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in songs of thanksgiving! With what ardent, what indefatigable devotion would I proclaim thy glories in the midst of thy congregations! But if I cannot do so much as becomes me, is that a reason why I should do nothing? No, I will exert my utmost powers, and speak my best, though I can never speak enough; for wo to them that are silent on this occasion; since them who are willing thou renderest able, making even the dumb to speak, and out of the mouths of very babes and sucklings perfecting praise. Wo then to them who do not employ their tongues to thy honour, since even the greatest masters of eloquence, who use them most and best, yet in effect are dumb, and say nothing to purpose, when they do not employ them to thy glory.

Who can set forth thy greatness as it deserves, O inexpressible power and wisdom of the Father! But, because no words are to be found sufficient to declare the omnipotent and omnipresent Word, I will at least contrive the best I can, and go the greatest length mortality is qualified for, till thou shalt receive me to thy own self, and enable me to express my praises in terms suitable to thy dignity and my duty. In the meanwhile it is my earnest request, that thou wouldst measure my present feeble essays, not by what I say, but what I desire to say. For it is the most vehement wish and longing of my soul, to give such praises as I know are becoming so great a Majesty to receive, and a due homage for a creature to give. And thou, my God, who knowest the secrets of all hearts, and art conscious to every motion of my soul, canst bear me witness, that heaven and earth, and all that therein is, are of small consideration with me in compari

son with thee. Whatever else may challenge a place in my affection, ceases to be of any regard at all, and ought indeed to be hated, when put in the balance with my God. This is the real sense of my soul, with such unrivalled, such a fervent passion I love my God; and yet I am sensible withal, that this is less than thy due, and therefore desire above all things to love thee still more and more.

O grant that I may daily grow, and continue for ever steadfast in thy love, that I may pay thee all the affection I wish I could, all I owe and should pay; that thou mayest be my only aim and end, the only object of my thoughts. Let my days be spent in meditating upon thee incessantly; and my dreams present no other idea to my imagination; let my spirit confer with thee upon my bed, and remember thee alone when waking in the night season. Let the light of thy countenance shine through every corner of my heart, that under thy government and conduct I may proceed from strength to strength, till at length I see the God of gods in Sion; and whom I now can only take an imperfect glimpse of, through a dark and broken glass, I may then behold face to face, and know even as I am known. And since this is a blessing promised in a peculiar manner to the pure in heart, I intreat thee, by all that goodness and compassion, which hath delivered us from death eternal, let thy most powerful holy unction soften this tough, hard, rocky heart of mine, and render it susceptible of tender and good impressions, that the fire of compunction and holy zeal may be cherished there continually, and render it a daily living sacrifice unto thee.

Grant me the grace of a humble and contrite

spirit, that I may come into thy presence washed clean with tears of godly sorrow. And let my affections be so inseparably united to thee, that I may have no carnal desires left, but be utterly cold and dead to this world. Let me not so much as remember transitory things for the vehemence of that fear and love I bear to God; that these momentary trifles may no longer be matter of grief or joy, or concern to me; nor any flattering prosperity have power to bias or corrupt my heart, nor any terror of adversity to shake my constancy. And because the love of thee is strong as death itself, let this, I beseech thee, entirely possess and swallow up my soul; let that sweet and holy fire consume all the dross of worldly affections, that I may cleave to thee alone, and make it my constant meat and drink to do thy will, and know no refreshments but such as flow from the delightful remembrances of thee.

Send down, O Lord, send down into my heart thy precious odours, that I may be ravished with the fragrance of my heavenly spouse. Let the delightful relish of thy sweetness excite in me holy and eager desires, and be in me a well of living water springing up to everlasting life. Thy greatness, O my God, is unmeasurable, and therefore the love of thee ought to be so too: for sure no bounds ought to determine the gratitude and praise of those whom thou hast vouchsafed to redeem with thy own most precious blood. O tender lover of souls! O merciful Lord! O righteous Judge! to whom thy Father hath committed all judgment: Thou seest and hast declared how fit it is, that the children of this world should not in their generation be wiser than the children of light; that the sons of

night and darkness ought to be our pattern; and that it is just matter of reproach to us, if they shall love and pursue the perishing riches, and fleeting pleasures and advantages, with a more intense desire, and more unwearied endeavours, than thy own servants seek and love the source and sum of their true happiness: even thee, their God, who made them when they were not and redeemed them when otherwise it were better for them not to have been at all.

And if one man love another man so fervently, if a spouse be so fond of her beloved, as not, without the utmost impatience, and even inconsolable grief, to bear the absence of a friend so dear: what affection, what zeal, what ardent desire of constant union, ought that soul to express, whom thou hast betrothed and married to thyself by faithfulness and mercies manifold! How ought we to be conversing with, and enjoying the great God, the most amiable husband, who hath loved us and saved us after so astonishing a manner, and for our sakes done so many, so great, so kind, so wonderful things! For though the objects here below have indeed some delights peculiar to themselves, which attract our hearts, and kindle affections and desires proportioned to them; yet do not they affect us after the same manner, as thou our God, and the blessed objects above do. The righteous man rejoices in thee, because the love of thee is a calm and sweet enjoyment. For every breast thus disposed, is filled with an equal, secure and serene pleasure. But the love of the world and the flesh is ruffled with anxious fears and violent emotions; it utterly destroys the peace of the soul where it takes possession, and distracts it with cares and

suspicions, with jealousy and passions, and a thousand uneasy apprehensions.

Most justly, therefore, art thou the joy and delight of good men, because thou art the only heaven where they are at rest; and with thee alone is that life which brings quietness and assurance, settled and sincere pleasure. He that enters into thee, enters into the joy of his Lord, where fears of future evils have no place. Fixed in this most happy station, and secure from change or danger, he can speak comfort to his soul in these words of the Psalmist, This shall be my rest for ever, here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein. And again, The Lord is my shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing he shall make me to lie down in green pastures, and send me forth beside the still waters.

O that it might please thee, holy and merciful Jesus, to fill my heart with such a love of thyself, as never can be quenched; to be ever present in my mind, that I may be filled with love, and burn with perpetual desires of thy company and enjoyment. Let this desire exalt my heart, and enable it to throw off that troublesome load of sensual and worldly affections, which now obstruct and press me down, and do but add to my miseries, instead of gratifying my inclinations. And having laid aside this weight, help me to run cheerfully and swiftly after the odour of thy ointments, still keeping on my course without incumbrance or diversion, till by thy gracious guidance I at last shall be received to thy own self, there to be feasted for ever with the pleasures of thy beauteous presence.

For two so different passions, a good and evil, a sweet and bitter, cannot dwell together in the same breast. And, therefore, if a man love any

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