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The Horse-power of a Steam-boiler.-The term horse power has two meanings in engineering: First, an absolute unit or measure of the rate of work, that is, of the work done in a certain definite period of time, by a source of energy, as a steam-boiler, a waterfall, a current of air or water, or by a prime mover, as a steam-engine, a water-wheel, or a windmill. The value of this unit, whenever it can be expressed in foot-pounds of energy, as in the case of steam-engines, water-wheels, and waterfalls, is 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. In the case of boilers, where the work done, the conversion of water into steam, cannot be expressed in foot-pounds of available energy, the usual value given to the term horse-power is the evap oration of 30 'bs. of water of a temperature of 100° F. into steam at 70 lbs. pressure above the atmosphere. Both of these units are arbitrary; the first, 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, first adopted by James Watt, being considered equivalent to the power exerted by a good London draught-borse, and the 30 lbs. of water evaporated per hour being considered to be the steam requirement per indicated horse-power of an average engine.

The second definition of the term horse-power is an approximate measure of the size, capacity, value, or "rating" of a boiler, engine, water-wheel, or other source or conveyer of energy, by which measure it may be described, bought and sold, advertised, etc. No definite value can be given to this measure, which varies largely with local custom or individual opinion of makers and users of machinery. The nearest approach to uniformity which can be arrived at in the term "horse-power," used in this sense, is to say that a boiler, engine, water-wheel, or other machine, "rated" at a certain horse-power, should be capable of steadily developing that horse-power for a long period of time under ordinary conditions of use and practice, leaving to local custom, to the judgment of the buyer and seller, to written contracts of purchase and sale, or to legal decisions upon such contracts, the interpre tation of what is meant by the term "ordinary conditions of use and practice." (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. vii. p. 226.)

The committee of the A. S. M. E. on Trials of Steam-boilers in 1884 (Trans., vol. vi. p. 265) discussed the question of the horse-power of boilers as follows: The Committee of Judges of the Centennial Exhibition, to whom the trials of competing boilers at that exhibition were intrusted, met with this same problem, and finally agreed to solve it, at least so far as the work of that committee was concerned, by the adoption of the unit, 30 lbs. of water evap orated into dry steam per hour from feed-water at 100° F., and under a pressure of 70 lbs. per square inch above the atmosphere, these conditions being considered by them to represent fairly average practice. The quan tity of heat demanded to evaporate a pound of water under these conditions is 1110.2 British thermal units, or 1.1496 units of evaporation. The unit of power proposed is thus equivalent to the development of 33,305 heat-units per hour, or 34.488 units of evaporation.

Your committee, after due consideration, has determined to accept the Centennial Standard, the first above mentioned, and to recommend that in all standard trials the commercial horse-power be taken as an evaporation of 30 lbs. of water per hour from a feed-water temperature of 100° F. into steam at 70 lbs. gauge pressure, which shall be considered to be equal to 34% units of evaporation, that is, to 341⁄2 lbs. of water evaporated from a feed water temperature of 212° F. into steam at the same temperature. This standard is equal to 33,305 thermal units per hour.

It is the opinion of this committee that a boiler rated at any stated number of horse-powers should be capable of developing that power with easy firing, moderate draught, and ordinary fuel, while exhibiting good economy; and further, that the boiler should be capable of developing at least one third more than its rated power to meet emergencies at times when maximum economy is not the most important object to be attained.

Unit of Evaporation. It is the custom to reduce results of boilertests to the common standard of weight of water evaporated by the unit weight of the combustible portion of the fuel, the evaporation being consid⚫ ered to have taken place at mean atmospheric pressure, and at the temper. ature due that pressure, the feed-water being also assumed to have been supplied at that temperature. This is, in technical language, said to be the equivalent evaporation from and at the boiling point at atmospheric pressuro, or "from and at 212° F." This unit of evaporation, or one pound of

water evaporated from and at 212°, is equivalent to 965.7 British therma!


Measures for Comparing the Duty of Boilers.--The measure of the efficiency of a boiler is the number of pounds of water evaporated per pound of combustible, the evaporation being reduced to the standard of from and at 212°;" that is, the equivalent evaporation from feed-water at a temperature of 212° F. into steam at the same temperature.

The measure of the capacity of a boiler is the amount of "boiler horsepower" developed, a horse-power being defined as the evaporation of 30 lbs. of water per hour from 100° F. into steam at 70 lbs. pressure, or 341⁄2 lbs. per hour from and at 212°.

