this caution. But an opposite fear also impressed me; a fear, which even the great Apostle acknowledges as having restrained him when he would have made known the loving-kindness of the Lord. I forbear, says he, lest any one should think of me above what he seeth me, or heareth from me. I have felt this deeply. But I have considered also, that those who have been long conversant with the earthen vessel, will not be in much danger of thinking too highly of the faithfulness of the man: And this it is evident was painfully realized by the Apostle in his own case. Those who are happily conscious of the favour of that God, whose they are, and whom they serve, must, and ought to be, satisfied with it; and to glory only in the Lord. And it is their happy privilege to say, and to sing, Whate'er in me seems wise, or good, I wash my garments in the blood On these considerations I have forborne, and almost resolved to defer, giving publicity to the loving-kindness of the Lord, till I should be out of the reach of honour or dishonour. But I am now inclined to believe that the time is come. My day is far spent; and therefore, unless I leave it to others, (concerning which I have many, and opposite fears,) I must not delay to give, at least, an abridged account, that may, by the blessing of the Lord, be helpful to those who are coming up out of the wilderness leaning upon their Beloved. I find I must also venture to make it public; and in the present day too, when many of even, the professors of religion, and zealous teachers of evangelical truth, regard with jealousy all accounts of Christian experience, as if these accounts furnished a proof that the writers of them had only received the seed of life as upon stony places, (Matthew xiii,)—on their unbroken and unhumbled hearts; and that the light joy given to them, which yet the breath of opposition may dissipate, arose from superficial discoveries of a Saviour, (whom yet they knew not truly their need of,) rather than from the kingdom of God within them, even righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The writer of this Memoir need not be told of the possibility of such delusions. He has had long and painful knowledge of them; and he also knows how difficult it is to strike at that pride of heart which strengthens the delusion, without wounding that truth which is, after all, the real source of even that light joy. He also believes that there is no effectual cure for the delusion itself, but in digging deep, as our CHIEF SHEPHERD teaches, (and consequently, in striving after more and more of that experience,) that we may lay our foundation on the Rock of Truth, from whence issue those waters of life, which have their source in the throne of God and of the Lamb. This experience, he believes, is equally unknown to the natural man, however learned or wise, and to the mere pupil of doctrines, however true; but that God reveals it to the poor in spirit, who hunger and thirst after righteousness, and they shall be filled therewith. With respect to the Sermons:→I have often been requested by those who seemed to have received some good by my ministry, to publish a few discourses, which might stir up their minds by way of remembrance, when I am no more seen: Like a flag floating when the Bark 's ingulf'd! Several of the most eminent men who . have been engaged in this work have done this; and in departing from their circuits, they have left in the hands of those who regretted their departure, some remembrancers of the truths which they had found helpful. I also now comply with this kind request; and I select those Discourses, which have met with some approbation in their day, rather than venture those which are of later date, and have been known only from the pulpit. I have another reason for selecting these, -I think they will suit the Memoir which accompanies them. What the Apostle calls the foolishness of God,-His wondrous way of being JUST, while He justifies the ungodly, and sanctifies the unholy,-His being faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, is seen equally in Christian experience, as in the foolishness of preaching. Some may also wish to know |