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absence does much good ;" the German, "Love your neighbor, but do not pull down the hedge;" the Spanish, "Go to your brother's house, but not every But proverbs day ;" and the Scotch, "They are aye gude that are far awa.' would not be proverbs if they did not contradict one another. The last quoted And every is directly traversed by the French, "The absent are always in the wrong," and "Absent, none without fault; present, none without excuse." language furnishes examples to support this: e.g., the Greek, "Friends living far away are no friends;" the Latin, "He that is absent will not be the heir;" the Spanish, "Absence is love's foe: far from the eyes, far from the heart," and "The dead and the absent have no friends."

Absolute Wisdom. A sobriquet given to Sir Matthew Wood, a stanch supporter of Queen Caroline in 1821, who, having been reproached for giving foolish advice to that unhappy queen, diffidently admitted that his conduct might not be "absolute wisdom," and was unmercifully chaffed in consequence by the wags of the period. He was made a baronet by Queen Victoria shortly after her accession, in acknowledgment, it was said, for pecuniary aid given to her father, the Duke of Kent, when greatly embarrassed.

Accident of an accident, a phrase first used by Lord Thurlow. During a debate on Lord Sandwich's administration of Greenwich Hospital, the Duke of Grafton taunted Thurlow, then Lord Chancellor, on his humble origin. Thurlow rose from the woolsack, and, advancing towards the duke, "The noble duke," he cried, declared he was amazed at his grace's speech. cannot look before him, behind him, and on in a burst of oratorical scorn, either side of him without seeing some noble peer who owes his seat in this House to his successful exertions in the profession to which I belong. Does he not feel that it is as honorable to owe it to these as to being the accident of an accident?"


Across lots, in colloquial American, a short cut, as of one who leaves the public highway to find a nearer way across private property. The phrase has acquired especial prominence through Brigham Young's historic threat, "We'll send them [the Gentiles] to hell across lots."

Acrostic (Gr. ȧkpooтixís; ůкpo, prefix, and orixos, row, order, line), a once favorite form of literary legerdemain. In its simplest and most usual form it consists of a copy of verses whose initial letters taken in order spell a word, The following specimen is by Charles Lamb: a proper name, or a sentence.


Go, little poem, present

Respectful terms of compliment,

A Gentle Lady bids thee speak;

Courteous is She, though Thou be weak.

Evoke from Heav'n, as thick as Manna,

Joy after joy on GRACE JOANNA.

On Fornham's glebe and pasture land

A blessing pray. Long, long may stand,
Not touch'd by time, the Rectory blithe.
No grudging churl dispute his tithe.
At Easter be the offerings due
With cheerful spirit paid. Each pew
No noise
In decent order fill'd.

Loud intervene to drown the voice,
Learning or wisdom, of the Teacher.
Impressive be the Sacred Preacher,
And strict his notes on Holy Page.
May young and old from age to age
Salute and still point out the

"Good Man's Parsonage."

Here the initial letters form the name Grace Joanna Williams. But many

fantastic variations have been introduced.

Sometimes the initials read

upward instead of downward; sometimes the final instead of the first letters, and sometimes both the final and the first letters, form an acrostic. The latter is known as a double acrostic, or, more technically, a telestich. An ingenious improvement requires that the double acrostic shall be formed of two words of the same letters, yet of opposite meanings, e.g.:

U-nite and untie are the same-so say yo-U;
N-ot in wedlock, I ween, has the unity bee-N;
I-n the drama of marriage, each wandering gou-T
T-o a new face would fly-all except you and I,
E-ach seeking to alter the spell in their scen-E.

Here is a bit of monastic verse of curious ingenuity. Not only do the first and the final letters, but the middle initials also, form the word Iesus. In technical words, the lines are at once acrostic, mesostic, and telestic. Nor is that all. The observant reader will discern that in the centre of the verse is a cross formed of the word Jesus, or Iesus, read perpendicularly and hori zontally :

[blocks in formation]

For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,
Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda,

Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling lies

Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.

Search narrowly the lines!-they hold a treasure

Divine-a talisman-an amulet

That must be worn at heart. Search well the measure

The words-the syllables! Do not forget

The trivialest point, or you may lose your labor!

And yet there is in this no Gordian knot

Which one might not undo without a sabre,

If one could merely comprehend the plot.
Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering
Eyes scintillating soul, there lie perdus
Three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing
Of poets, by poets-as the name is a poet's too.
Its letters, although naturally lying

Like the knight Pinto-Mendez Ferdinando-
Still form a synonym for Truth.-Cease trying!

You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do.

