Imágenes de páginas

that he daily set apart a portion of time, to read the sacred scriptures. To which we may add the following couplet, written by him, and found among his papers.

Six hours to law, to soothing slumbers seven,
Ten to the world allot, and all to heaven.

Some original compositions of Sir William Jones, not before published, and his Latin letters are printed in an appendix to his life. The style of the work is perspicuous and manly. The author makes Mr. Jones in a great measure "desribe himself," by inserting copious extracts from his letters. The following sentences may give a specimen of the style, and farther information respecting the character delineated.

"It cannot," saith the biographer, "be deemed useless or superfluous to inquire by what arts or method he was enabled to attain this extraordinary degree of knowledge. In early years he

seems to have entered on his career of study with this maxim strongly impressed on his mind, that, whatever had been attained, was attainable by him; and it has been remarked, that he never neglected, nor overlooked any opportunity of improving his intellectual faculties, or of acquiring esteemed accomplishments. To an unextinguished ardour for universal knowledge, he joined a perseverance in the pursuit of it, which subdued all obstacles. His studies in India began with the dawn, and during the intermission of professional duties, were continued throughout the day. Reflection and meditation strengthened and confirmed, what industry and investigation had accumulated. But, what appears to me more particularly to have enabled him to employ his talents so much to his own and the public advantage,,

was the regular allotment of his time to particular occupations, and a scrupulous adherence to the. distribution, which he had fixed. Hence all his studies were pursued without interruption or confusion."

We cannot perhaps more usefully conclude this paper than by a quotation from the review of

the Christian Observer.

"Nevertheless, the chief view, which we naturally take of Sir W. Jones is that of a witness for christianity against the unbelievers. His firm confidence in the truth of scripture has the force of a thousand arguments. Men cannot all examine as he did. They cannot explore Chinese History cr Hindu Mythology. They cannot all meet, upon their own ground of argument, the historians and philosophers of Asia, nor the European skepticks who profess to build upon their foundation.

They cannot all answer that objection to the Old Testa. ment in particular, which has been introduced from the East, that the world appears, from historick evidence, to have been older than it has been affirmed to Le by Moses. of other learned, though frivolous, They cannot silence a multitude objections. But they can point to a person of acknowledged talents, and preeminent in this very spe cies of erudition:

"A man who could have foiled at their owa play, A thousand would be's of the modern day :"

a man, morecwer, who was most remarkably enamoured with the love of truth, and who carried, perhaps, almost to a fault the hab it of bold and original thinking. This man examined, and yet believed. Having in his hand the records of unbelieving nations, he traced back to the neighbourhood of Palestine, the same central spot to which we are referred in holy

writ, the origin of the diverging tribes and discordant languages of the East; corrected their contradictory and absurd chronology by a far better testimony; and pronounced those scriptures, which men of inferior learning had despised, to be the key of knowledge. "In matters of eternal concern," indeed, says Lord Teignmouth, with his usual piety and discrimination, "the authority of the highest human opinions has no claim to be admitted, except as it may be opposed to that of men of inferior learning and penetration. Among such as have professed a belief in christianity, where shall greater names be found than those of Locke, of Bacon, and of Newton? Of the two former, it may be observed, that they were both innovators in science, whilst the genius of Newton carried him extra fiammantia mania mundi. These men, to their great praise, and, we may hope, to their eternal happiness, devoted much of their time to the study of the scriptures. If the evidence of revelation had been weak, why were minds, which boldly destroyed prejudices in science, blind to those in religion? Such authorities, and let me now add to them the name of Sir William Jones, are entitled to great weight. Let those, who superciliously reject them, compare themselves with the men who have been named. The comparison may, perhaps,

lead them to suspect, that their incredulity may be the result of a little smattering in learning, and great selfconceit; and that by hard study and a humbled mind they may regain the religion which they have left."

"Of the manner in which Lord Teignmouth has performed the task assigned to him by Lady Jones, it is not easy to speak too highly. His Lordship, if we recollect right, succeeded Sir William Jones as president of the Asiatick Society, and delivered, at Calcutta, an address, which we have seen in print, containing a brief account of his predecessor. In the present memoirs, his Lordship has suffered Sir William Jones to speak, in general, for himself; and by the unaffected simplicity with which he has connected the letters of his friend, we are often led to forget the biographer; a circumstance which, in our opinion, reflects on the noble writer no small praise. But his Lordship has also given, in the course of his work, indubitable proofs of extensive learning, of a refined taste, and of a very sound judgment, both in politicks and religion. He has frequently introduced sentiments of deep importance: and he has infused into the whole of the volume a christian spirit, which will render it, as we trust, highly useful both to the learned and the unlearned." [Ch. Ob. V. 3. p. 698.

Religious Intelligence.


