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the time of his execution. This was in the month of September, in the year 1413. However, by some means he effected his escape from the Tower, and fled into Wales, where he was secreted nearly four years. A large sum of money was offered for his apprehension. He was taken by Lord Powis, and brought to London in December 1417. The parliament was sitting, and Lord Cobham was taken before the house of lords. It was then ordered that he should be carried to the Tower of London, and from thence be drawn through London, unto the new gallows in St. Giles' without Temple-bar, and there to be hanged and burned hanging. This cruel sentence was carried into effect.

After Lord Cobham had escaped from prison, some disturbances broke out, with which it was said he was in some way connected. These disturbances were occasioned by the oppressions of the government and clergy; but there is, we believe, no evidence to prove that Lord Cobham was concerned therein. However, he was hanged as a traitor, and burned as a heretic. The papists, when they have been in authority in the government, have always endeavoured to criminate those whom they have charged with heresy, as being traitors. We have much cause for thankfulness, that the papists have no longer, in this country, the power of putting to death, those whom they call heretics.

The parish of Cobham, in which stands the Hall represented by our engraving, is in the county of Kent, about five miles west from Rochester, and nearly the same distance south-east from Gravesend. The park is extensive, and contains many fine trees. The estate continued to be in the possession of the Cobham family until the year 1603, when the then Lord Cobham was convicted of conspiring to take the king's life, to alter the established religion, and subvert the government. His estates were declared forfeited to the


James I. granted the Cobham estate to the duke of Lennox. It was afterwards sold to pay the duke's debts. In 1714, the estate came, by marriage, into the possession of an Irish family, of the name of Bligh, one of whom, in 1725, was made earl of Darnley. Since then the estate has belonged to the earls of Darnley.

The village of Cobham stands on rising ground, and the church is on an eminence, from which there are extensive views. The church contains many monuments of the Cobham family; one of which appears to have been placed there in the year 1354, nearly five hundred years since. In the chancel, there is a monument erected to the memory of George, Lord Cobham, who was governor of Calais, and died in the year 1558. In Cobham park, sixty or seventy years since, a mausoleum, or handsome place of sepulture, was erected for the Darnley family. Cobham Hall is shown to visitors; many of whom go to see the Hall, the paintings, and the grounds.

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THE blessed Rabbi Akiba, one of the teachers in Israel, was pious before God, and benevolent towards men. Nothing surpassed the meekness of his demeanour, except his implied resignation to the will of the Most High. He never heard any glad tidings without expressing his thanks to our Almighty Father, that he had, by blessing him, afforded him the opportunity of doing good unto others; for thus it is tanght in the sacred law. Nor did he listen to a message of Sorrow without bowing to the heavenly rod that struck him; but folding his hands, he said, "Blessed be the righteous judge; for thus also it is commanded to the children of Israel." His chief endeavour was to instil, by precept and example, the same piety under all circumstances of life; the same filial confidence in the providence of our protector, to the disciples that had come from distant parts of the land to listen to the wise rules and learned discourses of the humble Rabbi Akiba. "Whatever is decreed by Heaven is for our good," was the adage with which he consoled many a man ready to succumb under the load of his grief, while with persuasive language he poured the balm of religion over the sore hearts of the afflicted. And then the teacher anrolled the parchment on which was traced the sacred text, and he expounded to his hearers the word of God,

which exhorts us ever to bear up against the apparent evils of life, to abide in innocence, and to fear nothing. As king David said, "Of thy mercy and of thy judgments will I sing, O Lord;" by which we are to understand that the stern decrees of Divine justice have as great a claim upon our praises, as the grants of his mercy. Thus, in another Psalm, the same king piously exclaims, "I found trouble and sorrow, and I called upon the Lord. . . . I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Lord." But beyond all others, Job, whose sufferings and patience are well known in Israel, left us an example worthy to imitate, "The Lord has given, the Lord has taken, the name of the Lord be praised." Thus the kind Akiba strove to render every one of his brethren as happy as himself by the practice of that piety of which we had such touching instances in the Holy Scriptures; and as his life had been long, and filled with events of manifold interest, he told the youth, whose welfare was entrusted to his care, many an adventure which had befallen him, that they might learn to avoid evil, and never give way to fear and impious despondency.

