Imágenes de páginas
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Bureau of Charitable Institutions, Comptroller's Office.

Fanning, Jas. O., Inspector of Charities, State Bd. of Char.

*Hebberd, Robert W., Sec'y, State Bd. of Char. *Hoyt, Charles S., M.D., Supt. of State and Alien Poor, State Bd. of Char.

McGarr, T. E., Sec'y, State Commission in Lunacy, 37 Lake Ave.

Marvin, Selden E., Member, State Bd. of Char., 344 State St.

Moir, John, Gen. Sec'y, Char. Org. Soc., 8 Douws Bldg.

* Sherman, Augustus, Sec'y, State Com'n of Prisons.


Boyd, Mrs. Mary K., Supt., House of Refuge for Women.


Ireland, J. E., Pres., Brunswick Home.


Hoyt, A. S., Librarian, Theological Seminary, 15 Seminary St.

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* Almy, Frederic, Sec'y and Treas., Char. Org. Soc., Fitch Institute.

* Churchill, B. A., Supt., Queen City Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Chdn., 65 Delaware Ave. Dean, Mrs. Emma N., 155 Allen St.

Haines, Mrs. Alfred, Examiner, Home for the Friendless, 993 Delaware Ave.

* Holmes, Miss Emily S., Head Worker, Westminster House (a Social Settlement), 424 Adams St.

Hopkins, Mrs. M. L., 403 Virginia Ave.

* Moore, Miss Alice O., Agt., Dist. 3, Char. Org. Soc., 552 Breckenridge St.

* Moore, Miss Marion I., Asst. Sec'y, Char. Org. Soc., Fitch Institute, 165 Swan St.

Munro, Josiah G., Char. Org. Soc., 123 Park St. Putnam, Harvey W., Member, State Bd. of Char., 21 White Bldg.

Reid, Adam, 157 Pearl St.

Smith, T. Guilford, Pres., Char. Org. Soc.

* Wilcox, Ansley, Trustee and Chairman, Exec. Com., Char. Org. Soc., 816 Ellicott Sq. Williams, Martha T., Treas., Chdn.'s Hosp., 1226 Main St.


Richardson, C. A., Sec'y, Trustees, Ontario Orph. Asyl.

Wisner, Mrs. R. S., Matron, Ontario Co. Almshouse.


Walrath, Peter, Member, State Bd. of Char. Elmira,

Brockway, Z. R., Supt., State Reformatory. Geneva

Hubbs, Rev. John Brewster, D.D., D.C.L.


Aldrich, Newton, Member, State Bd. of Char.


Willcox, Walter Francis, Prof. of Social Science and Statistics, Cornell Univ., 27 Stewart Ave. Long Island City.

Thiry, J. H., Member, Bd. of Educ., State of N. Y.; Originator, School Savings Bank System in Schools of the U.S., 181 Academy St.


Brownell, Dr. M. Alice, Resident and Attending Phys., N.Y. State Custodial Asyl.

Winspear, C. W., Supt., State Custodial Asyl. for Feeble-minded Women.


Hitch, Mrs. Frederick Delano.

New York.

Andrews, Constant A., Chairman, Ninth Dist., and Member, Council, Char. Org. Soc., 633 Madison Ave.

Ayers, Dr. Philip W., Char. Org. Soc., 105 E. 22d St.
Bache, J. S., 66 Exchange Pl.

Bannard, Otto T., Member, Bd. of Trustees, Char.
Org. Soc., 135 Madison Ave.
Barnes, John S., 22 E. 48th St.

* Bauer, Frederick E., Supt., Poor Dept. of Pub. Char., 66 3d Ave.

Bijur, Nathan, Director, United Hebrew Char., 34 Nassau St.

Borg, Mrs. Simon, 4 E. 68th St.

Brace, C. Loring, Sec'y, Chdn.'s Aid Soc., 105 E. 22d St.

Bryce, Miss Edith, 40 W. 54th St.

