Imágenes de páginas

Moreau, Christophe. Du Droit a l'Oisiveté, 8vo........


Of the Right to Idleness, and the Organization of Slave-Labour in
Greece and Rome.

Rollet et Saint Genez. De l'Assistance Publique, 8vo.


Cador, L. Subsistances et Population, 8vo. ................


Blanqui, Ainé. Des Classes Ouvrieres en France in 1848, 2 vols. 18mo.
Villerme. Des Associations Ouvrieres,··


Melun, A.


De l'Intervention de la Société pour Prevenir et Soulager la Misère


Girardin. Le Droit au Travail ..


Garnier. Le Droit au Travail......


Le Bastier, J. De l'Organization de l'Assistance Publique.
Watteville, A de. Le Patrimoine des Pauvres.


Assemblée Nationale. Droit au Travail, 8vo.



A Debate of many days, in which the most enlightened men of
France, of all shades of opinion, participated.

Chevallier, M. Question des Travailleurs, 18mo.....


The Amelioration of the Lot of Labourers, Wages, and Organization of Labour.

Wolowski. De l'Organization du Travail, 8vo.

Montaigu. Organization du Travail, 8vo.


Garnier, J. Etudes sur les Profits et les Salaires.

Clement, A. Des Nouvelles Idées de Reformes Industrielles, with re

marks upon Louis Blanc's work on the Organization of Labour..



Gratiot, A. Organisez le Travail, ne le Desorganisez pas.
Lamothe. Des Moyens d'Ameliorer le Sort de la Classe Ouvriere.
By a continued development of charitable institutions.

Daussigny. De l'Organization du Travail.

Manufacturing Associations.

Cousin, V. Justice et Charité, 18mo....

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The Limits of Justice and Charity, the right to labour, and the mutual rights and duties of individuals.

Jandeau, F. Amelioration du Sort des Travailleurs, 8vo.
Organic Laws of Labour.


Aimé, Berthe-Pommery. Petit Ecrit sur une Grande Question, 12mo.
The Amelioration of the Condition of the Working Classes.

Barsalon, G. Etudes sur le Passé et l'Avenir, 16mo.

Of the Industrial Operatives.

Suther, A. Essai sur l'Amelioration du Sort des Classes Laborieuses.
Indication of a Better System of Rural Economy.

Merson, E. De la Situation des Classes Ouvrieres en France, 12mo.

Druhen, J. Des Causes de l'Indigence, et des Moyens d'y Remedier, 8vo. 1850 Nesmond, P. C. Essai sur les Rapports, &c., 12mo.

The Relations which exist between Property, Labour, Credit, and Misery, and upon the important consequences to be deduced from a knowledge of these relations.

Grancoin, Ch. Des Subsistances, et des Moyens de les mettre en Equi

libre avec la Population. 8vo.

Audiganne, A. Les Ouvriers en Famille, 18mo.

Conversations upon the duties and rights of the labourer in the different relations of his laborious life.

De l'Organization du Travail, 12mo. ................




Leclaire. De la Misère, et des Moyens à Employer pour la faire cesser, 8vo.
Girardin, E. de. L'Abolition de la Misère par l'Elevation des Salaires.
Bernard. Plan d' Organization du Travail...................

Addressed to the friends of true order, justice, and family, of pro-
perty and religion; in a word, of the Republic; by labourers and
Moreau, Christophe. Du Probleme de la Misère, 3 vols. 8vo.......
Of the Problem of Misery, and its Solution, among people ancient
and modern. The first volume is devoted to paganism, the second
to the Mosaic period and the Christian dispensation of the Middle
Ages, the third to the principal states of Europe, and specially to

Fregier. Solution Nouvelle du Probleme de la Misère, 12mo........

A Practical Method of Ameliorating the Condition of the Operatives in our Manufactories.

Mohler, E. Sur l'Amelioration du Sort des Travailleurs.

Of the Association of Workmen. The Necessity of a new Industrial Inquest, and a Model of an Institution of Succour and Retreat. Cenac-Moncaut, M. J. Elements d'Economie Sociale et d'Organization du Travail, 12mo.....

Depasse, E. Considerations, &c., 12mo.

Considerations upon Asylums, and their Influence upon the Future
Condition of the Poor.


Allard, M. Des Moyens d'Ameliorer le Sort des Travailleurs. ·
The Means of Improving the Condition of Labourers, manufacturing
and agricultural, with a Projet for a Declaration of their Rights
and Duties and a Projet of a Law for the Amelioration of their

Luro, V. Du Travail et de l'Organization des Industries dans Liberté,








De Bausset-Roquefort. Devoirs, Droits, Assistance, 12mo


Duties, Rights, Assistance in the light of Christianity, Liberty, and


Ducellier, F. Essais sur quelques Questions Sociales, 12mo...
Garcin, A. L'Assistance Publique, 18mo........



Public Assistance-what it is, what it ought to be; with a Manual for
Visitors of the Poor and those who exercise Private Charity.

Leclerc, L. Caisse d'Epargne et de Prevoyance, 18mo.

Letters to a Young Labourer upon the subjects of Indigence, In-
dustry, and Savings.

Marchal, L. Question des Subsistances, 12mo.


To this little volume was awarded a gold medal, as a prize for the best essay on this subject, by a charitable association. The subject is treated in its bearing on the interests of the poor.

Scribe, P. A. A. Question du Travail, Moyens, Pratique Sociaux, 18mo.
De la Question du Travail, 12mo......

A Solution, proposed by a Labourer without Work.


De la Richesse et des Imports, ou Usure et Travail,



De la Liberté en general, 8vo....


