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a zeal for doing good, and for gaining souls. Indeed I have lamented, during my whole life, that I saw so little true zeal among our clergy. I have seen much zeal among the clergy of the Church of Rome, though it is both ill-directed and ill-conducted. I have seen much zeal likewise throughout foreign churches. The Dissenters have a great deal of zeal among them: but I must own that the main body of our clergy has always appeared dull and lifeless to me; and, instead of animating one another, they seem rather to lay one another to sleep. Without a visible alteration in this, you will fall under an awful contempt, and lose both the credit and fruits of your ministry."

The author unfeignedly believes that since the time of Bishop Burnet a considerable improvement in zeal, particularly within the last few years, has taken place in the English clergy, and that it is still increasing in every department of the church. We must not, however, disguise to ourselves that there is a natural tendency to quiescence in everyestablished body; and that, while man remains what he has ever been, it will not be the usual habit of any order of society to advance in self-denying exertion much beyond the limits of statutable requirement. But the office of a clergyman ought to be considered not as limited by mere sta

tutable requirement, but as a function of large and liberal confidence; a function not satisfied with the performance of certain rigidly specified duties, but demanding a general sacrifice and self-dedication for the spiritual welfare of mankind. A clergyman's own conscience can alone be the judge of his obligations. The case is different with most other professions, in which, certain duties being performed, the stipulated remuneration is conferred, and the responsibility ceases. In these, therefore, zeal is of comparatively little consequence; for where it is deficient, self-interest will supply its place. But a clergyman, without a measure of disinterested zeal, can be of very little service in his profession. He would neither promote religion nor prove an ornament to the church by a mere heartless performance of certain prescribed duties, in the discharge of which, instead of adopting as his motto Labor ipse voluptas, his chief study should be how to make as little sacrifice either of time or exertion as a sense of public decency would allow. On the contrary, a minister of Christ must be prepared for much voluntary, self-denying, and perhaps calumniated effort: he must evidence a zeal measured not by pecuniary considerations, or the hopes of worldly estimation, but by the standard of Scripture,

the dictates of conscience, and the commands of God.

2. Such a zeal will naturally lead to active benevolent exertions.-And here, if the writer were attempting a treatise on the pastoral duties, instead of merely specifying in a cursory manner a few of the modes in which the clergy may extend the empire of religion and the church, he might enumerate a variety of useful services to which such a disposition would lead. He might particularly mention the importance of a clergyman's regularly visiting where possible-and that not in a desultory but in a pastoral manner-the families within the limits of his charge, and interesting himself in their welfare, both temporal and spiritual. The superintendence of the education of the poor by means of National Schools likewise demands no sinall share of this disinterested energy in the clergy, and will well repay every sacrifice of time and attention *. This charitable and enlightened zeal


* The present Bishop of Chester, in his Primary Charge, strongly urges upon his clergy the importance of themselves taking an active part in the religious education of the poor in places where a regular school is not or cannot be established; and he fortifies his advice by his own amiable and benevolent example. "If, however," remarks his lordship, "which I trust will not often be the case, the means of the parishioners be altogether inadequate to the establishment

will not disdain the smallest services: it will not be above reforming a vestry meeting, or superintending a useful parish regulation, or correcting an unchristian or injurious custom. In particular, it will excite a clergyman to watch over the zeal of others, with a view to regulate it for the general benefit. And in this, in fact, resides much of the actual power and influence of the clergy in promoting religion and church principles. It is comparatively little which, in

of such a school, yet still the same great end, the religious instruction of the infant poor, may be greatly promoted by the individual exertions and labours of the officiating minister. He may collect together the children of the parish, before the time of Divine service; he may familiarly instruct them in our excellent catechism; he may display to them the goodness of the Father in the creation of man, the mercy of his Son in the redemption of the world-and all this in a manner which children will be more likely to understand, and less likely to forget, than when it is expounded to them more formally and argumentatively from the pulpit. They should afterwards accompany him to the house of God; and thus, by the Divine blessing, an impression will be made on the infant mind, which may become indelible. There is no clergyman, however confined his income, who is precluded from the adoption of such a plan. It requires little time, and no expense. The advantages, however, believe me, will be most abundant. I have tried and witnessed them myself. In my two places of parochial residence I experienced the blessed result of this mode of instruction, and it is therefore with the greater confidence that I recommend it to you. I know no means by which a clergyman can accomplish a greater good."

an extensive parish at least, a minister can achieve by his own personal exertions; but as the instigator, director, and moderator of others, his means of utility are widely extended and indefinitely multiplied. In the present day there is a large portion of religious zeal afloat in the community; which, to a clergyman who has the mental and moral ability to gain a just ascendency in his parish, is of inestimable value. It is the raw material of which he is to make use for a variety of benevolent purposes. If he cannot, or will not, acquire this influence, and employ it to mould the charitable efforts of his parish, it is probable that the zeal which is found among individuals under his pastoral charge, and which might have been rendered a great public blessing, will either entirely evaporate, or will diffuse itself in channels which he might by no means approve. It is always wretched policy, to say nothing of higher considerations, for a clergyman to thwart, where he should only regulate, the well-meant ardour of his parishioners. With regard, in particular, to religious charitable societies, even where some remote incidental evils may be supposed to attach to their otherwise useful operation, far greater danger may eventually result to the church if the clergy are thought to hang behind the general march of the community in bene

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