THE General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, at their meeting in Philadelphia in May last, having taken into serious consideration, the unhappy prevalence of the practice of Duelling in the United States, and being anx

iously desirous of contributing what may be in their power,consistently with their character and situation, to discountenance and abolish this practice,

"Resolved unanimously, that they do, in the most unequivocal manner,declare their utter abhorrence of the practice

of duelling; and of all measures tend ing thereto, as originating from the malevolent dispositions of the human heart and a false sense of honour; as a remnant of Gothick barbarism; as implying a presumptuous and highly criminal appeal to God, as the Sovereign Judge; as utterly inconsistent with every just principle of moral conduct; as a direct violation of the sixth commandment, and destructive of the peace and happiness of families; and the Assembly do hereby recommend it to the ministers in their connexion, to discountenance, by all proper means in their power, this scandalous practice.

"Resolved also,that it be recommended to all ministers under the care of the Assembly, that they scrupulouslyrefuse to attend the funeral of any person who shall have fallen in a duel; and that they admit no person, who shall have fought a duel, given or accepted a challenge, or been accessary thereto, unto the distinguishing privileges of the church, until he manifest a just sense of his guilt and give satisfactory evidence of repentance."

The General Assembly have thirty one presbyteries under their care. These presbyteries are all in the states westward and southward of New England. Measures have been taken for pub. lishing a new and revised edition of the confession of faith and catechisms; the plan of government discipline, and directory for worship of the Presbyterian church in the United States.

The management of the Missionary business, is committed by the General Assembly, to the several synods under its jurisdiction. In May last, the synod of Pittsburgh reported to the Assembly, that during the preceding year they had sent missionaries to the settlements on Alleghany river, and Lake Erie; on the Ohio, and among the Wyandot Indians. The missionary among the Indians was so well received, and made so good a report, that the synod have appointed three ministers to spend two months each, in succession among them during the ensuing summer.

The synod of Virginia reported, that they had under their direction, for the year preceding Oct. 1804, four missionaries, two of whom itinerated for several months in the southwestern parts of the State. The appearances of success in this district were very flattering, and

the demand for preaching great. One of their missionaries travelled for four months, principally in the northern neck of Virginia, in most parts of which he was cordially received, and in some instances his preaching was attended by very hopeful appearances. A missionary to the blacks, itinerated in several counties in the south parts of the State; but owing to some peculiar circumstances, his mission to them was not attended with success. Upon the whole, the synod of Virginia observed, that the field for missionary labours in that state was very extensive; and the prospect of usefulnessveryencouraging.

The synod of the Carolinas have two missionaries atthe Natches, who expect to continue their missionary labours in that place for twelve months; one has also been appointed to spend some time in missionary service, in certain destitute places, in the lower parts of North and South Carolina.

In 1803, the General Assembly prescribed, that on every fifth year, beginning with 1805, the reports to the General Assembly from the synods and presbyteries, beside their usual details, shall contain an account of the existing communicants in each church, and of the number of persons baptized the preceding year, and that it be the duty of the synods and presbyteries, in conjunction with the General Assembly, to bring forward complete and accurate reports onthis head, to the next Assembly.

Minutes of Gen. Assembly.


The Massachusetts Missionary Society, instituted May, 1799, it appears is increasing in members and pecuniary resources. Their Magazine, a useful publication, which has been continued for two years, affords them a handsome profit. They have this year sent out five missionaries, two into the State of New York, two into the District of Maine, and one into the State of RhodeIsland. They have also purchased books of piety to a considerable amount to be destributed by their missionaries. WEST INDIES.


From the fortieth number of the periodical accounts of these missions, we extract the following.

From the West India Islands, the accounts to May, 1804, are pleasing. At

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Antigua, the blessed work of converting the negroes to christianity, is said (April 5, 1804,) to go on progressively, and there are in general more who at tend publick worship than last year. A weekly meeting with the children, has proved the means of exciting, in many, both young and old, a concern for their salvation. "The Passion week and Easter Sunday," says one of the brethren, were seasons of much blessing. During the Easter morning litany, in the burying ground, the most awful silence prevailed, notwithstanding the numerous auditory. At the time of the publick preaching, the whole place was again crowded; 2500 or 3000 negroes listened attentively to the sermon, preached from the following text; Jesus Christ hath abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Other meetings were

also well attended."

"From Easter 1803, to Easter 1804, there have been admitted to the Lord's Supper, at St. John's, 84; at Gracehill, 59; at Gracebay, 41; in all, 184 negroes. During the same period were baptized, or received into the congregation, (being baptized as children;) at St. John's, 108 adults and 101 children; at Gracehill 57 adults, and 46 children; and at Gracebay, 35 adults and 26 children; in all, 353 persons." p. 281, 282.


power is infinite, and who will not suf fer the evil one to keep possession of his prey, but in due time deliver this benighted nation, from the power of darkness and death, and bring many of them to the knowledge of the truth, and the enjoyment of salvation by his grace, and the power of his atonement."

A mission is likewise contemplated by the brethren among the Creeks, to which Col. Hawkins, the American agent, promises to give every facility.


Ir is supposed that there are above 300,000 persons in the highlands of Scotland who understand no other lan guage but the Galic, or at least, who are incapable of receiving religious instruction through the medium of any other. The society in Scotland for promoting christian knowledge, are printing an edition of 20,000 copies of the bible in the Galic language. This benevolent and expensive undertaking is far advanced.