To translate the address, read the first letter of the first line in connection with the second letter of the second line, the third letter of the third line, the fourth of the fourth, and so on to the last line. The name Frances Sargent Osgood will then be formed.

Although acrostics are now relegated to the nursery, they were anciently looked upon with high reverence. A rude form of acrostic may even be found in the Scriptures,-e.g., in twelve of the psalms, hence called the abecedarian psalms, the most notable being Psalm cxix. This is composed of twenty-two divisions or stanzas, corresponding to the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza consists of eight couplets. The first line of each couplet in the first division begins with aleph, a, the first line of each couplet in the second division with beth, b, and so on to the end. This peculiarity is not retained in the translation, but is indicated by the initial letter prefixed to each division. The Greeks also cultivated the acrostic, as may be seen in the specimens that survive in the Greek Anthology, and so did their intellectual successors, the Latins. Cicero, in his "De Divinatione," tells us

that "the verses of the Sibyls are distinguished by that arrangement which the Greeks call acrostic; where from the first letters of each verse in order words are formed which express some particular meaning; as is the case with some of Ennius's verses." In the year 326, Publius Porphyrius composed a poem, still extant, in praise of Constantine, the lines of which are acrostics. The early French poets, from the time of Francis I. to that of Louis XIV., were fond of this trifling. But it was carried to its most wasteful and ridicuJous excess by the Elizabethan poets. Sir John Davies has a series of no less than twenty-six poems under the general heading of "Hymns to Astræa," every one of which is an acrostic on the words Elisabetha Regina. Here is a single specimen :

Earth now is green and heaven is blue;
Lively spring which makes all new,
Iolly spring doth enter.

Sweet young sunbeams do subdue
Angry aged winter.

Blasts are mild and seas are calm,

Every meadow flows with balm,
The earth wears all her riches,

Harmonious birds sing such a psalm

As ear and heart bewitches.

Reserve (sweet spring) this nymph of ours,
Eternal garlands of thy flowers,

Green garlands never wasting;

In her shall last our state's fair spring,
Now and forever flourishing,

As long as heaven is lasting.

After the Elizabethan age, acrostics soon sank into disrepute. Dryden scornfully bids the hero of his "Macflecknoe"

Leave writing plays, and choose for thy command
Some peaceful province in acrostic land.

And Addison gives the acrostic a high place among his examples of false wit. A fashion that is not quite extinct was introduced by the jewellers of the last century, who placed precious stones in such an order that the initials of their names formed the name of the recipient of the gift. Thus, the Princess of Wales, on her marriage, presented her groom with a ring set with the following gems:





The initials, it will be seen, form the word Bertie, the name by which she prefers to call her spouse.

Rachel, the French actress, when at the height of her popularity, received from her admirers a diadem with the following stones, whose name-initials not only spell her own name, but present the name-initials of her most famous characters

[blocks in formation]

One development of the acrostic that is specially vital and electric consists in reading the initial letters of the words of a sentence as a single word, or, conversely, in flashing in a single word the initials of a whole unuttered sentence. Thus, when the Italians outside of the Piedmontese states did not dare as yet openly to shout for Victor Emmanuel and Italian unity, they managed the thing neatly and thrillingly by the short cry of Viva Verdi! Why the popular composer had suddenly become so very popular that all Italy should in season and out of season be shouting his name did not at first appear, except to those who knew that Verdi, letter for letter, stood for Vittorio Emanuele Ré d'Italia. Now, this at least was an acrostic with a soul in it. Similarly the word Nihil was by the Anti-Bonapartists made to typify the Napoleon dynasty of kings in the following strangely prophetic acrostic:

N-apoleon, the Emperor,

J-oseph, King of Spain,

H-ieronymus [Jerome], King of Westphalia,
I-oachim, King of Naples,

L-ouis, King of Holland.

Another acrostic whose augury was justified by future events, in a pleasanter manner, however, than was anticipated, is mentioned by Bacon. "The trivial prophecy," he says, "which I heard when I was a child, and Queen Elizabeth in the flower of her years, was,

When Hempe is spun,
England's done;

whereby it was generally conceived that after the sovereigns had reigned, which had the letters of that word HEMPE (which were Henry, Edward, Mary, Philip, Elizabeth), England should come to utter confusion; which, thanks be to God, is verified in the change of the name, for that the king's style is now no more of England, but of Britain." The most noteworthy of this species of acrostic, however, is the Greek word ixovs, fish,-formed from the initials of the sentence, Ιησους Χριστὸς Θεοῦ Υἱος Σωτὴρ, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour, which was used as a veiled symbol for Christ. The figure of a fish is frequently found carved on the monuments of the Roman catacombs to mark without revealing the burial-place of a Christian.

