| John Mair - 1772 - 376 páginas
...neareft leffer root of the left-hand period ; place the figure fo found in the quot ; fubtracl its cube from the faid period ; and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividual or refolvend. The divifor conf1fts of three parts, which may be found, as follows. 3. The... | |
 | J. Brookes - 1776 - 364 páginas
...under the firft Period, and the Root in the Quotient (as in Divifîon) fubtraâ that fquare out of the faid Period, and to the remainder bring down the next Period for a Dividend, then double' the Quotient or Root, and place it for a Divifor, feek how often the Divifor... | |
 | Charles Vyse - 1785 - 356 páginas
...the Root, thereof in th*Qi:ot«:i1t (;is in Divifion}, i'ulitraift tlii'.t Square out of the laid1 Period, and to the Remainder bring down, the next Period for- a Dividend. g. Double the Quotient or Root, and place it for a Divifcr, feek how often the Divifor is... | |
 | 1801 - 444 páginas
...and- it will be the first figure of the root required. 2. Subtract the assumed square from the first period, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend. ' 3. Place viz. 2oooop ; but 100000 has one place less than 1000 and 100 together have :... | |
 | Nicolas Pike - 1802 - 352 páginas
...greateft cube in the left hand period, and put its root in the quotient. 3. Subtract the cube, thus found, from the faid period, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and call this the dividend. 4. Multiply the fquare of the quotient by 300, calling it the triple fquare,... | |
 | William M. Finlay - 1803 - 274 páginas
...greatest square in the left hand period, and place the root in the quotient, subtract the square from the period, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend. Double the quotient for a divisor, and try how often it will be contained, putting the trial... | |
 | Charles Vyse - 1806 - 342 páginas
...Period, and the Root thereof in the Quotient (as in Division) ; subtract that Square out of the said Period, and to the Remainder bring down the next Period for a Dividend. 3. Double the Quotient or Root, and place it for a Divisor, seek how often the Divisor is... | |
 | Nicolas Pike - 1807 - 372 páginas
...cube in the left hand period, and put its ro,ot in the quotient. 3. Subtract the cube, thus found, from the faid period, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and call this the dividend. 4. Multiply the fquare of the quotient by 300, calling it "the triple fquare,... | |
 | Zachariah Jess - 1810 - 222 páginas
...hand period, which piar,- to the right of the given number, and subirait the cube thereof from siid period ; and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividual. Thirdly, Take the triple square of the ascertained root for a defective divisor/ Four(/j!y.,... | |
 | 1811 - 228 páginas
...of units. 2. Find the left hand period and put its root in the qt. 3. Subtract the cube, thus found, from the faid period, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and call this the dividend* 4. Multiply the fquare of the quotient by 300, calling it the triple fquare,... | |
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