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TO MRS. M. R. C. E.,


December 6, 1832.

To guard the marriage ring,
Another ring I send:
Protector of that sacred thing,
About your finger let it cling,
And with its magic circle blend,
The image of your absent friend.

To guard the marriage vow,

Another vow must bind To Him whose care and grace allow The cheerful hopes that gladden now, And in whose love the trusting mind Its only deathless home can find.

That heavenly love shall be

The strength to this of earth; Shall guard its truth and purity, From change, decay, and sorrow free, And pour upon your humble hearth A light of pure, celestial birth.



October 17, 1833.

LIKE Israel's hosts to exile driven,
Across the flood the Pilgrims fled;
Their hands bore up the ark of Heaven,
And Heaven their trusting footsteps led,
Till on these savage shores they trod,
And won the wilderness for God.

There, where their weary ark found rest,
Another Zion proudly grew,

In more than Judah's glory dressed,
With light that Israel never knew.
From sea to sea her empire spread,
Her temple heaven, and Christ her head.

Then let the grateful church, to-day,

Its ancient rite with gladness keep; Our fathers' God! their children pray Thy blessing, though the fathers sleep. O bless! as thou hast blessed the past, While earth, and time, and heaven shall last.


March, 1829.


O THOU, who on thy chosen Son
Didst send thy Spirit like a dove,
To mark the long-expected One,

And seal the Messenger of love,

And, when the heralds of his name
Went forth his glorious truth to spread,
Didst send it down in tongues of flame,

To hallow each devoted head,

So, Lord, thy servant now inspire
With holy unction from above;
Give him the tongue of living fire,
Give him the temper of the dove.

Lord, hear thy suppliant church to-day!
Accept our work, our souls possess.
'Tis ours to labor, watch, and pray;
Be thine to cheer, sustain, and bless.



December 25, 1827.


O THOU, who for thyself didst raise
Creation's wondrous frame,
To be a temple to thy praise,
An altar to thy name,

And yet art pleased to dwell below,
And there thy name record,
Where'er assembling mortals go,
To own their common Lord, –

O, write thy name in favor here; And, while we bend in prayer, Lord, bid thy glorious cloud appear, Thy presence to declare.

As in thy gracious courts above,

So in these courts below, Reveal to every soul thy love,

And heavenly peace bestow.

Here may thy holy will be learned,
And here thy will be done;

Till all to truth and Heaven be turned
Through thy beloved Son, -

Till all who kneel in worship here,
Be faithfully prepared

In higher temples to appear,

Crowned with thy great reward.

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