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and subjects, masters and servants, ministers and hearers, parents and children, suffer me to address you upon a theme of infinite importance, I mean YOUR ETERNAL STATE. "LOOK BEFORE YOU."

By nature and by practice you are a sinner against God. It is very likely that you have never thought seriously upon your present state, and that you never yet offered up one prayer to God for your salvation. Never did your chamber witness you, as a suppliant for divine mercy and forgiveness. I do not say that you have never attended church or chapel, that you have never read the Bible, that you have not had some transient fears lest you should die in an unprepared state: but I fear you have never laid these things to heart, you have never earnestly and diligently sought the favour of God, the pardon of your sins, in the way which the gospel directs. You often comfort yourself with the idea that there are others worse than you, and you have been heard to say, "If I am not saved, what will become of thousands?" A question soon answered, for the word of God says—“ The wicked shall be turned into hell." This will be the portion of all liars, drunkards, sabbath-breakers, whoremongers, and adulterers; and although you may imagine that you are not so vicious as many around you, yet, be not deceived,—~ for, if your heart is not changed, it is not right in the sight of God, and if you die in that state, God will cast you into hell also, with hypocrites and unbelievers.


"LOOK BEFORE YOU," death is fast approaching; for it is appointed unto all men once to die, and to you amongst the number. Now, are you ready to meet death? You reply, "I hope so, for I never did any harm to any person, and I desire to live in peace and charity with all men. pay all my debts, and I defy any person to speak against my character." All this may be true in some respects, but still, my dear reader, if you look before you, you will perceive that this will not save you, for Christ says"Many will say to me in that day," meaning the day of judgment, "have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works, and then will I say to them, depart from me, for I never knew you." There are many who presume

upon their acts of charity, their kindness and their benevolent disposition, who have never truly repented, or applied by humble prayer to God for the pardon of their sins, through the precious blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Good works are necessary, and morality is commendable as far as it goes, but our works must not be put in the place of Christ. If our works could save us, the coming of a Saviour, his sufferings on the cross, his fulfilment of the law of God, his resurrection from the grave, would have been wholly unnecessary. You will say, is there no merit in our good works? I answer, none whatever. "After we have done all, we are unprofitable servants." You say again, how are our good works to be regarded? I reply, as the evidences of a good state, in the same manner as good fruit proves that the tree is good which bears it, for, "a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit."

"LOOK BEFORE YOU."-Perhaps, my dear reader, you are one that disregards the Bible, that sacred book which not only contains the best system of pure morality, formed to make all mankind happy, but which also discovers to us a heaven of joy, and clearly points out the way by which heaven is to be obtained. Will you persuade yourself that there is no hereafter, in order that you may pursue, without remorse, a course of sin and impiety? "Look before you." What will you do when Death shall lay his icy hands upon you? And if there should be (contrary to the ideas of your deluded mind) an hereafter, a place of torment for the impenitent, what will you do? Whither will you flee? If you despise salvation now, and die in such a state, the cup of damnation will be your portion for ever and ever! I was lately called to visit a man, who had formerly entertained infidel principles; he looked pale and wretched. "Your deistical sentiments," said I, can give you no comfort now!" "No, Sir," replied he, they would serve to talk of when drinking a pint of ale, or when elevated with liquor, but they will not do in a dying hour." During our conversation he wept bitterly, and I hope he died a true penitent, depending for salvation on the blood and righteousness of Christ.



"Look before you."-Are you a lover of pleasure? Is the theatre, the card-table, the company of the drunkard, the profane, and the licentious, your delight? What will you do when death surprizes you? O! look before you to that solemn hour, when all the instruments of your pleasure shall be taken away!

Drunkards, swearers, Sabbath-breakers, unclean and unholy persons, "Look before you." The day of judgment is hastening on apace. Your thread of life will soon be cut, and you will be plunged into eternity! Let me intreat you to pray carnestly to God to change your heart, and to make you a new creature. Do not delay, for you may, like many others, die suddenly. Who can tell but that even now, your death-warrant is signed by the God that gave you being! This may be your last day-your last hourand the last address you may ever read. Linger not, but flee, O! flee from the wrath to come. Look unto Jesus

he is able-he is willing to save you.