Butler, Miss Helen C., State Char. Aid Ass'n, 31 E. 69th St.

Butler, Miss Rosalie, State Char. Aid Ass'n, 31 E. 69th St.

Chisolm, B. Ogden, First Dist., Char. Org. Soc., 66 Beaver St.

* Clark, Miss Mary Vida, Asst. Sec'y, State Char. Aid Ass'n, Room 503, 105 E. 22d St. Cox, C. F., Member, Central Council and Exec.

Com., Char. Org. Soc., Grand Central Depot. Darche, Miss Louise, Supt., N.Y. City Training School, etc., Blackwell's Island.

De Forest, Robt. W., Pres., Char. Org. Soc., etc., 30 Broad St.

*De Laney, Jno. J., 27 William St.

DePeyster, Mrs. Beekman, Member, State Bd. of Char., 101 W. 81st St.

DeSilver, Carll H., Room 46, 45 Broadway.

* Devine, Edw. T., Gen. Sec'y, Char. Org. Soc., 105 E. 22d St.

Devins, Rev. John Bancroft, Pastor, Hope Chapel;

Pres., Federation of East Side Workers, 339
E. 4th St.

Dodge, Miss Grace H., Director, Ass'n of Working-girls' Societies of N.V. City, 262 Madison Ave.

Dodge, Rev. D. Stuart, Pres., N.Y. Christian Home for Intemperate Men, 11 Cliff St. Dupuy, Moore, Supt. of Schools of the Chdn.'s Aid Soc., 295 8th St.

Einstein, Mrs. Wm., Pres., Emanuel Sisterhood, 223 E. 79th St.

Erdmann, Martin, 11 Broad St.

* Folks, Homer, Sec'y, State Char. Aid Ass'n; Sec'y, Conf. of Char. of New York City, 105 E. 22d St.

Ford, Jas. B., Member, Char. Org. Soc., 507 5th Ave.

Fornes, C. V., 415 Broome St.

Fullerton, Mrs. M., Supt. of Relief, N.Y. Ass'n for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 33 W. 125th St.

* Garrabrant, Aaron P., First Asst. Supt., Juvenile Asyl., 176th St. and Amsterdam Ave. Giddings, Franklin H., Prof. of Sociology, Columbia Univ., 150 W. 79th St.

* Goldman, Henry, 9 Pine St.

Gould, Elgin R. L., Pres., City and Suburban Homes Co., 281 4th Ave.

Hadden, Alex. M., Asso. Sec'y, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, etc., 16 W. 51st St.

Henry, Miss Minerva D., Char. Org. Soc., 105 E. 22d St.

Hermann, Mrs. Esther, State Char. Aid Ass'n,

etc., 59 W. 56th St.

Higginson, Jas. J., Char. Org. Soc., 16 E. 41st St. Hoguet, Robert J., Treas., N.Y. Catholic Protectory, 415 Broome St.

Holls, Frederick Wm., Char. Org. Soc., 120 Broadway.

Houghton, Mrs. Louise Seymour, Vice-Pres., Tenement House Chap. of the King's Daughters and Sons, 19 St. Nicholas Pl. Hubbard, Thomas H., 35 Wall St.

Hyslop, J. H., Prof. of Logic and Ethics, Columbia College.

Isaacs, Isaac S., Sec'y, United Hebrew Char.. 27 Pine St.

Jackson, Rev. Samuel Macauley, Member, Char. Org. Soc.; Prison Ass'n, 14 E. 31st St.

Jackson, Mrs Wm. M., Pres., Young Friends' Aid
Ass'n, 50 Beekman St.

Jacobi, A., M.D., 110 W. 34th St.
Jennings, Miss A. B., 48 Park Ave.

Josephi, Isaiah, Vice-Pres., United Hebrew Char., 53 Lafayette Place.

Justin, Bro., Visitor and Inspector, N. Y. Catholic Protectory, 415 Broome St.

