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and raised up by Providence to the glorious and important work of delivering the seed of Abraham from their present misery. And indeed, this fact is countenanced and supported by the short hints which scripture has given us of the subject. Among the other instances of victorious faith, recorded in the eleventh chapter of the Hebrews, that of the parents of Moses is marked with honour and approbation by the Apostle. "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child, and they were not afraid of the king's commandment."* It is not unreasonable to suppose, that their faith might have some particular promise or intimation from Heaven to rest upon.

proved the strongest bulwark to Egypt, if | pregnant, should be miraculously preserved, treated as friends. Increased from seventy souls, to six hundred thousand men, besides women and children, it was dangerous to irritate them, and difficult, if not impossible to subdue. Too proud to enter into treaty with them as allies, too timid to attempt their extirpation by open force, and too suspicious to confide in their gratitude and attachment, Pharaoh adopts the barbarous policy of undermining their strength by excessive labour; of breaking their spirit by severity, and of preventing their future increase, by putting to death their male children as soon as they were born. Such a state of things was very unfavourable to marrying and giving in marriage. Nevertheless marriages were contracted, and children procreated; for it is absurd as it is wicked, for any earthly power whatever to set itself to counteract the great plans of God and nature. God has said, "increase and multiply;" in vain has Pharaoh said, "abstain." Amram, of the family of Levi, accordingly, in these worst of times, takes to wife Jochebed of the same tribe, indeed his own father's sister, by whom he had three children; Aaron, probably born before the bloody edict for destroying the males was published; Miriam, whose sex was a protection from the rigour of it, and Moses, who came into the world while it was operating with all its horrid effects.

Josephus in his Jewish Antiquities relates, that about the time of the birth of Moses, one of the Egyptian seers informed the king that | a child was about to arise among the Israelites, who should crush the power of Egypt, and exalt his own nation to great eminence and splendour, if he lived to the years of maturity: for, that he should distinguish himself above all his contemporaries by his wisdom and virtue, and acquire immortal glory by his exploits. He farther alleges, that the king, instigated by his own fears of such an event, and by the cruel counsels of the seer, issued the bloody decree which must be an eternal blot upon his memory.

The distress of Jochebed upon finding herself pregnant, is to be conceived, not described. The anxiety and apprehension naturally incident to that delicate situation, must have been aggravated by terrors more dreadful than the pangs of child-birth, or even the loss of life itself. As a wife and a mother in Israel, she was looking and longing for the birth of another man child; but that sweet expectation was as often checked and destroyed by the bitter reflection that she was subject to the king of Egypt; that if she bare a son it was for the sword, or to glut some monster of the river. The Jewish antiquarian informs us, that the anxiety of the parents was greatly alleviated by assurances given to the father in a vision of the night, that the child with whom his wife was then

The time at length came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son, according to the same historian, without the usual pains and consequent weakness of childbearing; by which means no foreign aid being required, concealment was rendered more easy, and the exertions of the mother in behalf of her child, were scarcely, if at all, interrupted. "A goodly child" is the modest language which Moses employs in describing himself: "exceeding fair," or fair to God, that is, divinely fair, is the stronger expression of St. Stephen, in his recapitulation of this period of the Jewish history. From which, without the fond encomiums of profane authors, we may conclude, that Providence had distinguished this illustrious person from his birth, by uncommon strength, size, and beauty. Every child is lovely in the partial eye of maternal affection: what then must Moses, the wonder of the world, have been to his enraptured parents! But the dearer the comfort, the greater the care, and that care increasing every hour. Not only the child, and such a child, was continually in jeopardy, but certain and cruel death was hanging every instant, by a single hair, over the heads of all who were concerned in the concealment; nay, the salvation of a great nation was at stake; nay, the promise and covenant of God was in question.

