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Hyder; with five Illustrations. London:
Hodder & Stoughton. 358 pp., price 5s.
ELLEN MANNERS; or, The Recollections of a
Governess. By E. W., author of "Sunday
Evenings at Brocklegh Hall," &c. London:
Hodder & Stoughton. 256 pp., price 3s. 6d.
the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D., author
of "Great Missionaries;" "Life of Dr.
John Owen," &c. London: Hodder &
Stoughton. 267 pp., price 3s. 6d.

By the Rev. Edward Payson Hammond, M.A., author of "How to be Happy;" Floral Tract Series of "Trust in Jesus," &c. Drummond's Tract Depot, Stirling, N.B. 94 pp., limp, ls.

M'Clintock, author of " Archie Mason,"
&c. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 112
pp., price 1s. 6d.

the Times. By P. E. S., author of "Biddy,
the Maid of all Work;" "Tibby, the Char-
woman," &c. London: Hodder & Stough-
112 pp., price 1s. 6d.

M. H., author of "Rosa Lindesay," &c.
London: Hodder & Stoughton.
112 pp.,
cloth boards, 1s. 6d.

BIBLE. By M. H. London: Hodder &
Stoughton. 96 pp., price 1s.

NOTHING TO Do; or, The Influence of a Life.
By M. H., author of "The Story of the
Red Velvet Bible." London: Hodder &
Stoughton. 96 pp., price ls.

A Story for Children. By a Lady. London:
Hodder & Stoughton. 94 pp., price 1s.
mond's Tract Depot. 108 pp., price 6d.
LED BY THE LORD. By B. Swan, author of
"Nannie's Picture Card," &c. Glasgow:
John J. Rae. 186 pp., cloth boards, 1s. 6d.
WINNING STORIES. By Various authors.
Glasgow: John J. Rae. 150 pp., cloth
boards, 1s. 6d.

Mackay, M.A. Glasgow: John J. Rae.
152 pp., cloth boards, 1s. 6d.


GLASGOW SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. municate the result to the District -The monthly meeting of the Union Unions, and to get the necessary was held in the Christian Institute, arrangements for the examination on Monday, 9th November-Mr. carried out. A deputation was apJohn Ingram, one of the vice-presi- pointed to attend a meeting of dents, occupied the chair. Mr. Thomas teachers and superintendents, to be Gray, convener, reported that replies held at Motherwell on the 23rd inst., had been received from the District with the view of forming a Sabbath Unions, and that they were almost School Union for that town. It was unanimous in approving of the reported that an illustrated appeal, proposal that the General Union on behalf of the East Park Cottage should formulate a uniform scheme Homes for Infirm Children and the of scholars' examinations, which Glasgow Society for the Prevencould be adopted, and the details carried out, by the various district and affiiliated Unions, or by individual Sabbath school societies in country towns. After full consideration, the committee recommended that the matter should be proceeded of the Union. Reports were read with, and that an examination on the Glasgow Sabbath School Union scheme of lessons for the months of November and December of this year, and January and February, 1886, should take place on Tuesday, 9th March, 1886. The directors having cordially adopted the report, it was remitted to the committee to com

tion of Cruelty to Children, the collection for which would be made on 6th December, was being prepared, and that copies for distribution among the scholars would be issued immediately to all the societies

from the North-Eastern, Middle, Southern, Partick and Hillhead, and Pollokshaws and Thornliebank Unions.

MIDDLE DISTRICT SABBATH SCHOOL UNION.-This Union met on Thursday, 15th October-Mr. John Morison, president, in the chair. The meeting considered a remit from the

General Union relative to the boundaries of the Union; the suggestion of their committee was agreed to. Several of the delegates to the Convention held at Dumbarton gave some interesting reports regarding the proceedings; they had profited much by their attendance, and expressed the great pleasure they had at being present. After the usual business had been gone through, the president introduced the subject for conference, viz., the "Preparation of Lessons,” which was taken part in by all present. It is the intention of the Union to have a short conference at each of the meetings during the winter months, immediately after the despatch of business,-the subject for next meeting would be "Music in our Sabbath Schools."