Kellogg, Chas. D., 2d Vice-Pres., Char. Org. Soc.. 105 E. 22d St.

Kelly, Edmond, 107 E. 60th St.
Kudlich, H. C., 124 W. 75th St.

Kursheedt, Manuel A., 35 Warren St.

Lathrop, James R., Supt., The Roosevelt Hosp. Lechtrecker, Henry M., Inspector, State Bd. of

Char., 1421 Washington Ave.

Lowell, Mrs. C. R., Char. Org. Soc., 120 E. 30th St. McCutcheon, Mrs. E. A., Char. Org. Soc., 105 E. 22d St.

McKim, John A., Bd. Mgrs., State Char. Aid Ass'n, 18 Wall St.

McMahon, Fulton, Sec'y, N.Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., III Broadway.

*Mansell, Mrs. E. V. H., Investigating Agt., Char. Org. Soc., 105 E. 22d St.

Marling, A. E., Director, N.V. Juvenile Asyl., 64 Cedar St.

Meyer, H. H., United Hebrew Char., 66 Beaver St. Minton, Miss Sophie E., State Char. Aid Ass'n, 635 Park Ave.

Mulry, Thos. M., Sec'y, Superior Council of N.Y.
Soc. of St. Vincent de Paul, 10 Perry St.
Oppenheimer, Mrs. Mary L., Inspector, State Bd.
of Char., 241 E. 71st St.

Ottendorfer, Oswald, 150 W. 59th St.
Parsons, John E., 111 Broadway.

Pellew, Chas. E., Pres., Berkshire Indus. Farm at
Canaan Four Corners, 51 E. 54th St.
Reynolds, James B., Head Worker, Univ. Settle-
ment, 26 Delancy St.

Rice, Henry, Pres., United Hebrew Char., etc., 51
Franklin St.

Rice, Mrs. Wm. B., Vice-Pres., State Char. Aid

Ass'n; Member, Central Council and Exec. Com., Char. Org. Soc., 17 W. 16th St. Robb, J. Hampden, Member, Char. Org. Soc., etc., 23 Park Ave.

Robinson, Geo. B., Sec'y, N.Y. Catholic Protectory, 415 Broome St.

*Rosenau, Nathaniel S., Mgr., United Hebrew Char., 128 2d Ave.

Round, W. M. F., Cor. Sec'y, The Prison Ass'n of N.Y., 135 E. 15th St.

Schiff, Jacob H., Pres., Montefiore Home for
Chronic Invalids, etc., 27 Pine St.
Schuyler, Miss Louisa Lee, Mgr., State Char. Aid
Ass'n, 135 E. 21st St.

Scott, Miss E. I., Registrar, Char. Org. Soc., 105
E. 22d St.

Sherman, Wm. Watts, Bd. Mgrs., Soc. for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, 838 5th Ave. Smith, Richmond Mayo, Columbia Univ. Smith, Dr. Stephen, Member, State Bd. of Char., 640 Madison Ave.

Speyer, James, Com'r of Education, 427 5th Ave. Stewart, William R., Pres., State Bd. of Char., 31

Nassau St.




New York, ContinuedStokes, James, 49 Cedar St.

Stokes, J. G. Phelps, Vice-Pres., Berkshire Indus. Farm, 100 William St.

Sulzberger, Cyrus L., Director, United Hebrew Char., 93 Prince St.

Tapley, Mrs. J. F., Member, Char. Org. Soc., 64 Clinton Place.

Tolman, Wm. H., Ph.D., Gen. Agt., The N.Y.
Ass'n for Improving the Condition of the
Poor, 105 E. 22d St.

Turner, Herbert B., 22 William St.
Ufford, Walter S., 208 W. 34th St.

Van Wagenen, Bleecker, Pres., The Orange Bureau
of Asso. Char., Orange, N. J., 149 5th Ave.
Wheelock, Dr. Geo. G., 75 Park Ave.
Williams, Mornay, Pres., N.Y. Juvenile Asyl.,
207 Broadway.

