E. A. Faites 6-12-40 8v, PREFACE. THE Sermon which gave rife to the publication of these having been offered to the world as a Sermon of Yorick's, I hope the moft ferious reader will find nothing to offend him, in my continuing the volumes under the fame title: left it fhould be other. wise, I have added a second title-page with the real name of the Author- -the firft will ferve the bookfeller's purpose, as Yorick's name is poffibly of the two the more known ;—and the second will ease the minds of those who see a jeft, and the danger which lurks under it, where no jeft was meant. I fuppofe it is needless to inform the Public, that the reason of printing thefe Sermons arifes altogether from the favourable reception which the Sermon given as a fample of them in TRISTRAM SHANDY met with from the world. That Sermon was printed by itself fome years ago, but could find neither purchafers nor readers; so that I apprehended little hazard from a promise I made upon its republication, "That if the Sermon was liked, these should be al"fo at the world's fervice; which, to be as good as my word, they here are; and I pray to GOD, they Vol. V. |