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owners by various varnishes and oilings, one upon another, the dirt at the fame, time lying underneath both, that it is impoffible to get all off without damag ing the painting, but, that it may be damaged as little as poffible, care should be taken to put it into the hands of a very experienced perfon, not colourmen or frame-makers, for I fhould as foon give them a commiffion to make me a fuit of cloaths, as to mend my pictures, as I am well affured they muft know as much of one as the other; and it is chiefly owing to these fort of men that all the mischief has been done that I have been complaining of

From all that has been faid, I believe every one will conclude that M. Vanloo will meet with many difappointments as well as difficulties, and it is well if, after all the trouble and expence he has put himself to, he will not have reafon to wish he had staid at home, and employed his time to a much better purpole.

for the parliament to remedy the evil : that this may be the cafe is plain; for we are told from Rome and other parts of Italy, that their crops are short, and will not ferve the year round, and confequently we fhall be called upon for a fupply.

I am forry to find every one who laments the high price of provisions, lofing fight of the chief caufe, and laying it upon a wrong one. Ignorance and prejudice unite all in the common cry against foreftallers, &c. and I fear it will be to little purpose to trace the caufe deeper: however, let us remember, that to find a wrong cause will put us upon feeking a wrong cure. Wheat with us

(a hundred miles from the capital) is fix fhillings and fix-pence a bufhel, and has been from five and fix-pence to that price for feveral months paft: now would any man in his fenfes have a quantity of wheat in his hands and not bring it to market, if there was no probability of his having a better price? one cause then of the high price must be the far

XXXXXXXXXXXXX mer's knowing that he has not more


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Obfervations on the high price of Wheat. Was a little concerned to hear in the public papers, that there was fuch a number of bills ready to be laid before the parliament, feeing their meeting is to be fo late; for it is to be feared, the hurry of business may caufe fome to be omitted, that may be of the great eft concern to the nation, and cannot have any remedy if the opportunity be loft this feffion. Of this fort are the new regulations talked of in the corn. trade, which feem to be highly neceffary for notwithstanding the many accounts we have of a plentiful crop, I am fure, if it be properly enquired into, it will be found to be a small crop of wheat; yet as it is good grain, and well got in, it would certainly carry us thro' the year at a reasonable price, if the demand abroad does not leffen the quantity too much before we are aware efi:; which may be when it is too late,

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wheat in his barn than what is likely to fell at a good price the year round: he certainly finds that he hath not so much as last year, and yet in last year he never had a bad price for it. Let us enforce this opinion by recollecting, what a wet winter and spring the last were; what damage by floods in Lincolnaire and the low grounds throughout the kingdom; how many thousand acres of pafture for our cattle lie now under wa ter; how much grain was rotted and spoiled or washed out of the grounds every where; infomuch, that the county just mentioned produces but about half the quantity of wheat that it might have done. The price of corn at this time, is a proof that the exportation of last year left our ftocks low; and the above confiderations convince us country folks that our stock is not large, in comparison to the demand we have of late had for it.

As to our stock of cattle, I do not wonder, that you Londoners should be deceived in that particular; for it will


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require to look back, not only to laft winter, but to two or three years be yond for the cause. The fummer in 1762 was a very dry one, and the fcarcity of hay caufed fuch a flaughter of cattle, that we had good beef for lefs than two pence a pound. This certainly thinned the stock; and what kept down the rising herd was a dry time the fpring following; which was fuch a difcouragement to the rearing of calves, that tho' beef and mutton fold for three pence a pound, good veal fold for two pence; which difference could never have happened, if there had not been an unusual number of calves killed; let us add to this the number of fheep drowned last spring by the floods, in all the low lands throughout the nation we shall then fee how little reason there is to affert, that "the oldeft man now living, nor history itself cannot point out a period when this country was bleffed with a more plentiful harveft; with more abundant pasture for our cattle, or cattle for our pasture, than at prefent."

The abundant pafture for our cattle, is a bleffing we may be truly thankful for; but the good effects of it may not be felt at this juncture; for if from the abovementioned causes, the grazier was forced to buy young cattle at a dear price, he must have a good price now; and if he cannot get it, he will be induced to keep them till after Christmas, when they will fetch a good price; and this, because he hath abundant pafture for them.-But this withholding will be no disadvantage to the public; because the more cattle are withheld, the more reasonable will the price be at spring.

