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Ignatius. I fhould think myself culpable if I kept filence in fo weighty a matter, which through the ingratiating fpirit of the world, influencing fome of us of the fociety who be came religious on worldly views, under the fanction of the most respectable body then in the church, whofe found went throughout the earth, myself being a herald of the inferior part, in lieu of the greater glory of God. Our boast was, the learning, fagacity, writings, extenfion, labours, regularity, fuperiority, influence, granduers, wisdom, both in fpiritual and temporal concerns, directing the minds of the great, and affuming an air of fingular dignity and preeminence, love of fhow, or thirst for commerce, and gloried in the unbounded flow of riches, esteeming ourselves the fenate or great council, to inftruct, decide, and probe the wounds of all, ⚫ ourselves impeccable. Thefe, with many other improvident and bewitching fnares, laid by the enemy, by which us zealots were egged and biaffed, prefently clouded, and brought on a general and baneful war against the fociety, to which we, as the zealots at the facking of Jerufalem, not only opposed the invaders, but their brethren within their own wails; fo we kept up the fire against our Sovereigns, and other oppofitions without; and with flood the fathers, and irreproachable among ourselves, which eftablished a rooted inveteracy throughout the catholic powers, that no conceffions or terms would be acceded to, but unbodying and withdrawing the commiffion granted by Pope Paul 3d, to the fociety; neither were us zealots difpofed

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difpofed to offer any other overture for recon-ciliation, but to be reinftated with honor in our full privileges and immunities; and we fuppofed his holinefs could do no otherwife than ftand or fall, with the fociety, and which we confidered the finews and nerves, on whofe fupremacy the church depended; but to our con-fufion, we were neither nerves, finews, or fupreme in the eyes of his holinefs, or any part of the church, fave in our own predilection, when our commiffion was cancelled, as Zealot ftigmatized his holinefs with injuftice, and brayed out threatnings against the court of Rome, and the other peftiferous catholic courts; as we would willingly have laid our pack on the head of the Pope and court of Rome, bragged with the other courts as aforefaid, in imitation of the Ifraelites on the head of the fcape goat. Leviticus 16 chap. 21 verfe. And Aaron fball lay both his hands upon the head of the Scape goat, and confefs over him all the iniquities of the children of Ifracl, and all their tranfgreffions in all their fins, putting them on the head of the goat, and fend him away by the band of a fit man into the wilderness; and the goat fhall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he fhall let go the goat in the wilderness. When all hopes of conceffion from his holiness, court of Rome, with the other catholic courts and fovereigns, had failed; as Zealots, as rooks gather at the approach of winter, in confultation to determine, as it were, to feek fome place of refuge, during the inclement feafon. But not being willing to be biaffed by each other, we


took different routs, myself, with others, ingrafted in the reformed churches, where our zeal fuffered no controul, and our new flocks heard us gladly; we here inebriated our zeal and flesh, free from fcandal, or offence; our zeal ftill unfatiated, fome of us took the fecond leap into the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere.

Luther. Hufh, all hufh. Let us pray, cr the like of that, do ye mungey, as true and faithful church protestants, to the ghoft of old Kobin Wisdom, who lived in the times of Yore, a great man, who toffed the fcriptures from knuckle to knuckle, and rhyme profe into metre, as the faying is, do ye mungey, nincompoop. Let us pray.

Thou once a body, now but air,
Arch botcher of a Pfalm or prayer ;'
From Cafafax come.

And fend us, a good lay,

For ever, and for aye,

For all, and fome.

Then, Robin, look behind thee,

Left Pope and Turk, do find thee,
And they should take and rine thee,
And whip thy bomb.

And now go to bed again.

This Father Robin, whose furname was Wif dom, was, perhaps, as you obferve, by his epitaph placed on his tomb-ftone by another great man, a deceased bishop of Norwich. This Robin lies unrivalled, a divine, whofe natural gifts

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gifts were fongs, glees, and making merrimentr in our churches, which filled, every space with! peals of applaufe, which not only with fweet pfalmody tickled the ears of the people, but melted their hearts, that as the oil anointedAaron's head, run down his beard and fhirt, fo in like fort the balm of pfalmody not only played Tommy come tickle me" to the ears, but as the faying is, unloofed the purse string, fat old women on their crutches, that had for many years been bed-ridden, and perhaps through contradictions, and many infirmities, that lurk and attend the decrepit; it never I fay, perhaps, came into their heads to remember their double duty to their God and to their paftors. You will obferve, as I was faying, or the like of hat, do ye mungey, that this great divine, father Robin Wisdom, who could make and rhyme fcripture quicker than crows fwal-low pebble ftones, or King the player talk a fcore to the dozen on the stage, or theatre, was that, as the faying is, or the like of that, do ye mungey, great luminary that raised our theatre, or place of worship, to the grandeur, and preeminence it now displays over the world. But as I was faying, or the like of that, to return to my ftory, do ye mungey, father Robin Wifdom, or the like of that, was, as I was faying a great divine who changed melancholy into malady, and by rhiming the pfalms, raifed mirth; fo that his whole character is, "Laugh and grow fat." But then, and fuppofe, or the like of that, as the faying is, do ye mungey, that I have one question which will have great, weight.

in the fcate, for deciding on the matter you have have brought before my tribunal; it ever has been a fixed rule inherited from my old re-i lation, old Dr. Tillotson, with his jack-boots that I have wore ever fince, fo that the hardness of the bull's hide they are compofed of, has raised and bequeathed me corns as large as turnips; but as I was faying, or the like of that, do ye mungey. A fixed rule I say and proteft, or the like of that, do ye mungey, if either of the parties brought before me at any time be a papist, he shall not depart in peace: this is an invariable rule with me of inheritance from ancestors. So be it, or the like of that, that a papift is actually a wild cat, and to me nothing is more frightening, or the like of that, do ye mungey.


Club. Your Eminence will take notice, that the Society of Jefus receixed their commiffion from the papal chair, and made their vows in conformity to their papa's injunctions. To thofe vows the zealots demurred, having tasted the sweets of the flesh, with other material delights, that conftiture our new phofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere. It was thefe great and warlike zealots, putting their neighbours in a weak and feeble ftate or afpect in conceit, raifed a fatal war. The matter being thus circumftanced, it dif covered the fociety with their pipa, to be papifts, therefore cenfurable. On the reverse, the zealots demurring agaiufte perfon and authority of the Pope, their fovereigns and other powers of the payal chair or hierarchy in-¦


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