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One can be robbed of good thoughts by coming in contact with those who do not respect the rights of others.

The distribution of the treasure to the twelve chief priests is the orderly apportioning to the twelve faculties of our being the substance of power and ability, which we have gathered in experience with the outer world. They care for it and protect it, until through the law of spiritual and mental equity, all that we have earned will begiven to the custodians of the spiritual temple, which we are always building, though we may seem away off in the Babylon of confusion.

Then let us be content to go in whatever place we may be, doing our duty, fasting from sense gratification, and striving to be meek in the presence of our Lord, knowing that all that is of the good in our thoughts and acts will be finally gathered up and given to the "temple of God;" "which temple ye are."

Now and then people write to the Silent Unity Society after this manner: "If you heal me I will send you a free-will offering, but I don't want to pay out any more money until I am sure of getting something for it."

We do not bargain with anyone nor enter into the discussion of finances. Our position is that God does the healing, and that He will see that we are supported. We do not ask anyone to pay us before or after the healing is done. We simply state that our expenses are met by free-will offerings of those to whom we minister.

We find, however, that people who want to drive a hard bragain with God, and demand His Healing Spirit before they will give up anything, are not usually helped.

Their attitude is: "Now, God, I have been buncoed by others fakirs, and I am suspicious of You, but if You can first deliver the goods I will hand over the cash to Your servants." Where there

is suspicion but little faith exists, and our work is to establish the mird of faith- God does the healing. Consequently if you have in mind the withholding of vour money until you are healed, you had best not mention it in your letter, because it forms a barrier your recovery.

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Inspired by the Spirit of Truth.

It is found that when many people hold the same thought there is unity, though they may be separated by thousands of miles, and that all who are connected with that unity are in touch with higher spiritual states, even Jesus Christ.

So there has gradually grown up this Society of Silent Unity, in which thousands in all parts of the world join every night at 9:00 o'clock, in thinking for a few moments one thought, which is given each month in the magazine UNITY. This we call the "Class Thought," and every member is expected to hold it at least five minutes at the beginning of the silence, in order to make the unity connection; after which, "Ask what ye will in my name, and it shall be done unto you."

Certificates of membership are issued without charge to those who make personal written application for them. To meet expenses, we ask members to send us free-will offerings, as no charge is made for any service we render.

This society has been in existence about fifteen years, and has over 11,000 registered members. Through its ministry thousands have been healed mentally and physically, and its power grows stronger day by day. The silent hour is 9:00 P. M., your local time. Geographical difference in time is not a factor in spiritual unity.

Beginners usually have a great many questions to ask, and they require a course of lessons and reading. To such we recommend the "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady; price, $1.25.

UNITY is published monthly, and contains a large amount of instruction. The price of it is $1.00 per year. Where members take UNITY and the "Cady Lessons" together, we make a rate of $2 00 for both.

The simple written request to be enrolled a member of the Silent Unity Society is all that is required to join with us.

Special Notice-If for any reason, members cannot observe the Silence at the regular hour, they should notify us what hour they can observe, and we will arrange it satisfactorily.


913 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.


[That UNITY readers may know somewhat of the character of the teaching in our local meetings, the following stenographic reports are printed. These are not complete reports, but of the most salient points, according to the judgment of the reporter, Miss Millie Chandler.]

Monday Evening Healing Meeting. Held at Unity Headquarters, 913 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Charles Fillmore, speaker.

We sometimes think that our ills are sent upon us for punishment, and that God is the source, I might say, of the punishment; that it is God's will that we should suffer for something we have done. It comes to me just now, Would it not be well for us to take that thought up and see what there is in it? Now, the proposition is: Does God send illness as a punishment for sins of any kind?

Prof. Moore: There is a law. God manifests through man's realization of law. If man commits an error, that puts him out of harmony with that law; he, himself, is the source and cause of the inharmony. God is a God of love and not of punishment.

Judge Benson: I suppose the trouble is, we have violated a law. We suffer in consequence and charge it up to God.

Carl Gleeser: If man transgresses the law of God, he suffers as the result of the transgression. Man has the power to quit sinning, and when he quits, the evil effects of such sin will disappear.

Charles Fillmore: We know the state of Missouri has certain statutes, and if a man does anything unlawful he is punished for it. Is the state responsible for his unlawful act?

Now here is a law, and if we conform to it we are healthy and happy in every way.

If you have dyspepsia and eat things that do not agree with you, you have the result; and if you go to a doctor, he will tell you that you will have to be

very careful about what you eat, and under his advice you will find yourself limiting your food supply. If your food capacity has been small, you will find that limiting the supply will result in a belief of limited strength, and not having strength, you can not work. Thus one limited idea follows another. The sin or falling short is in not first acknowledging God as the source of your life and strength. You see we must go back of all manifestation and find out what man is. Man is the moving force in the body, consequently he must conform to a certain law in that movement or he becomes a transgressor.

Here we are getting to the cause of our sins. God is not the cause of the punishment; He is not the cause of my having a weak stomach. I have not now, but I had once. I had fear. I was afraid that I was going to lose my property. I was afraid that my children would be sick or meet with accidents. These fears weakened my vitality, and I could not digest my food. But God was not responsible for those fears. When I learned to love and trust Him they left me and I grew strong. Sickness is the result of our own thought, and we should not hold God responsible. God is Mind, and the remedy is to square ourselves with this law of the action of the mind, and all at once we find that every function becomes strong and well. I have come to the conclusion that the so-called diseases of the body are not evil. Nature, or the equilibrium of Divine Mind, is constantly seeking to be established in its law of harmony, and disease is a process of equalization.

If you have, we will say, a fever, your whole idea is to get rid of the fever; and the doctor will say, "We must lower the temperature." Well, now, the fever is a good thing. Nature is trying to burn up the dead cells in your organism. If you do not know how to get rid of the fever by getting rid of the angry thought that is causing it, you better be

careful how you lower your temperature with drugs. I find that nearly all people who come to me with nervous troubles are coffee drinkers. The men drink whisky or beer, or anything that will stimulate them, and the women drink tea and coffee. The first remedy of the metaphysician is to get rid of the mental cause; then stop the coffee drinking and have the patient sober up. We want to get at the causes of our disabilities, and every one of them will be dissolved if we put them into what I call the Divine Goodness.

Many people say: "Well, I know that I have done wrong, but I do not know how to repent of the sin." Just the moment that you recognize that there is a God, just the instant that you realize the unity of your spirit with the great Universal Spirit, you will be forgiven. I know that every one here can be instantly cured if he will say, with an honest conviction, "I am willing that the will of God shall be done in

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After making this affirmation we may be put to the test in some unexpected way. For example, a lady who had nervous prostration said she was willing to do the will of God to the uttermost. I asked her if she had forgiven everybody - was not holding thoughts of resentment. She said she loved all. "Well," I said, "your nervousness indicates that you are not properly vitalized. Do you realize that God is your life?" She said she did, and claimed it many times each day. "But," said I, "do you carry this out in all the details of your life? Are you depending on any artificial source for life?" Then she began to search herself and she finally said, "It may be that I love coffee better than I do the stimulant of the Spirit. When I don't have it my head aches." I told her to claim the vitality and life of the Spirit every time she yearned for coffee, and thus raise her life source from the material to the Spiritual, which she did, and she recovered her normal estate.

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