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Mother. The floor and one wall united by a straight line, form an angle, which, being formed by planes, is called a plane-angle.

The four walls united to the floor form four plane angles. In almost every room are twelve plane angles, &c. &c. &c.

These little exercises are simply intended as hints, which the mother will dwell upon, vary, or extend, according to the age and capacity of her little pupil.

Were Pestalozzi's system fully understood and brought into action, a result would follow, cheering to the affections and conducive to the best interests of parents, and most important to all classes of society.

If each generation of parents would train, with anxious, attentive care, and Christian zeal, the children who are to succeed them, a progressive and much-required improvement of mind, and amelioration of heart, would take place *.

*"Il faut enseigner aux enfans, ou pour parler comme Pestalozzi, il faut developper chez eux les notions de logique, et les mouvemens de bienveillance. Que deviendroit le mal moral dans une societé d'hommes devenus incapables de deraisonner et de haïr ?

Parents! attend, above all other concerns, to the educa

Time must be given to the study of the ground-work, ere any part of the spirit of the

tion of your children: riches and honours are nothing in comparison. It is in your power to stamp on their ductile mind, so deep an impression of a benevolent Deity, as to become their ruling principle of action. What praise do you not merit, if successful? what reproach, if negligent? I have a firm conviction, that if a due impression of the Deity be not sufficient to stem the tide of corruption in an opulent and luxurious nation, it is vain to attempt a remedy.-Lord Kaimes.

Let all who have children endeavour to be the beginners and the stock of a new blessing to their family; by blessing their children; by praying much for them; by holy education and a severe piety; by rare example and an excellent religion.-Jeremy Taylor.

It is to our parents, our narrow circle, our situation and circumstances in early life, that we owe the formation of our character; and which character will, through life, exhibit the history of our birth, our early friends, our country, yea, our very town, and all our early pursuits and habits. If all this is the case where no system is adopted, but where circumstances and habits alone control us, what shall the effects be where the power of goodness operates, where purity of feeling and purity of knowledge are instilled by unwearied and prudent instruction, and confirmed by the constant and beautiful display of a bright example.

Lectures.-M. Allen.

To amend Education, will inevitably induce amendments

in society, in laws, and in governments.

Oriental Herald, Vol. i. No. 2.

method can be conceived; and success must depend upon its being carried into execution by those who are warmly attached to the cause, and with the same spirit that planned it.

But many who are most worthy are timid, and look upon every improvement in the light of some fearful innovation: "they are so unwise as to suppose, that in this probationary scene, this school of immortality, precedent and old usage ought to be our guide, and that we are to shut out the light of Heaven from the mind, and look back for knowledge to the past ages of darkness." Neither is it easy to remove prejudice, or to meet with sincerity, candour, and openness to conviction; or a willingness to sacrifice private interest to public good. Another grand obstacle to alteration of any kind is pride: pride, which closes the mind and heart against reason, evidence, and fact; assumes to itself infallibility of judgment; and, by thus refusing admission to light and truth, closes every avenue to improvement. Many are so completely engrossed by selfishness, indolence, and apathy, those mighty foes to advancement in knowledge, virtue, and happiness-so averse to the labour of thought and action in the cause


of humanity, that no arguments can induce them to exert their energies: they remain satisfied with things as they are, and profess to consider it the part of wisdom to wait till a change is actually produced by more active and benevolent spirits-by stronger minds and more Christian hearts; when they will follow in the train, and quietly resign themselves to the necessity of conforming to the existing order of things. Many again profess to think it uncharitable to discover and point out, and endeavour to remedy errors in characters, customs, or institutions. Charity, indeed, requires that we should patiently bear with the errors of others, but by no means enjoins us either to approve or to adopt them*.

*It is time to have done with that senseless cant of charity, which insults the understandings and trifles with the feelings, of those who are really concerned for the happiness of their fellow-creatures. What matter of keen remorse and of bitter self-reproaches are they storing up for their future torment, who are themselves the miserable dupes of such misguided charity; or who, being charged with the office of watching over the eternal interests of their children or relations, suffer themselves to be lulled asleep by such shallow reasonings, or to be led into a dereliction of their important duty by a fear of bringing on themselves

Many retard the progress of improvement by narrow and contracted views, by not reflecting on the astonishing advance that has already been made, and the yet greater that may be made, by a proper application of the mind and heart to the first duty of humanity, that of promoting, as extensively as possible, both knowledge and happiness. That which is allowed by all to be difficult, they consider impossible. Others are so engrossed in general good, that it is difficult to persuade them that, in attending to particular interests, they are more certain of attaining what they anxiously desire.

Those, however, who look back on their school-days as time wofully mis-spent, may, it

momentary pain! True charity is wakeful, fervent, full of solicitude, full of good offices, not so easily satisfied, not so ready to believe that every thing is going on well, as a matter of course; but jealous of mischief, apt to suspect danger, and prompt to extend relief. That wretched quality by which the sacred name of charity is now so generally and so falsely usurped, is no other than indifference; which, against the plainest evidence, or at least where there is strong ground of apprehension, is easily contented to believe that all goes well, because it has no anxieties to allay, no fears to repress. Practical View of Christianity.-W. Wilberforce.

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