Public Meetings, and District Boundaries' Committees. Arrangements were made for the Teachers' Preparatory Meetings. A letter from the General Union was read respecting scholars' examinations. The directors approved of the scheme, and in the event of the General Union taking up the matter, would do all in their power to recommend it to the various societies and schools connected with the Union. The delegates to the Sabbath School Convention gave most interesting reports of the various meetings; and while all agreed in praising the generous hospitality of the friends in Dumbarton, some of the delegates thought it would be a decided improvement if, at future conventions, a "Time Programme" was used. POLLOKSHAWS AND THORN LIEBANK Complaints were made that some of UNION. The directors of this Union the gentlemen who read papers, and met on 19th October, when a letter especially one or two of the chairmen, from Mr. Charles S. Inglis, Edin- greatly exceeded their time, and left burgh, was read, stating that he either no time at all, or a very limited would be in our neighbourhood some period for conference. This did not time in November, and would be apply to all the chairmen or speakers, happy if he could do anything to as some were models; but it was promote the interests of the Union. thought if the time allowed for This kind remembrance of an old chairman's address, devotional exerpromise was much appreciated, and cises, praise, papers, and conference, it was unanimously agreed that Mr. was distinctly printed on each proInglis should be asked to give an gramme, the evil complained of could address at the quarterly meeting of be easily remedied. Sixty copies of the Union, to be held on 16th Novem- the Report of the Convention were ber, or such date as might be found subscribed for. Delegates to the most suitable. The Committee on General Union also briefly reported. Teachers' Training Classes reported—The first meeting of the Training progress, and it was expected that Class was held on Thursday, 5th the class would commence about the November, when Robert Paterson, middle of November. The circular Esq., head-master of John Street regarding a uniform scheme of public school, gave the "Model scholars' examinations was again Lesson" in presence of a large considered, and the principle received number of teachers, the hall being the unanimous approval of the direc- crowded. tors, the delegates present agreeing to bring the matter under the notice of the various societies.

NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. -This Union met on Monday, 19th October-Mr. A. A. Haddin, C.E., presiding. Reports were given in by the Visitation,

PARTICK AND HILLHEAD SABBATH SCHOOL UNION.-The annual social meeting of this Union was held in Newton Place U. P. Church schoolroom, on Monday evening, 26th October, at which there was a good attendance. Addresses were delivered by the president, Mr. Bisset,

before them of this remarkable man, whose writings have been translated into more languages than "The Pilgrim's Progress," and nearly as many as the Bible itself. The thanks of the meeting was awarded to Dr. Lindsay for his interesting lecture.

Rev. Henry Anderson, Rev. James Sharpley, Bailie Bertram, and others. The chairman intimated that it had been arranged to hold a series of conferences during the winter months, each meeting to be held in a different place the first to be held in Dowanhill U. P. Church Hall in November GOVAN DISTRICT SABBATH SCHOOL next. Office-bearers for ensuing UNION.-A very agreeable social year:-president, William Bisset; meeting of the teachers of this vice-president, Samuel Menzies; Union took place in the hall of Ibrox treasurer, Henry Stewart; secretary, Charles D. Bertram.


