brought forward the shout will be the same as when the foundation was laid, 'Grace, grace, unto it!' Farther, this God to whom the apostle commends the Ephesian elders, is able by his word to give them an inheritance. The thought of an inheritance after death might make us tremble. We are accustomed to think of an inheritance as something to which we were born. And what have we been born to? Children of wrath. Our birthright is eternal woe. Death is the messenger who leads the heir away to his gloomy inheritance. The heir, unless disinherited, must take possession whether he will or no; and to take possession of what we are born to, is to lie down in everlasting burning. There is only one way of shaking off that horrid birthright—and that is by being born again -born again not of corruptible seed, but by this 'word of God,' which liveth and abideth for ever. But of that inheritance, to which a title is given even now, it is farther said, that it is among all them which are sanctified. This is the will of God, even your sanctification. The inspired apostle seeks the same thing. How like is this parting scene to that of the separation between Christ and his chosen apostles! 'Sanctify them through thy truth.' This is the very end of the covenant as regards us. The very design of God in his electing decree is, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.' Holiness becometh thy house, O Lord, for ever. The rule at last will be, nothing shall enter that defileth,' and now therefore, we must be made meet for the inheritance. The streets of the city are pure gold, and how shall we appear-what have we to do to tread these courts? O for thewashing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost!' Who are these that stand around the throne in white clothing? They are the sanctified.' How shall I be made meet for taking my position among them? By being washed, as they were, in the blood of the Lamb, and renewed, as they were, in the Spirit of their minds. Unto the word of thy grace, O God, I commend my soul. Sanctify me through thy truth; thy word is truth. 6 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY.-MORNING. ‘And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and these statutes, to do them,' Deut. xvii. 19. GIVE ear, O earth! for the Lord hath spoken. The creatures all are bound by the Creator's law. They are all dependent on his power; they are all the subjects of his government. He is 'King of kings.' Those who rule on earth, are themselves ruled by an Almighty arm. Those to whom power is entrusted on earth, may succeed for a time in keeping God out of their thoughts, but they cannot set themselves free from his control. He makes the wrath of man to praise him, and restrains the remainder thereof. He turneth the hearts of princes as the rivers of waters. 'The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king;' let judges, and lawgivers, and kings, bow the head and worship; let them confess that he is Lord; let them fear his judgments; learn his will; obey his law. Before addressing themselves to the actual performance of their duties, magistrates of every degree should, on their knees, adopt and appropriate the question, extorted once from the lips of a convicted sinner: 'Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?' The duty of knowing and doing the will of God, is evidently of universal obligation. If it is binding on one, it is binding on all. Rulers as well as subjects must learn from the scriptures, what we are to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. For this purpose they must search the scriptures. Their prayer must be, 'send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me.' He was a king who said, 'Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord; teach me thy statutes,' Psal. cxix. 11, 12. The command in the text is imperative. It is specially the duty of a king that is laid down, and the law of the Lord is prescribed to him as the rule of his life. He must have that law in his hands. He must acknowledge it as the standard of faith and practice. He must learn to delight in it, because it is holy; he must study it every day, and all his days. This seems a hard task for any man, and especially for one who is encumbered with the cares of royalty, and exposed to the temptations that surround a throne. True, if it be accounted a task, it will turn out a hard one. Those who look on it as a task, will feel that it is impossible to perform it. The pleasures of a court, and the business of a cabinet, will hide or banish the word of God. Though the record on which that word is written, be deposited in a ruler's library, or held in his hand, it is nothing: though the matter of the word be imprinted on a ruler's memory, and its meaning plain to his understanding, still it is nothing. The word so deposited, so remembered, so understood, will lie a dead letter; it will have no effect in regulating his conduct. But let the love of the word take po session of a ruler's heart, and its controlling power | one of them is protected by the shield of faith, will immediately be manifest. The law of the these weapons will pass him harmless by. Not Lord hid in his heart will influence every step of only may he escape himself, but armed with the his path. In forming his plans he will seek that sword of the Spirit, he may attack from a vanwisdom which is from above; in executing them he tage ground the spiritual wickedness in high will have respect to all God's commandments. places. He may not only save his own soul alive He will rule in the fear of the Lord. Having in the midst of danger, he may do much to enlarge many talents entrusted to his charge, he will feel the Redeemer's kingdom. The path of a ruler the obligation lying heavier upon himself than who would walk in the fear of God may be pecuupon other men, to occupy till his Lord come. liarly difficult; but let the word dwell in him Having in the wise providence of God been set richly, and it will be a light to his feet and a upon a hill, he will