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ST. PETERSBURGH COURT GAZETTE, Dec. 30.--It is faid, that his Majefty, the Emperor, feeing that the Powers of Europe cannot agree, and wifhing to terminate a war which has raged eleven years, intends to propose a place, where he will invite all other Potentates, to fight with them, in barriers clofed up; for which purpose they are to bring with them their mot enlightened Minifters and most skilful Generals, as fquires, umpires, and heralds; fuch as Thugut, Pitt, and Bernitorff: that he himfelf intends to have Counts Vonder Pahlen and Kutufow on his fide. It is not known whether this rumour is to be. depended upon; meanwhile it does not feem to be altogether without foundation, as it bears the mark of what has often been imputed to him.

Letters received by the fame mail ftate, that the Emperor Paul, on the 29th Dec. gave a grand tournament, at which he performed, and after it a dinner; when, heated with wine, he harangued the company, and spoke to the effect defcribed in the Gazette. One account itates, that M. de Rofencrantz, the Danish Ambaffador, who was prefent, wrote the particulars to his Court, and that the Emperor, accuftomed to have the difpatches opened, had this letter published in the Gazette of the following day, as a juftification for crdering the Dane to leave his dominions whilft it is again ftated, that the Ambafador, poffibly in a fimilar ftate with Paul, obtained from his Majesty an order to have this challenge inferted in the Gazette, to the printer of which he made himself refponible; and that the Emperor, on feeing the article on the 30th, directed the arrest of M. de Rofencrantz, which he was induced to alter to that for his immediate departure, on affurances from his Minifter, &c. that he, the Em peror, had commanded the publication.


PARIS, Jan. 21.-At feven o'clock yelerday morning, a Kullan Officer arrived here, in feventeen days, from Peterfburgh, and immediately fet off to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is in the country. He is the bearer of a letter to the Chief Conful, in the hand-writing of the Emperor Paul. The following arrêté, which has refulted from thefe difpatches, was promulgated this morning

ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT.Jan. 19. The Confuls of the Republic, on the report of the Minifter of the Exte rior, decree--"All veffels of the Republic, and all cruizers bearing the French flag, are forbid to interrupt the ships of war, or the commerce of the Emperor of all the Ruffias, or of his fubjects. On the contrary, it is directed, that all French veffels fhall afford fuccour and affifiance to the fhips of Ruffia. All prizes of Ruffian veffels which may be made after the ift Ventole (Feb. 19) fhall be declared null by the Council of Prizes. The Minifters of Foreign Affairs and of Marine and Colonies, are charged with the execution of the prefent decree, which thall be inferted in the bulletin of the laws. BONAPARTE.


By order of the First Consul,

MARAT, Secretary of State. KONINGSBERG, Jan, 26.-Our Gazette contains the following extract of a letter from Courland, dated Jan. 2."We have just received here the importantintelligence that the Emperor of Ruffia has published a notice to all neutral thips importing goods to England, that they will be detained by the Ruffian cruizers.

vention figned at St. Peterburgh on the STOCKHOLM, Jan. 27.-The Con16th of December, by the Minifters Plenipotentiary of Ruffia, Sweden, and Denmark, and to which Pruffia acceded the next day, is entirely founded on that con.. cluded in 1780. The articles of mot importance are the following:

I. The fubfiting Treaties relative to contraband goods between the Contracting Powers and other Governments, fhall be maintained; but for the future it shall be established as the bafis of every Treaty, that neutral flags make neutral car


II. The guarantee of the Commander of a fhip of war fhall, for the future, protect the merchant veffels failing under convoy from all fearch by the hips of war of the Belligerent Powers.

III. The ftricteft meafures fhall be

adopted, and tribunals eltablished to prevent any contraband and prohibited com merce from being carried on under the protection of this armed neutrality.

VIENNA, Jan. 10. (From the Court Gazette.)-His Imperial Majesty has been pleafed to appoint his Royal Highnets the Archduke Charles to be Imperial and Royal Field Marshal, and Prefident of the Aulic Council of War.

In Bulgaria a bloody battle was fought on the 29th of December, between Pafwan Oglu and the Pacha of Romelia, in which the latter was defeated.

An Armistice was concluded at Trevila on the 26th Nivofe (Jan. 16), between General Brune and General Bellegarde. The Auftrians have evacuated all the country on this fide of the Tagliamento. General Oudinot, Chief of the Staff, has left Trevifa to proceed to Paris

with the conditions of the Armistice.Roniteur.