In the conduct of these good Israelites, the parents of Moses, we have a most instructive example respecting many important particulars of our duty. They teach us, that no circumstances of inconveniency, difficulty, or danger, should deter us from following the honest impulses of our nature, or from complying with the manifest dictates of religion: and, at the same time, reprove that would-bewise generation of men among us, who, from I know not what reasons of prudence, or others which they dare not avow, defraud their country, the world, and the church of God, of their due and commanded increase. Their faith in God, employing in its service

* Heb. xi. 23.

secrecy, vigilance, and circumspection, admonishes us ever to connect the diligent use of all lawful and appointed means, with trust in and dependence upon Heaven, as we wish to arrive safely and certainly at the end proposed. In them, as in a glass, we see confidence without presumption, diligence, zeal, and attention, free from incredulity; we see Providence firmly, undauntedly resorted to, with the consciousness of having done their utmost to help themselves. Without this trust and this consciousness, yielding their joint support, what must the wretched mother have been, compelled at length, by dire necessity, to expose the son of her womb on the face of the Nile, in a basket of rushes?

I love to see a perseverance of exertion that leaves nothing undone which is possible to be done; and a faith that holds out as long as hope exists. Why not cast the whole burden on Providence? Is not he who preserved | the child floating in an ark of bulrushes, able to save him naked in the stream, or even in the jaws of the hungry crocodile? If an ark must be prepared, is it also necessary to employ all this curious attention in daubing it with slime and with pitch, to prevent the admission of the water? What, leave nothing to him who has marked the infant for his own, and solemnly charged himself with his safety? Yes; after we have done our all, much, every thing depends on the goodness of Heaven. But the careful mother did well when she pitched every seam and chink of the frail vehicle as attentively as if its precious deposit had been to owe its preservation solely to that care and diligence. "Cast all your care upon him, for he careth for you.' Mark it well, it is our care, not our work, which we are encouraged to cast upon that God who careth for us, and who hath said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

not by working a miracle, but by the seasonable, simple, and natural disposition of second causes, operating to one and the same end, without any design, consciousness, or concert of their own. And, be it ever remembered, that the wise, gracious, almighty Ruler of the world, pleases not himself, nor amuses his creatures, by a profuse, ostentatious exhibition of wonders, but by an intelligent, dexterous management of ordinary things. He carries on his righteous government not according to new and surprising laws, but by the surprising, unaccountable, unexpected methods in which he executes the laws which he has established from the beginning.

Let us dwell a little on the minuter circumstances of the case before us: as they serve to illustrate a subject of all others the most comfortable and tranquillizing to a race of beings, beyond measure wretched and pitiable, if there be not a God who rules in wisdom and in loving kindness all the affairs of men. We are first led to the humble cottage of Amram, and mingle in the tender solicitudes of an obscure family, in one of the most common situations of human life. From thence, we step immediately to the palace, to attend the humorous caprices and pleasures of a princess. Jochebed, the wife of Amram, and Termuthis, the daughter of Pharaoh ! What can they have in common with one another, excepting those particulars in which all mankind resemble all mankind: and yet Providence brings them together, gives them a mutual concern, a mutual charge, a mutual interest. By how many accidents might this most fortunate coincidence have been pre""*vented? A day, an hour earlier or later, in the active care of the one, and the contingent amusement of the other, and the parties concerned had never met. The slightest alteration in the setting in of the wind or the tide; the particular temperature of the fleeting air, or the more variable temperature of a female mind, apt to be corrupted by unbounded gratification and indulgence, unaccustomed to contradiction, governed by whim, following no guide but inclination, and occupied only with the object of the moment: the operation of all, or any one of these, might have defeated the design. But these and a thousand such like contingencies, unstable as water, and changeable as the wind, subdued by the hand of Omnipotence, acquire the solidity of the rock, and the steadfastness of the poles of heaven. The mother could not part with her child a moment sooner, durst not retain him a moment longer. The princess could betake herself to no other amusement or employment, could pitch upon no other hour of the day, could resort to no other part of the river, could divert her attention to no other object; the tide could not run, nor the wind blow in any other direction, nor with greater or less rapidity. Moses was not safer

Mark yet again the diligent use of means, and the interpositions of Providence; how they tally with, unite, strengthen, and support each other. The anxious mother does not yet think she has done enough. Miriam her daughter must go, and, at a distance, watch the event. And here ends the province of human sagacity, foresight, and industry; and here begins the interposition of providential care. The mother has done her part. "The rushes, the slime, and the pitch," were her prudent and necessary preparation. And the great God has at the same time been preparing his materials, and arranging his instruments: the heart of a king's daughter, the power of Egypt, the flux of the current; the concurrence of circumstances too fine for the human eye to discern, too complex for human understanding to unravel, and too mighty for created power to control.

