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Rest May 18, 1881. 18,18808.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by WARREN F. DRAPER,

In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.


THE truth concerning the person of Christ is happily not now first to be discovered, being already presented. in its leading features in the symbolical books of the church. Still, the more thoroughly the study of the person of the Son of God is engaged in, the more certainly does it lead to the humble confession that here are depths which we cannot fathom during this life. There is, however, between the written definitions of ecclesiastical creeds and the limits which our present knowledge can never pass much room for further research. The abounding riches contained in the Scriptures, with respect to divine truth in general, and its central point, the Son of God and the Son of Man, in particular, are such as to yield an abundant harvest to every succeeding generation of the church. Moreover, the statement of the truth by our Lord himself and his inspired apostles is, in its simplicity, so full of life, and so far transcending our human forms of thought, that constantly renewed labor is necessary for its adequate comprehension. It is with this as with the practical knowledge of Christ by an individual Christian. He has given his heart to Christ and has thus learned to know

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