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commiffion was accompanied with power equal to the execution of it, even the power of the Holy Ghoft.


2. THESE officers were authorized to exhibit various privileges and immunities, both respecting individuals and the fociety itself, for encouraging perfons to enter into it: They alfo enjoined various duties on fuch perfons as accepted of these privileges. The privileges, unto which the fervants of Chrift invited finners, were nearly connected with the duties they enjoined upon them. As Chrift intti" tuted a gospel miniftry, both ordinary and extraordinary; fo he enjoined fubjection unto them, as far as they act according to their commiffion. The gospel miniftry was beflowed on this fociety under the notion of a gift: "Wherefore he faith, when he afcended up on high, he led captivity captive, and GAVE GIFTS unto men. And he GAVE fome Apoftles, and fome Prophets, and fome Evangelifts, and fome paftors and teachers." office of the Apoftles, Prophets, and Evangelifts was extraordinary: The office of the paftor is to continue in the church until the end of the world. Now, as they are given for the edification of the body of Chrift, fo the perfons who profefs to belong unto this body are enjoined to "obey them who have the rule over them."As the great Prophet of the Church has given unto us the doctrine of his holy word; ·

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fo he requires us to receive it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth the word of God. It was one of the diftinguishing privileges of the Jewish Church, that unto them were committed the oracles of God: The oracles of the

Gofpel Church are greatly enlarged beyond thefe of the Jewifh.As the fole Legiflator of the Church has been pleafed to inftitute fuch ordinances in her as are requifite for the celebration of divine worthip, fo he has alfo enjoined the celebration of them. The ordinances of his appointment are, the reading, preaching, and hearing of the word, prayer, and thanksgiving in the name of Chrift; the dif penfation and receiving of the facraments of Baptifin and the Lord's Supper; Church-government and difcipline; the miniftry; maintenance of religious fafting; fwearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him. We cannot attempt a delineation of each of thefe ordinances; but refer unto the Directory for Worship, fubjoined to the Weftminster Confeffion of Faith.With refpect unto the immunities which are offered to individuals, they are much the fame as the Old Teftament Church enjoyed in kind, though greatly fuperior to them in degree. If we take a comparative view of them, we will find a ftriking refemblance. Did the gofpel economy contain a promife of the Holy Ghoft? fo alfo did that of the Old Teftament. Did Jefus Chrift authorize his fervants to proclaim pardon, and


complete acceptance through his rightcoufnefs? fo alfo were the prophets of the Old Teftament Church. Did the Son of God offer the privilege of fonfhip to the members of the New Teftament Church? Old Teftament faints were alfo admitted into the family of God. Did the Head of the Church offer fanctification to all his members, in gofpel time? fo did he alfo under the firft teftament. If Chrift affures the children of his family of keeping grace, under the New Teftament? he alfo kept them, as in a fortified city, under the Old Testament. Does he affure them of fupport under trials after his afcenfion? he likeways upheld them, by the right hand of his righteoufnefs, prior unto that event. Does he bring life and immortality to light by the gospel, affuring his followers of the eternal inheritance? he likeways perfuaded the Old Teftament faints, THAT HE PREPARED FOR THEM A CITY,A CITY, WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD.

The duties enjoined on individuals are, an obfervance of all things whatsoever he hath commanded.

3. THERE Was a notable change in the creed which the Apostles proposed to the mem、 bers of the Gospel Church, from that which was received in the Old Teftament Church. The centre of the Old Teftament faith was, "THE MESSIAH TO COME:" The centre of the New Teftament faith, "THE MESSIAH


ALREADY COME. The Old Teftament Church was called to believe all thofe prophefies which foretold the death, refurrection, and afcenfion of Chrift: The New Teftament Church, to believe the full accomplishment of thefe promifes in the Son of God. The Old Teftament Church was bound to believe, that God would accomplifh both the condition and the promifes of the New Covenant in his time: The New Teftament Church, that the condition of it is already accomplished, in the righteoufnefs and death of Jefus of Nazareth; that he hath accomplished fach promifes as refpected Chrift perfonal, and will accomplish thofe which refpect Christ myflical in his own feafon.

4. THERE is also a notable change as to the worship and ordinances which are celebrated in the Gospel Church, from what were obferved under the Old Teftament.-The place of folemn worship is no longer one, as under the Old Teftament Said God, by Mofes, "But UNTO THE PLACE which the Lord your God thall choofe, out of all your tribes, to put his name there; even unto his habitation fhall ye feek, and thither thou fhalt come." Accordingly, God pitched firft upon Shiloh, and then upon Jerufalem. But, under the better œconomy, no one place is more holy than another Believe me (faid Chrift) the hour cometh, when ye fhall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem, worship the Father."


The PERSONS authorised to adminifter gospel ordinances are no longer taken from one tribe or family. The tribe of Levi and family of Aaron were the fole minifters of the fanctuary, after the giving of the Law; but Jefus chofe his Apoftles from any tribe he pleased; and gave infallible direction for ordaining Gentiles themselves unto the facred function of the ministry. With refpect to the Priesthood, in the ftrict fenfe of the word, we have no other, under the better œconomy, than Jefus Chrift, the High-prieft of our profeffion: As to the metaphorical priesthood, this honour have all his faints, being made kings and priefts unto God, and his Father.The Law itfelf, even the ceremonial law, is likeways abolished. This follows of courfe upon the change of the priefthood, according to the apoftolic reafoning on this fubject: " For the priesthood being changed, there is made of neceffity alfo a change of the law." The law intended must be the law of commandments, contained in ordinances. This he did for incorporating the Gentiles, along with the Jews, into the Abrahamic covenant. "Having abolifhed, in his flesh, the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one new man; fo making peace: And that he might reconcile both unto God, in one body, by the cross, having flain the enmity thereby." This law was a fhadow of good things to come; and, when thefe good things



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