He said to his numerous pupils,-"I once went on a distant journey, and my road led through a country disturbed by warfare. My little store was carried by my mule, my companion was a cock, who by his voice had for years roused me from my sleep, to devotion and occupation; and about me I carried a small lamp, the rays of which assisted me in my studies at night. Thus lightly loaded, I still found, before the journey was over, that I had taken more with me than I should bring back again. I arrived, just at nightfall, within the gates of a city, in which I strongly hoped to find shelter from a storm fast approaching. I was glad to see the faces of men and women, to see children playing in the streets, for it was some time since I had been in a peaceful city. The other parts of the country were devastated by fire and sword, but the barren heaths which surrounded this city, seemed to promise no alluring booty to the eager enemy. I made towards a house, but the inmates were people over whom the gentle law of hospitality had no power. They harshly bade me pursue my way, and in a surly tone told me that their neighbours would prove as

repulsive as themselves. Their words were but too true; no door was invitingly opened, no seat was handed the stranger, as we in Israel do towards the man who comes from a far distant country. Meanwhile the tempest began to howl fearfully; and as I left the city walls, I perceived an ocean of sand whirled by the mighty winds over the low bushes of the heath. My mind became troubled at the inhumanity of the citizens, and the misfortunes which I might have to encounter during such a terrible night. A slight murmur rose from my oppressed bosom, and curled my lip, but I thought of our father Jacob, who lay a whole night in the desert, resting his weary head on a rock, and consolation came into my heart, 'Whatever is decreed by heaven is for our good,' I exclaimed, and cheerfully approached the heath. But the howling of the storm had awakened from their torpor the beasts of the field; a furious lion stood in my way, as I turned from the town to seek refuge among the clusters of stunted trees which grew here and there on the sandy ground. Flight was impossible, and the aspect of the king of animals was terrific. So I recommended my soul unto God, and bowed my head to the ground. The lion rushed forward, and with a terrible blow struck my patient mule to the earth, tore it to pieces, and hastily repaired to his den with the victim. I was saved, but my laborious mule was no more. Again I lifted up my voice, and said, The decrees of Heaven are for our good.' I lighted my lamp, to frighten away the fierce jackals of the desert, as well as to find my way under the shelter of some slender tree, for nature is very sparing in those lands. At last I found a resting place. I fixed my light on the tree, and fastened the cock, who was still safe, to a bough. I prayed, and notwithstanding the horrors that surrounded me, I enjoyed repose. During the night I thought I heard a great noise; I suddenly awoke, but my lamp was extinguished. The wind had deprived me of that consolation in a lonely place. I deeply felt the privation of light at such a time; but I said, the decrees of Heaven are just,' and again reclined on the soil. I slept a long while, and when I awoke the sun shone brightly, and was far advanced on its course. Ashamed, I started from

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the ground, and after having sent up a short prayer to the guardian under whose shield I had been protected during so awful a night, I looked for the bird whose cry ought to have roused me at sunrise, but the cock was not on the bough. I found his plumage spread about the blood-stained ground; a fox or a weazle had strangled him in the night. It was a great affliction to me to see the traces of the slaughter of my poor favourite, but I said, 'the decrees of Heaven are just,' and prepared myself to leave the scene of such misery.

"Iretraced my steps to the inhospitable city, when a terrible sight presented itself to my view. The town was smoking everywhere; some buildings were yet blazing, and a multitude of women and children were thronging in the greatest distress through the breaches of the dilapidated walls, and everything proclaimed the presence of an enemy. My opinion was soon confirmed by the sad accounts of the inhabitants. About midnight, a horde of barbarians had rushed upon the city from the desert side, had put a great many of the ill-fated citizens to the sword, and were now pillaging everywhere. I shared what little I had about me with the wretched victims of war, and left the spot where I had so impressively been taught, that the decrees of Heaven are for our good. For my good, shelter was refused me in the city, which was to be destroyed; for my good I was bereaved of the mule, whose braying-of his companion, whose crowing-and of the lamp, the lustre of which would have betrayed my place of repose to the plundering enemy. We must pray to God in the hour of prosperity with an humble heart that no ill may arise from the apparent good; and in the moment of adversity we must equally, in trusty confidence, look up to our Father, and pray that the seeming evil may be the germ of some good; for really mortal man is little fit to distinguish them from one another."

Hebrew Review.


MY YOUNG FRIENDS,-Being called in the order of Divine Providence to labour in God's vineyard, and being required as a servant of Jesus Christ to feed his lambs, I

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