Imágenes de páginas

Painswick 16. See Sunday Saffure's obfervations on the

Reed, Mr J. account of his
life and writings 519
Richmond, D. plays perform-
ed at his house 200. 247
Robertfon, Dr. Sce Books
Rocks, bafaltic, how formed

Rodney, Ld. See Commons.

Rohan, Cardinal, reinstated,
and his fufpenfion erased 41
Rof, D. letter from, contain-
ing a remarkable incident
that occurred in confequence
of the reprefentation of
George Barnwell 526
Royal borough reform: Court
of exchequer find the legifla
ture alone competent to de-
termine in the cause of Dum-
barton burgeffes 97. Proted
of Dumbarton burgeffes a-
gainst the magiftrates 202.
Meeting of delegates 411
Ruffia; Arrival of the Em-
prefs and her fuite at Kiow
142. Manner of travelling
ib. Reduces the intereft of
the public funds 196 K.
of Poland arrives at Kiow
243. British merchants fub.
jected to the fame duties as
thofe nations not in treaty
with Ruffia ib. Prize que
ftions by the Imperial aca-
demy ib. The Empress
leaves Kiow with her flect,
and has an interview with
the K. of Poland, whom she
invefts with the order of St
Andrew 297
Her interview
with the Emperor ib. Ar.
rives at Cherfon ib. and fets
out with the Emperor for
the Crimea ib. Vists the
most celebrated cities there,
and returns to Czarko-zelo
460. M. de Bulgakow fent
to the Seven Towers, and
war declared by the Porte
512. A fhip of the line ta-
ken by the Turks, and the
fleet in the Black Sea dif-
perfed by a tempest 555
St Euftatius, claims of its in-
habitants fuftained 199. See

St George, Mr, his affault
with M. D'Eon 199
St Hubert, fabulous ftory of 85
Sallad, quick growth of 46
Saltpetre, on its manufacture

inhabitants of Chamouni 235.
Description of a Chamois
hunter 236

Boat overfet at the Lina of
Camplie 652. Monthly Que
of the thermometer at Edin
burgh 653

Scots, remarks on their origig


Savary on the plague in Tur-
key and Egypt 58
Scilly islands. See England Scotticisms. See Books
Scotch appeals, lift of 252 Selkirk, author of Robinfor
Scotland: Earthquake at Crufoe, a poem by $18
Strathblane ib. Meeung of Sensibility, effay où, by a la-
delegates on the corn-laws dy 34. 61

Slavery, a fociety instituted
in Philadelphia for promo-
ting the abolition of 563:
Their memorial to the con-
vention of the United States

48. British fociety's letter Seffion, decifions of the court
and queries to landholders, of 98, 101, 152, 464–653.
&c. refpecting the fisheries Severn packet, affecting ac
96 Owners of diligences count of her shipwreck 148
&c not liable for money. Shakespeare, fums paid to edir
parcels, unless paid for and tors of 8
booked as fuch 98. Court Silver, a new coinage of 96
of Seffion cagno augment the Sinking fund, produce of the
ftipends of Tingwall and 133
Cairney 101. Mrs Maclean
intitled to an aliment 159.
Court of Justiciary restore the
Sool. to Mr Bonar 153.
which he depofits as a fund
for erecting a Bridewell 412. 564
Election of two Peers ib. Smail. See Spalding
Trials at Aberdeen 25 1. Gae- Smallpox See Adair. Books
lic chapel at Perth ib. Lift Societies, the mechanism of,
of scots appeals ib. Trials See Calaux. Books
before the sheriff of Rox- The Sovereign, political cha
burghshire 310. J. Watson racter of 21
tried for fheep-ftealing ib.
W. Haugh, who had recei-
ved a refpite, ordered for
execution ib. Diving bell
359. Poft robbed 360 410.
Trial for inciting manufac-
turers to leave the country ib.
Ancien‹ coins and urus found
at Crieff ib. Dutch war-fhips
in Leith-roads ib. Payment
of an American debt 361.
Thunder-ftorm 410. Edin-
burgh chamber of commerce
confer with the Lord Advo-
cate on feveral objects of im.
portance to the country 411.
Great take of herrings 412.
415 Paifley canal begun 412.
Decifions about literary pro-
perty 464. Riots at Glafgow
465. A grampus taken in
Clyde 515. Scamen impreff
ed ib. Number and fuccefs
of the Greenland fhips $16.
Notice to mariners of the e-
recting of Kinnaird's-head
light 568. Peter Wilbart
tried for murdering his wife
650, and acquitted 651. Pro-
fecution for refusing to take
halfpence of the coin of Geo.
III. ib. Inundations at Glaf-
gow and Grangemouth ib.

