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bringing them into Chrift. And as their difcoveries of fin and wrath, and the commotion in their affections, prove very different; fo the impreffions upon their bodies must be either lefs or more, and exceeding various, according to the meafure and degree of inward exercife and concern of their minds; for as their forrow for piercing Chrift by their fins is compared to that of parents for an only fon, which admits of many different degrees, and produceth very different effects in different perfons; fo it must be unreasonable in any to require inftances in Scripture for every minute circumftance of the innumerable various cafes of perfons brought in to Chrift; for then the Spirit of God muft have enlarged the Scriptures into very many different volumes, which had not been convenient for us. If we read the accounts given us of the converfions of Auguftine, Luther, Junius, Beza, Latimer, Bolton, Profeffor Halyburton, and many other eminent faints, we will find particular circumftances in them for which no Scripture precedent can be fhewn; but no wife man will fay upon that account, that the work in them was delufive or diabolical.

But let fome object what they will against the converfions in the Weft, because of the outward impreffions attending them in feverals (for in many the changes are wrought without any noife at all): It is our judgment, if these bitter throws and agonies of fome, have a merciful iffue in landing them in Jefus Chrift and true holinefs, as it is vifible they do in the moft part; then there is great matter of praife, whatever way the Lord take for awakening and humbling them before hand. But feeing worthy Mr Edwards of Northampton hath written two treaties concerning this extraordinary work of the Spirit of God, and hath taken notice of all the prejudices and objections of adverfaries, we judge it unneceffary to add any more to what he hath written fo fully and to fuch excellent purpofe. May the Lord, by new fhowers from above, continue, revive, increase, and fpread this bleffed work through the land and all corners of the earth! Amen and Amen.

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That we may draw to a conclufion, we shall briefly fum up the principal fins, errors, evils and defections in the church and land, which we think ourselves bound to lament and mourn over, declare, warn, and bear teftimony against, in order to promote reformation, and healing in the land: For although God, in his boundlefs fovereignty and rich grace, be pleased in a backfliding time to grant fome remarkable reviving to his work in particular corners, to fhew his willingness to return to his ancient dwelling place; yet we defpair of any general reviving or national reformation, until we are made fenfible of public fins, errors and defections, às well as thefe of a more private nature. Wherefore we defire to be humbled for, declare and testify against, all doctrines and practices which are oppofite to the Bible, and to our Confeffion of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechifms, Directories for Worthip and Church government, which we judge drawn out of, and founded upon, the Scriptures of truth.

And particularly, againft all Deiftical and Socinian errors, and doctrines, which tend to decry the neceffity of fupernatural revelation, and cry up the fufficiency of reafon or the light of nature to guide men to eternal happiness.

And against all Arian errors, and thefe doctrines which any ways difparage the Christian revelation, or derogate from the fcheme of falvation through, the mediation and righteoufnefs of Jefus Chrift our only Saviour; or from the doctrine of the glorious Trinity, and the oneness of the Godhead; or from Chrift's true fupreme Deity, his felf existence, neceffary existence, independence, and equality with the Father; or from the true Deity of the Holy Ghost, and his equality with the Father and the Son; or from the truth of Chrift's manhood, and of his Prieftly office, and the neceflity of his death as a real and proper facrifice to fatisfy Divine juftice for our fins.

All Popish errors, idolatry and fuperftition, maintained either by profeffed Papiffs, or by Proteftants who are making advances towards Popery, by pleading for a middle ftate for fouls departed; prayers for the dead;

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the Eucharift's being a proper facrifice for fin; the ne. ceffity of confeffing fin to the priest, and of the prieft's abfolution in order to the forgivenefs of fin: of mixing the facramental wine with water; of bowing to the altar, to the Eaft, and at the name of Jefus; of kneeling at the facrament, obferving faints days and uninftituted feftivals, and putting them on a level with the Lord's day; the crofs in baptifm, the organ in praife, the reading of prayers, and other human inventions in God's worthip and fervice.

All Pelagian and Arminian doctrines, which derogate from God's efficacious free grace in faving finners, or put it in the power of a man's own free will or natural abilities to repent, believe, or convert himfelf; and make a neceflary connection betwixt a man's 'moral ferioufnefs and his obtaining of faving grace. Alfo all thefe doctrines which tend to exalt felf, or any ways place it in God's room; and these which make felf love, and the defire of our own happinefs, the proper fpring and principle of all virtuous and religious actions.

