Imágenes de páginas


18. Two kinds of demons, fouls of men deified nonized after death, and feparate fpirits; p. 129. and bad demons; p. 130. The Gentile noof demons has fometimes place in fcripture; p. A paffage in Epiphanius, that much ms and illuftrates the foregoing expofition; p. -135. The worship of faints and angels now ame as the worship of demons formerly; p. 135, The rife of this worship; p. 136. Too much oted and encouraged by the fathers from Conne's time, and particularly by Theodoret; p. 138. The conformity between the Pagan and h worship; p. 138, 139. III. The worthip of the to take place in the latter times; p. 139. What latter times are; p. 140, 141. IV. The worof demons foretold exprefly by the Spirit in Dap. 142. V. Propagated and established through ypocrify of liars; p. 143, 144. VI. Forbidding arry, a farther character of these men; p. 144. first recommended the profeffion of fingle life; 5, 146. The fame perfons, who prohibited age, promoted the worship of the dead; p. 146, VII. The laft note of thefe men, commando abftain from meats; p. 147. The fame perwho propagated the worthip of the dead, imalfo abftinence from meats; p. 148. This abce perverting the purpose of nature; p. 149. creatures to be received with thanksgiving;




p. 150-271,

Very useful to trace the rife and progrefs of religions and governments; p. 150. None more wonderful than that of Rome in its fuccefs and prevalence; ibid. This fignified beforehand by the Spirit of prophecy, and particularly in the Revelation; p. 151. The objections made to this book by feveral learned men; p. 151, 152. This book difficult to explain; p. 152. A memorable story to this purpofe, of Bishop Lloyd of Worcester; p. 152, 153. This book not therefore to be defpifed or neglected; p. 153. The right method of interpreting it; p. 153, 154. What helps and affiftances are requifite; p. 154. Hard fate of the beft interpreters of this book; p. 154, 155. Great encouragement however in the divine benediction; p. 155.

AP. I. Ver. 1, 2, 3: contain the title of the book, the fcope and defign of it, and the bleffing on him that readeth, and on them that attend to it; p. 155. Ver. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; the dedication to the feven churches of Afia, and a folemn preface to fhow the great authority of the divine revealer; p. 156. Ver. 9-20: the place, the time, and manner of the first vifion; p. 156, 157. The place, Patmos, whither St. John was banished in the reign of Nero more probably than in that of Domitian; p. 157. The arguments for this opinion; p. 158-161 The Revelation given on the Lord's lay; p. 161. The manner and circumftances of the irft vifion; p. 161, 162.

churches of Afia; p. 162–175. Why thefe feven addreffed particularly: p. 166. Thefe epiftles not prophetical, but peculiar to the church of that age; p. 167, 168. The excellent form and ftructure of thefe epiftles; ibid. In what fenfe they may be faid to be prophetical; p. 168. Prefent ftate of the feven churches; p. 168-175. Of Ephefus; p. 168, 169. Of Smyrna; p. 169, 170. Of Pergamus; p. 170, 171. Of Thyatira: p. 171. Of Sardis; p. 171, 172. Of Philadelphia; p. 172, 173. Of Laodicea; p. 173, 174. Ufe that we are to make of these judg ments; p. 174, 175. CHAP. IV. the preparatory vifion to things which muft be hereafter; p. 175, 176. The fcenery drawn in allufion to the incampment of the children of Ifrael in the wildernefs, and to the tabernacle or temple; p. 176, 177.

CHAP. V. a continuation of the preparatory vifion, în order to fhow the great importance of the prophecies here delivered; p. 177, 178. Future events fuppofed to be written in a book; p. 179. This book fealed with feven feals, fignifying fo many periods of prophecy; ibid. The Son of God alone qualified to open the feals; ibid. Whereupon all creatures fing praises to God and to Chrift; ibid.

