INDEX OF SPEAKERS AND WRITERS. Addams, Jane, 338, 464, 474, 475. Ardagh, Judge, 447. Ball, W. C., 471. Barbour, L. L., 453, 461. Caldwell, Peter, 454. Child Labor in Indiana, 394. Crooker, Joseph Henry, 175. Crouse, Meigs V., 457. Dana, M. McG., 449. Drake, L. D., 125. Ellison, T. Ε., 451. Ely, Robert E., 332, 474, 475. Fairbank, Mrs. M. E., 138. Garrett, Philip C., 26. Hale, W. A., 451. Haley, T. P., 451, 461. Hall, Mary, 373. Hamilton, Mrs. J. G., 426. Hebard, J. P., 143. Hebberd, R. W., 143. Heg, J. E., 439. Henderson, Charles R., 256, 352, 479. Hoyt, C. S., 449. Hubbard, C. М., 143. Jackson, Dr. Sheldon, 376. Keene, Dr., 466, 469. Lathrop, Julia C., 389. Love, M. C. T., 379. Macdonald, Judge, 447, 458. Nicholson, Timothy, 469. Palmer, Mrs. M. S., 143. Ramsey, Mrs. R. W., 429. Stevens, Mrs. L. M. N., 400. Reel, Estelle, 441. Richmond, Mary E., 181, 473. Robertson, J. R., 446. Rosenau, N. S., 144, 463, 478. Sanborn, F. B., 373. Thornburgh, George, 377. Tutwiler, Julia S., 374. Walk, J. W., 430, 457, 461. Warner, Mrs. Emalea P., 384. Wells, John D., 403. Wells, Mrs. Kate Gannett, 302. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. "Abnormal Man," by Lombroso, 297. Accidental idiocy, 299. Acute mania, 467. Adoption of children, 266. After-care Association, cases helped by, 82. After-care of insane, 9, 76, 466. Alabama Bryce Insane Hospital, 375. Alaska, no provision for insane, 373. Almshouses and workhouses, 261. Altruistic spirit, the, 277. "American Charities," Warner's, 204. point," Taylor, 316. American Humane Educational Society, 113. Angell, George T., 113. Anti-spitting ordinances, 298. Applications for work, 208. Applied philanthropy, school for, 181. Apprenticeship, 266. Arbitration of labor troubles, 395. Arkansas, report from, 377. Arrests in Ontario, growing fewer, 351. Associated Charities of Boston, 215. Association in prison, 31. Ayres, P. W., 214. Bamberger, Dr. G., 109. Bands of Mercy, 113. Barr, Dr. M. W., 299. Bastards, questions concerning, 304. Bertillon system, 55, 141, 382. Binding out, 261. Binding out of children, 266. Blind, the, 267. Blumer, Dr. G. Alder, 77. Boarding out, 261. Boarding out of insane, 269. Boston, probation officers in, 41. Bread and water diet for tramps, 361. Breck's agricultural store, 216. British inmates of New York institutions, 288. Brockway method, 34. Brockway, Z. R., 32. Brooklyn, bureau of, 212. Brookville, town relief in, 244. Bryce Hospital, Alabama, 375. Buffalo, number of children in orphan asylums, Causes and prevention of feeble-minded, 296. Centralized administration, 56. "Central Nervous System," by Halleck, 293. Chair-seating, 115. Character must be changed to secure release, 49. Charities and prisons of Boston, 366. Charities Review, 180, 463. Charity organization, 140. Charity organization societies as employment agencies, 211. Charity, three forms of, 145. Charlestown State prison, 364. Chemical poison of fatigue, 312. Chicago Manual Training School, 109. Child labor law, 371. Children's Aid Society: Boston, 187; New York, 101; Philadelphia, 100. Children's home societies, 309. Children in reformatories: number improved, Children: outdoor relief to, 251; placed out, in "Child Laborers and their Protection in Ger- Child-saving: 87; aids to, 90; among Jews in Child study, 9, 308. "Child Study as a Basis for Psychology and "Child Study in the Hospital: A Record of Six Child study, reference books on, 316. Hall, 316. Church assistance, 192. Church charity, 149. Churches' duty to the poor, 233. Cigarettes forbidden to minors, 371. City and county charities, organization of, 168. City positions, 264. Civil service law in cities, 390. Civil service reform, 177. Civil War, influence of, on young men, 29. Clark, Dr. Daniel, 77. Classes who require help, 148. Cleveland, drinking-places in, 235. Collyer, Robert, 119. Colonies for workingmen, 263. Colonization of the unemployed, 227. Colony of mercy, a, 70. Colorado: parole law in, 373; report from, 379. Columbia College, 187. Commission, a, needed to find facts on charity, Commissions: in lunacy, 269; to codify laws, 54; Committee, report of Charity Organization Soci- Committee, on Child-saving, report of, 87. tion, 450. Compulsory education in Illinois, 390. Compulsory school attendance in Indiana, 394. Concord Reformatory, 364. Confederate home in Missouri, 411. Conference methods of study, 20. Conference sermon, 352. Conference schools of study, 91. 