Imágenes de páginas

flowing from the premiss of a state hier-wicked are alike dead, or in a state of archy. If the Church of England and intellectual suspension, from the moment Ireland, so called, is a State church, its natural life expires till the moment of the ministers belong to the State as its hired resurrection, when the former, clothed with or paid agents, are under its control, and immortality, will reign with Christ for ever liable to dismission. As to their "minis- on the earth, and the latter, ending with a terial commission," "apostolical descent," temporary vitality, are to be consumed and "priestly character," with the "nature into unconscious nothingness by a literal and design of the sacraments," these are fire which is to "burn up the sinful all idle assumptions, not having a tittle of rubbish of God's universe." These positions truth in them; the only question is, if the are thoughtfully considered and concisely Establishment is abrogated are these ser- replied to by the author of the Review; vants of the State entitled to compensation? and as a large portion of the work on "Life He says they are. And Government usages and Death" is taken up with a discussion sanction his assertion. The Government of "the Second Advent," this part of the also proposes this. But the compensation book is noticed also; so that this sixpenny proposed by the Government, though ex- pamphlet is a brief survey of the whole tremely liberal, does not please the author book, for which we thank the author, as of this pamphlet, whereupon he writes, we would thank any other author who "A Letter to His Grace, the Lord Primate would write a larger book of the same kind, of all Ireland," calling his lordship's atten- worth reading. tion to certain provisions in Mr. Gladstone's Irish Church Bill, and printing his Letter for the enlightenment of his clerical friends, as well as for craning up their claims to the highest pitch. We shall not enter upon the question of compensation, but content ourselves with remarking that the pamphlet is temperately written, and that it reveals two things with remarkable clearness : that the State Church is thoroughly erastian, and that these servants of the State

are as secular as other men.

A Few Words on "Life and Death, as taught
in Scripture." By A. D.
Elliot Stock.

Price 6d.

A seasonable publication arising out of a conference held in the residence of a dissenting minister. The conference respected a book, then recently published, entitled, "Life and Death, as taught in Scripture." One of the brethren was requested to prepare a brief review of the work, and to submit it at a subsequent meeting. This was done, and at the unanimous request of the gentlemen then present, the critique has been published in a sixpenny pamphlet. The author of "Life and Death, as taught in Scripture," assumes that the immortality of the soul, so generally believed in, is a mere figment, which had its origin with the Pagans, there being no such thing as a spirit independent of physical organization; that, what in Scripture is called the "spirit of a being," is only an element or an influence, and, as a natural consequence, the "Holy Spirit of God" is only an element or influence of Deity; that the common view of Hades belongs to the corrupted faith of the Jews, "coined up" during the captivity; that the righteous and the

Believers' Baptism and Communion considered. By J. FOREMAN. Published by W. Holmes, 19, Hill-street, Dorsetsquare, London.

Mr. Foreman has been so long before the public, and is so well-known both as a writer and a preacher, that nothing we can say, nor, perhaps, that any one else can say, will add anything to his reputation in either of these respects. We are glad to see a reprint of the pamphlet, and thank Mr. Holmes for bringing it out; while at the same time we deeply regret its not having been previously revised. There is surely no necessity for reproducing the flaw in the pattern. The most scholarly authors revise their works when new editions are called for; or their friends revise them if published after their decease. Courtesy, if not common sense, dictates the adoption of this practice, and we cannot but wish it had been adhered to in the present instance. Perhaps the publisher will kindly accept these suggestive remarks, for we mean not to censure, but simply to point out the unwisdom of not doing a right thing in a right way.

The Religious Tendencies of the Times.
Second and concluding volume. By
JAMES GRANT. Mackintosh.