Thefe confiderations may account for the price of wheat, and provifions in general, without attributing it wholly to forestallers and that tribe: I do not mean, by what I fay, to infinuate that there is no fault in that clafs of cormorants; cheese and butter with you in London, are most certainly the objects of their avarice; but had these not been fcarce, there would have been no room for foreftallers to practice upon us. It

is fcarcity makes foreftallers, and the greatest blow that could be given them was by introducing plenty, as in the importation of Irish butter, beef, &c. or by preferving plenty, by bringing our laws relating to the exportation of corn under better regulations. From what has been faid, I think it must appear that it is a combination of caufes, not of men, that keeps corn dear; to enlarge upon all would take up too much of your room, but to mention them briefly, they are the fhortnefs of the crop, the riches of the farmers, the practice of raifing rents, and lastly, the great encrease of horses, which in my opini on are the greatest foreftallers in the kingdom.-I cannot but lament the extravagancy of you Londoners, who keep horfes at a very great expence, to ride (not quite fo often as) every funday from divine fervice. From these cau fes I could fhew (by the connection they have with each other) that the neceffaries of life are never like to be fo cheap to the poor labouring manufac-" turer as they have been; and I think I could point out fome regulations in the corn trade, that might be of fervice to the poor, and yet not too much affect the farmer and the landed interest. In the mean time, I affure you, that what I have faid is not under the influence of any interested views; for I have no relation in the world that deals in any fort of provifions. I have a great family to provide for, and feel the exorhitant price of provisions, but cannot run away with the current of popular prejudice, being a lover of truth.



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tained a bloody and revengeful war with the five united Indian nations of New York, who, according to their common method of war, attacked them by furprize, killed many, took what they could prifoners, and then retreat ed with the utmost expedition; the Catabaws always pursued them fo close that they generally obtained a fufficient revenge; they fometimes chafed them as far as the river Susquehana, bringing back many scalps as a token of their victory. The following is an inftance of their refolution and intrepidity:

A party of the Five Nations furprifed a town on the river Wateree, whilft the men were out a hunting, and deftroyed their families; when the men returned and faw what had been done, they were fired with the utmost revenge, and purfued the aggreffors directly but the Indians of the Five Nations travelling night and day, and kindling no fires for feveral nights, for fear of being discovered, got fo far the ftart of the Catabaws, that they could not come up with them. Having continued the pursuit feveral days, they were at last difcouraged from proceeding further; but a stout young Catabaw, protesting he would not return without a fcalp, fet off alone, and found their encampment; he lay concealed that night, watching an opportu nity to effect his purpofe, which hap. pened early the next morning for an Indian happening to straggle from the reft, he shot and scalped him, and carried home bis trophy with great applause.

The confederate Indians, however, Being more numerous, overpowered them at last, fo that continual wars and the small pox, from a numerous nation, reduced them to 70 fighting men and their families, who were o bliged to leave their country, and fet tle among the English for protection, having a tract of land allotted them, upon which they have built a little town, This small remnant has intirely lof the martial fpirit and activity of their anceftors, and funk into fioth and indoience.

Obfervations on Vipers.

A gentleman affured Mr. Bartram, that he had, vexed sa vipers to that degrees that he bit himself, and then turned on his back and died and after wards, as Mr. Bartram was travelling, he faw a black viper in a coil by the road fide; he then bethought himself to try the experiment he had fo lately heard, of which he doubted the truth: he got a cleft ftick, and drew the viper into the road, which fo irritated him, that he hiffed and spread his head and neck very flat, and his body flatti, attempting at the fame time to make off, but he stopped his career, which provoked him so much, that in a rage he opened his mouth to its utmolt extent, and drew half the length of his body thro' it, into his ftomach, and feemed to bite himself: he immediately turned on his back, his jaws being wide open, his tongue lolling out, and lying on his neck, and a flm covering his eyes; his body was also contracted, and his belly funk between his ribs ; he lay quite motionless, and was to appearance dead. Mr. Bartram ftood at fome distance from him to obferve his motiin about five or fix minutes he began to draw in his tongue, by flow degrees he shut his jaws, then the film removed from over his eyes, which appeared very bright, he first turned his head and neck, then his whole body, and, foon after, the fubtle ferpent crept away.


Next day he efpied another viper, by the way side, upon which he got a stick, and provoked him a he did the other. This viper foon feigned himself dead, and Mr. Bartram stoodle a confiderable time looking at him; at length he revived again, and endeavoured to creep away, but was prevented.

A perfonafterwards overtook him, and related a story he had heard well afferted, that our spittle injected into the mouth of a ferpent, was mortal poison. This he determined to try the first op portunity. Some time after he found a viper, which he provoked to open its


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Know not, dear Cleanthes, why the ancient philofophers, the primitive Christians, and the Manicheans particularly, have gone fo far wide of the question in ftriving to discover the principle of good and evil. They would perhaps have fucceeded better by feeking for it in our reason, which most commonly is the fource of both. That light, which is given to direct us, is often overfpread by fuch thick clouds, that it becomes ftill more dangerous than unferviceable to us. We do not then fee where we walk, and we run blindly in to the evil which we were unable to forefee or know. Should reafon appear again in her fplendor, we run after good, the fight of which mult charm the fight. Thus, from reafon alone, more or less enlightened, proceeds the innocence or irregularity, the good or bad conduct of men.

