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herein must be wise, and know what he may justly do.

12. That king which is not feared, is not loved; and he that is well seen in his craft, must as well study to be feared as loved; yet not loved for fear, but feared for love.

13. Therefore, as he must always resemble Him whose great name he beareth, and that as in manifesting the sweet influence of his mercy on the severe stroke of his justice sometimes, so in this not to suffer a man of death to live; for besides that the land doth mourn, the restraint of justice towards sin doth more retard the affection of love, than the extent of mercy doth inflame it and sure where love is [ill] bestowed, fear is quite lost.

14. His greatest enemies are his flatterers; for though they ever speak on his side, yet their words still make against him.

15. The love which a king oweth to a weal public, should not be overstrained to any one particular; yet that his more special favour do reflect upon some worthy ones is somewhat necessary, because there are few of that capacity.

16. He must have a special care of five things, if he would not have his crown to be but to him "infelix felicitas."

First, that" simulata sanctitas" be not in the church; for that is " duplex iniquitas."

Secondly, that "inutilis æquitas" sit not in the chancery; for that is " inepta misericordia.".

Thirdly, that "utilis iniquitas" keep not the exchequer for that is "crudele latrocinium."

Fourthly, that" fidelis temeritas" be not his general; for that will bring but "seram pœnitentiam." Fifthly, that" infidelis prudentia" be not his secretary; for that is "anguis sub viridi herba.”

To conclude; as he is of the greatest power, so he is subject to the greatest cares, made the servant of his people, or else he were without a calling at all.

He then that honoureth him not is next an atheist,

wanting the fear of God in his heart.


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