The measure of relative rapidity of steaming of boilers is the number of pounds of water evaporated per hour per square foot of water-heating surface.

The measure of relative rapidity of combustion of fuel in boiler-furnaces is the number of pounds of coal burned per hour per square foot of gratesurface.


Proportions of Grate and Heating Surface required for a given Horse-power.-The term horse-power here means capacity to evaporate 30 lbs. of water from 100° F., temperature of feed-water, to steam of 70 lbs., gauge-pressure 34.5 lbs. from and at 212° F.

Average proportions for maximum economy for land boilers fired with good anthracite coal:

Heating surface per horse-power..




Ratio of heating to grate surface..

....... 11.5 sq. ft.


34.5 66

Water evap'd from and at 212° per sq. ft. H.S. per hour 3 lbs.
Combustible burned per H.P. per hour.



9 66

Coal with 1/6 refuse, lbs. per H.P. per hour..
Combustible burned per sq. ft. grate per hour.
Coal with 1/6 refuse, lbs. per sq. ft. grate per hour.... 10.8"
Water evap'd from and at 2120 per lb. combustible...



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The rate of evaporation is most conveniently expressed in pounds evapo. rated from and at 212° per sq. ft. of water-heating surface per hour, and the rate of combustion in pounds of coal per sq. ft. of grate-surface per hour. Heating-surface.-For maximum economy with any kind of fuel a boiler should be proportioned so that at least one square foot of heatingsurface should be given for every 3 lbs. of water to be evaporated from and at 212° F. per hour. Still more liberal proportions are required if a portion of the heating-surface has its efficiency reduced by: 1. Tendency of the heated gases to short-circuit, that is, to select passages of least resistance and flow through them with high velocity, to the neglect of other passages. 2. Deposition of soot from smoky fuel. 3. Incrustation. If the heating-surfaces are clean, and the heated gases pass over it uniformly, little if any increase in economy can be obtained by increasing the heating-surface be yond the proportion of 1 sq. ft. to every 3 lbs. of water to be evaporated, and with all conditions favorable but little decrease of economy will take place if the proportion is 1 sq. ft. to every 4 lbs. evaporated; but in order to provide for driving of the boiler beyond its rated capacity, and for possible decrease of efficiency due to the causes above named, it is better to adopt 1 sq. ft. to 3 los. evaporation per hour as the minimum standard proportion. Where economy may be sacrificed to capacity, as where fuel is very cheap, it is customary to proportion the heating-surface much less liberally. The following table shows approximately the relative results that may be expected with different rates of evaporation, with anthracite coal.


Lbs. water evapor'd from and at 212° per sq. ft. heating-surface per hour: 8 3.5 4 5 6


Sq. ft. heating-surface required per horse-power: 17.3 13.8 11.5

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Ratio of heating to grate surface if 1/3 sq. ft. of G. S. is required per H.P.: 41.4 34.5 29.4 25.8 20.4 17.4 13.7 Probable relative economy:

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Probable temperature of chimney gases, degrees F.: 787




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The relative economy will vary not only with the amount of heating-surface per horse-power, but with the efficiency of that heating surface as regards its capacity for transfer of heat from the heated gases to the water, which will depend on its freedom from soot and incrustation, and upon the circulation of the water and the heated gases.

With bituminous coal the efficiency will largely depend upon the thoroughness with which the combustion is effected in the furnace.

The efficiency with any kind of fuel will greatly depend upon the amount. of air supplied to the furnace in excess of that required to support combustion. With strong draught and thin fires this excess may be very great, causing a serious loss of economy.

Measurement of Heating-surface.-Authorities are not agreed as to the methods of measuring the heating-surface of steam-boilers. The usual rule is to consider as heating-surface all the surfaces that are surrounded by water on one side and by flame or heated gases on the other, but there is a difference of opinion as to whether tubular heating-surface should be figured from the inside or from the outside diameter. Some writers say, measure the heating-surface always on the smaller side-the fire side of the tube in a horizontal return tubular boiler and the water side in a water-tube boiler. Others would deduct from the heating-surface thus measured an allowance for portions supposed to be ineffective on account of being cov. ered by dust, or being out of the direct current of the gases.