strive to let his light shine for lamp to his path. The Lord is near to all that the good of others. Having been raised to a call upon him. One calls out of the lowest depths position in which he must do much, he knows of human misery; another calls from the loftiest that he is not thereby released from the command heights of human power. One is bowed down to do all to the glory of God. under a greater weight of trouble; the other is beset with stronger temptations. Both need a great deliverance. A great Deliverer is near. Let the 'low' call on God, that he may be raised up; let the 'high' call on God, that he may be delivered from the dangers of his exaltation. The express reason why rulers are enjoined to search the scriptures, is, that they may learn to fear the Lord, and to keep all the words of his law, to do them. They must read every day that they may learn; and learn, that they may keep the law habitually in their hearts; and keep it in their hearts, that they do it in their lives. It is a great blessing to a people when the law of the Lord is written in the hearts of the rulers. Believers should specially pray for this as a gift from their Father's hand. Those are best fitted to rule on earth, who have themselves become subjects of the king set up in Zion. Christ is greatly glorified when kings and princes acknowledge him Lord, and rule in his name. It should be the desire and the prayer of all Christ's people, that he on whose shoulders the government is laid, would reveal himself to earthly potentates, and make them willing in the day of his power. In so far as Christ's people, in their capacity of subjects in a free state, have a voice in the election of their rulers, it is clearly their duty to see that those whom they raise to power are men who fear God and hate covetousness. We know that earthly rank and power are injurious to the spiritual interests of men; that riches and honour bring a snare; and that thousands fall into it. The higher we rise in this world's grandeur, the greater is the danger, and the more terrible the consequence of a fall. It is difficult to keep balance on the giddy height where monarchs stand; but we must beware of thinking that they must necessarily fall. The great of this world are not all unmindful of one who is greater than they. God can give grace according to the day, and the place of need. He can shield his people from all the fiery darts of the wicked one. These darts fly thick around the thrones of princes, and the attendants on royalty fall in thousands an easy prey; but if any TWENTY-FOURTH DAY.-EVENING. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the GOD hath spoken to men: if they hear, their We This prophecy closes the record of God's revealed will. In this book God says yet once more to men, 'come and let us reason together.' The reasoning is set down here for our use. shall get no more. We will indeed, all hear the voice of God, but when we hear it next, it will not be a reasoning together.' The reasoning is past; the judging will follow. Throughout a long day of grace, God has stretched out his hands to a disobedient and gainsaying people; a day of judgment is coming, in which he will crush his enemies with the rod of his power. This prophecy accords with all that has gone before. Although the last portion of God's revealed will, and written too after his command | constitute their title to enter on that enjoyment. had long been despised by men, it is still revealed We have all read and heard these words; this is the for their salvation. It is still an inviting, a plead- blessing offered. Some have 'kept' these words; ing, a forgiving word. this is the blessing possessed. These doctrines taught are the germ deposited; in some it has sprung into life, and is bearing fruit to the glory of God; in others it has corrupted where it lay, and is hastening their destruction-aggravating their doom. Blessed are they who keep these words who believe the truth declared here, and hold by Him who is the Truth revealed here. Blessed they who receive this Saviour— who keep this salvation. It not only keeps up the spirit of more ancient scriptures, it excels them. The offers seem to grow more free; the pleadings more importunate. The sun of revelation seems to grow more bright when near its setting. When its disc is ready to touch the horizon, it expands into greater breadth, and sheds down on earth rays of more attractive loveliness. No portion of the word tells more clearly the worth of the Lamb slain, and the glory of the saints' reward. No where else in the word do we see more clearly the value of the sacrifice by our High Priest offered, and the power now wielded by our exalted King. We may consider this prophecy as a component part of the written word, and ascribe the blessing to those who know and obey the whole counsel of God; or we may take this prophecy by itself, and so full is the view which it gives of the great salvation, that he is blessed indeed, who reads, and hears,' and keeps' it. It Blessed are those who read and hear the words of this prophecy. Blessed are they who enjoy the privilege of a written word, and a preached gospel. It is a blessing which we in this land largely enjoy. By the good hand of God upon us, the word has been put into our hands, and we have been enabled to read the word. Much has been given us; of us much will be required. It is a rich talent this which our Lord has left in our keeping; are we hiding it in the earth? is a blessing offered, but has it been joyfully received? The good seed has been sown, and that too with unsparing hand; where are the fruits of righteousness? When it does not spring up, and grow, and bear fruit, it wastes in the soil and spreads infection round. When the word-the precious seed deposited, does not ripen into a blessing, it rots into a curse. Woe to those who handle the word deceitfully, woe to those who have received this grace of God in vain! Keep the words of this prophecy, ye who have read and heard them, for the time is at hand. What