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brave, conscientious heart, without a name or a title, is better than a dukedom lacking it."

"Marry! Why, you will say you are a Republican next, Ralph." "And if I did my sister Kate would soon be of my mind, and would defend her brother stoutly did any dare to condemn his new opinions," said Ralph, pinching her ear playfully.

Kate laughed. "Most likely I should, for we have never differed. But listen! I hear the sound of wheels."

Ralph went to the window, and looked eagerly up the avenue; but there were no signs of their guests, and the sounds had ceased. He sauntered back to his seat. "You will speak a good word for me to the maiden, now and then, won't you, Kate ?"

"Hum," replied his sister, pouting her lips and trying to hide a smile; "I can't promise until I see her. I am quite jealous already, and it is hardly to be expected that I shall assist in my dethronement."

"But I know you will, dear Kate, and you are too generous to be jealous. Mistress Alice can never take your place, nor would she wish it. If I had not known you loved me well, I should never have told you all my hopes and fears."

Kate's face instantly softened, and, putting her hand on his shoulder, she said, "I only jested, Ralph, for I am really proud to be told all this. You might have chosen a bride far away, and one whom when I saw I could not love save for your sake. But why should you have any fears, dear brother? think she looks with kindness on any of these merchants? "

Do you

"Nay; I never saw her favour any of these; 'tis young Andrew Marvel, the parson's son, of whom you have heard before-that is the thorn in my flesh. After he came home she was amazingly taken with his society, and I cannot deny but that he is an uncommonly pleasant companion. He has little besides his wit and learning; but the Colonel is not a man that would seek wealth for his daughter, so long as the suitor was worthy; and he thinks mightily of Andrew Marvel, having known him from a boy. I could not discover if Mistress Alice regarded him in that light, or if she only felt a friendly interest in her old playfellow, and that is what I want you to find out, if you can, while she is here." "I will try, Ralph; but can't promise success. Of course you think that Master Andrew aspires to the lady's hand."

"Yes; unless the thought of his poverty should check his ambition. But men will dare do much for love, and there is no doubt she is dear as life to him. And how could it be otherwise? With him she is more free and natural than with others. Sometimes she would laugh and bandy words, as if they were children again; but then suddenly she would seem to remember how old she was, and

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cease, and a pretty shy look would come over her face, that I saw pleased him well enough, and that made me quite hate him. There is really a coach coming now, Kate."

They both went to the window. "It is Sir Clifford Wharton and your dear Johanna," exclaimed Kate, as an immense vehicle came in sight.

Ralph laughed, and bade her go downstairs, saying that he should not appear until dinner time. He stood still, watching until a horseman entered the gates, and he recognised Colonel Lister's broad shoulders, and splendid black steed, and also saw behind him a little figure, with a blue silk hood and fur-edged riding dress. Curls of golden brown hair escaped the hood, but Ralph could not catch a glimpse of the face that it shaded. He just waited to see them ride up to the steps, and then hurried to his own room to complete a rather elaborate toilet.

CHAPTER X.-Katherine Hildyard.

Winestead Hall was a very large and picturesque dwelling; the principal portion had been rebuilt in Queen Elizabeth's reign, but one wing was of much older date, and a tower had been added by the present owner. Well-grown trees surrounded it on three sides, and a broad avenue of considerable length led through the park to the grey stone steps of the terrace in front of the hall. It was a beautiful spot, either in summer or winter, and famed for the hospitality that the baronet showed to both friends and strangers.

As Alice and her father turned into the park they saw a carriage rolling up the drive; so the Colonel slackened his speed, that these new comers might alight and receive their welcome before he arrived.

"That is the Wharton livery, Alice, and that is young Lawrence Wharton, on horseback. Old Sir Clifford is a worthy man, but his family are not to my taste. There is Sir Guy, Alice, on the steps."

As the empty coach was driven away, Colonel Lister rode up, and the master of the house came hurrying down the steps again, to bestow upon his unattended quiet-suited guests as hearty a greeting as he had accorded to his grander friends.

"Ah, Colonel, this is what I like; to take a journey with a lady without any fuss. No one is more welcome here than a Lister. Your nephew came yesterday, and this is your daughter, the Yorkshire Forget-me-not,'-rightly named too, Mistress Alice. You see how your fame has spread. Kate is impatient to see you. Walk in, little maid." While the kind old man spoke he had lifted Alice down, kissed her in a fatherly way, and led her to the door. Here a tall lady, with silvery hair, was waiting to repeat

the salutation. This was Lady Hildyard, as kind, if more stately, than himself. She asked about their journey, and feared Alice must be frozen almost to death, shook the Colonel cordially by the hand, and then presented her granddaughter. Kate came forward and took Alice's hand, saying, "I should know you anywhere, Ralph has given us such a true picture,"—a remark that did not put poor Alice much at her ease. "Will you come this way? Your maid has not arrived, I suppose; bnt never mind, we shall have time to know each other a little before dinner. Your

things are all in your chamber."

Alice followed her up a handsome staircase of polished oak, Kate talking as she tripped up the broad steps, and turning round towards her a pair of the blackest eyes she ever saw in a lady's possession. "Just like Ralph's, only livelier," said Alice to herself, as she stumbled after her, being weary and rather encumbered with her heavy dress.