We pointed to the interposition of Heaven; but, we beseech you to observe, it interposed

* 1 Pet. v. 7.

of our just and reasonable desires. What a blessed change! The mother of Moses is permitted to do that for princely hire, and under royal protection, which she would have purchased with her life the privilege of doing for nothing, could she have done it with safety to her child. Moses finds shelter in the house of Pharaoh, from the wrath of the king; and he who was destined to be the plague of Egypt, and the deliverer of Israel, is trained to power, wisdom, and consequence, by the Egyptian Magi, and the favour of her who was next the throne.

when king in Jeshurun, encompassed with the shortest and safest road to the attainment the thousands of Israel, was not safer in the mount with God, is not safer within the adamantine walls of the New-Jerusalem than Moses in the flags, Moses at the mercy of the waves, of the monsters of the Nile, and of men more merciless than wild beasts. What power threatened the life of Moses! The king of Egypt. What power preserved it? The king of Egypt's daughter. What were the steps which led to his elevation Those which foreboded his destruction. What circumstances forwarded the accomplishment of the oracle? Those which attempted to defeat it. Could all this have been the work of man? No; it must have proceeded from "the Lord of Hosts, who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working." "Who doth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, what doest thou!"*

The usual train of common events led Pharaoh's daughter to the river side; the ark in which little Moses was laid happened to catch her eye; curiosity prompted her to examine its contents, and pity at the sight touched her heart. If there be an object in nature more interesting and affecting than another, it was that which now presented itself to this great lady's eye. A beautiful infant, of three months old, deserted by its own parents, exposed to ten thousand dangers, and expressing by the tender testimony of tears, its sense of that misery of which it had not yet acquired the consciousness. "Behold the babe wept." Pity is a native plant in a noble heart. The story told itself. The situation in which the child was found explained the cruel occasion. The sacrament he carried engraven on his flesh, declared to whom he belonged. Compassion was fortunately connected with power, and Providence wisely balanced one thing with another, the jealousy and severity of the father, with the tenderness and generosity of the daughter.

Josephus, with whom Moses is justly a favourite object, has recorded many little particulars relating to this part of his history. And, among others, that when the child was applied to the breasts of several successive Egyptian nurses, he turned from them with signs of much disgust and aversion, and that this encouraged his sister Miriam, who was anxiously attending the event, and observed the eager concern of the princess about her little foundling, to propose a nurse of her own nation, and thereby artfully introduced the mother herself to the tender office of suckling her own child. Whatever be in this, one useful lesson is taught us, on better authority than that of Josephus, namely, that perseverance in difficult and painful duty is

* Dan. iv. 35.

But, the Providence which saved him amidst so many perils, is pleased to record and perpetuate the memory of his deliverance in his name. It was customary to name the child on the day of circumcision, the eighth from its birth. Perhaps the anxiety and distress of their situation might have broken in upon some of the ceremonies practised upon that occasion; or, if a name had been given him by his parents, he has not thought proper to hand it down to posterity. It being his own design and the will of God, that he should be known to all generations by the appellation which Pharaoh's daughter gave to the babe whom she saved from perishing; Moses, "drawn out," "because," said she, "I drew him out of the water."