Wise, Rev. Stephen S., Madison Ave. Synagogue, 119 E. 65th St.

Wright, Robt. J., Com'r of Correction, 66 3d Ave. Young, Geo. W., 59 Cedar St.

Niagara Falls.

*Nichols, Mrs. Eli S., Pres., Char. Org. Soc., 1120 Main St.


Wise, Dr. P. M., Supt., St. Lawrence State Hosp.


Mills, Jesse C., Member, Bd. of Education, Mills Bldg.


*Kinkead, Rev. Thos. L., Delegate, N.Y. State Convention, Co. Supts of Poor.


* Letchworth, Wm. Pryor, LL.D., Ex-Pres., State Bd. of Char.


Clarkson, Miss A., Sec'y, Visiting Com., St. Lawrence Co., "Holcroft."


*Briggs, Franklin H., Supt., State Indus. Sch. Briggs, Mrs. Franklin H., State Indus. Sch. *Craig, Miss Margaret, Matron, Girls' Dept., State Indus. Sch.

*Daniels, Miss G. A., Matron, State Indus. Sch. * Gardiner, Richard, Overseer of the Poor, 96 Front St.

* Hickey, Rev. T. F., Chaplain and Agent, State Indus. Sch., 1 Backus Ave.

Stoddard, Dr. Enoch V., Vice-Pres., State Bd. of
Char., 68 S. Washington St.

Bernstein, Dr. Chas., Asst. Phys., Rome State
Custodial Asyl.


*Spratling, Wm. P., M.D., Med. Supt., Craig Colony for Epileptics.


Carson, J. C., M.D., Supt., Syracuse State Inst. for Feeble-minded Chdn.

Commons, Prof. John R., Syracuse Univ. McCarthy, Robert, Member, State Bd. of Char. Maybee, Rev. W. Jarvis, Supt., Chdn.'s Home Soc. Mills, Chas. DeB., Gen. Sec'y, Bureau of Labor

and Char., and Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Chdn.

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* Allison, Jas., Supt., House of Refuge. Alms, Fred H., Treas., Asso. Char., cor. McMillan and Elmwood Aves.

Behrens, Henry, Director, House of Refuge, 15 Baker St.

Bixby, Maj. W. H., U.S.A. Custom House.
Breed, W. J., Pres., Asso. Char., 1213 W. 8th St.
* Crouse, Meigs, V., Supt., Chdn.'s Home, 312 W.
9th St.

Fechheimer, Henry S., 321 Race St.
Hubbard, C. M., Gen'l Sec'y, Asso. Char., 304

Levi, Rabbi Chas. S., Junior Rabbi of Plum St.
Temple, 549 Findlay St.

Neff, Wm. Howard, Member, Bd. of State Char. Poland, Lawrence, Director, House of Refuge, 51 E. 4th St.

*Schoff, Miss Alice M., 849 Locust St.

* Schoff, Miss Amy L., 849 Locust St. *Smith, Leonard S., House of Refuge, 3057 Colerain Ave.

Thayer, Rev. Geo. A., Bd. Directors, Asso. Char., Mt. Auburn.

*Thomas, Chas., Director, House of Refuge. *Webb, John, Jr., Director, House of Refuge, 120 W. 5th St.


Akers, Wm. J., Director, Char. and Cor.; Member, Exec. Com., Bethel Asso. Char.

Barnett, Gen. Jas., Bethel Asso. Char., 697 Euclid Ave.

Gries, Rabbi Moses J., Bethel Asso. Char., 372 Kennard St.

Hitchcock, Peter M., 861 Prospect St.

*Ranney, Henry C., Member, Bd. of State Char.


Cleveland, Continued

*Raymond, Henry N., Supt., Bethel Asso. Char., 309 Spring St.

Shunk, A. H., Supt., Cleveland Protestant Orph. Asyl., 1460 St. Clair St.

Walton, J. W., Sec'y, Bethel Asso. Char., 161 River St.

