at the degree of arrogancy and censoriousness implied in the ground you have taken, in calling us "Antichrist," and claiming to yourselves the honor of being exclusively the church of Christ. This censure falls, not only on Congregationalists, but on Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and a variety of other denominations.

Now, Sir, suppose that this land should at once be emptied of all the Ministers and professors of religion who are by you considered as belonging to "Antichrist," how small a portion of piety, religion, and real worth, would be left in the land? Is it not to be feared, that scarcely enough would be found remaining to save the land from the fate of devoted Jerusalem, in a prospect of which the Redeemer wept?

Besides, Sir, how empty would be your book

cases of valuable writings on divinity, if all were consumed which have been written by those Ministers whom you denounce as the adherents of "Antichrist?" You have, indeed, a few writers who would be an honor to any denomination of Christians; and we esteem them highly for what they have written. But how very little, Sir, has been produced by your denomination in this country, excepting on your favorite subjects, baptism and close communion? Are not the writings of one individual of the Pedobaptists, the first PRESIDENT EDWARDS, of tenfold more worth than all the writings of your denomination, in this country, from its first settlement to the present day? Yet, this godly man with myriads of others, must, by you, be traduced as the adherents of Antichrist, the grand enemy of Christ.

Consider, Sir, what a cloud of distinguished witnesses Christ has had in the Pedobaptist church. How many thousands, who have laid down their lives for his sake. How many he has employed as champions for the truths of his religion, and as burning and shining lights in the world. And, in a comparative view, consider how sparingly he has bestowed such distinguished favors and honors on your denomination.

Is it, Sir, to be believed, that Christ has, for many centuries, uniformly, and almost universally, made use of the adherents of "Antichrist" as his chief instruments for the illustration and defence of the great doctrines of his Gospel? But such Sir, is the case, if your pretensions are well founded. Can you deny that a hundred fold more has been done by the Pedobaptist church, for the illustration of truth and the defence of the

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