time? The time when the blessings promised shall be all bestowed; when the wrath threatened shall be all poured out. The time when the judgment shall be set, and the books opened. The words of this prophecy shall yet once more meet the eyes of every reader. It is a fearful thing to shut our eyes against that word now, for we must all look upon it yet. The time is at hand. A few days more, and our eyes grow dim that they cannot see it. A few days, and our eyes grow dim with disease-a few more, and they are shut in death. The next time we meet that word, it will be before the great white throne. It will lie open while the judgment goes on. The very light of God's countenance will shine down upon it, and all its meaning will be clearly seen. O blessed then will all those be, who keep the words of this book now! I will keep that word in my heart, and fix my heart on Him who hath spoken it. I shall not be afraid of evil tidings. The time is at hand;' that is no evil tidings to me; for I know in whom I have believed, and that he is able to keep what I have committed unto him against that day. The time is at hand;' let it come, Lord Jesus; the time when thy saints shall be saved in thee, and thou shalt be glorified in thy saints! TWENTY-FIFTH DAY.-MORNING. We might learn even from this text who are, and who are not really blessed in possessing the word,Gather the people together, men, and women, --not those who read and hear merely, but they who keep those things which are written therein.' The things written therein are the laws of the kingdom of heaven. We learn what sinners were by nature and by practice, and what the Saviour did to redeem them. We learn what salvation is, and how a sinner may be saved. We learn the fulness of Christ's work, and the freeness of Christ's offer. We learn what will make saints meet for the enjoyment of heaven, and what will and children, and thy stranger that is within thy Ar the time when this charge was delivered, could no more go out and come in before the peo- righteousness. Gather the people together to ple. Also, the Lord had said unto him, Thou hear the word, and the sound, floating over the shalt not go over this Jordan.' It was the will worshipping assembly, will fall with deeper of God, that he who had led the people through solemnity on every ear. Gather the people togethe wilderness, should not enter the promised land. ther, that they may unite their voices in one loud Moses submitted. He was willing-ready to song of praise: by this outward act of adoration, depart. Though not permitted himself, to 'go many a heart may be stirred up; on the ascendover and see the good land that is beyond Jordan, ing incense of this offered sacrifice, many a devout that goodly mountain, and Lebanon,' he rejoiced emotion may rise to heaven. This ordinance conin the confident hope, that the promises of God tinues in the Christian church. The call still is, would be fulfilled to his people. In the confi- 'Gather my saints together unto me; those that dence of faith he declared to Joshua, The Lord have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.' thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will Saints in every age willingly respond to this call. not fail thee, nor forsake thee.' They acknowledge the public assembly as the appointment of God; and they find out in their own experience, that the appointment is wise and gracious. They that fear the Lord like to separate themselves often from the world, that they may speak one to another, about their common hopes and fears,—about their work on earth, and their home in heaven. 6 6 But though he trusted without wavering in the faithfulness of God, it was not without anxiety that Moses looked forward to the condition of Israel, when he should be taken away from their head. He knew that they were a stiff-necked and backsliding people. He knew their propensity to forget God and serve idols. His desire in behalf of Israel was, that the law of the Lord might be written on their hearts, and obeyed in their lives. He knew that this would be their only safety. Accordingly, in his farewell charge to Joshua, the prevailing theme is, how the people from generation to generation might learn to fear the Lord, and observe to do all the words of this law.' The aged prophet, when no longer permitted to march at their head, would cast them without fear on the world, if he were assured that the word of God would be hid in their hearts. Among other means of spreading and perpetuating in Israel a knowledge of the divine law, provision is made for reading it once in seven years, with peculiar solemnity, in an assembly of the whole nation. There is wisdom in this institution. It was well fitted as a mean to secure the desired end. Similar means are enjoined and employed under the Christian dispensation. On the very same principle proceeds the gospel command, Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.' Let them all come; let men, women, and children' meet together, whether it be the daily worship of the family, or the more public concourse in the house of prayer. Before God, all stand on an equal footing, and all have the same need. For this gathering, let all business be suspended; while it lasts, let all distinctions cease. While we bow before the Lord our Maker, we will learn to love one another with a pure heart fervently. Let rich and poor, old and young, meet at the altar. Parents should bring their children with them when they come to appear before God. The habits of children are formed by training. It will not do to tell children that when they grow up they must attend church like their fathers. They may never grow up; bring them to Christ now. Suffer little children to come unto him, and forbid them not. For this there is great encouragement in the experience of the church. Many very young children have learned to know and love their Saviour. It is the Lord's way still to bring to nought the wisdom of the wise, and reveal himself unto babes. Parents, let your children kneel beside you in