The Paris papers of the 6th inft. state, that 3,000 French troops, under General Miolis, had beaten 16,000 Auftrians and Neapolitans, under the command of Genexals Damas and Ventimille, near Sienna, and compelled them to evacuate Tufcany. General Damas applied for an Armistice; and the Republican General Marat replied, that if the Neapolitans retired from the Papal States, and laid an embargo on all English veffels in the ports of Naples and Sicily, it should be granted.

Letters from the North inform us, that Rufta has just concluded with Sweden a Treaty of Subfidies and Commerce, one of the articles of which ftates, that the two Powers shall concur in retaking the Bile of Malta. The fame letters affure us, that in the Spring a very numerous Rufhan fleet will arrive at Copenhagen.

MADRID, Jan. 10. The Prince of Peace, recently appointed Generaliffimo of the Spanish armies, has made General Baciochi, brother-in-law to the French Ambafador Lucien Bonaparte, one of his Aids-du Camp. The Prince, who has obtained the place of Confultator, created for him, has got his brother, the Marquis de Mora, made a Grandee of Spain, and Infpector General of Cavalry.


Marquis de Caftel Franco, it is added, had been difpatched to Lisbon, to announce, that if Portugal did not immediately withdraw from its connection with England, and attach itself to Spain and France, 30,000 of the troops of the latter, to be commanded by General La Clerc, brother-in-law to the First Conful, would ath the Spanish army to invade Por. tugal.

Letters from Conftantinople, dated December 10, relate the receipt of intelligence at that capital, that the English fleet, under the command of Lord Keith, and the tranfports, comprifing ninety fail, having on board the army of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, had arrived at Rhodes, and anchored in the port of Mairi,

The Deys of Algiers and Tunis having not only refused to furnish the Porte with any allittance againt France, but having even very lately made peace with that Republic, the Grand Seignior has caufed the Ambaffador from the Dey of Algiers to be arrefted, as well as an Officer from the Dey of Tunis. Two Offcers have been difpatched to Tunis and Algiers with firmans from the Grand Seignior, commanding the Deys to declare war immediately against France.

The United States frigate, Captain Bainbridge, arriving at Algiers with prefents from America, was ordered by the Dey to receive on board the tribute for the Grand Seignior, and to depart immediately for Conftantinople. Captain Bainbridge refufed to obey the order, and urged the independence of his flag; and the American Conful, in decided terms, feconded his remonftrance; but to thefe the Dey briefly answered, that unless they immediately complied, he would feize the hip, fend her crew into flavery, and declare war against the United States.

The prefents lately fent by the Dey of Algiers to the Grand Seignior, by the American frigate, comprited ixty women, two lions, two tygers, four horfes, and two hundred fheep, befides jewels and money. Twenty Turks and one hundred Negroes took their paffage in this hip, and, although thus unwarrantably prefed into the fervice, the American Conful was compelled to give fecurity, on the part of the United States, to the amount of 800,000 dollars, for the fafe delivery of this cargo at Conftantinople.

Letters from Conftantinople of the rft ult. ftate, that the Porte has fequeftrated the property of the fubjects of the States of Barbary, and ordered an embargo to be laid on all their veffels in the Turkisk harbours.

The French Government proposes to open a paffage by water between Paris and Belgium. The decree for this purpofe orders that the Minifter of Interior fhall caufe the three plans previously propofed to be compared that of St. Quintin, by which a junction of the Somme with the Scheldt would be effected; that of joining the Oife to the Sambre; and that of uniting the Sambie with the Scheldt.

The Ruffian prifoners, now all on their march home from France, had each prefented to him, from Bonaparte, before they let out, a French mufquet,




WE are happy in being able to state the fuccefsful iffue of the late miffion from Bombay to Schiras. The commercial relations between the Company and Perfia have been effentially extended and ftrengthened, and the King, in manifeftation of the close and friendly connexion thus happily promoted, has enjoined all his fubjects, and particularly Imauna Seyd Sultaun, who had been fufpected of favouring the intereft of France, under fevere penalties, to abstain from all intercourfe, commercial or political, with the enemies of England.

The present annual confumption of Indian commodities in Perfia is estimated at about 2,300,000 rupees, and the exports, exclufive of copper, about 965,000.


The following inftance of exalted licy is extracted from the Madras Ga. zette of June 28.

The Right Hon. the Governor in Council has deemed himself fortunate in dilcovering the near connexions of Com. mandant Syed Ibrahim, who have furvived the long captivity and death of that faith. ful, honourable, and diftinguished Officer.