Speaking of our religious literature, the author exclaims, "In how few theological works of the present day, do we find the doctrines of justification by faith, the inputed righteousness of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit alike in the conversion of the sinner, and the sanctification and comfort of the believer in the Lord Jesus, dwelt upon as themes on which the writer

spaces allotted to those reviews, and the almost extatic admiration of Ecce Homo, by the recognized organ of the Baptist body, named the Freeman,—accepting this view of the subject, we see not how any other conclusion can be arrived at. It is a matter deeply to be regretted that it should be so; yet so it is. We should be glad to see a reaction; but fear the end has not been reached.

delights to expatiate !" How few indeed! | the class of books generally reviewed, the Whoever would learn the doctrine of justification from human teachings, must turn from modern theology and consult the writings of Owen, Gill, Brine, Hervey, and authors of this class. Offers of grace, the salvability of all mankind, and terminable punishment hereafter, form the staple of religious literature. Even when the distinguishing doctrines of grace are set forth, they are contradicted and nullified by general invitations, universal sufficiency in the atonement, and man's inherent potency for self-application. It is just the same by the Spirit's work. What is asserted on one page, or in one part of a sermon, is denied in another; so that what those now-called evangelicals build up with one hand they pull down with the other.

Mr. Grant thinks the Baptists are rather deeply tainted by negative theology. And if we accept the test he applies to periodical literature, which we are bound to say we think is a sound one, and consider

Perhaps the most interesting, if not the most startling part of Mr. Grant's second and concluding volume, relates to the Plymouth Brethren,-their rise, progress, schisms, heresies, numbers, pernicious influence, &c., of which there are four chapters. Much as we had read and reflected on this modern sect, watching, meanwhile its tendencies and operations, we have been startled by some disclosures from the searching pen of this laborious author, and purpose recurring to the subject next month.




AN interesting meeting, in connection with the Strict Baptist Mission of England, was held at Colombo, Ceylon, on the 4th February. Mr. H. D. Gabriel occupied the chair.

It is known to the supporters of this Mission that two agents are supported at Colombo. The Strict Baptists at that place have now, with much energy and spirit, formed an Auxiliary to collect subscriptions, and to render general aid as may be needed, so as to forward the interests of the Mission in the island of Ceylon. The Report presented on this occasion, after referring to the Mission stations formed by the Parent Society at Madras and Perambore, proceeds as follows:

"In Ceylon, the Mission supports brethren John Andriesz, and Solomon David De Waas (the latter under probation for three months), and Mr. Fernando is also supported by this Society to uphold its Mission school. [Mr. De Waas has since resigned.]

The labours of brother Andriesz, which commenced 1st Jan., 1868, are exercised in Colombo among the Portuguese and Singalese, the former being mostly Romanists, and the latter heathen. He is carrying on his work in the following order :

On Sunday mornings he preaches in Slave Island, and in the evenings in the Pettah ; on Monday mornings he visits Borella, Maradana, and Demategodde; on Tuesdays, Slave Island; on Wednesdays, all round the Pettah; on Thursdays, Grandpass, New Bazaar, and Silversmiths'


"These places he visits in the mornings, there also he holds services in the evenings commencing at half-past six o'clock.

"The writer of this Report can bear testimony (in a high degree) to the zeal, activity, and faithfulness of this servant of God in the trust reposed on him by the Mission; and it is also his pleasing task to state that the labours of this missionary, during the past year, have been very much owned by God; some have been brought to the knowledge of the truth only in part, and others, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, have been called out of darkness into God's marvellous light; whilst to many more, at the same time, the seed of life has been sown broad-cast in season, with the expectation that it will spring up to the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

"It is our prayer and hope that in this, the second year of his missionary career, he may have the joy and satisfaction of seeing the direct fruits of his ministry.

"Mr. De Waas, the other missionary com.

menced his labours from the 1st Jan. this HOMERTON-ROW SABBATH SCHOOL. year, and is working amongst the Singalese heathen. At present he is devoting his labour in the following manner :

"On Sunday afternoons he preaches in Maradana; on Mondays, visiting in the morning, Dematagodde, as far as five miles; on Tuesdays, Maradana and its lanes; on Wednesdays, Borella, the jail and hospital; on Thursdays, Palliagodde. In the evenings he preaches in those stations where he is visiting in the mornings.

"The Day-school, under the care of Mr. C. F. Fernando, commenced from Sept., 1868. There is nothing very remarkable that we can report about it just now, seeing that it is in an infant state. The children, about 12 in number, are taught free, as being children of poor parents.

"The Sunday-school in connection with this Mission is mainly carried on by Messrs. F. W. Smith, Samuel De Silva, and Arthur J. Fernando. The number of children are 12, of which 9 are boys, and 3 girls.

