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ment, will your lordships order him into cuftody as an accomplice. hora 20 39 Club. Most affuredly, whoever you perceive within the walls of the late philofopher, Ignatius, bring forth.

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Officers. Here is the culprit? 21 539 Bom Club. Alack, our brother, who was dead, but is alive; he was loft, but is found: forrow and anguish filled our hearts; life, from death, re animates, revives, and with redundant brillian cy crowns our joy. Who dare kick against the pricks, the new philofophy of this our ene lightened age and northern hemisphere ? Our beloved, embrace your darlings, moft valiant champion of the cause of truth and wisdom, Ignatius. Alas, my brethren, you are witneffes of my death in the caufe of your new philofophy of this your enlightened age and northern hemifphere.

Club. We are witneffes to your heroic death. Ignatius. You are now witneffes of my being alive, confirm your fenfes in this truth.

Club. We attefted your death, and are willing to atteft your being alive.

Ignatius. Handle me, and know I am no phantom, but am fubftantially Ignatius, that ftood foremost in your cause.

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Club. We are ready to confirm what you require by our oaths, or other public atteftations, from which we hope to draw great merit to our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere.

Ignatius. I am no longer a philofopher of this your enlightened age, but a poor popish prieft, and humble Ex-Jefuit."


Club You revive us by refuming your wonted fatyrical, jocund and pleasant vein, death, with all its terrors, cannot change the wag.

Ignatius. Your accufations, whilft a member of your new philofophy, are too juft, and it is moft true, from the date of my quitting the allegiance to my God until my death, the spirit of irony, fetting all perfons or things, that did not coincide with my humour, in a ridiculous light. O the danger that attends man, and but one narrow track marked out by his Creator, in which he will arrive to blifs; all but this leads to perdition and is the production of the flesh, world, and devils, fucked in by reprobate, ignorant, and bafe ninds; who are formed for the pure enjoyment of their God, but being privileged with the noble and illuftrious quality of free-agency, abuse this charity of their God, and become obfequious to various obfcene, unnatural, and numberless filthy and beastly luft; for it is an inherent quality in man to love, and this, according to nature, fhould be his God, himself and all other parts of the creation in proper degrees of proportion, in due fubordination and rectitude to this first and prime love. But when, through misconduct, the pipe, conductor or ftream of this pure natural love ceases to flow or communicate, the quality ftill remaining, a reftieffness takes place, the mind being fpiritual cannot cease to act, and for want of its proper object, fall as a hungry wolf on every creature, without diftinction, that offers the least pleasure to his infatiable, burning, and criminal appetite, but without that effect the R 2


foul is thirsting after, and which her natural quality produces, which is the divinitý, her only true repose.


Club. Of all men you hold the first place in mimickry, or whatever you undertake; but death has painted a peculiar fet form on your features, with afpirate tone of voice, that kills our hearts, and makes us quake; we therefore intreat you will reaffume your natural vivacity and difpel our doubts, darling of our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and nor thern hemisphere. Why do you thus play wich your lovers, heroic champion, fortrefs, and chief of our glorious caufe? brighten up, we beseech you, that once pleasant countenance, fmile and revive our drooping fpirits, that we may with heart-felt joy crown the nuptials of your illu ftrious brightnefs, reanimation and reftoration to your brotherhood of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere. You that have feated yourself by your unprecedented, unpleafant, and confummate merit, far tranfcending even our great patriot Voltaire, who heretofore stood on the pinnacle or turret of our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere, as our common father, who folved doubts, difpelled fpiritual mifts, and with his ufual pleafantry, took off fpiritual fetters, and cajoled the paffions of his new philofophy, which has enlightened our age and northern hemifphere, finds and brings into ac tion many particles of matter which, until the appearance of our bright Luminary, lay uncultivated and unknown; nay, the greaseft and


moft heroic exploit that has made a noife throughout the world was that ftupendous, wonderful, mazing, aftonishing, and tremendous fcene that he exhibited, difplayed and exulted in his laft ftage of life, banquetting and feating on his own excrement, holding out to the new philofopers of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, that all material fubftances, of what kind, figure, matter, or thing whatsoever, or wherefoever, are to be held, careffed, fondled, enjoyed, and fanctified with equal efteem, which fanctification iffuing from fo powerful and eminent a perfonage, both by word and example, have put all fqueamishness, fhamefacedness, diftinctions, particularities and every impediment which, through spiritual fear, both Jewish and chriftian, have kept, for many ages, the world in a lethargic fufpence, and robbed man of a crowd of enjoyments, pleafant fooleries, and unrestrained intercourfe, with each other, and all other parts of matter; yet this great hero, when he could keep his wind no longer, trembled with the thought of diffolution, and at fourfcore years; whereas the mighty Nimrod, great Ignatius, at the prime and vigour of his trength, facrificed his darling paffions to the greater glory of our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere, bequeathed a facrifice the mofl noble and generous that ever entered into the heart of man, bereft and deprived himself of life, that he might give life; to whom, to his darlings, the most glorious lights of this our enlightened age, wife men, or men wife, who dive,

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dive, pierce, bring into action, feaft on, glut, inebriate, drenched in, and ducked with a plunge of delights into the vitals and quintelfence of fimple, pure Matter. To conclude, be it known to your invincible and unconquerable greatnefs, Top-knot, and Crown on the Head of the mighty Patriarch our grand progenitor, Voltaire, who, truckling under our tupendous and Triumpant Heroifm, acknowledge in filence himself vanquished; that on the memorable night of your parting with your wind, in council affembled, we judged it proper at the dead of night, whilft nature was in profound reft, to fally forth in formal proceffion, to the lodgings of his Eminence, Cardinal Prieft of the Proteftant Republic or Commonwealth, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, with its appendages, &c. &c. &c. praying his parental acquiefcence to our fuit, and lenient acceptance of our tender, which was to become one common father to both focieties, that is, the old proteftant Republic, and our new Reformation, being nothing, nothing more than a new reform of the old reformation; they being perfectly fimilar, in perfuafion and confraternity, conformable to the paffions, malapert carriage, pomp, invidious, irony, fneering, and fnarling against our common enemy, the Roman Pontiff, with his gospel adherents, to all which his eminence joyfully granted his affent. The contrived plot for converting or rather convincing the good bishop of the utility, in order to remove various errors, enmities, back-bitings, felf-fears, bitings

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