"Look before you," Christian, what joy is yours, heaven, happiness, God!-Surprising thought! For you there is laid up a crown of righteousness, a throne of bliss, a kingdom that cannot be removed, in those regions where sin, and sorrow, and sufferings are unknown. Amidst your trials and tribulations, your losses and disappointments, "look before you." HEAVEN WILL MAKE AMENDS For all. W. Youth's Mag.


MR. MEDHURST, in his work on China, observes :-" In the summer of 1816, a more than usual attention to the truth was paid by one of the Chinese printers, who professed his determination to take up the cross and follow the Saviour. The following extract from Mr. Milne's journal, refers to this individual:

"Nov. 3rd. At twelve o'clock this day I baptized, in the name of the adorable Trinity, Leang Kungfah, commonly called Leang Afah. The service was performed in

a room of the mission house. Care had been taken, by previous conversation and prayer, to prepare him for this sacred ordinance; and finding him steadfast in the faith I baptized him. The change produced in his sentiments and conduct is, I hope, the effect of Christian truth; yet, who of mortals can know the heart? Several searching questions were proposed to him, and an exercise suited to a candidate for baptism composed and given to him to meditate on.'


'He belongs to the province of Canton, is about thirtythree years of age, can read a plain book with ease, and is of a steady character and frugal habits. His temper is not so sociable as that of many other Chinese; he was formerly obstinate, and occasionally troublesome, but of late there has been scarcely anything of this kind to complain of.

"With respect to his former life, he observed, 'I rarely went to excess in sin; yet I have occasionally been guilty of drunkenness and other kindred vices. Before I came hither I knew not God; but now I desire to serve him.' He wished to be baptized exactly at twelve o'clock, when, to use his own words, the shadow inclines neither one way or the other.'

"At baptism the following questions were proposed to him, to which he answered as follows:


Question. Have you truly turned from idols, to serve the living and true God, the Creator of heaven and earth? Answer. This is my heart's desire.

Q. Do you know and feel that you are a sinful creature, totally unable to save yourself?

A. I know it.

Q. Do you really believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Saviour of the world; and do you trust in him alone for salvation?

4. This is my heart's desire.

Q. Do you expect any worldly advantage, profit, or gain, by your becoming a Christian?

A. None; I receive baptism because it is my duty.

Q. Do you resolve from this day until the day of your death, to live in obedience to all the commandments and ordinances of God; and in justice and righteousness before men?

A. This is my determination, but I fear my strength is not equal to it.

"On my part, the ordinance was dispensed with mingled affection, hope, and fear. May he be made faithful unto death; and, as he is the first-fruits of this branch of the mission, may an abundant harvest follow, to the joy of the church and the honour of Christ."

His account of his own experience is as follows:-" Before I believed in the Saviour, though I knew myself to be a sinner, I did not know how to obtain pardon, I used to go every new and full moon to the temple, and prayed to the gods to protect me; but though my body worshipped the gods, my heart still cherished evil thoughts and desires, together with designs of cheating and lying which never departed from my mind.

"After a time I was brought to Malacca in the family of a Missionary, who used to preach to his domestics the doctrine of salvation through Jesus. I attended his ministrations, but my heart was not engaged. Sometimes I looked at the Scriptures, and heard them explained, but I did not fully comprehend the meaning. Hearing the Missionary exhort men not to go and worship the gods, I used to say, This is a strange kind of doctrine. According to this, gilt paper and sacrificial candles, gold flowers and paper money, must be useless and sinful. I fear that Buddha will soon bring punishment and death on such an opponent of the gods, and then we shall see whether he will continue to preach these doctrines.'

"A few months afterwards, a priest of Buddha came from China, and lived in the temple of Kwan-yin, hard by. He visited me frequently, and I asked him how I was to obtain the pardon of my sins? He answered, 'Daily recite the true forms of devotion, and Buddha, who resides in the western heavens, will remit the sins of your whole family. If a person give a little money to the priest to chaunt the prayers for him, he will in the next life be born into a rich family, and will not be sent to hell to suffer misery.' When I heard this, I desired to become a follower of Buddha. The priest immediately sent me a volume of prayers, and desired me to repeat them; saying, that if I recited them a

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