"The subscriptions received on behalf of the Mission during the past year amount to £26 14s. 9d.

"In conclusion we praise the Lord of the harvest for what he has already enabled his servants to perform; and confidently hope that he who has promised to be with his followers to the end of the world, will continue to afford us wisdom and strength, and crown our labours with success, to the honour and glory of His holy name. Amen."

The following resolutions, among others, were passed on the occasion:

"That this meeting desires to express gratitude to Almighty God for the success which this Society has attained in its operation, during the first year of its existence in Colombo."

"This meeting earnestly solicits the prayers of all Christians for an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, for the effectual working of all missionary societies for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom in heathen lands."

The speakers on this occasion were Messrs. Silva, Blake, Wydeman, VanGeyzel, Smith, Vanderwert, Andriesz, and De Waas. In conclusion we cannot but congratulate the brethren who have formed this Auxiliary, on the zeal, energy, and businesslike tact which they have brought to bear on their undertaking. It is not often that the labours of those in England who seek to spread the gospel among the heathen, are so well seconded by brethren residing on the spot where the missionary agents labour. The Lord prosper the work of their hands upon them, and fulfil all their petitions.

THE Anniversary Meeting of the Sabbathschool in connection with the above place of worship was held on Tuesday evening, June 10th. After tea, which, it was understood was gratuitously provided by the ladies, a Public Meeting was held. In the absence of the pastor, Mr. W. Palmer, whose deeply lamented illness prevented his being present, the chair was taken by Mr. Bellman, the Superintendent of the school.

The meeting having been opened with prayer by Mr. Dixon, the chairman read the report for the past year. Its style and composition were of a superior character. Disclaiming any sympathy with the notion that Sabbath schools are in any sense "hotbeds," or "nurseries" for the church, and claiming their right of existence solely upon the general command to do good unto all men, it stated that the school had kept close to the old line of things that had long been maintained in the church at Homerton-row. Sabbath-schools, when originally founded, were intended to convey secular as well as religious instruction to children who would otherwise have been destitute of both. The development of the national school system had taken the secular duties out of the hands of Sabbath-schools; and now that their teaching was exclusively religious, the Committee felt it of growing importance that the teachings of the school should faithfully reflect those of the pulpit. The Report went on to record a satisfactory improvement in the attendance, particularly in the afternoon, and concluded with an appeal to the church and congregation to assist as teachers in the school, and to contribute to its funds.

The adoption of the Report was moved by James Mote, Esq., who congratulated the Committee upon having secured a better meeting than last year. Turning to the subject of Sabbath-school instruction, Mr. M. dwelt on the importance of properly estimating the value of a child. Some thought anything would do for a child, or anybody would do for a teacher, but this was a great mistake, and to this might be attributed the fact that, when our children grew up to think for themselves, they frequently left us and went to other denominations. Hence the importance of following the Jews' example, who always brought up their children in the religion of their fathers; so we ought to instruct our children in those things which we believe ourselves.

G. T. Congreve, Esq. seconded the motion in a speech abounding with illustra

tions of the various points he advanced. He said the happiest hours of his life had been spent in the Sabbath-school. He urged the importance of early training, instancing the zeal and activity of the Papists and Ritualists to secure to themselves the children. In order to do this, they made their schools and services attractive, had short addresses, short prayers, and lively hymns, and he thought we should do the same, to the exclusion of "Old Hundredth" and "Job," which, in his opinion, required that excellent patriarch's patience to listen to. Mr. C. concluded with a word of encouragement to the Committee and teachers.

Mr. J. T. Briscoe, in moving the reelection of officers, referred to the importance of early training, since in a child were all the elements of the man, though undeveloped. He contended for the necessity of religious training, referring to the importance of employing godly teachers in our schools. He believed, also, that the necessities of the times demanded that teachers should be persons of intelligence also. It was necessary that the work of the Sabbath-school should be prosecuted in a spirit of faith and prayer, and that the teacher should be prepared to continue his labours, faithful unto death, following the example of those who "through faith and patience now inherit the promises."

