THIS Discourse was delivered some years ago in one of the Chapels of the Metropolis, without any thought of its ever being known beyond the walls of that place of worship, and without any preparation being made for such a purpose. One of the hearers, wholly unknown to the Preacher, took it down in short-hand. It was some time after given to a friend; and it is here presented to my Readers, with a few verbal corrections. It has been thought, that, as religion is now evidently going on " from the least unto the greatest," the sentiments contained in this Discourse, although in a plain dress, may be useful. SERMON VII. THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS. AND it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: The rich man also died, and was buried; and in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.-Luke xvi. 22, 23. THIS is the only place in the holy Scriptures where hell is unveiled to mankind. Indeed hell itself is not often mentioned there; but it is nowhere unveiled, with reference to any particulars, and especially to any personality connected with it, except in this one place. We should, therefore, consider who it is that hath so far laid it open to our view. It is not one who would pry into that which he had not seen, vainly and foolishly meddling with what did not concern him. It is not one who, in order to astonish mankind, or to excite their admiration, or for any other creaturely purpose, would make a revelation of what God hath covered. No, my brethren, there is nothing of this kind in the awful passage before us; nor can any thing of the kind be imputed to the Divine Revealer. He who hath thus far opened the abyss to our view, and hath exhibited to us a fellow-creature there,—a man !—not devils only, but a man that once lived on earth, that once assembled with his friends and neighbours to worship God, and that enjoyed all the advantages of this world,-He who hath showed us this man in hell, is He before whom " hell and destruction are without a covering." It is One who knew what he said, and why he said it. It is the Word, who thus declares the mind of Jehovah, in order that we may not come into that "place of torment." He who said to some in his day, "How shall ye escape the damnation of hell?" hath here told us, that some have not escaped it. He hath opened the pit of destruction to our view :-May He help us this day to lay it to heart, and to profit by the survey! I would again observe, that neither our Lord, nor his Apostles or Prophets, speak often on this subject. Truth is always consistent. He hath told us, that "judgment is his strange work;" and it is, therefore, his strange word. Some of his servants, perhaps, meddle too much with it. They are not to be commended. Our ministry is a "ministry of reconciliation." It is, therefore, the glory of the servants of Christ to " pray sinners, "in Christ's stead, to be reconciled to |