SOUTH-EASTERN SABBATH SCHOOL UNION.-On Tuesday, 27th October, the Rev. Robert Blair, M.A., of Cambuslang, delivered the fourth of the series of lectures now being given under the auspices of this Union, in the Great Hamilton Street Congregational Church. Mr. Peter B. Bryce presided on the occasion. The subject of lecture was Glimpses of Reformation Worthies Bernard Gilpin." In the course of the lecture Mr. Blair introduced his audience to one of the most remarkable men of the Reformation, for although Bernard Gilpin has as yet not been, in any sense, renowned by the historians of the Reformation, there could be no doubt, from the particulars of his life and doctrine, as described by Mr. Blair, the influence of Gilpin in furthering the Reformation was very considerable. Mr. Blair took occasion to encourage the teachers present to be faithful in using their influence for good, and not to imagine that their work was without results although their own name might never come to be famous in history. A vote of thanks was cordially given to Mr. Blair by the large audience.-On Tuesday, 10th November, the Rev. Professor Lindsay delivered the fifth and concluding lecture of the series in the same church to a large audience. Mr. George Hunter presided. Dr. Lindsay had chosen for his subject "The Home of Thomas à Kempis;" and those who had the privilege of being present will not soon forget the graphic sketch set

U. P. Church, on Thursday, 29th October. After tea the chair was taken by Mr. D. Fullarton, of Hill's Trust School, president of the Union, who in a short speech explained the object of the meeting, and also took the opportunity of intimating that a series of model lesson classes would be held during the winter in Govan and Plantation, and asking the teachers to support them. He then called upon Mr. R. Kilgour, who in. troduced the subject of Sabbath school treats, and in a clear paper travelled over the different rewards and treats given to Sabbath scholars, and pointed out some evils and dangers to be guarded against in connection with each. The subject was further opened up by Messrs. A. Graham, P. White, M. Paterson, J. Wyllie, R. Morgan, and J. Walker, with a little variety as to detail, all agreeing, abstractly and practically, in valuing treats when kept in their right place. After an interval for a service of fruit and general conversation, the second subject-viz., “Visitation "--was introduced by Mr. D. Dreghorn; and he, in a brief speech, gave expression to valuable ideas about the benefits which arose to teachers, scholars, and scholars' homes, by kindly and intelligent visitation. Remarks on the subject, very largely drawn from experience, were made by Messrs. J. Wyllie, R. Morgan, J, Bell, R, Kilgour, D. Fullarton; while Mr. Graham read a practical and thoughtful paper contributed by a lady teacher. After a vote of thanks to the managers of Ibrox U. P. Church for the use of

their excellent hall, and a similar Convention report. Reports were also compliment to the chairman, the given of business done at last meeting meeting broke up.

Bible class. In all arrangements for Sabbath school entertainments we should keep in mind what is the real aim of our work,-viz., the conversion of our scholars; and we ought not to provide any entertainment which would have a tendency to weaken our influence over them on the Sabbath. A long and lively discussion ensued, which was taken part in by most of those present; and at the close the meeting decided to recommend all societies connected with the Union to hold their social meetings in the end of December, or the month of January, in order to counteract the practice of scholars going from one school to another in order to get to the soiree.

of General Union. The chairman, in SOUTHERN DISTRICT SABBATH the absence of Mr. J. Patterson, viceSCHOOL UNION.—This Union met president, read a paper on "How on Monday, 2nd November-33 best to conduct our Sabbath school representatives present-Mr. R. B. entertainments, including social Smith, president of the Union, in the meetings in winter and excursions in chair. Mr. Thomson, of Barrhead, summer." At the outset Mr. Patterwas introduced to the meeting, and son laid down as the first great prinwas cordially welcomed by the chair- ciple in social entertainments, that man, and at his request received in- they must harmonize, both in letter formation as to Sabbath school and spirit, with the aim of the body societies in country towns being providing them. What would be affiliated to the Union. A letter suitable for an entertainment among was read from Camphill U.P. Church friends at our private houses, may Sabbath School Society, intimating not be suitable for a reunion of a that Dale Street Sabbath School (formerly associated with Wellington Street U. P. Church) had been admitted to the membership of their society, and stating that Messrs. James Aitken and John D. Sinclair had been appointed delegates to this Union. The secretary intimated that the Model Lesson Class would be resumed on Saturday afternoon, the 7th November, at five o'clock, in the hall of Hutchesontown U. P. Church, Hospital Street, and that it would continue to meet weekly till the 5th December, when it will meet in the hall of Govanhill U. P. Church, Daisy Street, till further notice. The secretary also reported that the United Prayer Meeting had been held on Sabbath evening, the 20th September, in the hall of Victoria Free Church. It had been well attended, considering the inclemency of the weather. Several delegates reported as to the National Convention held at Dumbarton; and a suggestion was thrown out, that at the next Convention it would be well if some new speakers could be got to take part in the discussions, so as to give freshness and vigour to these annual meetings, as it appeared from the reports that frequently the same speakers turned up at these Conventions, who monopolized much of the time. It was agreed to subscribe for 50 copies of the