It has hitherto been the common practice of boiler-makers to consider all surfaces as heating-surfaces which transmit heat from the flame or gases to the water, making no allowance for different degrees of effectiveness; also, to use the external instead of the internal diameter of tubes, for greater convenience in calculation, the external diameter of boiler-tubes usually being made in even inches or half inches. This method, however, is inaccurate, for the true heating-surface of a tube is the side exposed to the hot gases, the inner surface in a fire-tube boiler and the outer surface in a water-tube boiler. The resistance to the passage of heat from the hot gases on one side of a tube or plate to the water on the other consists almost entirely of the resistance to the passage of the heat from the gases into the metal, the resistance of the metal itself and that of the wetted surface being practically nothing. See paper by C. W. Baker, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xix. RULE for finding the heating-surface of vertical tubular boilers: Multiply the circumference of the fire-box (in inches) by its height above the grate; multiply the combined circumference of all the tubes by their length, and to these two products add the area of the lower tube-sheet; from this sum subtract the area of all the tubes, and divide by 144: the quotient is the number of square feet of heating-surface.

RULE for finding the heating-surface of horizontal tubular boilers: Take the dimensions in inches. Multiply two thirds of the circumference of the shell by its length; multiply the sum of the circumferences of all the tubes by their common length; to the sum of these products add two thirds of the area of both tube-sheets; from this sum subtract twice the combined area of all the tubes; divide the remainder by 144 to obtain the result in square feet. RULE for finding the square feet of heating surface in tubes: Multiply the number of tubes by the diameter of a tube in inches, by its length in feet, and by .2618.

Horse-power, Builder's Rating. Heating-surface per Horse-power.-It is a general practice among builders to furnish about 12 square feet of heating-surface per horse-power, but as the practice is not uniform, bids and contracts should always specify the amount of heatingsurface to be furnished. Not less than one third square foot of grate-surface should be furnished per horse-power.

Engineering News, July 5, 1894, gives the following rough-and-ready rule for finding approximately the commercial horse-power of tubular or watertube boilers: Number of tubes X their length in feet X their nominal diameter in inches ÷ 50 = nLd50. The number of square feet of surface nrd L n Ld in the tubes is and the horse-power at 12 square feet of surface 3.82' of tubes per horse-power, not counting the shell, nLd÷ 45.8. If 15 square feet of surface of tubes be taken, it is nLd57.3. Making allowance for the heating-surface in the shell will reduce the divisor to about 50.



Horse power of Marine and Locomotive Boilers.-The term horse-power is not generally used in connection with boilers in marine practice, or with locomotives. The boilers are designed to suit the engines, and are rated by extent of grate and heating-surface only.

Grate-surface.-The amount of grate-surface required per horse power, and the proper ratio of heating-surface to grate-surface are extremely variable, depending chiefly upon the character of the coal and upon the rate of draught. With good coal, low in ash, approximately equal results may be obtained with large grate-surface and light draught and with small grate-surface and strong draught, the total amount of coal burned per hour being the same in both cases. With good bituminous coal, like Pittsburgh, low in ash, the best results apparently are obtained with strong draught and high rates of combustion, provided the grate-surfaces are cut down so that the total coal burned per hour is not too great for the capacity of the heating-surface to absorb the heat produced.

With coals high in ash, especially if the ash is easily fusible, tending to choke the grates, large grate-surface and a slow rate of combustion are required, unless means, such as shaking grates, are provided to get rid of the ash as fast as it is made.

The amount of grate-surface required per horse-power under various conditions may be estimated from the following table:

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In designing a boiler for a given set of conditions, the grate-surface should be made as liberal as possible, say sufficient for a rate of combustion of 10 lbs. per square foot of grate for anthracite, and 15 lbs. per square foot for bituminous coal, aud in practice a portion of the grate-surface may be bricked over if it is found that the draught, fuel, or other conditions render it advisable.

Proportions of Areas of Flues and other Gas-passages. -Rules are usually given making the area of gas-passages bear a certain ratio to the area of the grate-surface; thus a common rule for horizontal tubular boilers is to make the area over the bridge wall 1/7 of the gratesurface, the flue area 1/8, and the chimney area 1/9.

For average conditions with anthracite coal and moderate draught, say a Tate of combustion of 12 lbs. coal per square foot of grate per hour, and a ratio of heating to grate surface of 30 to 1, this rule is as good as any, but it is evident that if the draught were increased so as to cause a rate of combustion of 24 lbs., requiring the grate-surface to be cut down to a ratio of 60 to 1, the areas of gas-passages should not be reduced in proportion. The amount of coal burned per hour being the same under the changed conditions, and there being no reason why the gases should travel at a higher velocity, the actual areas of the passages should remain as before, but the ratio of the area to the grate-surface would in that case be doubled.

