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3 Go, meet him in the sky, Your everlasting friend; Your head to glorify,

With all his saints ascend; Admitted by his sov'reign grace, To see, without a veil, his face.

4 Ye-that have here received The unction from above, "And in his Spirit liv'd, And thirsted for his love; Jesus shall claim you for his bride, Rejoice with all the sanctified.

5 Rejoice in glorious hope

Of that great day unknown, When you shall be caught up To stand before his throne!Call'd to partake the marriage feast, And lean on our IMMANUEL's breast.

6 The everlasting doors

Shall soon the saints receive,
Above those angel powers
In glorious joy to live;
Far from a world of grief and sin,
With God eternally shut in.

7 Then let us wait to hear
The trumpet's welcome sound;
To see our Lord appear,
May we be watching found,
Enrob'd in righteousness divine,

In which the bride shall ever shine.

1. L.M.

PRAISE GOD, from whom all blessings


Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST.

2. C.M.

The GOD whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.

3. 8-7.

2 COR. xiii. 14.

MAY the grace of CHRIST our SAVIOUR
And the FATHER'S boundless love,
With the HOLY SPIRIT'S favour,
Rest upon us from above!
Thus may we abide in union

With each other and the LORD;"
And possess, in sweet communion,
Joys which earth cannot afford.
4. 8-7-4.

Thou the GOD whom we adore;

May we all thy love inherit;
To thine image us restore;

Vast Eternal!

Praises to thee evermore.




Subjects of the foregoing Psalms and Hymns.

N. B. The Figures refer to the Hymns.


AARON'S breast plate, 560.
Abraham, God of, 14, 15, 16.
Advent of Christ, 95, 96,
Advocate, Christ, 31.

Affliction, presence of God sought in, 477. Bene-
fits of, 478.

All in all, Christ is the believer's, 32 to 35.
Ascension of Christ, 124, 125.
Atonement, praise for, 130.


Backslider, mourning, 325. Prayer of, 338. Re-
turning, 324, 326, 327.

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The Believer-His Character-Not ashamed of
Christ, 241. Awakened, 242. Cleaving to
Christ, 243, 294. Crucified to the world, 244.
Crucified with Christ, 245. Desiring Christ,
246. Communion with God, 247. Confor-
mity to Christ, 248, 249. The guidance of the
Lord, 250. Increase of grace, 251. Hatred of
sin, 252. Heaven, 253, 254, 533, 539. Ho-
liness, 255 to 260, 562. The presence of the
Lord, 558. To be with Christ, 261, 574. To
live unto Christ, 262. A place at the right
hand of the Judge, 527, Tenderness of con-
science, 263. Union with Christ, 264. A

TO closer walk with God, 265. Dreading love to
tar the creature, 266. Drawn by love, 267. Ex-
adshorted to watch, 268, 269. Glorying in the

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259.998. Indwelling sin confessed, 351.

Lamented, 330, 352. Pleading, 354, 355.

58 57


Praising, 357. Recalling to mind the Lord's
dealings, 359. Renouncing self for Christ,
3d: 3612.
Support in covenant, 362. In the
Strength of the Lord, 572. Seeking relief, 363,
1951 3632. Troubled, yet trusting, 364, 365. Re-
joicing under privation, 366. Trusting, 367.
Birth of Christ, 98 to 101.

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Choice of the believer, 329.
Christ-The advocate, 31. All in all, 32 to 35.
Desire of nations, 36. Door, 547. Founda-
tion, 37, 38. Fountain, 39 to 42. Friend of
his people, 43. Fulness, 44. Giver of the Holy
101 Spirit. 45. Guide, 46. Hiding place, 47, 48.
10 High Priest, 49, 469, 578. Lamb, 50 to 58.
Leader, 59. Life, 60. Light, 61. Melchisedec,
62. Physician, 63. Portion, 64. Precious, 65
-tail to 68. Propitiation, 69. Purifier, 70. Refuge,
E0E 71, 72. Resurrection and life, 73. Righteous-
-yov ness, 74, 75. Rock of ages, 76. Saviour, 77,
V78. Shepherd, 79 to 82. Strength, 83. Strong
hold, 84. Sun of righteousness, 85, 86. Va-
rious characters, 87, 88, 94. Vine, 89, 90.
zi Way, &c. 91, 92. Wisdom, &c. 93.
His Advent, 95 to 97. Ascension, 124, 125,
561. Birth, 98 to 101. Crucifixion, 106 to
113. Death, 114. Humiliation, 102. Resur-
-rection, 115 to 123. Sufferings, 103 to 105.
His Miracles-Blind Bartimæus, 126. Legion
-92 VI cast out, 127. Peter on the water, 128. The
leper healed, 129.

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Praises to-For the atonement, 130, 132. His
Jonance from sin, 131. His excellency,
100 glory, 133 to 135. His greatness, 136. His
humiliation and glory, 137. Intercession, 560.
22 Jehovah, Jesus, 138. His kingdom, 139. As
Lamb, 140. His love, 141 to 144. The ex-
ency of his name, 145. His priesthood,
Jar 556 The propitiation, 146. Redemption, 147.

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