Without thofe unhappy alternatives, more or less frequent in every man, it would have been fufficient, undoubtedlý, to make us love and practise our duty; but, reafon being every moment fubject to be extinguished, and often without hopes of brightening out again, there was a neceffity that divine and hu man laws, as two luminaries making but one and the fame body of effulgence, fhould come to enlighten her, and, by this means, keep us from refembling thofe twin brothers of the fable, fometimes inhabitants of the heavens, and fometimes citizens of Tenarus

It is undoubtedly a melancholy reflection, that reafon, which from age to age has to much extended her know

ledge, cannot, especially at prefent, do without this affiftance. At what time did the reign alone in the world? Was it not in the freshness of spring embeb lifhing nature, which had newly budded forth? She then governed allumen as one family, and even then laboured most at enlarging their conceptions, and increasing the springs of their foulr Innocent and useful employment was then a fource of pleasure. Mankind did not live by chance, their occupations were not, as the greater part of ours, without motive and without object; they were not embarrassed by the lofs of the treasure of time, nor the weight of their existence. The earth and their hands were their only riches. They had no knowledge of the fatal art of multiplying their wants; fuperfluities were not yet become neceffary. Juftice was rather, in them, an inftinct than virtue. Content with practising moral truths, they neither studied to distinguish nor define them. A good action found its glory in itself; they only fought after happiness in the tranquillity of a pure confcience, and in a mutual confidence, fupported by candor and fincerity.

But, fince arbitrary principles of honour and wisdom have fucceeded to the fimplicity, the moderation, and the plain virtue of our forefathers; fince paffions have perverted manners, debased fouls, and brought effeminacy, diffimulation, oftentatious fhew, frivolous purfuits, with all forts of errors and follies, into request; fince intereft has withdrawn all attachment to the public good, and circumfcribed, as it were, every man within himself; fince interest also has gained the afcendant over justice, and ambition over virtue; fince the love of luxury has given birth to an infatiable avidity, and the point of honour is become an idol requiring bloody facrifices; fince politics have banished integrity; fince few make a fecret of their pleafures, and even erect a trophy of their debaucheries, the law of nature being no longer fufficient, there was a neceffity for ftronger curbs to more impetu ous and untractable tempers.


It is entirely to the increafe of vice that we owe the establishment of laws. Would to God that we could now attribute, to their force and wisdom, the abolition of the disorders which have made them to be enacted! but the means men's malice has imagined, for eluding the laws, increase, in proportion to the restraint they impose: Already, as an impetuous torrent, pasfions have broke down thofe dykes, and very foon, as before, they will overwhelm the whole face of the earth: And who will be able to stop short the inundation?

Nothing is more certain, my dear Cleanthes, than what you fay of confcience. It is a law equally incorruptible and fevere, which it is not poffible to break through or weaken. It gives us a quick sense of the evil we do, and its reproaches are more terrible to us than the evil itself; it lays open continually to us the faults that are known only to ourselves; it terrifies the wicked, and, if it cannot make them wiser, it makes them more wretched. In fhort, it is a judge the more implacable when its counfels are despised; the more intelligent, as knowing the inmost recesses of our hearts; and the more fure, as never pronouncing fentence but on inconteftable proofs, and equally evident to itself and to ourselves.

If laws had been made for rewarding good actions as well as punishing crimes, undoubtedly the number of the virtuous would be more increased by the invitation of a promised advantage, than the number of the wicked leffened by the rigour of the punishments defigned for them; and this is exactly, if we attend to it, the cafe before the tribunal of confcience. The wicked are there punished by the bitter reproaches even of the most hidden crimes; the good re ceive there the reward of their most fecret virtues, not only by the exemption of all remorse, but by pleasing testimo nies which envy cannot deftroy; by an interior charm, more easily felt than defcribed; by an unforeseen return of a good soul on herself, which, when the is

even willing to be ignorant of herfelfs reflects on what the is, and is pleased in enjoying herself, without any other defign than exciting herself more to the practice of her duties. This delicious contentment is not an illusion of selflove unknown to virtue. All that she thinks is as true, as just, and as upright as herself.

The moft fcrupulous juftice, and the moft exact in obferving the laws, may be mistaken; it may fometimes condemn innocence, or be fo blinded as to abfolve crimes; but the decifions of confcience are always infallible, tho' guided only by our own lights. Without examination, without enquiry, without information, the fees at once all that need be blamed or approved.

From this law, profoundly graved by the finger of God himself on all hearts, may be derived all those which point out the extent of the obedience and fidelity we owe to those whom Providence has allotted to us for regulating our manners and conduct,

The object of those laws is to form citizens capable of making a state enjoy happiness and tranquillity. It is certain they retain more force in the hand of one only, than when the obfervance of them is confided to a whole nation, which might place in the number of its privileges that of not obeying them; whence a fatal corruption and dangerous anarchy must be the confequence. We may be happy in a monarchy; every thing then yields to the laws; but in a republican government all pretend to command, and obedience being fet afide or fufpended, none can enjoy tranquillity, one of the principal, conftitu. ents of the happiness of life... ́...

Climate has a confiderable influence over the genius, character, and cuftoins of a people. From the difference of their fentiments and prejudices, we inay account for that of the governments we know of in the world. Fear retains fome under a defpotic authority; o thers, naturally more refolute, and less timid, jealous of the liberty they have received from nature, dread an abfo


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