Mr. Barrus states that the highest efficiency with anthracite coal is obtained when the tube area is 1/9 to 1/10 of the grate-surface, and with bituminous coal when it is 1/6 to 1/7, for the conditions of medium rates of combustion, such as 10 to 12 lbs. per square foot of grate per hour, and 12 square feet of heating surface allowed to the horse-power.

The tube area should be made large enough not to choke the draught, and Bo lessen the capacity of the boiler; if made too large the gases are apt to select the passages of least resistance and escape from them at a high velocity and high temperature.

This condition is very commonly found in horizontal tubular boilers where

the gases go chiefly through the upper rows of tubes; sometimes also in vertical tubular boilers, where the gases are apt to pass most rapidly through the tubes nearest to the centre.

Air-passages through Grate-bars.-The usual practice is, airopening 30% to 50% of area of the grate; the larger the better, to avoid stoppage of the air-supply by clinker; but with coal free from clinker much smaller air-space may be used without detriment. See paper by F. A. Scheffler, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xv. p. 503.


The performance of a steam-boiler comprises both its capacity for generating steam and its economy of fuel. Capacity depends upon size, both of grate-surface and of heating-surface, upon the kind of coal burned, upon the draft, and also upon the economy. Economy of fuel depends upon the completeness with which the coal is burned in the furnace, on the proper regulation of the air-supply to the amount of coal burned, and upon the thoroughness with which the boiler absorbs the heat generated in the furnace. The absorption of heat depends on the extent of heating-surface in relation to the amount of coal burned or of water evaporated, upon the arrangement of the gas-passages, and upon the cleanness of the sur faces. The capacity of a boiler may increase with increase of economy when this is due to more thorough combustion of the coal or to better regu lation of the air-supply, or it may increase at the expense of economy when the increased capacity is due to overdriving, causing an increased loss of heat in the chimney gases. The relation of capacity to economy is therefore a complex one, depending on many variable conditions.

Many attempts have been made to construct à formula expressing the relation between capacity, rate of driving, or evaporation per square foot of heating-surface, to the economy, or evaporation per pound of combustible, but none of them can be considered satisfactory, since they make the economy depend only on the rate of driving (a few so-called "constants," however, being introduced in some of them for different classes of boilers, kinds of fuel, or kind of draft), and fail to take into consideration the numerous other conditions upon which economy depends. Such formulæ are Rankine's, Clark's, Emery's, Isherwood's, Carpenter's, and Hale's. A discussion of them all may be found in Mr. R. S. Hale's paper on " Efficiency of Boiler Heating Surface," in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xviii. p. 328. Mr. Hale's formula takes into account the effect of radiation, which reduces the economy considerably when the rate of driving is less than 3 lbs. per square foot of heating-surface per hour.

Selecting the highest results obtained at different rates of driving obtained with anthracite coal in the Centennial tests (see p. 685), and the highest results with anthracite reported by Mr. Barrus in his book on Boiler Tests, the author has plotted two curves showing the maximum results which may be expected with anthracite coal, the first under exceptional conditions such as obtained in the Centennial tests, and the second under the best conditions of ordinary practice. (Trans. A. S. M. E., xviii. 354). From these curves the following figures are obtained.

Lbs. water evaporated from and at 212° per sq. .ft. heating-surface per hour: 2.6 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8

1.6 1.7 2

Lbs. water evaporated from and at 212° per lb. combustible: Centennial. 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.05 12 11.85 11.7 11.5 10.85 9.8 8.5 Barrus... 11.4 11.5 11.55 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.2 10.9 10.6 9.9 9.2 8.5 Avg. Cent'l 12.0 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.0 9.6 8.8 8.0 7.2


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The figures in the last line are taken from a straight line drawn as nearly as possible through the average of the plotting of all the Centennial tests. The poorest results are far below these figures. It is evident that no formula can be constructed that will express the relation of economy to rate of driving as well as do the three lines of figures given above.

For semi-bituminous and bituminous coals the relation of economy to the rate of driving no doubt follows the same general law that it does with anthracite, i.e., that beyond a rate of evaporation of 3 or 4 lbs. per sq. ft. of heating-surface per hour there is a decrease of economy, but the figures obtained in different tests will show a wider range between maximum and average results on account of the fact that it is more difficult with bituminous than with anthracite coal to secure complete combustion in the furnace.

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