Spain: King's indifpofition
42. Prince of Afturias af-
fumes the government ib.
Further term allowed the
British to evacuate the Mof-
quito country 92
Spalding, Mr, experiment by,
with his improved diving
bell 359

Speakers, principal, in House
of Commons 65
Stadtholder reftosed to his
right 462. See United Pro-


Stage-coach, action for the re-
covery of money fent by a 98
Stamps, produce of 234
Steam-engines; Account of
Capr. Savary's 266. Of New-
comen and Calley's 267. Of
Watt's and Boulton's 268
Sterne, original letters of the
late Mr 55. 387
Stocking-toom, origin of the


Stocks, prices of, 52. &c See

Suhm, M. de, his correspond.
ence with the late King of
Pruffia 496

Sunday, grand jury's memo-
rial on its profanation 201

Sunday's poft. See Edinburgh
Sunday Khools, utility of 15.
One opened at Aberdeen 99.
Meeting of fubfcribers for619.
Three opened at Glasgow ib
Swinging, its effects in cu-
ring confumptions 495
Tales: 17 80. 140
Tas, a spring of, difcovered
at Coal Brook Dale 463
Taftes, premium for a fland.
ard to afcertain 386
Taxes, produce of 233
Teneriffe, Pike of, a new e-
ruption of that mountain 42
Theophraftus,observations by,
on volcanoes, &c. 53.
Thermometer, monthly ftate
of, at Edinburgh for 1787 653
Thunder ftorms: A semarka-
ble one in Scotland defcri-
bed 313. Abroad 503 In
Ireland 504.
In Britain 505
Tide, extraordinary, at White-
haven $66
Time and talents, on the pro-
per application of 239
Time-keepers, improvement
of 110

invafion $$$ Declaration
and counter-declaration be-
tween France and England
on the affairs of Holland
$66 Journal of the progress
of the Prufian army 613
Princefs of Orange intimates
to the D. of Brunfwick a re-
queft of the States of Hol-
land that 3000 or 4000 Pruf-
fan troops be allowed to re-
main for fome time, which
he agrees to 649. She sub-
mits to him the propriety of
withdrawing the rest of the
troops, after difarming the
unconftitutional citizens of
Amfterdam ib. Intercedes
for the prifoners of war at
Wefel ib.

Universities of Aberdeen: Ma-
giftrates of Dornoch and pref-
bytery of Nairn on their o-
nion 99. Aberdeenshire
freeholders on ditto 309.
Veffe!, aiple. See Miller
Vefuvius, mount, throws out
lava 41.91. Dreadful erup-
tion of 514