The above mentioned society, during the year ending May 1, 1805, supported in the highlands and islands of Scotland, 284 schools, 12 missionaries and catechists, 6 Galic Bursaries, and 26 superanuated teachers, at an expense of £3651-10 sterling. This establishment commenced and has been continued since 1738, and has been of incalcula ble benefit to the northern parts of Scotland.

We shall present our readers in the next number, with an interesting account of this society, one of the most respectable of its kind in the world.

AT Paramaribo, the mission among the negro slaves, prospers. On Christmas day, five were baptized. The mission to the free negroes at Bambey, seems less promising: and that at Hope on the Corentyn, has like wise to strug- Rev. Mr. Kicherer's Narrative abridged, gle with great difficulties.


A NEW Missson settlement is about to be established among the Indians on LAKE ERIE.

A mission has commenced among the Cherokee Indians, in which the brethren have been greatly assisted by Col. Meigs, the American agent, but hitherto with little or no success. " Indeed it appears," say the brethren, "that nothing less than the destruction of the whole mission was mediated, by the enemy of souls, who by his emissaries is raising every kind of difficulty to prevent its success. But we trust," they add, “ in our Almighty Saviour, whose


continued from page 31.

OUR days are spent in the following manner. About sunrise we collect for prayer; we read the scriptures, and sing an hymn; the elderly people depart, and school begins. School being over, we labour on our buildings, and in our gardens. At noon we dine, and the afternoon passes in the saine manner. At night we pray, sing, and instruct the people. On a particular occasion, I deeply felt the need of prayer, and with my African flock bent my knees before Him, who has promised to take the heathen for his inheritance. From this time our Boschemen increas ed and I found encouragement in my

work. It was affecting to see how amazed they were, when I told them of God, and the resurrection. Some of the people began to pray, "Oh Lorded the people of the adjacent parts, who

waggon and several Boschemen attended me. After we entered the settled part of the country, the farmers collect

Jesus Christ," they would say, "thou hast made the sun, the moon, the hills, the rivers, the bushes: therefore thou hast power to change my heart. Oh be pleased to make it entirely new." Obtaining an interpreter, our labour much increased; many more began to pray, and some gave evidence of a new heart. The number of Boschemen became so great, that I was obliged to give them names, which I wrote on their backs. When they approached me, the first thing, therefore, was to show me their


In October, our provisions were almost exhausted; we applied to God in prayer, who disposed the heart of Francis Moritz, a farmer, to send us a handsome present of oxen, sheep, flour, and salt. The Hottentot servants, who brought these things, added a number of sheep of their own to express their Fatitude, that the gospel was brought to their countrymen.

We received repeated warnings that the Great Kraal of Boschemen, who had not been included in the peace, intended to attack and destroy us; but we committed ourselves to the Lord, who preserved us.

When we began our work, we endeavoured to convince our hearers by arguments addressed to their understandings; but this excited constant objections, and we had little success. We then chiefly insisted on the dying love of Christ; we represented him as the all-sufficient friend of lost sinners; we invited them to believe and be saved; we entreated them to make a trial of our doctrine. Soon, our people came to us with tears, and declared they saw more and more the excellency of the gospel, that they found it the power of God to their salvation.

About Christmas, 1799, several farmers from a distance, came to partake the Lord's supper with us, according to the Dutch custom. Some of them had been awakened by the preaching of Mr. Voss. The provision they brought was seasonable, and we had several pleasant days with them.

In Jan. 1800, I took a journey to Cape Town to procure clothing and other necessaries. A farmer with a

spent Lord's days with us in publick worship. After travelling a month, we reached Cape Town. Some of the first objects, which struck the affrighted Boschemen, were several malefactors hung in chains. In a few days, they were more terrified at a publick execution. After I had explained to them the just laws of civilized society, they were satisfied, and said it would be well, if we had such laws in our settlement in the wildernesss. At the Cape I preached to the Calvinistic church, a large building and a crowded assembly. My Boschemen attended; they were greatly surprised on seeing such a congregation of well dressed people, whom they compared to a nest of ants, and the organ they mistook for a swarming beehive. From that time, they viewed me with more respect, having beentempted before to consider me as a beggarly fellow, visiting them to obtain a livelihood. We visited several of the magistrates. The Boschemen, dressed in sheep skins, sitting in a drawing room on silk covered chairs, or parading before a large looking glass, were objects of mirth and compassion. The governor treated us kindly, and the Boschemen thanked him for permitting missionaries to instruct them; no man before having cared for their souls.

During our absence, the captain of the Boschemen, called Vigilant, visited the settlement, to seize a sheep as his due. Brother Kramer opposing him, Vigilant stabbed the sheep, and aimed a thrust at him. He was saved by a girl, who warded off the blow. He was taken; but made his escape, and called upon his numerous horde to revenge the affront; but many of the friendly Boschemen kept watch round our habitation, till we received assistance, and drove this infuriated chief from the neighbourhood.

Soon after Brother Kramer went to Hex river, brother Edwards to the Cape, and I, in March 1800, with brother Scholtz, removed to Zak river. At this place many tame Hottentots joined us. These people have a few sheep and oxen; the Boschemen live entirely on tygers, jackalls, reptiles, and roots. One of the first converts

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