Of Liberty in general, of the Liberty of Labour, and the means of assuring the physical and moral well-being of the Working Classes.

Ramon, De la Sagra. Organization du Travail, 8vo.

Questions preliminary to the examination of that problem.

Le Probleme de l'Organization du Travail, 8vo...

Bijleveld, J. C. De l'Organization du Travail par un meilleur systéme.

A better system of the Organization of Labour.

O'Connor, A. C. Le Monopole Cause de tous les Maux.
Monopoly the cause of all the distress.



This work, published in Paris in 1849, in 3 large volumes, 8vo, by a General of Division in the French Army, is devoted to the interests of

the poor. It is specially severe upon the English system.

Sauriac, X. Un Systéme d'Organization Sociale, 8vo., Paris


Barrau, Th. H. Conseils aux Ouvriers, 12mo., Paris...


Counsels to Workmen on the means of being happy.

Dupin, G. Enseignement et Sort des Ouvriers, 18mo., Paris... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Instruction and fate of labourers.


Marbeau, F. De l'Indigence el des Secours, 18mo., Paris


Indigence and its succour.

De Cormenin, M. Des Salles d'Asile en Italie, 18mo., Paris


Vee, M. Du Pauperisme et des Secours Publics, 18mo., Paris.....................


Glade, P.-V. De l'Indemnité des Pauvres, 8vo., Paris. · ·


Of the Indemnity of the Poor in France.

Beziat, G. Organization de l'Epargne du Travailleur, 12mo., Paris.....
Du Travail et du Pain, 18mo., Paris



Of Labour and of Bread.

De la Liberté du Travail, 8vo., Paris .......


Of the Liberty of Labour, and the means of assuring the material

and moral well-being of the labouring classes.

Merson, E. Du Droit au Travail, 18mo., Paris


Jollivet. De la Philanthropie Anglaise, Svo., Paris



We trust the catalogue of French works, furnished above, may go far to give the desired impression of the fulness, the frankness, and the thoroughness with which the topics which they discuss have been met and treated. If the interested reader has not received as strong an impression as it is fitted to give, we almost despair, in the limits which are left us, of carrying his interest to the desired point by the rapid survey we may now take of some of these admirable volumes. These works may be classified by their subjects; as works on charity, beneficence, humanity; on the poor, indigence, pauperism, misery; on labour, its proper organization and its just rewards; on the history of the working classes in all ages and stages of society; on Christian political economy; and on special subjects, such as the history of prostitution, and full accounts of all existing hospitals, asylums, and benevolent institutions. To these may be added, able histories of the various reforms and reformers of ancient and modern times. These subjects branch and spread over so wide a field, that the classification, like the catalogue, fails to give an idea of the width of the harvest opened to the reader. But these volumes may be also arranged according to the character, position, and opinions of the writers. We have, then, political economists, philanthropists, catholics, protestants, statesmen, philosophers. It is, perhaps, most curious and most instructive to regard this matter under the point of view of the parties from whom the respective opinions emanated. We can, however, follow up neither classification in what we further submit, and only merely indicate a few of the more remarkable books, making a few quotations and notices. For many years the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences has distinguished itself in the career of discussions touching social interests, physical and moral well-being. This society offered a prize of 5000 francs for the best memoir on the subject of "Misery, in what it consists; what are its manifestations in different countries; and what are its causes." This is only one of very many prizes offered for memoirs on kindred topics by this society during the last twenty-five years. Very many valuable works have appeared in that period, in response to the questions thus propounded.

But this society, having its seat at Paris, was not the only association which gave earnest heed to these subjects; several others, in dif

ferent parts of France, had brought forward the condition of the suffering classes. As early as 1777, the Academy of Chalons-sur-Marne received a hundred memoirs in reply to questions upon mendicancy. A summary of these papers was published, and furnishes a vast mine of materials and thought for inquirers. There is, indeed, abundant evidence that the literary and scientific associations of France have not been forgetful of those whom poverty had denied, not only the advantages enjoyed by them, but even the smallest comforts beyond a bare existence.

The most meritorious work, perhaps, which has appeared in France on this subject, is that by the Baron Degerando, entitled, "DE LA BIENFAISANCE PUBLIQUE," published at Paris in 1838, in four volumes, 8vo. The author had previously published the Visiteur du Pauvre, in which he had turned the attention of his readers to the condition and claims of the poor, and furnished directions and motives for a constant and zealous attention to their wants.*

This work of Degerando may be fairly considered as having presented the most complete view of public charity which had appeared at the date of its publication, and, though a flood of light has since been shed on its various topics, yet no single production has surpassed it in variety, fulness, method, and the very spirit of kindness. In dedicating it to his friends, he prays that "He who is the source of all good, all consolation, and all light, may shed his blessing upon the imperfect attempt, and that his effort may contribute somewhat to the solace of humanity and the progress of good morals." The introduction contains an ample survey of the English, German, and French literature upon the subject of his labours. This exhibits great learning, industry, and discrimination, and furnishes proof how fully he was prepared for his task. In regard to the German writers, we are informed that the number who have taken up this subject is so considerable as to have led to the publication of special catalogues and bibliographical compilations. He indicates a considerable number of the principal works, and furnishes an appreciation of their contents. We cannot better give the spirit of the whole work than from the first portion of the rather prolonged introduction.

"The noble studies of which the interests of humanity are the object, and

*This excellent little volume has been translated and published in Boston, with a valuable introduction, written at the instance of the lady who made the translation, by the Rev. Joseph Tuckerman, 1832.

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