NORTH-WESTERN DISTRICT UNION. -This Union met on Tuesday, 10th November,-present, 34 directors. The scheme of scholars' examinations annually conducted by this Union was completed so far; but it was agreed to leave it to the General Union to carry out the details. In one of the societies of this Union it was reported, that instead of the teachers holding the usual preparatory meeting, the minister had adopted the plan of taking up the Sabbath school lesson for consideration at the congregational weekly prayer meeting, with such good results that the plan is heartily recommended to every society where this want is felt.

Notes on the Union's Lesson Scheme for 1885.

[These Notes are intended to aid Teachers in their studies at home, and not to be used in the school while teaching.]

Lesson 154.-December 13.


The Importunate Widow, (1-8.)-Go over the story, noticing particularly the character of the judge: he feared not God, nor regarded man. Observe the connection here. We find it so still. He who fears not God will have no regard for man. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He who has not this, has never learned the A B C of wisdom. The suppliant, a widowa poor widow. Notice both words-a widow, with no strong breadwinner to stand up for her; a poor widow, with no influence which she could bring to bear on the judge. What a picture of weakness! yet she was strong; and we shall see how. But first notice her request. She wanted justice done; her enemy had wronged her, and she wished to be avenged. The judge refuses for awhile, but afterwards yields, and the point is here. What makes him yield? Not that he feared God; not that he regarded man; not that he valued justice; but simply the importunity of the widow. She would not leave him alone; she would give him no rest; she would, as we say, keep at him, until he avenged her of her adversary. Now, here was her strength: though a poor widow, she had power, and prevailed. Note the design of the parable. This is given in verse 1, so that we have no difficulty. Men ought always to pray; as the Apostle says, "Pray without ceasing," (1 Thes. v. 17.) In the application, which is given in ver. 6-8, we must notice, that the likelihood that God will hear the cry of distress, is immeasurably increased when we remember how different He is from the judge in the parable. We must separate from our conceptions of Him everything unworthy-everything unjust. And then, if the widow's importunate cry, her constant coming, prevailed with one so wicked, what may not we expect if we continue instant in prayer to one who is altogether good, who has pity for the poor and needy,-pities them as a father his children? This conception enhances the beauty of the lesson taught. The widow is the Church, and each member of it. The adversary is the devil, the world, and the flesh. These are strong, and strive to keep us in bondage. We have no might against these powerful enemies. Yes, we have a weapon which will crush all their power; we have a throne of grace, to which, if we betake ourselves constantly, we shall find that we shall have strength to overcome, for

"Satan trembles when he sees

The weakest saint upon his knees."

Memory Exercise-Shorter Catechism 50.-Psalm cxlv. 15-18.

Subject to be proved-We should be Earnest in Prayer.

Golden Text-"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."-Matthew vii. 7.

NOTES.-The duty and the promise three times repeated. A threefold cord is not easily broken. The duty-ask, seek, knock. There is a rise in the earnestness.-Ask, and if that does not succeed, seek; but don't be discouraged even should that fail, there is still a third more earnest way-knock. The whole means-take no denial. Like Jacob, say, "I will not let thee go unless thou bless me." The promise-it shall be done. Absolute certainty-not it may be given, but it shall be. No earnest seeker was ever sent empty away. Illustrations-the woman of Canaan-blind Bartimeus, &c.

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