Act of Parliament, an English slang term for small beer, now almost obsolete. The allusion is to the fact that publicans were by act of Parliament forced to supply billeted soldiers, gratis, with five pints of small beer daily.

There is a story current among the Chelsea veterans that the Duke of Wellington saw a soldier warming his weak regulation beer. The duke said, "Damn the belly that won't warm Act of Parliament!" The soldier replied, "Damn the Act of Parliament! it won't warm the belly."-BARRÈre and Leland: Dictionary of Slang.

Action, action, action! In his "Lives of the Ten Orators," Plutarch tells how Demosthenes when asked what made the perfect orator responded, "Action!" And the second thing?" Action!" And the third thing?" Action!” The saying has often been imitated. The Marshal de Trivulce, to the query of Louis XI. as to what he needed to make war, promptly replied, "Three things: money, more money, always money" ("Trois choses: de l'argent, encore de l'argent, et toujours de l'argent"). Fifty years later the Imperialist General von Schussendi said precisely the same thing: "Sind dreierlei Dinge nötig: Geld, Geld, Geld." Danton rang another change upon the phrase in August, 1792, in a speech made before the National Assembly at the very moment when a discharge of cannon announced that the Reign of Terror had been inaugurated and the slaughter of royalist prisoners had begun. "The cannon which you hear," he cried to his dismayed auditors, "is not the signal

of alarm it is the pas de charge upon our enemies. To conquer them, to crush them, what is necessary? Boldness, more boldness, and always boldness, and France is saved" ("De l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace, et la France est sauvée"). Had Danton read Spenser as well as Plutarch? In the "Faerie Queene" (iii. 11, 54) are the following lines:

And as she lookt about she did behold

How over that same dore was likewise writ
Be bolde, be bolde, and everywhere Be bold.

St.-Just, who succeeded Danton in the Reign of Terror, put a similar sentiment in less epigrammatic form when he exclaimed in the Convention, "Dare! that is the whole secret of revolutions." Gambetta, however, marked the difference between the present republic and its predecessor by the following paraphrase: "Work, more work, and always work!" ("Du travail, encore du travail, et toujours du travail !")-Speech at banquet to General Hoche, June 24, 1872. See also AGITATE, agitate, agitate.

Actions speak louder than words. An old saw, found in one form or another in all languages. Thus, the French say, "From saying to doing is a long stretch," and "Great boasters, small doers;" the Italians, "Deeds are male, words are female" ("Fatti maschi, parole femine"); the Danes, "Big words seldom go with big deeds;" the Spaniards, “Words will not do for my aunt, for she does not trust even deeds," and "A long tongue betokens a short hand;" while our own proverb is varied by the alternatives," Words show the wit of a man, but actions his meaning ;" "Saying and not doing is cheap ;" and the Scotch, "Saying gangs cheap." In another sense the saw may be taken as an answer to the question of the relative value to the world of the man of thought and the man of action; a question which Walton states thus in his "Angler," Part I. ch. i.: "In ancient times a debate hath risen, . . . whether the happiness of man in this world doth consist more in contemplation or action.' He instances on the one hand the opinion of "many cloisteral men of great learning and devotion," who prefer contemplation before action, because they hold that "God enjoys himself only by a contemplation of his own infiniteness, eternity, power, and goodness, and the like," and on the other, the opinions of men of equal "authority and credit" who say that "action is doctrinal, and teaches both art and virtue, and is a maintainer of human society; and for these and other like reasons, to be preferred before contemplation." But he decides that the question remains yet unresolved. In the present day the weight of authority is undoubtedly on the side of action, even the authority represented by the men of thought. Kingsley's fine line,

Do noble things, not dream them all day long,

finds an echo in Emerson, “An action is the perfection and publication of thought" (Nature); in Lowell, "Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action" (Rousseau and the Sentimentalists); in Beecher, "Action is the right outlet of emotion" (Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit); in Jules Simon, "In the eyes of God there is not a prayer which is worth a good action;" and in numerous sayings of Goethe and Carlyle. The other side of the question may be summed up in Owen Meredith's phrase, "Thought alone is immortal" (Lucile), and is prettily and poetically presented in Kerner's stanzas, "Two Graves," -the first grave being that of a warrior, who sleeps forgotten and unrecorded, the second that of a poet, whose songs still Aoat in the breezes above him. And this in turn recalls the famous saying of Themistocles, who being asked whether the historian were not greater than the hero, because without the historian the hero would be forgotten, Yankee-like turned on his questioner

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