This was seconded by Mr. S. Toone in a few observations; and after a few remarks by Mr. P. W. Williamson, the meeting closed with prayer.


want of accommodation is much felt, as they are at present taught in the chapel.* The place is well attended, and we believe the spiritual husbandman, although young, has first tasted of the fruits. The collections on this occasion, amounted to £15 Os. 34d. The people gave cheerfully, and many who are poor, even beyond their means. After the morning service, 80 friends sat down to dinner, in the chapel, at the close of which our dear old friend, Mr. Doggett, the instrument in God's hand of the origin of this place, very feelingly addressed the people on its beginning, carrying on, and its present prosperity. While referring to the past, and the continued goodness of God to us as a church, he appeared frequently overcome, and it was with much difficulty he gave utterance to what he felt. Tea was served in the chapel and vestry, which were quite full, and some were accommodated in the chapel-house for want of room.

The absence of our old friend Mr. Dickerson, through his late indisposition, who has taken so much interest in the cause at Crowborough, was much lamented, and many prayers were offered on his behalf, that the Lord might not only spare him again to meet at the Fold at Crowborough, but for the interest of his much beloved people at his own church, at Alie street. E. L.

GREAT GRANSDEN, HUNTS. ANNIVERSARY services were held on the 1st and 2nd of June. On the 1st, two excellent sermons were preached by Mr. Thomsett, of Burgh. The Lord smiled THE Anniversary of the Baptist Chapel, upon us, and many friends were with us. Crowborough, was held on Tuesday, June On the 2nd day, the children of our 8th; when sermons were preached in the Sabbath-school had their annual treat; a morning and evening, by Mr. Forster, of suitable address was delivered to them in Hastings, from 1 Chron. iv. 10; and in the the afternoon by Mr. Thomsett. A public afternoon by Mr. Whittaker, of Tunbridge meeting was held in the evening, over which Wells, from Psa. xi. 5 (first clause). The the pastor presided, and after singing and services were well attended, and not a few, prayer, interesting addresses were delivered we believe, had reason to say, "Thy word by brethren Whiting, Bax, and Thomsett. was found, and I did eat it, and it was About £15 was realized towards the liquidunto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart." ation of the debt incurred by the erection We are thankful that the Lord is pleased of a new house for the minister. We to keep his truth in this place, and give the desire gratefully to acknowledge the Lord's people a desire to be found under a faith-goodness towards us; and to all friends ful, living, and experimental ministry. We who have kindly helped us, we tender our are glad to learn that their newly-chosen hearty thanks. pastor, Mr. Littleton, is both esteemed and loved by them for his work's sake, and that the Lord is making his ministry a blessing to many. The Sabbath-school recently opened, has now in actual attendance every Lord's-day, 100 scholars, some of whom come from a great distance. The

F. K.

* Contributions towards building a school-room at the back of the Chapel, will be gladly received by Mr. Dickerson, Baptist minister, 43, New-road, Mile End-road, London, E.; or by Mr. Doggett, 19, Stonefield-street, Lonsdale-square, Islington, London, N.; either of whom will be happy to furnish any further information desired.





Baptist Record.



Vol. VIII.

AUGUST, 1869.

No. 92

Expositions and Essays.


A Sermon preached in the Baptist Chapel, Rye-lane, Peckham, on the Lord's-day morning, May 16th, 1869.


"For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Mal. iii. 6.

I DON'T know a doctrine so calculated to establish and settle the believer in the everlasting gospel, in the faith of Jesus Christ-more, or so much as the unchangeableness of God, the immutability of God. It is that which gives solidity and firmness; it is that which establishes every doctrine, promise, and invitation. Only suppose that God could change and alter his mind, then salvation would be no salvation, justification would be no justification, promises might be withdrawn, and all the provisions of the covenant come to nought! But while God is immutable, all stands firm and secure. Should there be the least doubt on our minds, the language of the text ought, I think, at once to remove it. They are not the words of men or angels, they are the words of God. "I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."

Be it remarked, according to the connection and context, that God is immutably just, and will execute judgment on the ungodly and disobedient, as he is merciful, and will exercise his grace towards his people: "For the Lord is merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, and transgression, and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty." (Exod. xxxiv. 6, 7.)

There are three particulars in the text to which I would direct your attention. 1. First we shall look at the Speaker-"I am the Lord;" 2. Secondly, we shall look at the glorious doctrine, the immutability of God,-"I change not ;" and 3. Thirdly

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