1 Domat, Jean, 459. Domestic institutions, feeble-minded in, 290. Dressmaking, a profitable occupation, 129. Drink evil, the, 235. Drunkenness in America, 36. Duplication, prevention of, 150. Earnings of prisoners, 57. Eddy, Thomas, 125. Education for delinquents, 122. Education in Alabama, 375. Education of first importance in reformation, 123. Education that educates, 69. Elmira method, 34. Elmira Reformatory, 368. Employment bureaus, 208. Employment, means of getting, 215. England's percentage in institutions, 286. English poor-law system, 245. Epilepsy, 63. Epilepsy, curability of, 469. Epilepsy, treatment of, 66. Epileptic attacks lessened by outdoor work, 74. Epileptics, 270, 294; congregation of, 66; diet Equities of interstate migration, 92. "Eye-mindedness and Ear-mindedness,” Jas- Factory laws in Canada, 350. Factory legislation, 312. Farmers of Ontario, losing farms, 275. Farmers, taxes paid by, 274. Father Cook, of Boston, 41. Fatigue, chemical poison of, 312. Federal code, a, 53. Feeble-minded, care of, 289; causes and preven- Feeble-mindedness and consanguinity, 299. Financial management of institutions, 165. Five-penny meal tickets, 201. Floriculture for boys, 117. Floriculture for girls, 129. Foreign-born, aid to, 252. Foreign-born inmates of institutions, 283. France's percentage in New York institutions, 287. Free employment bureaus, 212. Free employment offices, 206. Free kindergartens in New Orleans, 372. Friendly visiting as a social force, 199. Friendly visiting, 189. Friendly visitors, 223. Friendly visitors' tea, 205. Fruit-canning for girls, 129. Gananoque, outdoor relief in, 244. Garden work for girls, 130. Gerard, J. W., 125. Girardin, Emile de, articles of, 41. Girls in reform school of Connecticut, go per cent. doing well, 455. Golden Gate Kindergarten Association, 91. Good citizenship, 87. Greater New York, 280. Greatest thing, the, 352. "Growth of Brain," Donaldson, 316. "Growth of Children," Bowditch, 316. "Growth of St. Louis Children," Porter, 316. Guilt, degree of, in homicides, 32. Habits of thrift, 138. Halifax, outdoor relief in, 243. Heredity and insanity, 83, 455. Hill, Miss Joanna M., 101. Home life for paupers, 261. Homœopathic hospital for insane, 372. Homicides, 32. Hospital admissions, 283. Hospital for miners, 264. Houses of detention, need of, 37. Howard Association, 30. How to help cases of distress, 204. Hugo, Victor, 127. Hull House, 340, 473, 475. Humane societies, 10. Identification of criminals, 54. Illinois Humane Society, 112, 113. Illinois, report from, 389. Imbecile women in almshouses, 263. Imbecility and tuberculosis, 298. Immigrants and tramps, law affecting, 355. Importation of tramps, defectives, and insane, 86. Incorrigibles, 36. Indeterminate commitment, 35. Indeterminate sentence, adoption of, 54. Indiana poor statistics, 249. Indiana, report from, 391. Industrial training in girls' schools, 127. Industrial life, ideals of, 340. Industrial school for girls in West Virginia, 372. Industries adapted to girls, 128. Industries for epileptics, 69. Industries in reform schools, 116. Inebriates, 270. Inebriates, uselessness of short terms for, 461. Inmates of New York institutions, 282. Insane, the: after-care of, 76; importation of, Insane patients, after-treatment of, 464. Insanity and heredity, 83. Insanity law in California, 378. Institutions for insane in New York, 424. Insurance as preventive measure, 160. Intoxication in soldiers' homes, 23. Investigation cannot be too thorough, 195. Investigation, value and dangers of, 193. Iowa, report from, 397. Ireland-born, proportion of, in institutions, 283. Jails, abandonment of, 37. Jails, construction of, 60. Jewish child-saving, 108. Jewish orphan asylums, number of, 108. Johnson, Alexander, 77. Johns Hopkins University, 187. Jones, F. H., letter from, go. Kansas, report from, 397. Labelling prison-made goods, 440. Labor bureaus for tramps, 248. Labor, product of, 274. Labor unions, petition of, 207. La Liberté, journal in Paris, 41. Land tenure, 275. Land value, 274. La Santé, 52. Law affecting immigrants and tramps, 355. Laws for protecting children, 112. Legacy for entertainments, 370. "Legal Aspect of the Child Problem," Way- Legislation concerning tramps, 359. Letters: from F. H. Jones, 90; President Diaz, 470. Lewis, Herbert W., 469. Linotype, introduction of, 344. Liquor licenses in Toronto, 351. Liquor problem, the, 237. Literature for reform schools, 125. Local guardians, 102. Loch, C. S., 204. ८० Logical consistency, unknown in law, 40. London After-care Association, 80. Maine, report from, 400. Manual training: for epileptics, 67; in child-sav- ing, 119. Marriage law, a, 306. Marriage laws, need of changes in, 466. Marriage of kin, 303. Maryland, report from, 401. Massachusetts hospital for dipsomaniacs, 270. Massachusetts Infant Asylum, 265. Massachusetts, report from, 403. Massachusetts State Board of Charities, 260. Maxwell, Hugh, 125. McKinley, President, 459. Meath, Earl of, 81. Medical certificates for marriage, 308. Medical treatment of epilepsy, 68. Mental cramming, 315. "Mental Development in the Child," Preyer, 316. Mental development of children, 311. "Mental Faculties," Warner, 316. Merit system, the, 9. "Method of examining Children in Schools as Warner, 316. Methods of after-care, 81. Methods of placing dependent children, 266. Mexican representation, 471. Michigan Agricultural College, 129. Michigan, protection of children in, 97. Michigan, report from, 405. Migration of criminals, 55. Miller, Thomas C., 438. |