CHAP. VI. Ver. 1, 2: contain the firft feal or period, memorable for conqueft; p. 180. This period commences with Vefpafian, includes the conqueft of Judea, and continues during the reigns of the Flavian family and the fhort reign of Nerva; ibid. Ver. 3, 4: the fecond feal or period noted for war and flaughter; p. 182. This period commences with Trajan; ibid. Comprehends the horrid wars and flaughters of the Jews and Romans in the reigns of Trajan and Adrian; p. 182, 183. Continues during the reigns of Trajan and his fucceffors by blood or adoption; p. 184. Ver. 5, 6: the third feal or period, characterized by the ftrict execution of juftice, and by the procuration of corn and oil and wine; ibid. This period commences with Septimius Severus; p. 185. He and Alexander

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Alexander Severus juft and fevere emperors, and no lefs celebrated for procuring corn and oil, &c., p. 185, 186. This period continues during the reigns of the Septimian family; p. 186. Ver, 7, 8: the fourth feal or period, diftinguished by a concurrence of evils, war, and famin, and peftilence, and wild beafts; p. 186, 187. This period commences with Maximin; p. 187. The wars of this period; p. 187, 188. The famins; p. 188. The peftilences; 188, 189. The wild beafts; p. 190. This period from Maximin to Diocletian; ibid. Ver. 9, 10, 11: the fifth feal or period, remarkable for a dreadful perfecution of the Chriftians; p. 190, 191. This the tenth and laft general perfecution, begun by Diocletian; p. 191. From hence a memorable æra, called the era of Diocletian, or era of martyrs; p. 192. Ver. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: the fixth feal or period remarkable for great changes and revolutions, expreffed by great commotions in the earth and in the heavens; p. 192. No change greater than the subverfion of the Heathen, and establishment of the Christian, religion; ibid. The like figures of fpeeck ufed by other prophets; p. 193, 194. The fame thing expreffed afterwards in plainer language; p. 194. CHAP. VII. a continuation of the fixth feal or period; p. 195, 196. A defcription of the peace of the church in Conftantine's time; p. 197. And of the great acceffion of converts to it; p. 198. Not only of Jews, but of all nations; p. 198, 199. This period from the reign of Conftantine the great to the death of Theodofius the great; p. 199.

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CHAP. VIII. Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: The feventh feal or period comprehends feven periods diftinguished by the founding of feven trumpets; p. 199, 200. The filence of half an hour previous to the founding of the trumpets; p. 200. As the feals foretold the state of the Roman empire before and till it became Chrif tian, fo the trumpets forefhow the fate of it afterwards; p. 201. The defign of the trumpets to rouse the nations against the Roman empire; ibid. Ver. 7:


At the founding of the first trumpet Alaric and his Goths invade the Roman empire, twice befiege Rome, and fet fire to it in feveral places; p. 201, 202. Ver. 8, 9: At the founding of the fecond trumpet Attila, and his Huns, wafte the Roman provinces, and compel the eaftern emperor, Theodofius the fecond, and the western emperor, Valentinian the third, to fubmit to fhameful terms; p. 203, 204. Ver. 10, 11: At the founding of the third trumpet Genferic and his Vandals arrive from Africa, fpoil and plunder Rome, and fet fail again with immenfe wealth and innumerable captives; p. 204-206. Ver. 12: At the founding of the fourth trumpet Odoacer and the Heruli put an end to the very name of the weftern empire; p. 206. Theodoric founds the kingdom of the Oftrogoths in Italy; p. 207. Italy made a province of the caftern empire, and Rome governed by a duke under the éxarch of Ravenna; ibid. Ver. 13: The three following trumpets are diftinguifhed by the name of the woetrumpets, and the two following relate chiefly to the downfall of the eastern empire, as the foregoing did to the downfall of the weftern empire; p. 207, 208. CHAP. IX. Ver. 1-12; a prophecy of the locufts or the Arabians under their falfe prophet Mohammed; p. 208-217. At the founding of the fifth trumpet a ftar fallen from heaven opens the bottomless pit, and the fun and air are darkened; p. 209. Mohammed fitly compared to a blazing star, and the Arabians to locufts; ibid. A remarkable coincidence, that at this time the fun and air were really darkened; p. 210. The command not to hurt any green thing, or any tree, how fulfilled; ibid. Their commiffion to hurt only the corrupt and idolatrous Chriftians, how fulfilled; p. 210, 211. To torment the Greek and Latin churches, but not to extirpate either; p. 211. Repulfed as often as they befieged Conftantinople; ibid. Thefe locufts defcribed fo as to fhow that not real but figurative locufts were intended; p. 212. Likened unto horfes, and the Arabians famous in all ages for their horfes and horfemanfhip; ibid. Having



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