It will be in the recollection of the

army, that Syed Ibrahim commanded the Tanjour Cavalry in the year 1781, was made prifoner during that year, was repeatedly invited by the late Tippoo Sultaun to accept fervice in Myfore, under the moft brilliant promifes, and under the repeated recommendation of his fellowprifoners the British Officers, until their release in the year 1784; that after the release of the British Officers, Syed Ibrahim, Commandant, was removed to the fort of Cowley Droog, where he suffered the hardships of a rigorous confinement and unwholefome food, intended to have produced that acquiefcence which the Sultaun's invitations had failed to pro


His Lordship, therefore, experiences the most cordial gratification in pointing out to the native troops of this eftablish ment, the memorable example of attachment and fortitude exhibited by Syed Ibrahim, in refifting the earnest folicitations, in fupporting the oppreffive cruelty of the late Sultaun, and in finally laying down his life as a facrifice to the duties of fidelity and honour.

In order to manifeft his respect for the ong fervices, the exemplary virtue, and impregnable fidelity of Syed Ibrahim, the

Governor in Council is pleased to order and direct, that the amount of his pay as Commandant of Cavalry, being fifty-two pagodas and twenty-one fanams per month, fhall be conferred as a penfion for life on his fifter, who left her home, in the Carnatic, to hare his misfortunes in captivity, and who was fubfequently wounded in the ftorm of Seringapatam.

In order, alfo, to perpetuate his Lordfhip's fenfe of the Syed's truth and attachment to the Company's fervice, the Governor in Council has ordered a tomb to be erected to his memory at Cowley Droog, with an establishment of two lamps and a fakir, for the fervice of the tomb, according to the rites of his religion.

By the late Treaty with the Nizam (which has been communicated to the Mahratta Government, and cordially approved of), the fubfidy paid by his Highnefs to the Company has been increafed from 53,713 Arcot rupees per month, to 201,425 rupees per month, or 2,417,100 Arcot rupees annually.

The mines of Ava, which were wont to fupply the Eastern markets with lead, tin, quickfilver, &c. are nearly exhaufted. The commerce of the kingdom, which was upheld by thefe fources of wealth, is decaying rapidly, and the population and political ftrength of the country have each been effentially affected. Ava produces valt forests of timber, admirably adapted for fhip-building; and it is hoped, from the prefent friendly difpofition of the King towards the English, that the Company will be fuffered to form a fettlement on his Coaft for the exprefs purpose of building fhips. Oil, tallow, and bees. wax, are likewife abundant in this country.

An English Lady, named Ivon, was lately buried at Poonah with military honours: he was the relict of a brave Officer, who loft his life in the war before the last in forming the fortrefs of Dar. war. Mrs. Ivon partook largely of that fortitude which diftinguithed her husband through a long feries of misfortunes, following him in every viciffitude and danger with the molt exemplary magnanimity. Most of the English detachment ferving with the Feefhwa, and a confiderable number of Mahratta troops, followed the corpfe with rigid obfervance of the fune> ral ceremonies due to an Officer. This is the firft inftance which has occurred to our knowledge of a woman being interred with military honours.



PROVIDENCE (RHODE ISLAND), Dec. 27.-The iffue of election of Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, fo far as it depended upon the indivi. dual States, is at length known. Previous to the vote of South Carolina, which decided the election, the four candidates for thofe high and important offices had each fixty-five votes. The friends of Meffrs. Jefferfon and Burr had obtained a majority in the Legilla ture of that State, and, of course, appointed electors who bestowed their fuffrages on thofe Gentlemen. The number of votes will, therefore, on the final count, ftand thus

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It is further ftated, that in confe. quence of a final adjuftment having taken place between that Country and England, the former was to pay a fum of money to the latter, in lieu of certain claims.

From New-York, December 20, it is ftated, that in virtue of the Convention concluded between the English and the Governor of Curacoá, four of the crew of his Majefty's late fhip Hermione had been fent to Jamaica for trial. Mr. Lifton arrived on the 6th at Norfolk, and was to fail in the Andromache for the West Indies.

It is flated, under date Philadelphia, Dec. 20, that the copy of the Treaty recently concluded between the United States and France, had been prefented to the Senate on the 15th.

An A&t of the American States has directed the erection of a maufoleum in the city of Washington to the memory of their first Prefident and


WEST INDIES. Extracts from the Kingston Papers, between the 4th and 12th November.