and Haerlem apprifed that
the garrifon at the Hague is
to be augmented ib. Stadt-
holder's birth-day ib. A ge-
neral faft ib The fovereign
grofsly infulted ib. Counfel
lors of Amfterdam and Rot-
terdam difmiffed, and re-
placed by patriots 243. Ac-
tions between Stadtholderian
troops and burgeffes of Ut-
recht 243. 244. Notice by
the Stadtholder to the States-
General about the march of
troops 243. Tumults at
Amsterdam 297. Stadthol-
der's letter to the States-Ge-
neral 298. His declaration
ib. Counter manifefto by
the patriotic party 299. In
trepidity of Lt-Col. Balneavis
350. A reward offered for
apprehending him ib. Coun-
cil of Amfterdam petition the
States of Holland to call the
King of France as mediator
ib. Princefs of Orange ftop-
ped on her journey to the
Hague by armed burghers,
and returns to Nimeguen ib, Vice, proclamation for pu
Their Noble Mightineffes nihing 306
prohibit wearing Orange rib- Vimonda. See Books
bons on pain of death ib. Viñon, peculiarity of, in a
K. of Pruffia's memorial on girl 601
the outrage committed on the
Princefs of Orange 351. An-
twer of their High Mighti-
neffes 403. and of the States
of Holland and Weft Frief
land ib. K. of Pruffia's re-
ply 404 Patriots repulfed
at Soeltdyke 405. Sir J.
Harris, the British envoy,
presents a memorial to the
States-General 460. States
of Holland's answer to the
K. of Pruffia's reply ib. No-
tice fent by M. Thulemeyer
to the Penfionary 461. No-
tice by the Rulian envoy,
&c. to the Prefident of their
High Mightnesses 462.
States of Holland iffue orders
for breaking and difarming
the free corps, and invite
the Prince of Orange to take
command of the Hague ib.
Princess of Orange returns to
the Hague 513. Illumina-
tions on the occafion 514.
D. of Brunswick advances
within 4 miles of Amfterdam
Stadtholder's ib. Nieuwenfluys taken ib.

A new travelling machine 65
Trials: Of Par and Pringle,
for forgery 43.
Of Ld G.
Gordon 277. and Wilkins the
printer, for a libel 178. Of
A. R. Bowes, &c. for a con-
fpiracy 302. Of J. Watfon
for theep-ftealing 310. Of Dr
John Elliot, for fhooting at
Mifs Boydell 392. Of P.
Wishart, for murder 651
Turkey: Plague at Conftan-
tinople 40 Ottoman troops
defeated in Egypt ib. Ruf
fian minister fent to the Se-
ven Towers $12. War de-
clared against Ruflia ib.
Rufian hip of the line taken
555. and their fleet difper-
fed by a tempeft ib
Tuscany, abstract from the
criminal laws of 489
United Provinces: M. de
Goertz fends his letter of re-
call to the States- General go
His memorial therewith ib.
Letters of re-credence by the
States-General to the K. of
Pruffia ib. Subftance of
Goertz and Rayneval's un-
fuccefsful negotiation 91.
Note delivered to the States
General by the French am-
baffador 142

letter to Fagel 143. Dort

Voice, observations on its me-
dium and management, by
Mr Herries 419
Volcanoes, obfervations on 5.3.
Defcription of three in the

moon 317

Volney, M. on the climate of
Egypt 585. The hot wind
of the defert 586
Votes, Scots fictitious. See

Wales, P. of, change in his
eftablishment 45. Entered a
fice mafon 95.
Nine per
cent of his debts paid 200.
Appears at St James's 248.
Taken fuddenly ill 302. State
of his debts 330
Walsh, Dr, cause of his death

Wa wick, anecdote of the late
E. of 509

Washington, Gen. account of
his feat 42. Manner of life
43. Jack-afs prefented him
by the King of Spain ib.
Speech on being continued
commander in chief 199
Water-works on plain and caa
Short sketch of the Pruflian fy principles invented 564


Weakness of memory 20
Weavers of Glasgow rio: 465
Well, account of the burning,
at Barrahcoon 472
Weft Indies: Prince William
Henry arrives at Barbadoes
93. Ferment in Jamaica in
confequence of the lavish ex-
penditure of the public money
300. Improvement in the cul-
ture of wild cinnamon in Ja-
maica by Mr Woolery 354
Wellminster Abbey, receipts
and disbursements at the mu-
fical performances in 307
Whale-fifhery, fuccefs of Hull
fhips laft feafon 649 See 516
Whitaker's characters of Q

