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were Jehoiada, all the people, and the King.

1. JEHOIADA whofe character is afterwards reviewed, as the Minifter in this tranfaction: "And Jehoiada made a covenant between HIM, and between all the people *," &c. Some refer the relative. him, as referring to the remote antecedent Jehovah, or Lord, mentioned in verfe fourteenth; and they include the intermediate verfes in a parenthefist. And the fenfe, according to this connection is, and Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord and all the people. But this connection feems, to me at leaft, far ftrained; especially as a much more natural account of things may be had, by referring the relative HIM to Jehoiada, as its immediate antecedent. Jehoiada fuftained a two-fold character; that of an eminent covenanter, and that of an High-prieft in the congregation. Like Mofes, he was God's representative; and alfo a typical mediator, through whom the people drew near to God‡.

2. ALL THE PEOPLE were covenanters at this time. The univerfal designation used in

* 2 Chron. xxiii. 16.

JUNIUS and TREMELLIUS in their annotations fubjoined to their tranflation. In the parallel place, in kings, the fenfe must be according to their view of it, indeed; but then Lord is inferted, and not referred to.

See DIODATI, HENRY on the text, especially PISCATOR.


the book of the Chronicles, is to be underflood of the greater part of the two tribes, as diftinguished from the ten, and alfo from the nations round about them. It is alfo to be understood of ALL who were fit to enter into the congregation of the Lord.-Various orders of people are enumerated in the context, efpecially fuch as held any military rank among them They are defigned RULERS

HUNDREDS, and CAPTAINS, and the GUARD. They are alfo defcribed as perfons entering in on the Sabbath.

3. THE King is alfo reckoned to the number of covenanters on this occafion. He bound himself to be one of the Lord's people, in oppofition to wicked Athaliah, and her accomplices, who were eminently Baal's people. In his public character, he became at once the pattern and protector of the true religion, as well as an oppofer of falfe worthip. But it might be enquired, How could Joafh be an intelligent covenanter when only feven years of age? It might be answered, Youth come fooner to the exercife of reafon, as well as majority, in thofe warmer oriental climates, than in our cold ones. Irrefragable evidence might be produced from Jewish history and antiquities, to prove that civil contracts might be made by perfons in that nation, at the age of twelve, by females at leaft; whereas our laws fix their majority at eighteen. Now, as Chriftians

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ftians have been deemed capable of being admitted to partake of the Lord's Supper seven years before they arrive at the years of majority, and alfo to join in public covenanting; grant but the Jews the fame privilege, and you grant unto the King a right to covenant for himself, even at the age of feven. Again, Joash is not the only inftance of early piety among the Jewish monarchs. Jofiah gave equal, if not fuperior proofs of it, at much the fame time of life.Thefe covenanters, I fhall only add, were the fucceffors of covenanting ancestors, both prince and people; therefore, bound to act this part both by the law of God and antecedent foederal obligations.

SECONDLY, I fhall now attend unto the CHARACTER of the Minifter, who had a principal hand in the revolution of the State; and who difpenfed this covenant to the people. It has been faid, "That Jehoiada, instead of walking in the paths of peace and loyalty, fubverted the established government; and, unlike his office, not only moved fedition; but alfo profaned the temple of the Lord, by introducing into it statesmen and military officers, who had formed a combination to affaffinate the queen, and affifted in the coronation of a child in her ftead. Which are more than prefumptions, that he grafped at the regency for himself, and fought the aggrandizement of his own family at the expenfe of the commonwealth..

wealth." For answer to these things, I may obferve, That Athaliah was an ufurprefs (to ufe the words of Algernoon Sidney) therefore fhe ought not to reign; and an idolater as well as a murderer, and therefore ought not to live; yea, a moft unnatural murder of her own grandchildren. Jehoiada, however, did nothing of himself; but, having the young Prince in his power, it was proper, at once to declare his lineage and fecure his life, by taking an oath of the princes of Judah to concert measures for the performance of their duty, as well as affift thefe princes with his wife counfel and advice in the execution of them. This was confiftent with the most rigid loyalty. It was loyalty itself to the conftitution, as he was zealous in maintaining the honour of the laws and liberty of the commonwealth from the domination and depredation of a tyrant. Nor have ufurpation and tyranny any claim to homage and obedience,—any right to be preferved. But, by the laws of the realm, every perfon was bound to do all in his power for putting the Davidic line on the throne: And, if that family were at any time difpoffeffed of it, the adminiftration of right reverted to the people; and, by the law, the fword was put into their hands, to reinstate the lawful heir, and execute the ufurprefs, to revenge the murders he had committed; and to put into execution the law against idolaters, which he had fo wickedly violated.

Her exc


cution, of confequence, was no affaffination, but in all refpects juft; nor were there any to execute juice but the perfons who did it, the reft having caught the dreadful infection. Had Jehoiada been intent upon the aggrandizement of his family, he might have fet his own fon on the throne, being of the feed-royal by the mother's-fide; but regard unto the covenant of David, which fettled the fucceffion on the male line, prevented him from having any fuch ambitious defign. Nor can the charge of his afpiring at the regency be eftablished on a better foundation: For it does not appear that ever he acted in any other capacity than that of a counsellor, and his counfels were eminently useful, both unto prince and people. He gave good proof of his ability, in this refpect, advifing to reh meafures as were bleffed for the advantage of both Church and State; and both were preferved in a flourishing condition as long as matters were managed by his direction.I cannot eafily reconcile myself, however, to the defence which has been used in his behalf: It has been faid, that Jehoiada was prefident of the Sanhedrim, by virtue of his office as High-pricft, and had very large authority in civil affairs on that account: For the Sanhedrim, over which he prefided, was an ecclefiaftic court, vaftly remote, in its nature and ends, from the fupreme council of the state. Some authors of confiderable merit have denied, that any fuch court as the Sanhedrim e

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