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In these institutions the elements of vital religion are cherished in the subjugation of the natural principle of selfishness to that " charity that seeketh not her own;" in the awakening of a spirit of self-denial, pity, and intercession; and in a deepened sense of privileges, obligations, and responsibilities; so that the offering cast into the sacred treasury (though by no means to be despised) constitutes but a small proportion of the benefit derived: and thus the endeavour to diffuse the Gospel abroad is closely connected with its enlarged influence within our own spheres.

In concluding this extended survey of the Pastoral Ministry, the Writer would guard against attaching too much to the mere mechanism of the work, and would strongly press the point, that, whatever be our diligence in this department, we can only be blessed, as we are faithful in delivering, according to the light given to us, the whole message of God. He would however at the same time express his strong conviction, that the full exhibition of a Scriptural Ministry, combined with diligent labour in the Pastoral work, is the medium, through which the Spirit of God will produce among us an extension of true religion, which for explicitness, durability, and consistency, will abide the day of trial, and cause even the enemies of the Gospel to "see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and that the Holy One of Israel hath created it.”1

It is not however an exclusive interest in any department that is recommended, but a combined regard before they were known among us, see Memoirs of Oberlin, pp. 178, 179, lately published,- -a most interesting sketch of Pastoral Biography.

1 Isaiah xli. 20.

and concentrated attention to the whole work; making it our study and prayer to be inwardly satisfied with nothing short of the Scriptural standard, nor to be contented without earnest longings, and constant advance towards that standard. In every department we may confidently expect that our labours will be instrumentally blessed to the objects of our care, wherever faith is the principle, and prayer the spirit, of our work; and where the moving principle is acted out in self-denial, diligence, simplicity, and perseverance. While however we do not suffer our energies to stagnate, we must be careful not to attempt too many plans at once-not more, than we have a reasonable hope of sustaining; and especially not more, than is consistent with a primary reference to our personal communion with God, and preparation for our public work. Yet by regularity; doing one thing at a time; allowing a pause; by short exercises; and by such prudence as is consistent with zeal, (not letting a variety of exercises carry us beyond our strength,) much more may be done than is commonly imagined.




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