Mary 432. Q. Elifabeth 433.
and Earl of Murray 485
Whitbread's brewery vifited
by their Majesties 355
White, Dr, confecrated Bi
fhop of Pennsylvania 199
Wild beafts, prodigious num-
ber of, exhibited at Rome 84
Wilkins, the printer, trial of
for a libel 278. Sentence 357
William III death and cha-
racter of 440
Williamfon, Mr, tried for
bribing an excise officer 48
Williamfon, John, character
of 439

Winds hot and poisonous in
Egypt 586

Witchcraft, Mr Forbes's cu
rious definition of 453
Wody acks in Siberia, account
of that race of people 137
Wool fmuggled from Holl
566. Trials for 618
Woolery, Mr. See Weft Indies
Wolves. See Hunting Italy
Yates, Mrs, memoirs of 345
York, Duke of, arrives in
England 407. Vifits Aller-
ton with the P. of Wales 567
Young Arthur, his tour i
Catalonia: Method of ma
naging the Spanish flocks
581. Miferable state of a
griculture 583. Account of
Barcelona 633

INDEX to the POETRY, &c.
dreft in a tartan Scotch bon-

ADdrefs, occafional, at Mar-
gate theatre by Mr Pratt


Age, the prefent, epithet for


Agreeable Surprife, Song in
troduced in that comedy at
Ld Sandwich's theatre 612
Apollo, hint to 511
Baker's Chronicle, tale from,
spoken by Mr Palmer at the
Royalty theatre 511
Beattie, Dr, his verfes to Lady
C. Gordon 554
Bethlem hofpital, view of 510
Bryant, J. Fred. tobacco-pipe
maker, a prayer by 459
Burns's addrefs to a Haggice,
39. Hallow-c'en, 88. Pro-
logue, 195. Man was made
to mourn 296
C-, Mifs Sappho's ode pa-
rodied by 39
The Cottage-girl 456

net 554

Gray's elegy written in a
country church-yard, imita-

tion of 141

Haggice, addrefs to one 39
Hallow-een, by Burns, ex
tracts from 88
The Honey-stealer 295
Horace, b. 4. ode 7. imitated

Hunter Blair, Sir J. monody
on his death 348
To Hyella 349
Infcription for Napier's tomb,
195 On an organ in the
Litchfield museum $53
King, ode for his birth-day 295
Knox, Mr, verfes to, 401.
On reading his View of the
British empire ib
Ladd, Dr, his receipt for a
cough $54

Lady fleeping, verses to 511

Cough, receipt for, by Dr The Lounger, ode from, to a

Ladd 554

The Crane, a tale 140
Elegies 38. 141. 553
Epigrams 349. 402
Epilogue to the Way to Keep
Him, 242. To Vimonda,

[blocks in formation]

lady going abroad 349
Man was made to mourn, a
dirge, by Burns 296
Margate theatre, address at 611
Moon-light, by W. Hamilton
Reid 296

Monody on Sir J. Hunter
Blair's death 348
Murphy, A. verses by 511
New year, ode for the 38
Odes, 38. 39. 89. 194. 295.
349. 547

Pieran fpring, epigram on 349
P. Pindar on the difadvanta-
ges of fat 141
The Two Pindars 511
Poems, 611. 612
Polwhele, R. the cottage-girl
by 456

Pratt, Mr, verfes on Waller
by, 611. Occafional addrefs
at Margate theatre ib
A Prayer 459
Prologue fpoken by M. Woods
on his benefit-night 195. To
the Way to Keep rum, at
the D. of Richmond's theatre
241. Spoken by Mr Palmer
at the Royalty theatre 458
Pruffia, K. of, lines written
by 349

Richardfon, Mr, his verfes
on Dr Irvine 553
Sappho's celebrated ode pa-
rodied 39