The magiftrate's affuming the power of the keys, and all Eraftian encroachments upon the intrinfic power of the church, or upon Chrift's headfhip and fupremacy over her. The granting an almoft boundlefs toleration to all fects, errors, herefies and innovations. The impofing the facramental teft upon officers civil and military when out of Scotland, as a neceffary qualification for their offices; whereby the holy facrament is much debafed and profaned. The multiplying of oaths without neceflity; introducing the new form of fwearing by kifling the gofpels, the Yule-vacance, the repealing of the laws against witchcraft, &c.

The impofing the yoke of patronage upon the church, and fpoiling Chriftian congregations of their right to chufe their own paftors, and obtruding paftors upon them. As alfo the practice of these minifters or preachers, who contribute to encourage, ftrengthen or bind the yoke of patronage upon the church, by allowing their friends to apply to patrons and procure prefenta tions for them; or by accepting thefe prefentations, and cleaving to them when obtained. And the prac

tice of thofe ministers or judicatories, who encourage of fupport these accepters in this pernicious course, or who obtrude them or any other perfons upon parishes against their confent.

The denying the lawfulness or obligation of our na tional covenant engagements, the warrantabl nefs of national churches, Confeffion of Faith, fubordination of church judicatories one to another; the maintaining the independency of fingle congregations upon any fuperior church judicatory; the lodging the power of the keys, not in the hands of church-officers, but in the communion of the faithful.

The profecuting or cenfuring of minifters for preaching or protefting against any of the evils or defections of the time, fuch as the defpifing of Chrift's flock, making intrusions upon them, incroaching upon the rights and liberties of the church, or Chrift's Headship over her, &c.

The neglect and unfrequent adminiftration of the Lord's fupper, and the abuse and profanation of it, by admitting ignorant or ungodly perfons to it. As alfo the neglect of appointing national fafts, and days for humiliation and extraordinary prayer, in a time of national defections, and of abounding, fins and provocations, when many fpiritual judgments are inflicted, and other great judgments are impending over us.

And, when fuch fafts come to be appointed, alas! what an averfion is there to a particular condefcendence of the fins and defections which are the true caufe of the Lord's controverfy with the land!

Likewife we judge ourselves bound to bewail, lament, and witness againft, all thefe God-dithonouring fins and evils which univerfally abound and prevail among all ranks and forts of men; fuch as ignorance and forgetfulness of God their Creator and Preferver; Atheism, infidelity, and enmity to God; ingratitude to God for mercies, putting the creatures, the word, and self, in the room of God; confulting with necromancers, wizards and charmers; afcribing our mercies to fortune or fecond causes, rather than to God. Self love, felffeeking, unbelief diftruft of God, hatred of him and of

his image in others. Pride, prefumption, carnal fecu rity; loving pleafures more than God. Reftraining of prayer before God in fecret; neglect of family-wor Thip; tempting God by neglecting means, ufing unlawful means, and trufting in lawful means. Superftition and falfe worship; giddinefs and unfettledness in religion, and drinking in error.. Mean and low thoughts of Chrift, and of the infinite love of God in providing Christ to be a Surety and Sacrifice for us. Contempt of the glorious gofpel, and the glad tidings it brings; and mens unfruitfulness under it. Not receiving and loving of Jefus Chrift; not relying on Christ as all our hope; not making ufe of Chrift in all his offices; not rejoicing in Chrift and him crucified. Mens refting upon their duties and frames for acceptance with God: their joining fomething of their own with Chrift's righteousness for their juftification before God, and not accounting all things lofs and dung for Chrift, that they may be found in him, not having their own righteoufnefs, which is nothing but filthy rags. Grieving of the Holy Spirit, finning him away from ordinances; not lamenting the withdrawing of the Spirit, nor wrestling for his return. Oppofing and reproaching the work of the Spirit in awakening and convincing fianers; calling it enthufiafm, delufion, or afcribing it to Satan. Blind and intemperate zeal; discontent and impatience under the difpenfations of Divine Providence. Backflidings from God, and the decay of the life and power of godlinefs. Setting our affections upon earthly enjoyments and fenfual fatisfactions; and neglecting these things wherein our chief happiness doth confift, namely, the enjoying of God, and communion with him. Our unthankful forgetting of the many fignal deliverances which God hath wrought for this church and land; and our unthankfulness for, and abufe of the valuable mercies we ftill enjoy, fuch as health, peace, plenty; freedom from peftilence, fword. and famine, and the continuance of the gofpel and pure ordinances with us. Our minding our own things, more than the things of Jefus Chrift.

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Our little pray


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