The Jewish writers take delight (and who can blame them?) in expatiating on the extraordinary accomplishments, external and mental, natural and acquired, of their great lawgiver. They ascribe to him the most perfect symmetry of features, uncommon height of stature, a noble, commanding demeanour, the most engaging sweetness of disposition, the most winning address and eloquence, the most undaunted courage, the most profound erudition. Indeed, the singular beauty of his person is hinted in no obscure terms in many places of scripture, and the additional lustre which it afterwards acquired by intercourse with Heaven, lustre which remained unimpaired to the latest old age, convey to us a very high idea of his external appearance. But he stands in no need of the pen of a Philo or a Josephus to make his panegyric. His own actions and writings are his noblest monument; and will live to instruct, delight, and bless mankind, as long as good sense and good taste, virtue, patriotism, and religion exist, and are held in estimation in the world.

The parallel between the Jewish and the Christian legislators is so striking, and supported by so many scripture authorities, that he who runs may read it. Previous to the birth of Moses, the Israelitish state was reduced to the lowest ebb of distress and despondency; the birth of Christ found a lost world sunk into the most deplorable corrup

tion, guilt, and misery. Of the appearance | Heaven, had fallen victims to the jealousy of Moses there was a general expectation and apprehensions of two bloody and ambiover all the land of Egypt. Christ, "the tious princes. Moses escaped the hands of desire of all nations," was earnestly looked Pharaoh by falling into those of his daughfor by "all who waited for the consolation ter. Christ avoided the cruelty of Herod by of Israel," who searched the scriptures, and retiring for a while into Egypt. All history observed the appearances of the times; and agrees in representing Moses as a person of by infallible signs was his approach an- extraordinary grace, wisdom, and comeliness; nounced to mankind. The deliverer of the and of whom is the prophet speaking, when seed of Jacob was no foreign potentate, with he says, "Thou art fairer than the children a strong hand and stretched out arm, but a of men: grace is poured into thy lips; therechild of their own nation. And who is the fore God hath blessed thee for ever."* Moses Saviour of perishing sinners? "Verily he was brought up in all the learning of the took not on him the nature of angels: but he Egyptians. Christ was anointed with the took on him the seed of Abraham. Where- Spirit without measure. Moses stands disfore in all things it behoved him to be made tinguished by a name which commemorates like unto his brethren, that he might be a a temporal deliverance. Christ by two merciful and faithful High Priest, in things names, descriptive of his high and important pertaining to God, to make reconciliation office, "Jesus," the Saviour, and of the manfor the sins of the people."* "As the chil- ner in which he was set apart to it, "Christ," dren are partakers of flesh and blood, he the anointed of God. Moses began not to also himself took part of the same, that exist till the day that his mother Jochebed through death he might destroy him that bare him in Egypt, but Christ says of himhad the power of death, that is, the devil."† self, “Before Abraham was, I am." Moses The extraordinary circumstances attending from the beginning was faithful as a servant the birth of Moses were ascertained to the to Him who appointed him; but "Christ as world, and transmitted to posterity, by means a son over his own house; for in all things of an edict of the king of Egypt. The birth he must have the pre-eminence." Now to of Christ, in like manner, as to time, place, God in Christ be ascribed, by all nations, and and situation was marked out for the know-generations of men upon earth, and by every ledge of mankind by a decree of Cæsar, the angel in heaven, kingdom, power, and glory emperor of Rome. Both the one and the for ever. Amen. other, but for the special interposition of † Heb. ii. 14.

*Heb. ii. 16, 17.

* Psalm. xlv. 2.



Then came to him certain of the Sadducees (which deny that there is any resurrection) and they asked him, saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, if any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. There were therefore seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and died without children. And the second took her to wife, and he died childless. And the third took her; and in like manner the seven also. And they left no children, and died. Last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife. And Jesus answering, said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage. Neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the angels, and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. Now that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.-LUKE XX. 27-38.