Selkirk, A. poem by $18.
On Silence 510
Song 612

The Snow-drop 89 295
The Sympathetic Rooks 554
Tales 140. 511

Too-much and Nothing 349
The Twelfth of August 402
The Viole: 348

The three Vernons 611
Verses, left at the White Lion,
Calais, 242. At the Ship-
Ion, Dover, ib. To a lady
fleeping 511. Elegiac 553.
On the death of the Rev.
James G-th 610 Written
by Horace Walpole 611.
Hung on a walnut-tree ib.
On a lady intending to take
the veil 612
W- Dr J, elegy on the
death of his wife 38
Waiting apartment of a great
offie, lines written in gro
Walpole, H. verses by 611
Winter 610

Year, new, ode for 38



[blocks in formation]

N. B. When a name occurs oftener than once in a page, the number of times is denoted by numeral
letters immediately after the number of the page.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Babbington 516

Hepburn 205

Baikie 206

Herbert ib

Balfour 49

Howe 257

Barnard, L. 466

Beauclerk 20s


Bennet 361. 620

Innes 310

Biffet 620

Robertfon 49 466. Dalrymple, L. 361 A poor woman 154

516. ii

Dalzell, L 516 Pringle 154. 41%

A Day labourer's Purves, L. 368

wife 412

Drummond 257

Ballenden, L 361 Hunter 620

Ingram Shepherd Schank 205

[blocks in formation]

Rae 206

Douglas 620

[blocks in formation]

Duff 154

Rofs 102 361

Dundas, L. 310 Ruthven, L. 413


Saltoun. L. 41%
Sandilands 49
Sedgley 154

Buchanan 412

A Large fortune 361

Smith 206 412

Burns $68

Lawrie 620

Erfkine, L. 102
Erskine 413 621

Campbell 49. ii. Legrande 153

For. 153. 412. ii. Leslie 49. 310

Cauvin 205

Lindefay 466


Charteris 466

Lockhart 412

Cholmley 310

Long 620

[blocks in formation]

Cleghorn 361

Lyon 412

Swynburne 361

Compton, L. 41%

Macadam 610

Tennan: 412

Ferguffon 466

Congalton 620

[blocks in formation]

Conner 466

Craig 620

Mackay 101

Trotter 412. ii.


Tyrell 620

Crookfhanks 466

[blocks in formation]

516. 568. ii
Maclean 620. ii
M'I¡wham ib

Davidson 412

Macvicar 516

Degravers 206

Maitland, L. J. 620

[blocks in formation]

Dickson 466. ii

Malcolm 412

Whyte 153

Hadinton, C. 49

[blocks in formation]

Maria Therefa 568

Yeaman 310

Duff 205

Maxwell 466


Duncan 5 16

Mellish 49

Dundas 205. ii

Mercer 205

Duthie 361

Miller 516

Elphinston 516

Moir 310

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Wardiob 101. 257 Gonzaler 620

Wedderburne 466 Grant, L. 516. 568 Yeaman 311

Hall, Lady H. 466 Abel 311

Hawke, L 413

Harrington, C.206 155

AGed mother 49. Hay, L. 102

Allardyce 361
Arbuthnott 310
Athol, D. 206

Hay g68

A Highland woman


Affleck L 623
Aged so. vi. 51 ii.

[ocr errors]

Sicily, a P. of 412
A Silk-weaver's
wife 621
Sinclair Aytoun

257. 361. 412. ii.

621. ii

Traill, L 568

Urquhart 154


Wilfon 257. 621


102 V 154. 155.
iv 206. iii 207.

Hunter Blair, L.

257 258 iii. 311,

Forbes 620

Morrifon 466. 620 Barclay Allardyce 516

iv. 361 ii. 362. ii.

[blocks in formation]

Juana de Ibafeta

363 iv. 413. iv.

[blocks in formation]

414 ii. 415. iii.

[blocks in formation]

Buckingham, M. Lefter, D. 516

467. iii, 517. ii.

Gillies 49. 466

Mulgrave 310


Leith 466

518. iv. 568.569.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Lindsay Carnegie 621. iii. 622. iv.

623. iv

$70. iii. 571. ii.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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