| Sir Edward Coke - 1794 - 588 páginas
...and their heires, executors, fucceffors, and aflignees fhal have like advantage againft the leflees, &c. by entry for non-payment of the rent, or for doing of wafte or other forfeiture, &c. as the faid leffors or grantors themfelves ought or might have had.... | |
| Sir Edward Coke - 1812 - 620 páginas
...See. to or by any other person or persons, and their heires, executors, successors, and assignees shal have like advantage against the lessees, &c. by entry...might have had. Upon this act divers resolutions and judgements have becne given, which are necessary to be knowne. 1. That the said statute is general!,... | |
| William Selwyn - 1812 - 700 páginas
...conditions cannot be apportioned by act of the party, 4 Leo. 27(38) Although the words of the statute be for non-payment of the rent, or for doing of waste or other forfeiture, yet the grantees or assignees shall not take advantage of every forfeiture by force of a condition,... | |
| Sir Edward Coke - 1817 - 826 páginas
...grantees or assignees, «Uc to or by any other person or persons, and their heirs, executors, successors, and assignees shall have like advantage against the lessees, &c. by entry for non« payment of the rent, or for doing of waste or other forfeiture, &c. as the said lessors or grantors... | |
| Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas Littleton, John Henry Thomas - 1818 - 752 páginas
...their heirs, executors, successors, and assignees, shall have like advantage against the lessees, 8cc. by entry for non-payment of the rent, or for doing of waste, or other forfeiture, 8tc. as the said lessors or grantors themselves ought or might have had. Upon this act divers resolutions... | |
| William Sheppard - 1820 - 1178 páginas
...like advantage against the feoffees, &c. by entry for non-payment of rent, or for doing waste, or for other forfeiture, &c. as the said lessors or grantors themselves ought, or might have had (74). [In the case of a common person there cannot be any reversion, when there is a feoffment in fee... | |
| William Woodfall - 1822 - 722 páginas
...king, or grantees or assignees of any common person, their heirs, executors, successors and assigns, shall have like advantage against the lessees, &c. by entry for non-payment of rent, or for doing waste or other forfeiture, and the same remedy by action only for not performing... | |
| Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas Littleton, F. Hargrave - 1823 - 784 páginas
...grantees or assignees, &c. to or by any other person or persons, and their heirs, executors, successors, and assignees shall have like advantage against the...have been given, which are necessary to be known. i. That the said statute is generall, viz. \U\ that the grantee [ft] PI. Com. of the reversion of every... | |
| James Ram - 1825 - 206 páginas
...have and enjoy " like advantages against the lessees, their executors, adminis" trators, and assigns, by entry, for non-payment of the rent, or " for doing of waste, or other forfeiture ; and also shall and may " have and enjoy all artd every, such like, and the same advan" tage, benefit,... | |
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