Wolfenstein, Dr. S., Supt., Jewish Orph. Asyl.


Bushnell, Asa S., Governor, Pres. ex officio, Bd. of State Char.

*Byers, Jos. P., Sec'y, Bd. of State Char. Henderson, W. T., Clerk, Bd. of State Char. *Parrott, Chas., Member, Bd. of State Char. *Reeves, S. L., Supt., Workhouse.


*Fay, E. A., Gen. Sec'y, Asso. Char., 5th and Jefferson Sts.

Gunckel, Lewis B., 6 N. Main St.

* Hale, Rev. W. A., Member, Bd. of State Char. *Martin, D. M., Supt., Workhouse. Patterson, John H., Pres., Nat'l Cash Register Co.; Factory Reform, 35 W. 1st St.


Helbing, Miss Anna, Matron, Girls' Indus. Sch.
Stiles, A. W., Supt., Girls' Indus. Home.
Stiles, Mrs. A. W., Matron, Girls' Indus. Home.


*Jones, Mrs. E. P., Pres., Findlay Orph. Home, 313 E. Sandusky St.


Rutter, H. C., M.D., Supt., Ohio Hosp. for Epileptics.


Green, Rev. F. M., LL.D.


Barrett, D. M., Supt., Boys' Indus. Sch.


Schmick, C. M., Trustee, Cleveland State Hosp. for Insane.


*Brinkerhoff, Gen. Roeliff, Chairman, Bd. of State Char.

Bushnell, Martin B., 34 Sturges Ave.


* Follett, M. D., Member, Bd. of State Char., 326 Muskingum Ave.

*Hathaway, Seymour J., Trustee, Washington Co. Chdn.'s Home, Leader Bldg.


*Southard, J. W., Supt., Union Co. Infirmary.


Niesz, John K., Supt., Lucas Co. Chdn.'s Home. Oberlin.

Currier, Prof. A. H., Oberlin Theological Seminary, 105 Elm St.

South Newbury. Waterton, Mrs. R. T.

State Soldiers' Home.

Force, Gen. M. F., Commandant, Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.

[blocks in formation]

Allen, Edw. E., Principal, Pa. Inst. for Instruction of the Blind, 2001 Race St.

Baily, Joshua L., Pres., Philadelphia Soc. for Org.
Char.; Pres., The Soc. for the Employment
and Instruction of the Poor, 15 Bank St.
Biddle, Cadwalader, Sec'y, Pa. Bd. of Pub. Char.,
1224 Chestnut St.

Campbell, Mrs. M. A., Supt., The House of
Refuge for Girls, 900 N. 22d St.
Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania, 321 S. 12th

Cobb, Mrs. Mary E. R., Sec'y and Supt., Foulke
and Long Inst.; Chairman, Asso. Com. on
Police Matrons, 34th and Locust Sts,
Falkner, Roland P., Associate Prof. of Statistics,
Univ. of Pa.

*Garrett, Philip C., Vice-Pres., Char. Org. Soc., 308 Walnut St.

Harrison, Alfred C., 400 Chestnut St.
Harrison, Chas. C.

Innes, Rev. Robt. F., Chaplain, Home of the
Merciful Saviour for Crippled Chdn., 3819
Walnut St.

Jenks, Mrs. Wm. F., Member, Bd. of Mgrs., The Visiting Nurse Soc., 1340 Lombard St.



Philadelphia, Continued

*Lawrence, Chas., Supt., Hosp. Dept. of Char.

and Cor., 34th and Pine Sts.

Lewis, Francis W., 2016 Spruce St.

Lindsay, Samuel McCune, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Sociology, Univ. of Pa.

Rosengarten, J. G., Vice-Pres. and Mgr., Philadelphia House of Refuge, 1217 Chestnut St. Shinn, Jas. T., Pres., Bd. of Mgrs., The Soc. for the Employment and Instruction of the Poor, 313 S. 41st St.