the family to pray; and bring them with you to worship in the church. Do not content yourselves with telling them that they should attend reli This gathering together must ever be an important mean of preserving and disseminating the truth. The sympathy of numbers is a powerful stimulus to energetic action. In the scriptures, this law of nature is taken up, and employed to advance the purposes of the covenant of grace.gious ordinances; train them up to it. Let the It is difficult to swim against the stream. Most men are content to glide along with it. If it can be turned in a right direction, it will be a powerful instrument of good. There is a natural power in a multitude to draw the individual, whether to good or evil. That agency which is so often perverted, may be, and is employed on the side of parents bring the children to church, and the ministers will thereby be reminded of their duty. If a minister has been in the habit of speaking only to the old, the very presence of the children will suggest the propriety-the necessity, of a word to them. When he sees them thickly sprinkled through the congregation, looking up as if they would like to understand, he will be constrained to pause now and then, and try to reach their understanding and their hearts. The command includes also 'thy stranger that is within thy gates.' God makes the stranger his peculiar care. There are many kind commands regarding them in the laws of Moses. Israel were bound by the law to bring the stranger with them to the solemn religious assembly, that he might learn the law of the Lord, and hear the offer of mercy. Surely the same obligation lies on us. When we were strangers, the Son of God came to seek and save us. If the Spirit of Christ be in us, we will be always ready to take a stranger by the hand, and lead him to the place where prayer is wont to be made. When one who is a stranger to God sojourns for a night in your house, take him with you when the church in the house' assembles; while he kneels beside your children, and hears you pray for his soul, the Spirit of all grace may descend, and overcome his unbelief;—he may be born in your house to the Lord. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY.-EVENING. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty, 2 Cor. vi. 18. AFTER this manner therefore pray ye, Our Father'―So then, we have a right to address the King Eternal by this endearing name. The Saviour has purchased for his people this privilege, and taught them to use it. When he would give his disciples a pattern of prayer, he selects from among the appellatives of Deity that one which is best fitted to dissipate their fears, to strengthen their confidence, and to enflame their love. Thanks to a compassionate Redeemer for this kind condescension to our weakness and our wants. This aspect of Jehovah's countenance is in the word presented to men, to turn them away from their sins. The testimony of God to his chosen is, ‘I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee,' Jer. xxxi. 3. This is one of the means employed in the process of drawing' sinners to himself: 'I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters.' This is a kind invitation-an encouraging promise. How strong the inducement to come out from among the unclean! Those whom God has chosen, and redeemed, and adopted—who and where were they? The miserable, and blind, and naked, lying helpless in their pollution. When first he set his love upon them, there was nothing in them to attract his regard. He looked upon them in their lost estate. The first feeble motion of the dead was not a spontaneous impulse; the first doubtful quiver of a soul hitherto at ease in sin, was the effect of a drawing by the lovingkindness of the Lord. Come out!' O, when this invitation falls on our ear, we should eagerly yield obedience to the call. The call is to come out from sinners that we may not share their doom. But the grand inducement set before us here, is the hope of admission into the family—the hope of being received into the number and having a right to all the privileges of the sons of God. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ'this, in the New Testament, is the title commonly applied to the hearer of prayer. Of all the names of God, when the penitent is praying, this is the one that rises most readily to his lips. As the Almighty, I dread his power. As the Omniscient, I shrink from the searching of his eye. As the Judge, his unchanging righteousness makes me afraid. As the Eternal, it appears terrible indeed to fall into the hands of the living God. But as the Father of our Lord Jesus, he looks in pity on the lost, and the lost in confidence draw near. In nature, God is involved in impenetrable mystery; in the law, he is revealed in flaming fire; but in the gospel, sinners may see him and live. In nature you weary yourself in vain, and cannot find his face; in the law his face, when found, is a consuming fire; in Christ the face of God is seen well pleased, and we may look upon it. When he sitteth on the circle of the heavens as the God of nature, clouds and darkness encompass his throne; when he descends on Sinai, all the emblems of terrible majesty are gathered round him. In the one aspect you cannot find; in the other aspect you dare not meet him: but in Christ, there is not the darkness to elude your search; nor the fury to repel your advances. In Christ he is revealed, and therefore you may know: he is revealed a Father and therefore you may love him. Of all the names whereby the Infinite is known, this sounds the sweetest in a sinner's ear. Our Father, we will hear thy voice: Our Father, we will come to thee. 'Ye shall be my sons and daughters.' 1. Of one lineage all. Born of the Spirit. Created again in Christ Jesus. 2. Equal in rank, and in privilege-kings and priests unto God. 3. Alike in the grand lineaments of their spiritual character-All delivered into the same mould of the word, and all bearing upon them the image of him who created them. 4. One in their final |