ONE of the most obvious and natural con- | solations of reason, under the loss of those whom we dearly loved, and one of the most abundant consolations furnished by religion, is the belief that our departed friends are, at their death, disposed of infinitely to their advantage. We weep and mourn while we re

flect upon the deprivation of comfort which we have sustained; but we wipe the tears of sorrow from our eyes, when we consider that our loss is their unspeakable gain. "Rachel weeping for her children," refuses to be comforted so long as she thinks "they are not " but her soul is tranquillized and comforted

nions. Heinously offended at the neglect of washing of hands previous to eating, they were wicked enough to establish, by a law of their own, neglect of, unkindness, and disobedience to parents; thus, according to the just censure which our Lord passed upon them, "straining out a gnat, and swallowing a camel.”

when her eyes, in faith, look within the veil, and behold them softly and securely reposing in the bosom of their Father and God. It is an humbling and a mortifying employment to visit churchyards, to step from grave to grave, to recall the memory, while we trample upon the ashes of the young, the beautiful, the wise, and the good; but we find immediate relief, we rise into joy, we tread The Sadducees, on the other hand, the among the stars, when aided by religion, we strong spirits of the age, disdaining the retransport ourselves in thought to those bless-straints imposed on mankind by a written ed regions where all the faithful live, and reign, and rejoine; where "they that be wise shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."* Distance is then swallowed up and lost, and we mingle in the noble employments and pure delights of the blessed immortals who encircle the throne of God.

It is astonishing to think, that there should have been men disposed willingly to deprive themselves of this glorious source of comfort; men ready to resign the high prerogative of their birthright, and by a species of humility strange and unnatural, spontaneously degrading themselves to the level of the brutes that perish. And yet there have been, in truth, such men in every age. But it is no wonder to find those who satisfy themselves with the pursuits and enjoyments of a mere beastly nature while they live, contented to lie down with the beasts in death, to arise no more. They first make it their interest that there should be no hereafter, and then they fondly persuade themselves that there shall be none. Error of every kind, both in faith and morals, prevailed in the extreme at the period when, and in the country where, the Saviour of the world appeared for our redemption.The nation of the Jews was divided, in respect of moral and religious sentiment, into two great sects or parties, who both pretended to found their opinions upon the authority of the inspired books, which were held in universal estimation among them; and particularly the writings of Moses. But they drew conclusions directly opposite, from the same facts and doctrines; and both deviated, in the grossest manner, from the spirit and design of that precious record which they both affected to hold in the highest veneration.

The Pharisees, earnestly contending for the strict observance of the law, confined their attention to its minuter and less important objects, and paid "the tithe of mint, and anise, and cummin," but omitted "the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith" and, raising oral tradition to the rank and dignity of scripture, found a pretence for dispensing with the plainest and most essential obligations of morality, when these contradicted their interests and opi

* Dan. xii. 3.

law, thought fit to become a law unto themselves. They left the austerities of a strict religion and morality to vulgar minds; and that they might procure peace to themselves in the enjoyment of those sinful pleasures to which they were addicted, they denied the existence of spirit, the immortality of the soul, and a future state of retribution. They alleged that the law was silent on those points, and that this silence was a sufficient reason for rejecting the belief of them. They went farther, and contended, that were such doctrines contained in the law, they ought not to be admitted, because they implied a contradiction, or at least involved such a number of difficulties as it was impossible satisfactorily to solve. The chief of those difficulties they propose to our blessed Saviour, in the passage which I have read; and they do this, not in the spirit of docility and diffidence to have it removed, but in the pride of their hearts, vainly taking for granted that it was insurmountable.

My principal intention in leading your thoughts to this subject, at this time, is the occasion which it afforded to the great Teacher who came from God, of discoursing on a theme nearly connected with the design of these Lectures; and of disclosing to us sundry important particulars, respecting the venerable men whose lives we have been studying, and those which we are still to examine; and respecting that world in which we, together with them, have a concern so deeply, because eternally interesting. To these we shall be led by making a few cursory remarks on the preceding conversation which took place between Christ and the Sadducees. And this shall serve as an Introduction to the farther continuation of a Course of Lectures on the history of the memorable persons and events presented to us in the holy scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments.

The Sadducees insidiously begin their attack by professing the highest respect for the authority of Moses and of his writings: "Master, Moses wrote unto us." The most pernicious designs, the most malevolent purposes, are frequently found to clothe themselves in smiles; often while mischief lies brooding in men's hearts, "their words are smoother than oil." The father of lies himself can have recourse to truth, if it be likely

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