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inilitary to prevent interlopers, tickets half a guinea, to admit one perfon; duty on glafs fhops, five fhillings, each fpying-glass: the first will nett, by fuppofition, one thoufand guineas each day, the fecond, fay two hundred and fiftys fo that the whole, yearly, will make a pretty faving, &c. ha, ha, ha. That the whole be conducted with princely magnificence and pompofity, which grandeurs will grapple, and, as bird-lime do flies, catch the mind, or fpider, emblem of wisdom, the fame infect, in her curious trammel, beat down and put to difmay all fpiritual gainfayers, and bring the whole world under the banner of our great and victorious triumph, when my decrees fhall blaze abroad and scatter, mift, doubts, megrims and fears, inftal the day-ftar (Cancerated Spider Crab) of this our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, and feat it on the throne of Majefty. So be it, or the like of that. That we may give you a feint glimpfe, a grand difplay of various inftruments, military, and all kinds of mufic, both vocal and inftrumental, founds fhall rend the vast regions above, and set all nature aghaft; the human heart will drop like wax placed before a furnace, from whence, as the terrible vifages of proud Etna and Vefuvius, in their moft violent, frightful, gnafhing, freaks of vengeance, vomit and fpout rivers of fire, swhofe vivid and limpid torrents, rolling in raspid streams, burn, parch, dry, fcorch and wither away every infectious contagion or diaboliscal mischiefs that have hitherto parted my pretty

proteftant and philofophical children, that my heart is in labour with, until I can, as the faying is, bring forth. A happy day, dear children, for you, my new darlings, for this our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere. The cock, harbinger of our type, the day-ftar, fummon us to end this happy prefage of our future glory depart in peace. Fare ye well. Adieu.

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Scene changes. Mofes and Club at the door of the bas aga beran Church Vault. to seduloff Mofes,ENTLEMEN, here is the key, we, with Mr. Sexton, follow you.

you. Sexton. This is the corpfe interred last night, and there lies his brother. Sir, will you be pleased to rife? fear fome mif-hap, he seems not to breathe; he is cold; I doubt he is dead.

Club. God forbid, as cold as clay his lifeless corpfe; miferable and fleeting are the pursuits of man, last night full of vigour, ftrength and heroic courage, in which he braved the tyrant death, and fell a victim to the cause of virtue. O Brutus, how juft was your complaint? O virtue, virtue, I have ever worshipped you as a deity, but now find you a fhadow. Similar, dear brother, is your fate to that noble Roman, great Cato, hardy in ftern virtue, fell in her caufe, by his own hand; and, where fhould we end, the task is endless, even amongst the dark ages of earth who faw thus, that it fhould be fo, and which, though great, is not to be brought into contact with the great and mighty men, heroes of this our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere.

Mofes. You err, building your hypothefis upon erroneous principles, as the heathens of old, fophiftry, to make one thing appear for another, in order to obtain the end you wish, which, in general, is nothing more than present


aled or he characteristic of

quality of your new philofophy of this your enlightened age and northern hemisphere, at Club. Alas, a-well-a-day, he is dead, the end of man is truly defpicable, forrow has filled our hearts, our philofophy might truly lament and howl, crying aloud, alas! our brother is

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no more.

da Mofes. Order him to be taken away into his lodging, put into bed between warm blankets; call in the affiftance of the faculty; how can we tell but God may be merciful to his foul and restore him?

Sexton. What you fay, Rabbi, is truly juft; I am a witnefs, in the courfe of thirty years, of feveral to appearance dead, that the tender mercy of Almighty God has reftored.

Club. It is to no effect to pretend to revive the dead; there is no God; fo that you place your hope in what is not; bury the corpfe, and be at no further trouble, as it will be attended with expence, and might incur the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere. Do the matter with all privacy, and be content.

Mofes. My friend, do as I fay, here is my 3 purfe, fee nothing be wanting, I am anfwerable, and will, from time to time, affift at his lodging. 14Sexton. All fhall be faithfully complied with, according to your benevolent heart; you are truly the common father of us all. God will blefs you st anast i do no moon and 9769h (Club.

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Club. This is all ftuff, to be throwing money upon the dead, that can neither thank you, or make ufe of it. Abfurdity.


Mofes. My duty is more precious than all the gold of the Indies. One foul is more dear to the Almighty than millions of worlds.

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Sexton. My good lads we are arrived at the lodgings, take the corpfe up to the one pair of ftairs, and there lay it in his bed as Rabbi Mofes has ordered, with care, betwixt the blankets, then call in the faculty, that every trial may be made to restore life.

Mofes. I find you have done all things faithfully, let the apartments and all things be kept warm; have you called in the faculty?

Sexton. They are fent for, and here is an experienced nurfe that will attend; I must return to my duty.

Nurfe. Sir, all things fhall be duly adminiftered, and every care taken.

Faculty. 'Tis paft recovery, it is in vain to attempt, there is not the leaft appearance of a reftoration; however, we will ufe every trial in our power.

Mofes. I beg every means may be tried to reftore life.

Faculty. All things are done you fee, fir, to no purpofe; there is not the leaft appearance of life.

Mofes, Nurfe, keep you the corpfe between the blankets, and let there be one more blanket laid over the corpfe, until fome fign of putrefaction convinces us there is no hopes; I will not leave the room until I fee the end.



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