There is nothing which must end, to be valued for its continuance. If hours, days, months and years pass away, it is no matter what hour, what day, what month, or what year we die. The applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play... Civil service guide - Página 150por Robert Johnston (F.R.G.S.) - 1869 - 178 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1729 - 342 páginas
...what Day, what Month, or what Year we die. The Applaufe of a good A&or is due to him at whatever Scene of the Play he makes his Exit. It is thus in the Life of a Man of Senie, a fnort Life is fufficient to manifeft himfelf a Man of Honour and Virtue ; when he ceafes to... | |
 | 1794 - 448 páginas, what month, or what year we die. The applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. It is thus in * The reader who would wish to see wisdom united, and elegance employed, in ti.lly discussing this important... | |
 | 1803 - 250 páginas, what month, or what year we die. The! applaufe of a good actor is due to him, at whatever fcene of the play he makes his Exit. It is thus in the life of a man of fenfe ; a fhort life is fufficient to manifcft himfelf a man of honour and virtue; when- he ceafes... | |
 | 1803 - 472 páginas
...•hat year we die. The applause of a good actor is ue to him at whatever scene of the play he makes iis exit. It is thus in the life of a man of sense, a liort life is sufficient to manifest himself a man of lonour and virtue ; when he ceases to be such,... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 322 páginas
...applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the plav he makes Itis ait. It is lUu$ K2 in the life of a man of sense, a short life is sufficien to manifest himself a man of honour and virtue when he ceases to be such he has lived too... | |
 | Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1809 - 312 páginas
...good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. 132 THE SPECTATOR. No. 154. It is thus in the life of a man of sense ; a short life is sufficient to manifest himself a man of honour and virtue : when he ceases to be such, he has lived too long ;... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 322 páginas, what month, or what year we die. The applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. It is thus in the life of a man of sense, a short life is sufficient to manifest himself a man of honour and virtue ; when he ceases to be such he has lived too long, and... | |
 | British essayists - 1819 - 316 páginas, what month, or what year we die. The applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. It is thus in the life of a man of sense, a short life is sufficient to manifest himself a man of honour and virtue ; when he ceases to be such he has livtd too long; and... | |
 | Thomas Ewing - 1819 - 448 páginas, what month, or what year, we die. The applause of a good actor is due to him at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. It is thus in the life of a man of sense, a short life is sufficient to manifest himself a man of honour and virtue ; when he ceaces to be such, he has lived too long,... | |
 | John Platts - 1822 - 844 páginas, what month, or what year, we die. The applause of a good actor is. due to him, at whatever scene of the play he makes his exit. It is thus in the life of a man of sense : a short life is sufficient to manifest him a man of honour and virtue; when he ceases to be such, he has lived too long ; and... | |
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