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bly of Divines, for the advancement of religion, they made confiderable progrefs in the bufinefs; while the Parliament promoted the cause of civil liberty. Charles had recourfe to arms. His opponents meant to defend themfelves : And, having called in the affiftance of their brethren in Scotland, they would comply only on condition of the South Britons joining with them in an ecclefiaftic union, for promoting uniformity in religion, in conformity to the beft Reformed Churches. Though the meafure was difagreeable to many politicians; yet, for political reasons, rather than religious motives, they complied with it: And the following Covenant, entitled THE SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT, was entered into:

"WE Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Citizens, Burgeffes, Minifters of the Gofpel, and Commons of all forts, in the kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland, by the providence of God living under one King, and being of one Reformed Religion, having before our eyes the glory of God, and the advancement of the kingdom of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the honour and happiness of the King's Majefty and his pofterity, and the true public liberty, fafety and peace of the kingdom, wherein every one's private condition is included: And calling to mind the treacherous and bloody plots, confpiracies, attempts, and practices of the enemies of God against the true religion, Nnnn


and profeffors thereof, in all places, efpecially in thefe three kingdoms, ever fince the Refor mation of Religion; and how much their rage, power, and prefumption are of late, and this time, increafed and exercised, whereof the deplorable ftate of the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, the diftreffed eftate of the Church and Kingdom of England, and the dangerous estate of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland, are prefent and public teftimonies: We have now, at laft, (after other means of fupplication, remonftrance, proteftations, and fufferings), for the prefervation of ourfelves and our religion from utter ruin and deftruction, according to the commendable practice of thefe kingdoms in former times, and the example of God's people in other nations, after mature deliberation, refolved and determined to enter into a mutual and Solemn League and Covenant, wherein we all fubfcribe, and each of us for himfelf, with our hands lifted up to the Mos T HIGH GOD, do fwear,

I. THAT we fall fincerely, really, and con ftantly, through the grace of God, endeavour, in our feveral places and callings, the prefervation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in doctrine, worship, difcipline and government, against our common enemies; the Reformation of Religion in the kingdoms of England and Ireland, in doctrine, worship, difcipline, and government, according to the Word of God, and the example of the best Reformed

Reformed Churches: And fhall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confeflion of faith, form of church-government, directory for worship and catechifing; that we, and our pofterity after us, may, as brethren, live in faith and love; and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midft of us.

II. THAT we fhall, in like manner, without respect of perfons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery, Prelacy, (that is, church-government by archbishops, bishops, their chancellors and commiffaries, deans, deans and chapters, archdeacons, and all other ecclefiaftical officers depending on that hierarchy), fuperftition, herefy, fchifin, profanenefs, and whatfoever fhall be found to be contrary to found doctrine, and the power of godliness; left we partake in other mens fins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues; and that the Lord may be one, and his name one in the three kingdoms.

III. WE fhall, with the fame fincerity, reality, and conftancy, in our feveral vocations, endeavour, with our eftates and lives, mutually to preferve the rights and privileges of the Parliaments, and the liberties of the kingdoms; and to preferve and defend the King's Majefty's perfon and authority, in the prefervation and defence of the true religion and liberties of the kingdoms; that the world may bear Nnnn 2 witnefs

witnefs with our confciences of our loyalty, and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesty's juft power and great


IV. WE fhall also, with all faithfulness, endeavour the discovery of all fuch as have been, or fhall be incendiaries, malignants, or evil inftruments, by hindering the Reformation of religion, dividing the King from his people, or one of the kingdoms from another, or making any faction, or parties, amongst the people, contrary to this league and covenant; that they may be brought to public trial, and receive condign punishment, as the degree of their offences fhall require or deferve; or the fupreme judicatures of both kingdoms refpectively, or others having power from them for that effect, fhall judge convenient.

V. AND whereas the happinefs of a blessed peace between thefe kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is, by the good Providence of God, granted unto us, and hath been lately concluded and fettled by both Parlaments; we fhall, each of us, according to our place and intereft, endeavour that they may remain conjoined in a firm peace and union to all pofterity; and that juftice may be done upon the wilful oppofers thereof, in manner expreffed in the precedent article.

VI. WE fhall alfo, according to our places and callings, in this common caufe of religion, liberty, and peace of the kingdoms, affist and


defend all thofe that enter into this league and covenant, in the maintaining and purfuing thereof; and shall not fuffer ourselves, directly or indirectly, by whatfoever combination, perfuafion, or terror, to be divided or withdrawn from this bleffed union and conjunction, whether to make defection to the contrary part, or to give ourselves to a deteftable indifferency and neutrality in this caufe, which fo much concerneth the glory of God, the good of the kingdoms, and honour of the King; but fhall, all the days of our lives, zealoufly and constantly continue therein, against all oppofition, and promote the fame, according to our power, against all lets and impediments whatfover; and what we are not able ourselves to fupprefs or overcome, we shall reveal and make known, that it may be timely prevented or removed. All which we fhall do as in the fight of God.

AND because thefe kingdoms are guilty of many fins and provocations against God, and his Son Jefus Chrift, as is too manifeft by our prefent diftreffes and dangers, the fruits thereof: we profefs and declare, before God and the world, our unfeigned defire to be humbled for our own fins, and for the fins of thefe kingdoms; efpecially, that we have not, as we ought, valued the ineftimable benefit of the Gospel, that we have not laboured for the purity and power thereof, and that we have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our hearts,


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