Smith, Geo. H., Supt., The Union Benevolent Ass'n, 728 Spruce St.

*Walk, Dr. Jas. W., Gen. Sec'y, Soc. for Org.

Char.; Pres., Pa. Ass'n of Directors of the
Poor and Char., 1705 Chestnut St.

Whitaker, Rt. Rev. O. W., Bishop of Pa., 4027
Walnut St.

Wolf, Louis, Sec'y, United Hebrew Char., 508 Minor St.


Buchanan, J. I., Vandergrift Bldg.

*Children's Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, 76 6th Ave.

Jackson, John B., Sec'y, Bd. of Trustees, Western Pa. Inst. for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb, 343 4th Ave.

Kuhn, W. S., Lewis Bldg.
McConway, Wm., 48th & A. V.
McGonnigle, Robt. D., Cor. Sec'y, Ass'n of Di-
rectors of the Poor and Char. of Pa.; Pres.,
Kingsley House.

Passavant, Rev. W. A., Jr., Gen. Director, The Institution of Protestant Deaconesses (chartered 1850).

Smith, R. S., Treas., Bd. of Trustees, Western Pa. Inst. for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb; Pres., Union Nat. Bank.

Thompson, Rev. W. Henry, State Supt., Chdn.'s Home Soc., 511 Hamilton Bldg.

Roaring Spring.

* Brumbaugh, D. S., Delegate, Ass'n of Directors of the Poor and Char.

Brumbaugh, Mrs. D. S.


Boies, H. M., Member, Bd. of Pub. Char., 530 Clay Ave.

Clemens, F. H., 821 Vine St.

Israel, Rev. Rogers, Rector, St. Luke's Parish; Sec'y, Bd. of Asso. Char.

Powell, Mrs. Ruth Q., Visitor, Bd. of Pub. Char. in Lackawanna Co., etc., 410 Jefferson Ave. Ripple, Ezra H., Pres., Asso. Char., Coal Exchange.

Smith, Wm. T., 603 Jefferson Ave.


* Colborn, L. C., Atty., Directors of Poor of Somerset Co.; Treas., Asso. Char. of Pa.


*Sharpe, Miss Elizabeth M., Member, Bd. of
Visiting Mgrs., Home for the Friendless, 25
W. River St.
Sharpe, Miss Martha, 25 W. River St.


Yundt, Thos. M., Supt. and Sec'y, Bethany Orph. Home.


Small, Sam'l, Trustee, State Lun. Hosp. at Harrisburg; Pres., Trustees, Chdn.'s Home.



Waterhouse, Geo. B., Member, Bd. of State Char. and Cor.


Read, Walter A., Member, Bd. of State Char. and

Eastman, Jas. H.

* Keene, Geo. F., M.D., Supt., State Hosp. for Insane; Physician of State Institutions. Nayatt.

Smith, Geo. L., Member, Bd. of State Char. and Cor.


Betton, Miss Elizabeth L., 138 Gibbs Ave. *Cutter, Dr. Geo. W., Member, Bd. of State Char. and Cor.; Bd. of Char. Org. Soc.

Hunter, Anna F., Bd. of Reference, Char. Org. Soc., 20 Kay St.

Peace Dale.

Hazard, Rowland, Fellow of Brown Univ.


Carpenter, Mrs. F. W., Pres., Female Prisoners' Aid Ass'n, 276 Angell St.

* Cummings, Matthew J., Overseer of the Poor, 161 Foundry St.

Dealey, Jas. Q., Professor, Brown Univ.
Gardner, Henry B., Pres., Soc. for Org. Char., 54
Stinson Ave.

McCaw, Wm. J., M.D., Asst. Phys. to State Inst. at Cranston, 222 Benefit St.

Olney, Frank F., Member, Bd. of State Char. and Cor.

Peckham, Chas. H., Sec'y, Bd. of State Char. and Cor.

Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, Member, Bd. of Control, R.I. State Home Sch. for Dependent Chdn., 1536 Westminster Pl.

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