The very fevere gufts of wind from the N. W. and W. which accompanied the late rains, we fear have done confiderable damage in the country. At Port Royal, moft of the fmall craft have either been funk, drove on thore, or a few fmall veffels have been drove on materially injured; and in this harbour thore.

Accounts have been received from


North-fide, ftating in general the damage that has been done to the shipping on that fide of the island. Letters from Annetto Bay mention, that along the whole coaft fcarcely a veffel is afloat; fome American veffels are totally lost and at Iter Boreale eftate, a' Spanish pri vateer, full of men, has been driven on fhore. To windward very confiderable damage has been done; in Morant Bay only one veffel has been faved; the other craft were chiefly laden, and little of their cargoes have been faved.

The brig Diligence, from Philadelphia, was upfet by a fevere gale on Sunday morning laft, between the hours of nine and ten o'clock, off the Navasa. The Captain, with fourteen of the crew and four pallengers, were loft, and only two of the people faved, who were taken from off a fpar by Lieutenant Filton, in the tender of his Majesty's fhip Abergavenny, and arrived at Port Royal on Friday evening.

ST. JAGO DE LA VEGA, Nov. 8.— During Saturday night and Sunday laft a very fevere gale of wind blew from the N. W. with little or no intermiflion, for upwards of twenty-four hours, which has done confiderable damage to the canes, corn, and plantains, on the properties extending from this town towards Kington, and Old Harbour. The rain having continued almost incefiantly for fome time before and dur ing the continuance of the ftorm, the Rio Cobre fwelled to fo immenfe a height, as to be within a few feet of the top of the bridge leading to Kingston, and has confiderably damaged that leading to St. Thomas in the Vale, rendering the road impaffable to horfes and carriages. About three o'clock on Sunday afternoon it blew with the greatest ftrength in this town, and created much alarm from its fuddenly thifting a few points to the weitward, where it happily remained steady until it fubfided,

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ter and journeymen taylors came on at

HER Majefty's Birth-day was obferved Guildhall; when, after hearing evi

with unufual fplendor. The morning was ushered in by ringing of bells, the Park and Tower guns were fired at noon, and the Union Flags were difplayed from the steeples of the different churches. The feveral branches of the Royal Family paid their congratulatory refpects to her Majefty at Buckingham Houfe. At one o'clock the Queen held a Court at St. James's Palace, when the Ode for the New Year (See page 46) was performed in the anti chamber adjoining the Drawing-Room, and a Congratulatory Oration delivered. On this occafion a new crimfon velvet canopy and throne were put up in the Great Council Chamber, the Arms of the Union being beautifully embroidered and decorated with diamonds. The Court was brilliantly attended.

21. J. Fisher was executed at Newgate, pursuant to his fentence, for having ftolen 720lb. of fugar from Dundee Wharf, Wapping.

dence and Counfel on both fides, the Court determined that the journeymen thould receive 27s. per week, being a rife of 2s. and 35. lefs than they demanded; and further determined, that in all cafes of general mourning the wages fhould be doubled, that is, made 54s. per week.

28. At the Public Office, Bow-street, Jane Sellwood and T. Pallett were committed on charges of ftealing dogs and killing them for their fkins. In a back room of their houfe in St. George'sfields were found the carcafes of thirty dogs, which had been recently killed and skinned, and beneath the floors of

the feveral rooms were the bodies of numerous dogs in a state of putridity. Next day, S. Merryfield, J. Pallett, and Ann Carter, alias Edwards, alias Sadler, were likewife committed on fimilar charges.

The Rotation at Bow ftreet Police Ofice has been thus altered: Sir Wil

22. A maniac was taken into cuftody lam Addington has retired on a penat Buckingham Houfe, for attempting forcibly to enter the Palace. On being afked his bufinefs, he faid, he had written a note on Wednesday morning to the Princeffes, promifing to accompany them to the play that evening, and he came to know why he had received no anfwer. His name is Palmer Hurft.

It appeared on his examination next day, that he formerly poffeffed a confiderable property at Walton-upon-Thames. He was committed to Tothill-fields Bridewell to be taken particular care of.

26. The caufe which had been for fome time depending between the maf


fion; Mr. Ford takes the lead; and Mr. Graham is tranflated from Hatton Garden.-Days of fitting: Monday and Thursday, Mr. Ford; Tuesday and Friday, Mr. Bond; Wednesday and Saturday, Mr. Graham.

The Court of India Directors, we understand, have in contemplation “to grant fuch facilities to the private trade, and establish fuch regulations as may, with great benefit to themfelves and to the community at large, fecure to, this country the whole of the trade from their territories in the Eaft.”



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