"This is your room," said Kate, ushering her into a pretty, crimson-draped apartment, with a bright fire burning on the hearth. Pulling a chair forward, she seated her visitor in it; then, bending down, she looked steadily into Alice's face until the blue eyes sank, and the colour rose beneath her gaze. "I think I shall like you, Alice Lister," said Kate, frankly, after a few moments' contemplation; "will you give me a kiss ?" Alice put up her lips for answer; and her new friend continued merrily, "Please call me Kate, won't you? Sit still; I am your maid now, if you don't dislike it. You must be tired, for you are almost as pale as the snow itself." She put Alice's hands gently aside, as she spoke, and waited upon her like an elder sister, her observant eye taking note of everything in the maiden's dress and person. She wanted to see all that had so fascinated her fastidious brother. To no ordinary beauty or amiability could she yield the first place in his affections, for she demanded far more for him than she would ever expect for herself. She had said that she would not make up her mind either way, that day; but it was being made up all the time she stayed in Alice's chamber, and her heart was growing lighter. Alice was kindly commanded to lie down and rest, and then Kate asked, "Do you know Johanna Wharton? She is here." "No," replied Alice.

"That is strange; they live at Beverley."

"My father knows Sir Clifford, and I have spoken to him often; but I know nothing of his wife or daughter."

"Well, we are pretty good friends, and frequently meet; but I am not over fond of her. You will see all the folks when you go down to dinner. Now, you must take something to eat, and here comes Cicely with it."

It was no use Alice declining; Kate was sure she needed it, or ought to do; and while she was obediently eating and drinking, Lucy knocked at the door. Kate left the room, saying that the bell would ring in one hour, and that she should come herself and take Alice downstairs.

"This is a fine place," said Lucy, as she arranged her mistress's wardrobe, "and that lady that is just gone is the image of Master Ralph. They are as like as two blackbirds."

"She is his sister, Lucy."

“Well, her hair is like a raven's wing, Mistress Alice; and such eyes! They went through me when she turned and looked in my face."

Alice was not disposed to discuss Kate's appearance with her maid, and Lucy, finding her remarks unheeded, proceeded silently with her work. It was not in Alice's nature to decide at first sight whether she could like any one, unless they presented unusual claims, or their characters had become familiar by report; but Kate's affectionate reception pleased her, and she began to look forward to the next week with less dread.

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Just as the bell sounded Kate appeared at the chamber-door, in a pink satin gown. She looked eagerly and curiously at Alice, viewing her from head to foot, and without a word offered her hand. Half way downstairs she seemed conscious that her companion was feeling rather nervous, for she pressed the hand in hers, saying, "I will keep near you until dinner-time, Alice, and there are not many folks here to-day. You must not mind coming into the drawing-room."

The strange faces, handsome clothes, and costly furniture were lighted up by tall wax candles, when they entered; and the first person Alice saw distinctly was Ralph, who met her like an old friend, and welcomed her "to the home of his forefathers." It was a relief to find herself seated in a quiet corner, and see her father smiling across the room at her, while he talked to a very stout lady in velvet and emeralds.

"Good even, sweet coz," said a voice at her elbow; and Alice, delighted to see another familiar face, greeted Will Lister very heartily. She told him of their journey, how beautiful the snow had looked on the forest trees, how frightened Lucy had been at crossing the brook, making Simon go the longest way round. Kate stood by, listening and taking notes, until the company began to move into the dining-hall.

"May I lead you to dinner, Alice?" inquired Will.

"No," exclaimed Ralph, approaching; "Mistress Alice is assigned to my care. Perhaps, Sir William, you will hand in my sister."

"With equal pleasure," rejoined Will, with more politeness than truth. "Mistress Katherine, permit me the honour."

It was not an agreeable change to Alice, but she could make no objection, and Ralph did his best to entertain her during the meal, which, to her, seemed of interminable length.

"I only came home yesterday," said Ralph, during its course, "and was travelling all last week. I saw an acquaintance of yours a fortnight ago."

"Who might that be?" asked Alice, wondering.

"I was in Salisbury," continued Ralph, watching her face narrowly, "and had just wandered into the Cathedral when I saw, walking slowly up one of the transepts, a figure that I felt sure I had seen before, and on approaching nearer, I found it was Master Marvel."

Alice was vexed to feel the blood rushing to her very brow; but she simply asked if Andrew was in good health.

"Oh, yes; he seemed quite well. I wondered to see him, at that season, so far from Hull; but he said it would be Easter before he visited home again. I told him of the pleasure I had in prospect of seeing you and your good father here, and he called me a lucky fellow."

Their conversation was interrupted by Sir Guy calling upon everyone to drink the King's health; then other toasts were drunk, the Colonel proposing long life to the Parliament then assembled. Most of those at the table heartily responded; but one gentleman frowned, and said something about the members mending their manners towards the King. Nothing more, however, was said on the subject just then. When the ladies had returned to the drawing-room, Kate asked Alice if she had been presented to Johanna.

"No," said Alice; "but I could not help looking at her during dinner-she has such beautiful golden hair."

"It is very pretty," said Kate, indifferently, and she crossed the room to fetch her. Johanna was excessively fair, with light eyes, that, like her other features, had little life or expression, and she was, moreover, very stout-a contrast in every way to Kate, whose figure was slender, and whose whole face was full of energy and resolution. Johanna seated herself beside Alice; but the latter, being too shy to make much conversation, and the former having always little to say, Alice soon pleaded weariness, and begged Lady Hildyard's leave to retire.

When Kate came, an hour afterwards, to bring her some spiced wine, she found Alice sleeping soundly. She drew back the curtain and took a long look at the unconscious face on the pillow. The expression of her own countenance changed several times; but it was tender emotion stirred her heart as she stooped to kiss the

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